A technique that allows us to compute approximations to non-closed form Bayes update equations.
In Bayesian parameter estimation, to compute the intractable integration of the denominator in the parameter posterior probability:
\begin{equation} p(\Theta \vert \Omega, Y) = \frac{p(Y, \Theta \vert \Omega)}{\int p(Y, \Theta \vert \Omega) d\Omega} \end{equation}and in Bayesian model fitting, to find the denominator of the model posterior probability (for a fixed $\Omega$):
\begin{equation} p(\Omega \vert Y) = \frac{p(Y \vert \Omega) p( \Omega )}{\sum_{\Omega \in \mathcal{M}} p(Y\vert \Omega)p(\Omega)} \end{equation}Where $\Omega$ is the candidate model, $Y = \{(x_1,d_1),\dots,(x_N,d_N)\}$ is the training data, $\Theta$ is the set of unknown model parameters (and prior hyperparameters) under $\Omega$.
Also for Bayesian data fusion, if we're using GMM priors with MMS likelihoods, we're trying to evaluate
\begin{equation}\label{eq:bdf} p(X_k \vert D_k) = \frac{P(D_k \vert X_k) p( X_k )}{\int P(D_k \vert X_k) p( X_k )dX_k} = \frac{p(X_k,D_k)}{P(D_k)} \end{equation}Where $p(D_k \vert X_k)$ is the MMS model and
$$ p( X_k ) = p(X_{k} \vert D_{1:k-1}) = \int p(X_k \vert X_{k-1}) p(X_{k} \vert D_{1:k-1}) dX_{k-1} $$where $p(X_k \vert X_{k-1})$ is the state transition pdf and we are only fusing $D_k$ sensor data.
VB minimizes the KLD between the integrable, closed-form variational posterior parameter distribution $q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)$ and the true posterior $p(\Theta \vert \Omega, Y)$ for $\Omega \in \mathcal{M}$:
$$ KL(q\vert\vert p) = - \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{\frac{p(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}{q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}}d\Theta $$But, since $p(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)$ is unavailable, we can instead minimize the KLD by maximizing a lower bound $\mathcal{L}$ to $\log{p(Y\vert\Omega)}$, where:
$$ \mathcal{L} = \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{\frac{p(Y, \Omega \vert \Theta)}{q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}}d\Theta $$and
\begin{align*} \log{p(Y\vert\Omega)} &= \mathcal{L} + KL(q \vert\vert p) \\ &= \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{\frac{p(Y, \Omega \vert \Theta)}{q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}}d\Theta - \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{\frac{p(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}{q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}}d\Theta \\ &= \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{(p(Y, \Omega \vert \Theta))} - q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{(p(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega))}d\Theta \\ &= \int q(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega) log{\frac{p(Y, \Omega \vert \Theta)}{p(\Theta \vert Y, \Omega)}} d\Theta \end{align*}Take equation \ref{eq:bdf}. We want to approximate $p(X_k,D_k)$ (analytically intractable) with an unnormalized Gaussian lower bound pdf, which leads to a variational Bayesian Gaussian posterior approximation $\hat{p}(X_k\vert D_k)$.
If $f(D_k,X_k)$ is an unnormalized Gaussian function that approximates the softmax likelihood $P(D_k \vert X_k)$, then
\begin{align}\label{eq:approx_joint} p(X_k,D_k) &\approx \hat{p}(X_k,D_k) = p(X_k)f(D_k,X_k) \\ P(D_k) = C &\approx \hat{C} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}(X_k,D_k) \end{align}Since $p(X_k)$ is Gaussian, $\hat{p}(X_k,D_k)$ is as well (as the product of two gaussians).
[2] derives an upper bound to the softmax denominator:
\begin{equation}\label{eq:upper} \log\left(\sum_{c=1}^m e^{y_c}\right) \leq \alpha + \sum_{c=1}^m \frac{y_c - \alpha - \xi_c}{2} + \lambda(\xi_c)[(y_c - \alpha)^2 - \xi_c^2] + log(1 + e^{\xi_c}) \end{equation}where $\lambda(\xi_c) = \frac{1}{2\xi_c}\left[\frac{1}{1 + e^{-\xi_c}}\right] - \frac{1}{2}$ and $y_c = w^T_cx + b_c$. $\alpha$ and $\xi_c$ are free variational parameters; given $y_c$, $\alpha$ and $\xi_c$ can be selected to minimize the upper bound in \ref{eq:upper}.
Assuming known $\alpha$ and $\xi_c$, we take the log of the softmax likelihood to get:
\begin{align*} \log{P(D_k=j\vert X_k)} &= w^T_jx + b_j - \log{\left(\sum_{c=1}^m e^{w^T_cx + v_c}\right)} \\ &\leq \log{f(D_j=j,X_k)} = g_j + h^T_jx - \frac{1}{2}x^TK_jx \end{align*}Where
\begin{equation}\label{eq:approx_likelihood} f(D_j=j,X_k) = \exp\{g_j + h^T_jx - \frac{1}{2}x^TK_jx\} \end{equation}The prior $p(X_k)$ can be expressed similarly:
\begin{equation}\label{eq:gaussian_prior} p(X_k) = \exp\{g_p + h^T_px - \frac{1}{2}x^TK_px\} \end{equation}where $g_p = -\frac{1}{2}(log{\lvert2\pi\Sigma\rvert} + \mu^TK_p\mu)$, $h_p = K_p\mu$ $K_p = \Sigma^{-1}$. This is simply a reformulation of the equation of a gaussian:
\begin{align*} p(X_k) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lvert 2 \pi \Sigma \rvert}} exp{\{-\frac{1}{2}(x - \mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x - \mu) \}} \\ &=exp{\{-\frac{1}{2}(x^T - \mu^T)K_p(x - \mu) -\frac{1}{2}\log{\lvert 2 \pi \Sigma \rvert} \}}\\ &=exp{\{-\frac{1}{2}x^TK_px +\frac{1}{2}(x^TK_p\mu +\mu^TK_px) -\frac{1}{2}\mu^TK_p\mu -\frac{1}{2}\log{\lvert 2 \pi \Sigma \rvert} \}}\\ &=exp{\{-\frac{1}{2}(\log{\lvert 2 \pi \Sigma \rvert} + \mu^TK_p\mu ) +\frac{1}{2}(K_p\mu x +K_p \mu x) -\frac{1}{2}x^TK_px \}}\\ &= \exp\{g_p + h^T_px - \frac{1}{2}x^TK_px\} \end{align*}Since equation \ref{eq:approx_joint} is simply the product of two Gaussians, it becomes:
\begin{equation}\label{eq:approx_joint_product} \hat{p}(X_k,D_k) = p(X_k)f(D_k,X_k) = \exp\{g_l + h^T_lx - \frac{1}{2}x^TK_lx\} = \mathcal{N}(\hat{\mu}_{VB},\hat{\Sigma}_{VB}) \end{equation}Minimizing the RHS of \ref{eq:upper} gives us:
\begin{align} \xi^2_c &= y^2_c + \alpha^2 - 2\alpha y_c \label{eq:xi} \\ \alpha &= \frac{\left(\frac{m-2}{4}\right) \sum_{c=1}^m\lambda(\xi_c)y_c}{\sum_{c=1}^m\lambda(\xi_c)} \label{eq:alpha} \end{align}But, both depend on $X_k$, which is unobserved. Instead, we minimize the expected value of the RHS of \ref{eq:upper} with respect to the posterior.
Apparently (?) this is equivalent to maximizing $\log{\hat{P}(D_k)}$, the approximate the marginal log-likelihood of the observation $D_k = j$:
$$ \log{\hat{P}(D_k)} = \log{\hat{C}} = \log \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \hat{p}(X_k,D_k)dX_k $$We can now use expectation-maximization (EM) to iteratively optimize $\alpha$ and $\xi_c$. We take the expectations of \ref{eq:xi} and \ref{eq:alpha} under the current $\hat{p}(X_k \vert D_k)$ estimate. Additionally, we'll need the following:
\begin{align} \langle y_c\rangle &= w^T_c\hat{\mu}_{VB} + b_c \label{eq:y_expected} \\ \langle y^2_c\rangle &= w^T_c(\hat{\Sigma}_{VB} + \hat{\mu}_{VB}\hat{\mu}_{VB}^T)w_c + 2w^T_c\hat{\mu}_{VB}b_c + b^2_c \label{eq:y2_expected} \end{align}The code below demonstrates the expectation maximization algorithm.
The approximate posterior is optimistic relative to the true posterior, and will be biased due to this optimism as well.
Let's restate the bayesian data fusion problem. We want to compute the following:
\begin{equation}\label{eq:vb-bdf} p(X_k \vert D_k) = \frac{P(D_k = j \vert X_k) p( X_k )}{\int P(D_k = j \vert X_k) p( X_k )dX_k} = \frac{p(X_k,D_k)}{P(D_k)} \end{equation}Where, for a softmax likelihood,
\begin{equation}\label{eq:softmax} P(D_k = j \vert X_k) = \frac{e^{w^T_jx + b_j}}{\sum_{c=1}^m e^{w^T_cx + b_c}} \end{equation}and, for a gaussian prior,
\begin{equation} P(X_k) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lvert 2 \pi \Sigma}} \exp{\{-\frac{1}{2}(x - \mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x - \mu)\}} \end{equation}We show these two below for a one-dimensional problem of estimating the speed of a target.
In [1]:
from cops_and_robots.robo_tools.fusion.softmax import speed_model
%matplotlib inline
sm = speed_model()
In [8]:
from __future__ import division
from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mu = 0.3
sigma = 0.1
gaussian = norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)
x_space = np.linspace(-5, 5, 500)
# Plot the frozen distribution
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
fig.set_size_inches(8, 8)
ax.plot(x_space, gaussian.pdf(x_space), lw=2, label='frozen pdf', c='g')
ax.fill_between(x_space, 0, gaussian.pdf(x_space), alpha=0.2, facecolor='g')
ax.set_title('Gaussian prior')
While the numerator of \ref{eq:vb-bdf} can be computed easily, there is no closed form solution for its denominator.
We'll follow the following algorithm:
In [ ]:
from numpy.linalg import inv
import pandas as pd
n_lc = 15 # number of convergence loops
measurement = 'Slow'
tolerance = 10 ** -3 # for convergence
max_EM_steps = 500
# INPUT: Define input priors and initial values
prior_mu = np.zeros(1)
prior_sigma = np.array([[1]])
initial_alpha = 0
initial_xi = np.ones(4)
# Softmax values
m = 4
w = sm.weights
b = sm.biases
j = sm.class_labels.index(measurement)
# Preparation
xi_cs = initial_xi
alpha = initial_alpha
mu_hat = prior_mu
sigma_hat = prior_sigma
# dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([[alpha, mu_hat[0], sigma_hat[0][0], xi_cs[0],xi_cs[1],xi_cs[2],xi_cs[3]]],
def lambda_(xi_c):
return 1 / (2 * xi_c) * ( (1 / (1 + np.exp(-xi_c))) - 0.5)
converged = False
EM_step = 0
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # breakpoint 5a7a3236 //
while not converged and EM_step < max_EM_steps:
for xi_c in xi_cs:
# PART A #######################################################
# find g_j
sum1 = 0
for c in range(m):
if c != j:
sum1 += b[c]
sum2 = 0
for c in range(m):
sum2 = xi_c / 2 \
+ lambda_(xi_c) * (xi_c ** 2 - (b[c] - alpha) ** 2) \
- np.log(1 + np.exp(xi_c))
g_j = 0.5 *(b[j] - sum1) + alpha * (m / 2 - 1) + sum2
# find h_j
sum1 = 0
for c in range(m):
if c != j:
sum1 += w[c]
sum2 = 0
for c in range(m):
sum2 += lambda_(xi_c) * (alpha - b[c]) * w[c]
h_j = 0.5 * (w[j] - sum1) + 2 * sum2
# find K_j
sum1 = 0
for c in range(m):
sum1 += lambda_(xi_c) * w[c].T .dot (w[c])
K_j = 2 * sum1
K_p = inv(prior_sigma)
g_p = -0.5 * (np.log( np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * prior_sigma))) \
+ prior_mu.T .dot (K_p) .dot (prior_sigma)
h_p = K_p .dot (prior_mu)
g_l = g_p + g_j
h_l = h_p + h_j
K_l = K_p + K_j
mu_hat = inv(K_l) .dot (h_l)
sigma_hat = inv(K_l)
# PART B #######################################################
y_cs = np.zeros(m)
y_cs_squared = np.zeros(m)
for c in range(m):
y_cs[c] = w[c].T .dot (mu_hat) + b[c]
y_cs_squared[c] = w[c].T .dot (sigma_hat + mu_hat .dot (mu_hat.T)) .dot (w[c]) \
+ 2 * w[c].T .dot (mu_hat) * b[c] + b[c] ** 2
for i, y_c in enumerate(y_cs):
y_c_squared = y_cs_squared[i]
for i in range(n_lc):
# PART A #######################################################
# Find xi_cs
for c in range(m):
xi_cs[c] = np.sqrt(y_c_squared + alpha ** 2 - 2 * alpha * y_c)
# PART B #######################################################
# Find alpha
num_sum = 0
den_sum = 0
for xi_c in xi_cs:
num_sum = lambda_(xi_c) * y_c
den_sum = lambda_(xi_c)
alpha = ((m - 2) / 4 + num_sum) / den_sum
new_df = pd.DataFrame([[alpha, mu_hat[0], sigma_hat[0][0], xi_cs[0],xi_cs[1],xi_cs[2],xi_cs[3]]],
df = df.append(new_df, ignore_index=True)
EM_step += 1
In [27]:
In [7]:
measurement = 'Slow'
measurement_i = sm.class_labels.index(measurement)
dx = 10/500
normalizer = 0
for x in x_space:
lh = sm.probs_at_state(x, measurement)
if np.isnan(lh):
lh = 0.00
normalizer += lh * (gaussian.cdf(x + dx/2) - gaussian.cdf(x - dx/2))
posterior = np.zeros_like(x_space)
for i, x in enumerate(x_space):
lh = sm.probs_at_state(x, measurement)
if np.isnan(lh):
lh = 0.00
posterior[i] = lh * (gaussian.cdf(x + dx/2) - gaussian.cdf(x - dx/2)) / normalizer
# sum_of_gauss = 0
# for x in x_space:
# sum_of_gauss += gaussian.cdf(x + dx/2) - gaussian.cdf(x - dx/2)
# print sum_of_gauss
ax = sm.plot_class(measurement_i, fill_between=False)
ax.plot(x_space, posterior, lw=3, label='posterior pdf', c='b')
ax.fill_between(x_space, 0, posterior, alpha=0.2, facecolor='b')
ax.plot(x_space, gaussian.pdf(x_space), lw=1, label='prior pdf', c='g')
ax.set_title('Posterior distribtuion')
ax.set_ylim([0, 1.0])
In [ ]:
[1] N. Ahmed and M. Campbell, “Variational Bayesian learning of probabilistic discriminative models with latent softmax variables,” Signal Process. IEEE Trans. …, vol. XX, no. c, pp. 1–27, 2011.
[2] G. Bouchard, “Efficient bounds for the softmax function and applications to approximate inference in hybrid models,” in NIPS 2007 Workshop for Approximate Bayesian Inference in Continuous/Hybrid Systems, Whistler, BC, Canada, 2007.
[3] N. Ahmed, E. Sample, and M. Campbell, “Bayesian Multicategorical Soft Data Fusion for Human--Robot Collaboration,” IEEE Trans. Robot., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 189–206, 2013.
In [4]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
# Borrowed style from Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers
def css_styling():
styles = open("../styles/custom.css", "r").read()
return HTML(styles)