ApJdataFrames 010: Luhman2007

Title: The Stellar Population of the Chamaeleon I Star-forming Region
Authors: Kevin L Luhman

Data is from this paper:

In [1]:
%pylab inline
import seaborn as sns

import warnings

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

Table 6 - Derived Properties for Members of Chamaeleon I

In [3]:
names = ["Name_2MASS","Name_alt","Spectral_Type","T_eff","AJ","L_bol","IMF"]

tbl6 = pd.read_csv("http://iopscience.iop.org/0067-0049/173/1/104/fulltext/71585.tb6.txt", 
                   sep='\t', names=names, na_values='\ldots')

Name_2MASS Name_alt Spectral_Type T_eff AJ L_bol IMF
0 J10463795-7736035 HD 93828 F0 7200 0.00 8.900 NaN
1 J10523694-7440287 NaN M4.75 3161 0.18 0.100 NaN
2 J10550964-7730540 ESO H\alpha 552 M4.5 3198 0.34 0.083 NaN
3 NaN T3B M3.5 3342 0.00 0.040 NaN
4 J10555973-7724399 T3A M0 3850 0.79 0.420 NaN

In [4]:
upper_limits = (tbl6.T_eff == "\\leq 2400")
measurements = ~upper_limits
print "There are {} upper limits and {} measurements".format(upper_limits.sum(), measurements.sum())

There are 5 upper limits and 210 measurements

In [5]:
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.5)

In [6]:
plt.plot(tbl6.T_eff[measurements], tbl6.L_bol[measurements], '.')
#plt.errorbar([2400.0]*upper_limits.sum(), tbl6.L_bol[upper_limits], xerr=0.0001, yerr=None, xlolims=True)

plt.xlabel(r"$T_{eff} (K)$")
plt.title("Luhman 2007 Chamaeleon I Members")

(5000, 2000)

Custom analysis

  1. Cross-match with Simbad
    • Retrieve UBVRIJHKLM, IRAC, MIPS, IRAS phototometry
    • Retrieve spectral type and spectral type reference.
    • Retrieve coordinates
    • Calculate match difference in coordinates, when possible
  2. Convert spectral type to numbers

Cross-match with Simbad

In [7]:
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u

In [8]:
customSimbad = Simbad()
customSimbad.add_votable_fields('otype', 'id', 'sptype')

In [9]:
query_list = '2MASS'+tbl6.Name_2MASS.dropna().values
result = customSimbad.query_objects(query_list, verbose=True)

In [11]:
print "There were {} sources queried, and {} sources found.".format(len(query_list), len(result))
if len(query_list) == len(result):
    print "Hooray!  Everything matched"
    print "Which ones were not found?"

There were 204 sources queried, and 204 sources found.
Hooray!  Everything matched

In [12]:

<Table masked=True length=2>
HD 9382810 46 37.9076-77 36 03.585998.7107.39090AO2007A&A...474..653VStarF0VC1975MSS...C01....0H
2MASS J10523694-744028710 52 36.943-74 40 28.787770.00060.0000BI2003yCat.2246....0CYSOM4.75D2007ApJS..173..104L

Save data tables locally.

!mkdir ../data/Luhman2007

In [14]:
tbl6.to_csv("../data/Luhman2007/tbl6.csv", sep="\t")

The end.