Solution of 6.6.1, Lord of the Fruit Flies

Identify the number of papers in PubMed that has Drosophila virilis in the title or abstract

In [1]:
from Bio import Entrez
import re

We construct an esearch request and use the NCBI history function in order to refer to this search in our subsequent efetch call.

In [2]:
# Always tell NCBI who you are (edit the e-mail below!) = ""
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", 
                        term="Drosophila virilis[Title/Abstract]",
record =
# generate a Python list with all Pubmed IDs of articles about D. virilis
id_list = record["IdList"]


In [3]:
webenv = record["WebEnv"]
query_key = record["QueryKey"]

Retrieve the PubMed entries using our search history

In [4]:
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed",
retmax=543, webenv=webenv, query_key=query_key)

In [5]:
out_handle = open("D_virilis_pubs.txt", "w")
data =

Count the number of contributions per author

We construct a dictionary with all authors as keys and the number of contributions as value.

In [6]:
with open("D_virilis_pubs.txt") as datafile:
    author_dict = {}
    for line in datafile:
        if re.match("AU", line):
            # capture author
            author = line.split("-", 1)[1]
            # remove leading and trailing whitespace
            author = author.strip()
            # if key is present, add 1
            # if it's not present, initialize at 1
            author_dict[author] = 1 + author_dict.get(author, 0)

Find the top five researchers

Dictionaries do not have a natural order but we can sort a dictionary based on the values using the function sorted. We retrieve the number of contributions per author from our author_dict using author_dict.get and use it as value in the sorted function. sorted returns a list that can be indexed to return only the top 5 of researchers.

In [7]:
for author in sorted(author_dict, key = author_dict.get, reverse = True)[:5]:
    print(author, ":", author_dict[author])

Gruntenko NE : 36
Evgen'ev MB : 30
Hoikkala A : 24
Raushenbakh IIu : 24
Korochkin LI : 22