
Grankin et al. 2008

Title: Results of the ROTOR-program
Authors: Grankin et al.

Data is from this paper:

In [1]:
import warnings

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

In [3]:
from astropy.io import ascii, votable, misc

Download Data

In [4]:
#! mkdir ../data/Grankin08

In [5]:
#! wget -q -O ../data/Grankin08/table1_orig.tex http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full/2008/09/aa8476-07/table1.tex

In [6]:
#! wget -q -O ../data/Grankin08/table3.tex http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/full/2008/09/aa8476-07/table3.tex \

In [7]:
! ls ../data/Grankin08/

phot            table1_mod.tex  table1_plus.csv table3.tex
table1.csv      table1_orig.tex table3.csv

Ew, it's in $\LaTeX$ format!

Table 1

In [8]:
#! head -n 30 ../data/Grankin08/table1.tex

Two problems from latex.

  1. The values with binaries go onto a new line, which foils data reading.
  2. The \farcs latex screws up the decimal point.

To deal with these I had to manually delete (horror!) the carriage returns with Sublime Text, then do this:

In [9]:
#! cp ../data/Grankin08/table1_orig.tex ../data/Grankin08/table1_mod.tex

In [10]:
#! sed -i 's/\\farcs/./g' ../data/Grankin08/table1_mod.tex

In [11]:
names_1 = ['Name', 'HBC', 'SpT', 'JD_min_max', 'N_seasons', 'V_range', 'N_obs', 'avgB_V', 'avgV_R', 'mult', 'ref']

In [12]:
tab1 = pd.read_csv('../data/Grankin08/table1_mod.tex', sep='&',
                   skiprows=10, names=names_1, engine='python', skipfooter=8)

In [13]:

Name HBC SpT JD_min_max N_seasons V_range N_obs avgB_V avgV_R mult ref
43 Wa CrA/2 678 G8 IV 48049--48100 1 10.69--10.53 28 0.85 0.74 \\
44 Wa Oph/1 630 K2 IV 49145--53228 8 12.19--11.84 190 1.38 1.30 \\
45 Wa Oph/2 633 K1 IV 51733--53228 5 11.77--11.60 101 1.16 1.11 \\
46 Wa Oph/3 634 K0 IV 49145--53228 9 10.98--10.73 255 1.19 1.07 \\
47 Wa Oph/4 652 K4 49147--52059 4 13.72--10.44 104 1.88 1.83 VB(8.7) re93 \\

In [14]:
tab1.to_csv('../data/Grankin08/table1.csv', index=False)

Table 3

In [15]:
#! tail -n 15 ../data/Grankin08/table3.tex

In [16]:
names = ['Name', 'Epochs', 'delta_V_min', 'delta_V_max', 'HJD0-24000000', 'Period', 'Ref1', 'Ref2']

In [17]:
tab3 = pd.read_csv('../data/Grankin08/table3.tex', sep='&', comment='\\',
                   skiprows=10, names=names, engine='python', skipfooter=5)

In [18]:

Name Epochs delta_V_min delta_V_max HJD0-24000000 Period Ref1 Ref2
31 VY Tau 1985--2001 0.11 0.31 44610.7 5.36995 gr91 gr94
32 Wa CrA/1 1990 0.32 0.32 48048.3 2.24000 sh95 sh95
33 Wa CrA/2 1990 0.16 0.16 48048.3 2.79000 co92 sh95
34 Wa Oph/1 1993--2004 0.10 0.30 48986.1 3.79200 za93 this paper
35 Wa Oph/3 1993--2004 0.06 0.23 49144.3 1.52140 sh98 this paper

In [19]:
tab3.to_csv('../data/Grankin08/table3.csv', index=False)

Raw data files

Copied from Vizier and pasted into a text document...

In [20]:
#! head ../data/Grankin08/grankin08_dat_files.txt

In [21]:
#gr_dat = pd.read_csv('../data/Grankin08/grankin08_dat_files.txt', usecols=[0],
#                     delim_whitespace=True, names=['filename'])

Download the data:

In [22]:
import os

Only need to run this once:

for i in range(len(gr_dat)):
#for i in range(3):
    fn = gr_dat.filename[i]
    web_addr = 'http://vizier.cfa.harvard.edu/vizier/ftp/cats/J/A+A/479/827/phot/'
    cmd = 'curl '+ web_addr + fn +' > ' + '../data/Grankin08/phot/'+fn 

In [23]:
#! gzip -d ../data/Grankin08/phot/*.dat.gz

In [24]:
#gr_dat['dat_fn'] = gr_dat.filename.str[0:-3]

Add RA, DEC, and other simbad info

In [25]:
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad

In [26]:
gr_t1 = tab1

In [27]:
gr_t1['HBC_name'] = 'HBC' + gr_t1.HBC

In [28]:
gr_t1['alt_name'] = gr_t1.HBC_name

In [29]:
gr_t1.alt_name[18] = 'TAP 10'
gr_t1.alt_name[19] = 'TAP 11'
gr_t1.alt_name[20] = 'TAP 14'

In [30]:
Simbad.add_votable_fields('sptype', 'otype')

In [31]:
gr_t1['pref_name'] = ''
gr_t1['RA'] = ''
gr_t1['DEC'] = ''
gr_t1['SpT_simbad'] = ''
gr_t1['Otype_simbad'] = ''

In [32]:
N_sources = len(gr_t1)

You only have to run this once:

In [33]:
for i in range(N_sources):
    name = gr_t1.Name[i]
    name_alt = gr_t1.alt_name[i]
    result_table = Simbad.query_object(name)
        RA, DEC = result_table['RA'].data.data[0], result_table['DEC'].data.data[0]
        SpT, Otype = result_table['SP_TYPE'].data.data[0], result_table['OTYPE'].data.data[0]
        print("{} was found in Simbad.".format(name))
    except TypeError:
        print("Attempt 1 did not work for {}, trying HBC name: {}...".format(name, name_alt), end='')
        result_table = Simbad.query_object(name_alt)
        RA, DEC = result_table['RA'].data.data[0], result_table['DEC'].data.data[0]
        SpT, Otype = result_table['SP_TYPE'].data.data[0], result_table['OTYPE'].data.data[0]
        print(' success!')
        name = name_alt
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'pref_name', name)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'RA', RA)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'DEC', DEC)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'SpT_simbad', SpT.decode())
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'Otype_simbad', Otype.decode())

Attempt 1 did not work for Anon 1    , trying HBC name: HBC 366 ... success!
HD 283572  was found in Simbad.
Attempt 1 did not work for Hubble 4  , trying HBC name: HBC 374 ... success!
LkCa 1     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 2     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 3     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 4     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 5     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 7     was found in Simbad.
LkCa 11    was found in Simbad.
LkCa 14    was found in Simbad.
LkCa 16    was found in Simbad.
LkCa 19    was found in Simbad.
LkCa 21    was found in Simbad.
Attempt 1 did not work for SR 9      , trying HBC name: HBC 264 ... success!
SR 12      was found in Simbad.
TAP 4      was found in Simbad.
TAP 9      was found in Simbad.
Attempt 1 did not work for TAP 10AB , trying HBC name: TAP 10... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for TAP 11AB , trying HBC name: TAP 11... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for TAP 14NE , trying HBC name: TAP 14... success!
TAP 26     was found in Simbad.
TAP 35     was found in Simbad.
TAP 40     was found in Simbad.
TAP 41     was found in Simbad.
TAP 45     was found in Simbad.
TAP 49     was found in Simbad.
TAP 50     was found in Simbad.
Attempt 1 did not work for TAP 57NW  , trying HBC name: HBC 427 ... success!
V501 Aur   was found in Simbad.
V410 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V819 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V826 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V827 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V830 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V836 Tau   was found in Simbad.
V1197 Tau  was found in Simbad.
V1199 Tau  was found in Simbad.
V1200 Tau  was found in Simbad.
V1202 Tau  was found in Simbad.
V1207 Tau  was found in Simbad.
VY Tau     was found in Simbad.
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa CrA/1  , trying HBC name: HBC 676 ... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa CrA/2  , trying HBC name: HBC 678 ... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa Oph/1  , trying HBC name: HBC 630 ... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa Oph/2  , trying HBC name: HBC 633 ... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa Oph/3  , trying HBC name: HBC 634 ... success!
Attempt 1 did not work for Wa Oph/4  , trying HBC name: HBC 652 ... success!
for i in range(N_sources):
    name = gr_t1.Name[i]
    name_alt = gr_t1.alt_name[i]
    result_table = Simbad.query_object(name)
        RA, DEC = result_table['RA'].data.data[0], result_table['DEC'].data.data[0]
        SpT, Otype = result_table['SP_TYPE'].data.data[0], result_table['OTYPE'].data.data[0]
        print("{} was found in Simbad.".format(name))
    except TypeError:
        print("Attempt 1 did not work for {}, trying HBC name: {}...".format(name, name_alt), end='')
        result_table = Simbad.query_object(name_alt)
        RA, DEC = result_table['RA'].data.data[0], result_table['DEC'].data.data[0]
        SpT, Otype = result_table['SP_TYPE'].data.data[0], result_table['OTYPE'].data.data[0]
        print(' success!')
        name = name_alt
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'pref_name', name)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'RA', RA)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'DEC', DEC)
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'SpT_simbad', SpT.decode())
    gr_t1 = gr_t1.set_value(i, 'Otype_simbad', Otype.decode())

In [34]:

Name HBC SpT JD_min_max N_seasons V_range N_obs avgB_V avgV_R mult ref HBC_name alt_name pref_name RA DEC SpT_simbad Otype_simbad
43 Wa CrA/2 678 G8 IV 48049--48100 1 10.69--10.53 28 0.85 0.74 \\ HBC 678 HBC 678 HBC 678 19 02 01.9844 -37 07 43.538 G5e Orion_V*
44 Wa Oph/1 630 K2 IV 49145--53228 8 12.19--11.84 190 1.38 1.30 \\ HBC 630 HBC 630 HBC 630 16 11 08.908 -19 04 46.86 K2IV(e) TTau*
45 Wa Oph/2 633 K1 IV 51733--53228 5 11.77--11.60 101 1.16 1.11 \\ HBC 633 HBC 633 HBC 633 16 11 59.272 -19 06 53.36 K2Ve TTau*
46 Wa Oph/3 634 K0 IV 49145--53228 9 10.98--10.73 255 1.19 1.07 \\ HBC 634 HBC 634 HBC 634 16 12 40.5054 -18 59 28.137 K0IV(e) TTau*
47 Wa Oph/4 652 K4 49147--52059 4 13.72--10.44 104 1.88 1.83 VB(8.7) re93 \\ HBC 652 HBC 652 HBC 652 16 48 18.00 -14 11 15.9 K5Ve TTau*

In [35]:
gr_t1.to_csv('../data/Grankin08/table1_plus.csv', index=False)

In [36]:
tab3.to_csv('../data/Grankin08/table3.csv', index=False)

The end!