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import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import uniform
from scipy.stats import expon
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size
We know there are 1347 sites out of 15988 that differ between mitochondrial sequences of those two species, based on the comparison between two sequences downloaded from the NCBI. We also have estimates of substitution rate per base per year in Columbidae and Elephantidae and between the Chimpanzee and the Gorilla (see earlier questions). We will build a Bayesian model to incorporate this rate information as a prior on the rate of evolution for our pair, so that we can estimate the date of divergence between Bonobos and Humans. __Discutez les différences entre inférence Bayésienne et inférence par maximum de vraisemblance.__
To build a Bayesian model, one needs to define the likelihood $P(D|M)$ with $D$ the data and $M$ the model, and the prior, $P(M)$. The product of those two constitute the unnormalized posterior probability. In the following we will define the priors and the likelihood so that we can compute the unnormalized posterior probability. Then we will implement a Metropolis MCMC inference algorithm.
There are two parameters in our model: the rate of evolution, and the time of divergence. We need to define priors for both.
Based on the rates we have estimated in previous questions, I decide to use a uniform prior on substitution rate between 4 10-9 and 4 10-8. We want a probability between 0 and 1, so we use the trick below. __Donnez un autre exemple de distribution a priori qui serait raisonnable selon vous.__
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# Function to compute the prior P(M)
def prior_rate (rate):
return uniform.pdf(rate*1e9, loc=4, scale=36)
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mini = 1e4
maxi = 1e8
# Function to compute the prior P(M)
def prior_time (time):
return uniform.pdf(math.log(time), loc=math.log(mini), scale=math.log(maxi/mini))
The likelihood is $P(D|M)$. Here the data is the number of sites that differ out of all sites that can be compared. According to the Jukes-Cantor model, the probability that a site differs in the two species is $$p_{diff}=3/4(1- exp(-2t\lambda))$$ Since two bases are either different or the same, we have $$p_{same}=1-p_{diff} = 1/4+3/4 exp(-2t\lambda))$$ Therefore, assuming independence among sites, the likelihood of having $k$ sites that differ out of $n$ is: $$P(D|M) = p_{diff}^kp_{same}^{n-k}$$
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# Function to compute the likelihood P(D|M)
def likelihood (n_diff, n_same, time, rate):
expminus2tlambda = math.exp(-2*time*rate)
p = pow(3/4*(1 -expminus2tlambda), n_diff) * pow(1/4+(3/4)*expminus2tlambda, n_same)
return p
# It does not scale well, we have to use the log-likelihood
# Function to compute the likelihood P(D|M)
def log_likelihood (n_diff, n_same, time, rate):
expminus2tlambda = math.exp(-2*time*rate)
logp = n_diff*math.log(3/4*(1 -expminus2tlambda)) + n_same * math.log(1/4+(3/4)*expminus2tlambda)
return logp
# Function to compute the un-normalized posterior P(D|M) * P(M)
def unnormalized_posterior (n_diff, n_same, time, rate):
return likelihood(n_diff, n_same, time, rate) * prior_rate(rate) * prior_time(time)
# Function to compute the un-normalized posterior P(D|M) * P(M)
def unnormalized_log_posterior (n_diff, n_same, time, rate):
return log_likelihood(n_diff, n_same, time, rate) + math.log(prior_rate(rate)) + math.log(prior_time(time))
# Function to compute the un-normalized posterior P(D|M) * P(M)
def prior (time, rate):
return prior_rate(rate) * prior_time(time)
def log_prior (time, rate):
return math.log(prior_rate(rate)) + math.log(prior_time(time))
In [5]:
# Function to propose a new rate value, randomly drawn between 4e-09 and 4e-08
def propose_new_rate_value():
return uniform.rvs(loc=4, scale=36, size=1)[0]/1e9
# Function to propose a new time value, randomly drawn between 1e04 and 1e08
def propose_new_time_value():
return math.exp(uniform.rvs(loc=math.log(mini), scale=math.log(maxi/mini), size=1)[0])
# Function to run Metropolis MCMC inference
def MetropolisMCMC(n_diff, n_same, number_iterations, prior_only):
current_rate_value = propose_new_rate_value()
record_rate_parameter = []
current_time_value = propose_new_time_value()
record_time_parameter = []
print("Initial rate value for the MCMC: "+str(current_rate_value))
print("Initial time value for the MCMC: "+str(current_time_value))
current_posterior = 0.0
if not prior_only:
current_posterior = unnormalized_log_posterior(n_diff, n_same, current_time_value, current_rate_value)
current_posterior = log_prior(current_time_value, current_rate_value)
print("Initial probability of the model: " + str(current_posterior))
record_posterior = []
for i in range (number_iterations):
acceptance_threshold = random.random()
proposed_rate_value = propose_new_rate_value()
proposed_time_value = propose_new_time_value()
proposed_posterior = 0.0
if (not prior_only):
proposed_posterior = unnormalized_log_posterior(n_diff, n_same, proposed_time_value, proposed_rate_value)
proposed_posterior = log_prior(proposed_time_value, proposed_rate_value)
if (proposed_posterior > current_posterior or math.exp(proposed_posterior - current_posterior) > acceptance_threshold):
current_rate_value = proposed_rate_value
current_time_value = proposed_time_value
current_posterior = proposed_posterior
return record_rate_parameter, record_time_parameter, record_posterior
First, we run the MCMC with the data, then we run the MCMC without considering the data, so that we can compare the two results. __Expliquez pourquoi il est important de comparer les résultats obtenus en utilisant les données aux résultats obtenus en se basant seulement sur les distributions a priori.__
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# Running with the data: inference of the posterior
rate_params, time_params, posteriors = MetropolisMCMC(1347,15988-1347, 50000, False)
In [7]:
# Running under the prior only, without data
rate_params_prior, time_params_prior, posteriors_prior = MetropolisMCMC(1347, 15988-1347, 20000, True)
In [8]:
plt.ylabel("Posterior probability")
In [9]:
plt.ylabel("Rate parameter value")
In [10]:
plt.ylabel("Time parameter value")
In [16]:
axes = plt.gca()
sns.kdeplot(np.array(time_params), lw=5, color="green", shade=True, legend=True, label="Posterior")
sns.kdeplot(np.array(time_params_prior), lw=5, color="blue", shade=True, legend=True, label="Prior")
plt.xlabel("Divergence time")
In [12]:
print("Median time estimate from the posterior: ")
print("Compared to the prior: ")
In [13]:
def HDI_from_MCMC(posterior_samples, credible_mass):
# Computes highest density interval from a sample of representative values,
# estimated as the shortest credible interval
# Takes Arguments posterior_samples (samples from posterior) and credible mass (normally .95)
sorted_points = sorted(posterior_samples)
ciIdxInc = np.ceil(credible_mass * len(sorted_points)).astype('int')
nCIs = len(sorted_points) - ciIdxInc
ciWidth = [0]*nCIs
for i in range(0, nCIs):
ciWidth[i] = sorted_points[i + ciIdxInc] - sorted_points[i]
HDImin = sorted_points[ciWidth.index(min(ciWidth))]
HDImax = sorted_points[ciWidth.index(min(ciWidth))+ciIdxInc]
return(HDImin, HDImax)
print("95% credibility interval from the posterior: ")
print(HDI_from_MCMC(time_params, 0.95))
print("Compared to the interval from the prior: ")
print(HDI_from_MCMC(time_params_prior, 0.95))
__Discutez les résultats ci-dessus : y-a-t-il une différence entre les valeurs obtenues avec (posterior) ou sans données (prior seulement) ?
Quelle estimation de la date de divergence pouvez-vous donner ? Pour comparaison, le site, qui s'appuie sur la littérature scientifique pour donner les dates de divergences entre espèces, donne une date de divergence d'environ 6.4Mya entre Bonobo et homme.
Proposez des façons d'améliorer l'analyse Bayésienne ci-dessus.__</font>
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