ApJdataFrames Douglas_2017 Extra, 1

Title: Poking the Beehive from Space: K2 Rotation Periods for Praesepe
Authors: S. T. Douglas, M. A. Agüeros, K. R. Covey, and A. Kraus

Data is from this paper:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 150
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import astropy
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.io import ascii
import numpy as np

Douglas et al. 2016 Tables 2 & 3

In [2]:
df2 = pd.read_csv('../data/Douglas2017/tab2.csv')
df3 = pd.read_csv('../data/Douglas2017/tab3.csv')

Spectroscopic selection for iSHELL C16 monitoring

Selection criteria for iSHELL

  1. Previously observed by Douglas et al. 2017
  2. Being observed in K2 C16
  3. Bright enough for iSHELL
  4. Large amplitude of starspot modulation
  5. Medium-to-low period (lower vsini, on average)

The K2 website has the list of targets in C16

In [3]:
c16_GO_url = 'https://keplerscience.arc.nasa.gov/data/campaigns/c16/K2Campaign16targets.csv'

In [4]:
df_GO_c16 = pd.read_csv(c16_GO_url)

In [5]:
df3.shape, df_GO_c16.shape

((794, 26), (35571, 5))

In [6]:
df_C16 = pd.merge(df3, df_GO_c16, how = 'inner', left_on='EPIC', right_on='EPIC ID')

In [7]:

(308, 31)

OK, so 308 targets are being re-observed. Good.

In [8]:
plt.plot(df_C16.Kmag, df_C16['Raw-Amp'], '.', ms=3, color='#BBBBBB')
plt.xlim(8, 20)
plt.ylim(0, 0.11)
plt.xlabel('$K$ (mag)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (mag)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xa18c79ef0>

The iSHELL exposure time calculator indicates a 10.9 magnitude can be achieved in 10 minutes with 6 cycles with a 0.75 arcsecond slit in 0.8 arcsecond seeing. We don't want to go too bright, because those targets are likely to be more massive stars, which don't show starspots, or are facula dominated.

In [9]:


In [10]:
plt.axvspan(9.5, 10.9, alpha=0.5, color='#f39c12')
plt.axhspan(0.03, 0.285, alpha=0.5, color='#1abc9c')
plt.plot(df_C16.Kmag, df_C16['Raw-Amp'], 'o', ms=3, color='#2980b9', mec='#ecf0f1')
plt.xlim(8, 20)
plt.ylim(0, 0.30)

plt.xlabel('$K$ (mag)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (mag)')
plt.savefig('/Users/obsidian/Desktop/beehive/iSHELL_beehive.png', dpi=300)

Well, there are a few objects in the target range.

In [11]:
subset = (df_C16.Kmag > 9.5) & (df_C16.Kmag < 10.9) & (df_C16['Raw-Amp'] > 0.03)

NAME EPIC Mass r'mag Kmag Prot1 Power1 Qual1 Clean? Threshold Prot2 Power2 Qual2 Multi-Prot? Spot-Evol? Blended? Binary Raw-Amp Smoothed-Amp Prot-Flag PTF-Prot SWASP-Prot Scholz-Prot Kovacs-Prot Kpmag Notes EPIC ID RA (J2000) [deg] Dec (J2000) [deg] magnitude Investigation IDs
36 KW434 2.11936e+08 1.05 11.13 9.64 4.18 0.6546 0.0 Y 0.00868 NaN NaN NaN N Y N conf 0.05169 2.09998 K NaN NaN NaN 8.27 11.18 amplitude increases significantly over campaign 211935518 130.476516 19.257418 11.181 GO16001_LC|GO16009_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
99 KW256 2.1192e+08 1.00 12.30 10.01 4.67 0.4304 0.0 Y 0.00849 NaN NaN NaN M Y M cand 0.06078 2.22994 D NaN 4.80 NaN 9.76 12.34 NaN 211920022 130.023816 19.025183 12.339 GO16009_LC|GO16020_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
160 KW401 2.1191e+08 0.98 12.36 10.15 2.42 0.8636 0.0 Y 0.00818 NaN NaN NaN N Y N conf 0.06528 3.08847 D NaN 2.43 NaN 9.61 12.36 NaN 211909748 130.37795 18.871872 12.363 GO16009_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|GO16031_LC|G...
165 KW448 2.11937e+08 0.97 11.87 10.17 7.89 0.6878 0.0 Y 0.00861 NaN NaN NaN N Y N NaN 0.03040 1.21676 K NaN NaN NaN 7.97 11.90 NaN 211936827 130.54791 19.277002 11.9 GO16009_LC|GO16020_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
186 AD 1508 2.12009e+08 0.72 14.14 10.77 1.56 0.8841 0.0 Y 0.00875 NaN NaN NaN N Y N cand 0.04566 2.05561 P 1.55 NaN NaN 11.22 14.07 NaN 212009427 127.874459 20.410422 14.072 GO16011_LC|GO16022_LC|GO16031_LC|GO16052_LC|G...

In [12]:

Index(['NAME', 'EPIC', 'Mass', 'r'mag', 'Kmag', 'Prot1', 'Power1', 'Qual1',
       'Clean?', 'Threshold', 'Prot2', 'Power2', 'Qual2', 'Multi-Prot?',
       'Spot-Evol?', 'Blended?', 'Binary', 'Raw-Amp', 'Smoothed-Amp',
       'Prot-Flag', 'PTF-Prot', 'SWASP-Prot', 'Scholz-Prot', 'Kovacs-Prot',
       'Kpmag', 'Notes', 'EPIC ID', ' RA (J2000) [deg]', ' Dec (J2000) [deg]',
       ' magnitude', ' Investigation IDs'],

In [13]:

NAME EPIC Mass r'mag Kmag Prot1 Power1 Qual1 Clean? Threshold Prot2 Power2 Qual2 Multi-Prot? Spot-Evol? Blended? Binary Raw-Amp Smoothed-Amp Prot-Flag PTF-Prot SWASP-Prot Scholz-Prot Kovacs-Prot Kpmag Notes EPIC ID RA (J2000) [deg] Dec (J2000) [deg] magnitude Investigation IDs
36 KW434 2.11936e+08 1.05 11.13 9.64 4.18 0.6546 0.0 Y 0.00868 NaN NaN NaN N Y N conf 0.05169 2.09998 K NaN NaN NaN 8.27 11.18 amplitude increases significantly over campaign 211935518 130.476516 19.257418 11.181 GO16001_LC|GO16009_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
99 KW256 2.1192e+08 1.00 12.30 10.01 4.67 0.4304 0.0 Y 0.00849 NaN NaN NaN M Y M cand 0.06078 2.22994 D NaN 4.80 NaN 9.76 12.34 NaN 211920022 130.023816 19.025183 12.339 GO16009_LC|GO16020_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
160 KW401 2.1191e+08 0.98 12.36 10.15 2.42 0.8636 0.0 Y 0.00818 NaN NaN NaN N Y N conf 0.06528 3.08847 D NaN 2.43 NaN 9.61 12.36 NaN 211909748 130.37795 18.871872 12.363 GO16009_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|GO16031_LC|G...
165 KW448 2.11937e+08 0.97 11.87 10.17 7.89 0.6878 0.0 Y 0.00861 NaN NaN NaN N Y N NaN 0.03040 1.21676 K NaN NaN NaN 7.97 11.90 NaN 211936827 130.54791 19.277002 11.9 GO16009_LC|GO16020_LC|GO16021_LC|GO16022_LC|G...
186 AD 1508 2.12009e+08 0.72 14.14 10.77 1.56 0.8841 0.0 Y 0.00875 NaN NaN NaN N Y N cand 0.04566 2.05561 P 1.55 NaN NaN 11.22 14.07 NaN 212009427 127.874459 20.410422 14.072 GO16011_LC|GO16022_LC|GO16031_LC|GO16052_LC|G...

In [14]:
good_cols = ['NAME', 'EPIC', 'Mass', "r'mag", 'Kmag', 'Prot1',
       'Clean?', 'Multi-Prot?',
       'Spot-Evol?', 'Blended?', 'Binary', 'Raw-Amp', 'Smoothed-Amp',
       'Kpmag', 'EPIC ID', ' RA (J2000) [deg]', ' Dec (J2000) [deg]',
       ' magnitude']

In [15]:

Index(['NAME', 'EPIC', 'Mass', 'r'mag', 'Kmag', 'Prot1', 'Power1', 'Qual1',
       'Clean?', 'Threshold', 'Prot2', 'Power2', 'Qual2', 'Multi-Prot?',
       'Spot-Evol?', 'Blended?', 'Binary', 'Raw-Amp', 'Smoothed-Amp',
       'Prot-Flag', 'PTF-Prot', 'SWASP-Prot', 'Scholz-Prot', 'Kovacs-Prot',
       'Kpmag', 'Notes', 'EPIC ID', ' RA (J2000) [deg]', ' Dec (J2000) [deg]',
       ' magnitude', ' Investigation IDs'],

In [16]:

36 99 160 165 186
NAME KW434 KW256 KW401 KW448 AD 1508
EPIC 2.11936e+08 2.1192e+08 2.1191e+08 2.11937e+08 2.12009e+08
Mass 1.05 1 0.98 0.97 0.72
r'mag 11.13 12.3 12.36 11.87 14.14
Kmag 9.64 10.01 10.15 10.17 10.77
Prot1 4.18 4.67 2.42 7.89 1.56
Clean? Y Y Y Y Y
Multi-Prot? N M N N N
Spot-Evol? Y Y Y Y Y
Blended? N M N N N
Binary conf cand conf NaN cand
Raw-Amp 0.05169 0.06078 0.06528 0.0304 0.04566
Smoothed-Amp 2.09998 2.22994 3.08847 1.21676 2.05561
Prot-Flag K D D K P
Kpmag 11.18 12.34 12.36 11.9 14.07
EPIC ID 211935518 211920022 211909748 211936827 212009427
RA (J2000) [deg] 130.476516 130.023816 130.37795 130.54791 127.874459
Dec (J2000) [deg] 19.257418 19.025183 18.871872 19.277002 20.410422
magnitude 11.181 12.339 12.363 11.9 14.072

In [17]:
pd.merge(df_C16[subset][good_cols], df2, on='EPIC').T

0 1 2 3 4
NAME_x KW434 KW256 KW401 KW448 AD 1508
EPIC 2.11936e+08 2.1192e+08 2.1191e+08 2.11937e+08 2.12009e+08
Mass 1.05 1 0.98 0.97 0.72
r'mag 11.13 12.3 12.36 11.87 14.14
Kmag 9.64 10.01 10.15 10.17 10.77
Prot1 4.18 4.67 2.42 7.89 1.56
Clean? Y Y Y Y Y
Multi-Prot? N M N N N
Spot-Evol? Y Y Y Y Y
Blended? N M N N N
Binary_x conf cand conf NaN cand
Raw-Amp 0.05169 0.06078 0.06528 0.0304 0.04566
Smoothed-Amp 2.09998 2.22994 3.08847 1.21676 2.05561
Prot-Flag K D D K P
Kpmag 11.18 12.34 12.36 11.9 14.07
EPIC ID 211935518 211920022 211909748 211936827 212009427
RA (J2000) [deg] 130.476516 130.023816 130.37795 130.54791 127.874459
Dec (J2000) [deg] 19.257418 19.025183 18.871872 19.277002 20.410422
magnitude 11.181 12.339 12.363 11.9 14.072
NAME_y KW434 KW256 KW401 KW448 AD 1508
2MASS J08415438+1915267 J08400572+1901307 J08413071+1852188 J08421149+1916374 J08312987+2024375
RAh 8 8 8 8 8
RAm 41 40 41 42 31
RAs 54.37 5.71 30.7 11.49 29.87
DEd 19 19 18 19 20
DEm 15 1 52 16 24
DEs 26.57 30.66 18.75 37.22 37.49
Epoch 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Binary_y SB1 photometric visual planet photometric
Triple NaN NaN candidate planet NaN
Refs mermilliod1999;halbwachs2003;mermilliod2009 douglas2014 bouvier2001;douglas2014 quinn2012;malavolta2016 douglas2014

Read in the lightcurve

In [18]:
df_vdb = pd.read_csv('~/Desktop/beehive/c05/211900000/35518/' + \
                     'hlsp_k2sff_k2_lightcurve_211935518-c05_kepler_v1_llc-default-aper.txt', usecols=[0,1])

In [19]:

Index(['BJD - 2454833', ' Corrected Flux'], dtype='object')

In [23]:
#plt.plot(df_vdb['BJD - 2454833'], df_vdb[' Corrected Flux'])

In [24]:
#phased = np.mod(df_vdb['BJD - 2454833'], 3.932626)

In [25]:
#plt.plot(phased, df_vdb[' Corrected Flux'], '.')
