Numerical Differentiation

In [25]:
%matplotlib inline

The history saving thread hit an unexpected error (OperationalError('attempt to write a readonly database',)).History will not be written to the database.

In [26]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl


  1. Derivative difficult to compute analytically
  2. Rate of change in a dataset
    • You have position data but you want to know velocity
  3. Finding extrema
    • Important for fitting models to data (ASTR 3800)
    • Maximum likelihood methods
    • Topology: finding peaks and valleys (place where slope is zero)

Topology Example: South Pole Aitken Basin (lunar farside)


  1. Oldest impact basin in the solar system
    • Important for studies of solar system formation
  2. Permananently shadowed craters
    • High concentration of hydrogen (e.g., LCROSS mission)!
    • Good place for an observatory (e.g., the Lunar Radio Array concept)!

In [27]:
from IPython.display import Image

In [28]:



Image you're planning a mission to the South Pole Aitken Basin and want to explore some permanently shadowed craters. What factors might you consider in planning out your rover's landing site and route?

Most rovers can tolerate grades up to about 20%, For reference, the grade on I-70 near Eisenhower Tunnel is about 6%.

Differentiation Review


Numerical Derivatives on a Grid (Text Appendix B.2)

This function and the one below will calculate derivatives between pairs of points.

In [29]:
def forwardDifference(f, x, h):
    A first order differentiation technique.
    f : function to be differentiated
    x : point of interest
    h : step-size to use in approximation
    return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h   # From our notes
Beware of trying to calculate differences at the edges of arrays and creating index errors! Second-order numerical derivative:

In [30]:
def centralDifference(f, x, h):
    A second order differentiation technique.
    Also known as `symmetric difference quotient.
    f : function to be differentiated
    x : point of interest
    h : step-size to use in approximation

    return (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / (2.0 * h)  # From our notes
This function will calculate the derivative of functions on a uniformly spaced grid using either the first or second-order derivative functions (i.e., either forwardDifference or centralDifference).

In [31]:


In [33]:
def derivative(formula, func, xLower, xUpper, n):  
    Differentiate func(x) at all points from xLower
    to xUpper with n *equally spaced* points.
    The differentiation formula is given by 
    formula(func, x, h).
    h = (xUpper - xLower) / float(n)                 # Calculate the derivative step size
    xArray = np.linspace(xLower, xUpper, n)          # Create an array of x values
    derivArray = np.zeros(n)               # Create an empty array for the derivative values
    for index in range(1, n - 1):                   # xrange(start, stop, [step])
        derivArray[index] = formula(func, xArray[index], h)    # Calculate the derivative for the current
                                                               # x value using the formula passed in

    return (xArray[1:-1], derivArray[1:-1])    # This returns TWO things:
                                               # x values and the derivative values

Notice that we don't calculate the derivative at the end points because there are no points beyond them to difference with.

Q. So, what would happen without the [1:-1] in the return statement?

In [32]:
def derivative2(formula, func, xLower, xUpper, n):  
    Differentiate func(x) at all points from xLower
    to xUpper with n+1 *equally spaced* points.
    The differentiation formula is given by 
    formula(func, x, h).
    h = (xUpper - xLower) / float(n)                 # Calculate the derivative step size
    xArray = np.linspace(xLower, xUpper, n)          # Create an array of x values
    derivArray = np.zeros(n)               # Create an empty array for the derivative values
    for index in range(0, n):                       # xrange(start, stop, [step])
        derivArray[index] = formula(func, xArray[index], h)    # Calculate the derivative for the current
                                                               # x value using the formula passed in

    return (xArray, derivArray)    # This returns TWO things:
                                               # x values and the derivative values

Example: Differentiate $\sin(x)$

We know the answer:

$$\frac{d}{dx} \left[\sin(x)\right] = \cos(x)$$
Let's see if we reproduce this result numerically:

In [39]:
tau = 2*np.pi

x = np.linspace(0, tau, 100)

# Plot sin and cos
pl.plot(x, np.sin(x), color='k');
pl.plot(x, np.cos(x), color='b');

# Compute derivative using central difference formula
xder, yder = derivative2(centralDifference, np.sin, 0, tau, 10) 

# Plot numerical derivative as scatter plot
pl.scatter(xder, yder, color='g', s=100, marker='+', lw=2);
# s controls marker size (experiment with it)
# lw = "linewidth" in pixels

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x118f5f2b0>

Notice that the points miss the curve.

Q. How can we improve the accuracy of our numerical derivative?

In [41]:
# Plot sin and cos
pl.plot(x, np.sin(x), color='k')
pl.plot(x, np.cos(x), color='b')

# Compute derivative using central difference formula
xder, yder = derivative2(centralDifference, np.sin, 0, tau, 100) 

# Plot numerical derivative as scatter plot
pl.scatter(xder, yder, color='g', s=100, marker='*', lw=2)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1192e56a0>

Example: Traversing A 1-D landscape

Altitude vs. position along some predetermined route. Here, I've constructed a model 1-D landscape assuming 5 craters, with Gaussian shapes (of random width and amplitude) and random positions.

Gaussian Equation:

$$f(x)=A * e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2*\sigma}}$$

In [42]:
numCraters = 5       # number of craters
widthMax   = 1.0     # maximal width of Gaussian crater
heightMin  = -1.0    # maximal depth of craters / valleys
heightMax  = 2.0     # maximal height of hills / mountains

# 1-D Gaussian
def gaussian(x, A, mu, sigma):
    return A * np.exp(-(x - mu)**2 / 2.0 / sigma**2)

# 1-D Gaussian (same thing using lambda)
#gaussian = lambda x, A, mu, sigma: A * np.exp(-(x - mu)**2 / 2. / sigma**2) 

# Create an array of linearly spaced x values
xArray = np.linspace(0, 10, 500)  # km

# Create an array of initially flat landscape (aka filled with 0's)
yArray = np.zeros_like(xArray)

# Add craters / mountains to landscape
for _ in range(numCraters):    # '_' is the so called dummy variable
    # Amplitude between heightMin and heightMax
    A = np.random.rand() * (heightMax - heightMin) + heightMin
    # Center location of the crater
    center = np.random.rand() * xArray.max()
    # Width of the crater
    sigma = np.random.rand() * widthMax
    # Add crater to landscape!
    yArray += gaussian(xArray, A=A, mu=center, sigma=sigma)
Plot our 1-D landscape:

In [43]:
pl.plot(xArray, yArray, color='k')
pl.xlabel('position [km]')
pl.ylabel('altitutde [km]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1192f0f28>

Q. Where should our spacecraft land? What areas seem accessible?

Q. How do we find the lowest point? Highest? How could we determine how many "mountains" and "craters" there are?

In [44]:
dydx = np.diff(yArray) / np.diff(xArray)

Q. What do you think "diff" does?

In [46]:
arr = np.array([1,4,10, 12,5, 7])

In [47]:

array([ 3,  6,  2, -7,  2])

Q. What type of differentiation scheme does this formula represent? How is this different than our "derivative" function from earlier?

In [48]:
pl.plot(xArray[0:-1], dydx, color='r', label='slope')
pl.plot(xArray, yArray, color='k', label='data')

pl.xlabel('position [km]')
pl.plot([xArray.min(), xArray.max()], [0,0], color='k', ls=':')
#pl.ylim(-4, 4)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11957dc18>

Q. How many hills and craters are there?

Q. Why did we use x[0:-1] in the above plot instead of x?

Imagine our rover can at best handle a slope of 0.5.

In [49]:
slopeTolerance = 0.5

Q. Using the slope, how could we determine which places we could reach and which we couldn't?

How about some boolean logic?
First a review:

In [50]:
myArray = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])                  # Create an array

tfArray = np.logical_and(myArray < 2, myArray != 0)  # Use boolean logic on array

print (myArray)               # Print original array
print (tfArray)               # Print the True/False array (from boolean logic)
print (myArray[tfArray])      # Print the original array using True/False array to limit values

[0 1 2 3 4]
[False  True False False False]
Now back to the show

In [53]:
reachable = np.logical_and(dydx < slopeTolerance, dydx > -slopeTolerance)
unreachable = np.logical_not(reachable)

In [54]:
pl.plot(xArray, yArray, color='k')
pl.scatter(xArray[:-1][unreachable], yArray[:-1][unreachable], color='r', label='bad')
pl.scatter(xArray[:-1][reachable], yArray[:-1][reachable], color='g', label='good')

pl.xlabel('position [km]')
pl.ylabel('altitude [km]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11982db38>


1) Forward difference vs. central difference 2) Differentiating functions vs. differentiating discrete values 3) Using differences to find peaks and troughs in data.

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