Solution of 5.9.1, Bee Checklist

First of all, we import the two modules we'll need to read the csv file, and to use regular expressions:

In [1]:
import csv
import re

Then, we read the file, and store the columns Scientific Name and Taxon Author in two lists:

In [2]:
with open('../data/bee_list.txt') as f:
    csvr = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter = '\t')
    species = []
    authors = []
    for r in csvr:
        species.append(r['Scientific Name'])
        authors.append(r['Taxon Author'])

How many species?

In [3]:


In [4]:


Pick one of the authors element to use for testing. Choose one that is quite complicated, such as the 38th element:

In [5]:
au = authors[37]

In [6]:

'Tadauchi, Hirashima & Matsumura, 1987'

Now we need to build a regular expression. After some twiddling, you should end up with something like this, which captures the authors in one group, and the year in another group:

In [7]:
my_reg = re.compile(r'\(?([\w\s,\.\-\&]*),\s(\d{4})\)?')
# Translation
# \(? -> open parenthesis (or not)
# ([\w\s,\.\-\&]+) -> the first group is the list of authors
#                     which can contain \w (word character)
#                     \s (space) \. (dot) \- (dash) \& (ampersand)
# ,\s -> followed by comma and space
# (\d{4}) -> the second group is the year, 4 digits
#  \)? -> potentially, close parenthesis

Test the expression

In [8]:

[('Tadauchi, Hirashima & Matsumura', '1987')]

Now we write a function that uses the regular expression to extract an author list (useful when there are multiple authors), and the year

In [9]:
def extract_list_au_year(au):
    tmp = re.match(my_reg, au)
    authorlist =
    year =
    # split authors into a list using re.split
    authorlist = re.split(', | \& ', authorlist)
    # Translation: either separate using ', ' or ' & '
    return [authorlist, year]

Let's see the output of this function:

In [10]:

[['Tadauchi', 'Hirashima', 'Matsumura'], '1987']

Finally, let's build two dictionaries:

  • one tracking the number of times each year is mentioned in the database;
  • one traking the number of times each author is mentioned

In [11]:
dict_years = {}
dict_authors = {}
for au in authors:
    tmp = extract_list_au_year(au)
    for aunum in tmp[0]:
        if aunum in dict_authors.keys():
            dict_authors[aunum] = dict_authors[aunum] + 1 
            dict_authors[aunum] =  1 
    if tmp[1] in dict_years.keys():
        dict_years[tmp[1]] = dict_years[tmp[1]] + 1 
        dict_years[tmp[1]] =  1

For example, these are all the authors:

In [12]:

{'Michener': 455,
 'Cockerell': 3394,
 'Timberlake': 864,
 'Zavortink': 7,
 'Dours': 62,
 'Eversmann': 41,
 'Pérez': 309,
 'Warncke': 507,
 'Hirashima': 210,
 'Viereck': 130,
 'Morawitz': 513,
 'LaBerge': 192,
 'Friese': 1330,
 'Smith': 943,
 'Scopoli': 8,
 'Thorp': 19,
 'Osytshnjuk': 74,
 'Tadauchi': 76,
 'Matsumura': 19,
 'Popov': 86,
 'Alfken': 149,
 'Radoszkowski': 113,
 'Rossi': 11,
 'Perkins': 65,
 'Robertson': 135,
 'Benoist': 164,
 'Miyanaga': 2,
 'Dawut': 1,
 'Lebedev': 9,
 'Stoeckhert': 10,
 'Linsley': 59,
 'MacSwain': 16,
 'Cresson': 437,
 'Kirby': 74,
 'Ribble': 31,
 'Cameron': 158,
 'Blüthgen': 315,
 'Kreichbaumer': 1,
 'Scheuchl': 10,
 'Gusenleitner': 39,
 'Schmiedeknecht': 50,
 'Mitchell': 270,
 'Hedicke': 24,
 'Xu': 37,
 'Donovan': 24,
 'Nurse': 53,
 'Malloch': 3,
 'Bouseman': 8,
 'Panzer': 29,
 'Schulthess': 1,
 'Fabricius': 138,
 'Vachal': 557,
 'Larkin': 6,
 'Stephens': 1,
 'Bingham': 47,
 'Wu': 213,
 'Dalla Torre': 65,
 'Strand': 249,
 'Casad': 7,
 'Pittioni': 7,
 'Brullé': 33,
 'Neff': 5,
 'Yasumatsu': 53,
 'Dubitzky': 12,
 'Baker': 44,
 'Schenck': 41,
 'Linnaeus': 39,
 'Christ': 4,
 'Lepeletier': 185,
 'Schwarz': 170,
 'Theunert': 1,
 'Morice': 11,
 'Thomson': 9,
 'Gribodo': 75,
 'Mavromoustakis': 100,
 'Erichson': 23,
 'Provancher': 25,
 'Lanham': 4,
 'Dufour': 4,
 'Kohl': 18,
 'Haneda': 1,
 'Giraud': 12,
 'Grünwaldt': 7,
 'Guiglia': 2,
 'Ashmead': 30,
 'Magretti': 18,
 'Müller': 4,
 'Patiny': 24,
 'van der Vecht': 12,
 'Imhoff': 8,
 'Dunning': 3,
 'Jaeger': 1,
 'Pohl': 1,
 'Atwood': 6,
 'Latreille': 35,
 'Zetterstedt': 5,
 'Schönitzer': 2,
 'Kim': 2,
 'Fox': 25,
 'Saunders': 22,
 'Graenicher': 9,
 'Kriechbaumer': 7,
 'Noskiewicz': 75,
 'Nylander': 37,
 'Uchida': 3,
 'De Stefani': 1,
 'Schwenninger': 1,
 'Engel': 89,
 'Spinola': 108,
 'Hazir': 1,
 'Illiger': 9,
 'Tamasana': 1,
 'Meunier': 5,
 'Ducke': 92,
 'Hurd': 36,
 'Schuberth': 1,
 'Rozen': 42,
 'Moure': 417,
 'Urban': 282,
 'Gerstäcker': 55,
 'Ascher': 1,
 'Griswold': 50,
 'Klug': 35,
 'Sichel': 22,
 'Graf': 2,
 'Seabra': 12,
 'Compagnucci': 10,
 'Shinn': 25,
 'Gonzalez': 19,
 'Holmberg': 181,
 'Fowler': 7,
 'Jörgensen': 38,
 'Porter': 4,
 'Swenk': 62,
 'Crawford': 88,
 'Ruz': 45,
 'Brèthes': 42,
 'Toro': 140,
 'Herrera': 3,
 'Cure': 11,
 'Wittman': 1,
 'Roig-Alsina': 71,
 'Rodríguez': 3,
 'Walker': 112,
 'Eardley': 93,
 'Brauns': 35,
 'Schwammberger': 8,
 'Mocsáry': 67,
 'Lucas': 9,
 'Aurivillius': 1,
 'Richards': 7,
 'Ortiz-Sánchez': 1,
 'Michez': 14,
 'Snelling': 72,
 'Danforth': 4,
 'Parker': 15,
 'Say': 35,
 'Stevens': 4,
 'Schrottky': 246,
 'Melo': 23,
 'Tapia': 4,
 'Vivallo': 3,
 'Reed': 5,
 'Ramos': 1,
 'Lucas de Oliveira': 1,
 'Schlindwein': 15,
 'Chiappa': 3,
 'Rayment': 209,
 'Saussure': 28,
 'Schulz': 13,
 'Lieftinck': 108,
 'Gussakovsky': 14,
 'Priesner': 20,
 'Brooks': 103,
 'Pauly': 175,
 'Buysson': 6,
 'Meade-Waldo': 45,
 'Fedtschenko': 29,
 'W. F. Kirby': 13,
 'de Villers': 1,
 'Mariskovskaya': 1,
 'Olivier': 14,
 'Huard': 2,
 'Pallas': 4,
 'Banaszak': 1,
 'Tkalcu': 86,
 'Laboulbene': 1,
 'Packard': 8,
 'Westrich': 3,
 'Romankova': 4,
 'Stadelmann': 5,
 'Enderlein': 19,
 'Skorikov': 22,
 'Franklin': 7,
 'Dahlbom': 2,
 'Vogt': 5,
 'Seidl': 1,
 'Handlirsch': 8,
 'Frison': 13,
 'Wahlberg': 1,
 'Wang': 1,
 'Guérin-Méneville': 19,
 'Milliron': 1,
 'DeGeer': 6,
 'Bischoff': 10,
 'Greene': 3,
 'Schönherr': 1,
 'Labougle': 1,
 'Ayala': 22,
 'Swederus': 2,
 'Sladen': 3,
 'Sparre-Schneider': 1,
 'De Geer': 1,
 'Schulthess-Rechberg': 1,
 'Curtis': 4,
 'Vollenhoven': 1,
 'Geoffroy': 2,
 'Herbst': 11,
 'Blanchard': 4,
 'Jensen-Haarup': 2,
 'Azevedo': 2,
 'Silveira': 7,
 'Perty': 5,
 'Burmeister': 5,
 'Westwood': 11,
 'Ruiz': 16,
 'Oliveira': 8,
 'Viana': 2,
 'Zanella': 4,
 'Castro': 1,
 'Audinet-Serville': 11,
 'Rodriguez': 2,
 'Haliday': 7,
 'Thiele': 1,
 'Romand': 1,
 'Bertoni': 7,
 'Sitdikov': 5,
 'Risch': 23,
 'Dusmet y Alonso': 33,
 'Fonscolombe': 3,
 'Bradley': 1,
 'Bär': 1,
 'Dover': 3,
 'de Gaulle': 1,
 'Ogloblin': 7,
 'Lovell': 17,
 'Krombein': 11,
 'Tucker': 1,
 'Genaro': 16,
 'Germar': 2,
 'Kimsey': 10,
 'Neves': 1,
 'Nemésio': 5,
 'González': 3,
 'Gaiani': 3,
 'Hoffmannsegg': 1,
 'Dressler': 36,
 'Sakagami': 38,
 'Cheesman': 30,
 'Hinojosa-Díaz': 8,
 'Rebêlo': 5,
 'Roubik': 13,
 'Bembé': 1,
 'Ramírez': 2,
 'Rasmussen': 1,
 'Skov': 1,
 'Ospina-Torres': 2,
 'Sandino-Franco': 1,
 'Anjos-Silva': 1,
 'González-Vaquero': 3,
 'Almeida': 6,
 'Rojas': 11,
 'Taschenberg': 2,
 'Forster': 1,
 'Rightmyer': 40,
 'Meyer': 31,
 'Mackie': 2,
 'de Beaumont': 1,
 'Sivik': 1,
 'Darchen': 2,
 'Camargo': 75,
 'Inoue': 3,
 'Sepúlveda': 1,
 'Marchi': 9,
 'Jobiraj': 1,
 'Narendran': 1,
 'Bennett': 1,
 'Kerr': 3,
 'Lobo Segura': 1,
 'Vélez': 1,
 'Pedro': 25,
 'Wille': 3,
 'Puls': 1,
 'Silvestri': 2,
 'Franck': 1,
 'Boongird': 1,
 'Albuquerque': 8,
 'Shanks': 15,
 'Shrottky': 1,
 'Dominique': 2,
 'Harter-Marques': 2,
 'Cunha': 1,
 'Truylio': 1,
 'Heinrich': 3,
 'Jurine': 4,
 'Kocourek': 4,
 'Hicks': 2,
 'Cooper': 3,
 'Proshchalykin': 1,
 'Lelej': 2,
 'Ehrenfeld': 3,
 'Sandhouse': 78,
 'Schilling': 1,
 'Giordani Soika': 1,
 'Brues': 2,
 'Tsuneki': 74,
 'Lozinski': 2,
 'Herrich-Schäffer': 8,
 'Mazzucco': 1,
 'Standfuss': 4,
 'Benzi': 1,
 'Moalif': 4,
 'Broemeling': 5,
 'Mitai': 3,
 'Linné': 3,
 'Evans': 4,
 'Noble': 1,
 'Rodeck': 1,
 'Gmelin': 1,
 'Arnold': 1,
 'Ikudome': 8,
 'Reyes': 21,
 'Borges': 1,
 'Syed': 2,
 'Masi': 1,
 'Houston': 50,
 'Tierney': 1,
 'H. S. Smith': 7,
 'Kokujev': 1,
 'Daly': 31,
 'Chevrier': 1,
 'Terzo': 12,
 'Rasmont': 4,
 'S. Lee': 1,
 'Shiokawa': 4,
 'Sickmann': 1,
 'Sonan': 1,
 'Maa': 22,
 'Ritsema': 16,
 'Maidl': 16,
 'Vecht': 1,
 'LeVeque': 10,
 'Drury': 2,
 'Leys': 2,
 'Wiedemann': 1,
 'Ponomareva': 2,
 'Guilding': 1,
 'Patton': 5,
 'Trucco Aleman': 5,
 'Maynard': 16,
 'Kuhlmann': 65,
 'Stephen': 12,
 'Janvier': 2,
 'Metz': 16,
 'Ortiz': 1,
 'Ornosa': 1,
 'Fourcroy': 1,
 'Verhoeff': 1,
 'Schmidt': 1,
 'Raw': 7,
 'Gistel': 3,
 'Titus': 10,
 'Frey-Gessner': 1,
 'Dubitzki': 1,
 'Packer': 29,
 'Cabezas': 15,
 'Davies': 11,
 'Vergara': 1,
 'Deyrup': 1,
 'Roberts': 32,
 'Exley': 231,
 'Cardale': 1,
 'Bridwell': 16,
 'Dathe': 38,
 'Magnacca': 10,
 'Erlandsson': 1,
 'Förster': 21,
 'Blackburn': 3,
 'Hensen': 1,
 'Motschulski': 1,
 'Gorski': 1,
 'Sumner': 1,
 'Abe': 1,
 'Moldenke': 37,
 'Gibbs': 1,
 'Philippi': 2,
 'Willis': 3,
 'Smith-Pardo': 10,
 'Eickwort': 7,
 'Coelho': 5,
 'Ordway': 3,
 'Doering': 1,
 'Yanega': 6,
 'Klein': 2,
 'E. A. B. Almeida': 5,
 'Gonçalves': 4,
 'Wolcott': 1,
 'M. C. de Almeida': 1,
 'Laroca': 1,
 'Ebmer': 215,
 'Walckenaer': 1,
 'Fan': 13,
 'Bramson': 1,
 'Pesenko': 56,
 'Niu': 1,
 'Huang': 1,
 'Janjic': 1,
 'McGinley': 24,
 'Munakata': 1,
 'Svensson': 1,
 'Ellis': 23,
 'Murao': 4,
 'Munzinger': 2,
 'Knerer': 5,
 'Yáñez-Ordóñez': 3,
 'Bytinski-Salz': 1,
 'Wcislo': 3,
 'Timmermann': 1,
 'Takahashi': 1,
 'Schrank': 2,
 'Maeta': 9,
 'Herrmann': 1,
 'Davydova': 1,
 'Godínez-García': 1,
 'Stage': 4,
 'Nobile': 7,
 'Turrisi': 7,
 'LaRoche': 3,
 'Hagens': 10,
 'R. P. Urban': 5,
 'Wesmael': 1,
 'Kato': 1,
 'Itino': 1,
 'Cross': 2,
 'Wickwar': 1,
 'Schletterer': 23,
 'He': 2,
 'Costa': 6,
 'Astafurova': 2,
 'Bohart': 47,
 'Batra': 1,
 'Whitehead': 16,
 'Gupta': 16,
 'Pasteels': 197,
 'Simlote': 2,
 'Perris': 4,
 'Jaycox': 1,
 'Rohwer': 2,
 'Grigarick': 2,
 'Stange': 3,
 'Sharma': 6,
 'Peters': 16,
 'van der Zanden': 53,
 'Rahman': 1,
 'Tewari': 1,
 'Sielfeld': 1,
 'Schummel': 1,
 'Fritz': 15,
 'Hill': 1,
 'Nagase': 3,
 'Proschchalykin': 1,
 'Dewitz': 1,
 'King': 9,
 'Rebmann': 18,
 'Durante': 4,
 'Schwimmer': 1,
 'Schulten': 7,
 'Ferton': 6,
 'Abramovich': 2,
 'Lucia': 2,
 'Silveira et al.': 1,
 'Stanek': 5,
 'Le Goff': 1,
 'Teunissen': 1,
 'van Achterberg': 1,
 'Rust': 3,
 'Atanassov': 1,
 'White': 4,
 'Haeseler': 1,
 'Robinaeau': 1,
 'Dumeril': 1,
 'von Schulthess': 1,
 'Harris': 1,
 'Rudow': 2,
 'Quilis': 2,
 'Steiner': 13,
 'Vogel': 1}

What is the name of the author with most entries in the database?

We use the following strategy:

  • we find the maximum value in the dictionary
  • we use the function index to find to which entry is it associated
  • we find the corresponding author

In [13]:
max_value_author = max(dict_authors.values())


In [14]:
which_index = list(dict_authors.values()).index(max_value_author)


An the winner is:

In [15]:


Which year of publication is most represented in the database?

We use the same strategy to find that the golden year of bee publication is:

In [16]:
max_value_year = max(dict_years.values())
which_index = list(dict_years.values()).index(max_value_year)
