Model Specification for 1st-Level fMRI Analysis

Nipype provides also an interfaces to create a first level Model for an fMRI analysis. Such a model is needed to specify the study specific information, such as condition, their onsets and durations. For more information, make sure to check out Model Specificaton and nipype.algorithms.modelgen

Simple Example

Let's consider a simple experiment, where we have three different stimuli such as 'faces', 'houses' and 'scrambled pix'. Now each of those three conditions has different stimuli onsets, but all of them have a stimuli presentation duration of 3 seconds.

So to summarize:

conditions = ['faces', 'houses', 'scrambled pix']
onsets = [[0, 30, 60, 90],
          [10, 40, 70, 100],
          [20, 50, 80, 110]]
durations = [[3], [3], [3]]

The way we would create this model with Nipype is almsot as simple as that. The only step that is missing is to put this all into a Bunch object. This can be done as follows:

In [ ]:
from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch

conditions = ['faces', 'houses', 'scrambled pix']
onsets = [[0, 30, 60, 90],
          [10, 40, 70, 100],
          [20, 50, 80, 110]]
durations = [[3], [3], [3]]

subject_info = Bunch(conditions=conditions,

It's also possible to specify additional regressors. For this you need to additionally specify:

  • regressors: list of regressors that you want to include in the model (must correspond to the number of volumes in the functional run)
  • regressor_names: name of the regressors that you want to include

Example based on dataset

Now for a more realistic example, let's look at a TVA file from our tutorial dataset.

In [ ]:
!cat /data/ds102/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-flanker_run-1_events.tsv

onset	duration	trial_type	response_time	correctness	StimVar	Rsponse	Stimulus	cond
0.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	1.095	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
10.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.988	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
20.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.591	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
30.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.499	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
40.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.719	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
52.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.544	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
64.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.436	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
76.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.47	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
88.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.409	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
102.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.563	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
116.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.493	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
130.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.398	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
140.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.466	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
150.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.518	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
164.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.56	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
174.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.533	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
184.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.439	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
196.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.458	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
208.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.734	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
220.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.479	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
232.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.538	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
246.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.54	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001
260.0	2.0	incongruent_correct	0.622	correct	2	1	incongruent	cond003
274.0	2.0	congruent_correct	0.488	correct	1	1	congruent	cond001

So, the only things that we need to specify our model are the onset and the stimuli type, i.e. column 0 and column 5 or 7. Those we can get with the command:

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
filename = '/data/ds102/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-flanker_run-1_events.tsv'
trailinfo = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter='\t', dtype=None, skip_header=1)
trailinfo = [[t[0], t[7]] for t in trailinfo]

Before we can use the onsets, we first need to split them into the two conditions:

In [ ]:
onset1 = []
onset2 = []

for t in trailinfo:
    if 'incongruent' in t[1]:

print onset1
print onset2

The last thing we now need to to is to put this into a Bunch object and we're done:

In [ ]:
from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch

conditions = ['congruent', 'incongruent']
onsets = [onset1, onset2]
durations = [[2], [2]]

subject_info = Bunch(conditions=conditions,