In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import seaborn as sns

In [2]:
fname = ""
births = pd.read_table(fname)

In [3]:

fAge mAge weeks premature visits gained weight sexBaby smoke
0 31 30 39 full term 13 1 6.88 male smoker
1 34 36 39 full term 5 35 7.69 male nonsmoker
2 36 35 40 full term 12 29 8.88 male nonsmoker
3 41 40 40 full term 13 30 9.00 female nonsmoker
4 42 37 40 full term NaN 10 7.94 male nonsmoker

In [4]:
# get unique element from a given column

array(['full term', 'premie'], dtype=object)

In [5]:

array(['smoker', 'nonsmoker'], dtype=object)

In [6]:
# total number of "null" (NA, NaN) elements in a given column


In [7]:
# total number of null elements for each column

fAge         31
mAge          0
weeks         0
premature     0
visits        1
gained        2
weight        0
sexBaby       0
smoke         0
dtype: int64

In [8]:
# ispremie and isfullterm are boolean pandas.Series whose length is the number 
# of rows in births
ispremie = births.premature == "premie"
isfullterm = births.premature == "full term"

# can get number of Trues by summing boolean Series
nfullterm = isfullterm.sum()
npremie = ispremie.sum()

print("Full term births:", nfullterm)
print("Premature births:", npremie)

Full term births: 129
Premature births: 21

In [9]:
isgirl = births.sexBaby == "female"
isboy = births.sexBaby == "male"

# index into the birth DataFrame w/boolean Series, return new DataFrames
babyGirls = births[isgirl]
babyBoys = births[isboy]

print("Baby girls:", len(babyGirls))
print("Baby boys:", len(babyBoys))

Baby girls: 68
Baby boys: 82

In [10]:
# pandas.Series and numpy.array support bitwise and (&) and bitwise or (|) operators
premieGirls = births[isgirl & ispremie]
premieBoys = births[isboy & ispremie]

print("Premie girls:", len(premieGirls))
print("Premie boys:", len(premieBoys))

Premie girls: 8
Premie boys: 13

In [11]:
# use of bitwise or to get premature OR mother smoked
momsmoked = births.smoke == "smoker"
premieOrMomSmoked = births[ispremie | momsmoked]
print("Premie or Mom Smoked:", len(premieOrMomSmoked))

Premie or Mom Smoked: 63

In [12]:
# demonstrating bitwise operations on numpy arrays
a = np.array([True, False, True])
b = np.array([False, False, True])
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
print("bitwise and, a & b = ", a & b)
print("bitwise or, a | b = ", a | b)

a = [ True False  True]
b = [False False  True]
bitwise and, a & b =  [False False  True]
bitwise or, a | b =  [ True False  True]


The DataFrame.query method provides another interface for querying the columns of a DataFrame with a Boolean expression. It is convenient because it allows for more compact expressions.

In [13]:
premieAndSmoke = births.query('(premature == "premie") and (smoke == "smoker")')

fAge mAge weeks premature visits gained weight sexBaby smoke
7 28 21 35 premie 9 15 5.50 female smoker
8 22 20 32 premie 5 40 2.69 male smoker
18 28 27 33 premie 6 18 4.75 male smoker
21 NaN 38 32 premie 10 16 2.19 female smoker
46 30 25 35 premie 15 40 4.50 male smoker
66 29 31 36 premie 8 42 5.94 male smoker
125 NaN 18 33 premie 7 40 1.69 male smoker
127 37 33 36 premie 11 15 6.31 male smoker


The DataFrame.groupby method provides a convenient way to collapse data over categorical variables and create summary analyses.

In [14]:
termgroup = births.groupby("premature")

In [15]:
# apply an summary function w/respect to the grouping

fAge gained mAge visits weeks weight
full term count 104.000000 127.000000 129.000000 128.000000 129.000000 129.000000
mean 29.961538 33.755906 26.534884 11.875000 39.403101 7.426357
std 6.154836 15.531696 5.962181 3.452718 1.518219 1.033136
min 17.000000 0.000000 15.000000 3.000000 37.000000 3.750000
25% 25.000000 24.500000 22.000000 10.000000 38.000000 6.880000
50% 30.000000 32.000000 26.000000 12.000000 39.000000 7.500000
75% 34.000000 40.000000 31.000000 15.000000 40.000000 8.130000
max 47.000000 85.000000 40.000000 19.000000 44.000000 10.130000
premie count 15.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000
mean 28.533333 24.571429 27.000000 9.238095 33.285714 4.709524
std 6.151268 14.358173 7.797435 3.973723 2.777460 1.789926
min 17.000000 0.000000 17.000000 2.000000 26.000000 1.630000
25% 26.000000 15.000000 21.000000 6.000000 32.000000 3.630000
50% 28.000000 23.000000 25.000000 10.000000 34.000000 4.750000
75% 33.000000 32.000000 33.000000 13.000000 35.000000 5.940000
max 38.000000 60.000000 41.000000 15.000000 36.000000 7.810000

In [16]:


In [17]:
# the groupby object has a groups dictionary associated with it


In [18]:
# the keys of this dictionary are the actual grouping terms

dict_keys(['full term', 'premie'])

In [19]:
# get a specific group
premies = termgroup.get_group('premie')

(pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, (21, 8))

Grouping on multiple variables simultaneously

In [20]:
term_and_smoke_group = births.groupby(["premature", "smoke"])

In [21]:

dict_keys([('premie', 'nonsmoker'), ('full term', 'smoker'), ('premie', 'smoker'), ('full term', 'nonsmoker')])

In [22]:

premature  smoke           
full term  nonsmoker  count    87.000000
                      mean      7.501379
                      std       1.055419
                      min       3.750000
                      25%       6.880000
                      50%       7.500000
                      75%       8.160000
                      max      10.130000
           smoker     count    42.000000
                      mean      7.270952
                      std       0.979337
                      min       5.000000
                      25%       6.562500
                      50%       7.310000
                      75%       7.985000
                      max       9.130000
premie     nonsmoker  count    13.000000
                      mean      5.025385
                      std       1.790943
                      min       1.630000
                      25%       3.750000
                      50%       5.060000
                      75%       6.500000
                      max       7.810000
           smoker     count     8.000000
                      mean      4.196250
                      std       1.780144
                      min       1.690000
                      25%       2.565000
                      50%       4.625000
                      75%       5.610000
                      max       6.310000
dtype: float64

Matplotlib: an object oriented approach

Up to now we've been mostly using what is a "function based" approach to Matlotlib, where we build up a plot by a series of function calls. This works pretty well, but starts to break down when we want to create more complicated plots. There's another way to approach plot-building in Matplotlib, built around manipulation of figure and axis objects. I demonstrate these two styles of plot-building below.

Function based approach to Matplotlib

Here's an example of the "function based" approach. Notice that we call four functions in succession: scatter, xlabel, ylabel, and title.

In [23]:
plt.scatter(births.mAge, births.fAge)
plt.xlabel("Age of Mother")
plt.ylabel("Age of Father")
plt.title("Relationship between Age of Parents\nBased on 150 births from NC")

Object oriented approach to Matplotlib

Here's the same plot, created using an object oriented approach. I build it up step by step so you can see that the figure and axis objects stand on their own.

In [24]:
# create just the figure and axis objects
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) # left, bottom, width, height

In [25]:
# create our figure and axis objects
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) # left, bottom, width, height

# change/add features of axis
axes.scatter(births.mAge, births.fAge)
axes.set_xlabel("Age of Mother")
axes.set_ylabel("Age of Father")
axes.set_title("Relationship between Age of Parents\nBased on 150 births from NC")


Creating a new visualization

Above we recreated the scatter plot using the object oriented approach, but the code was somewhat more verbose. However, the object oriented approach really starts to shine when we want to start tweaking the figure and adding new elements. Here I'll recreate the scatter plot and then add two new axes, depicting the marginal histograms on the top and right side.

In [26]:
# create our figure and axis objects
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))

# note that we've made the main axis take up less of the total figure 
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5]) # left, bottom, width, height

# change/add features of axis
axes.scatter(births.mAge, births.fAge)
axes.set_xlabel("Age of Mother")
axes.set_ylabel("Age of Father")

# add new axis on right of figure to draw histogram of father's age
# I figured these out the  coordinates and width by sketching and trial and error
right = fig.add_axes([0.7, 0.1, 0.15, 0.5])  
right.hist(births.fAge[births.fAge.notnull()], orientation="horizontal", normed=True)
right.set_ylim(10,50)  # for figure to be accurate, these limits must match main figure limits

# add new axis on top of figure to draw histogram of mother's age
above = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.15])
above.hist(births.fAge[births.fAge.notnull()], orientation="vertical", normed=True)


More on the Matplotlib object oriented approach

For more details and a longer exposition of this object oriented approach to matplotlib see this tutorial by J. R. Johannson.

Seaborn: A statistical data visualization library

In [27]:
import seaborn as sbn

In [28]:
sbn.distplot(births.weight, color='r')

Density plots

In [29]:
# Plot a histogram with a kernel density estimate (kde)
ax = sns.distplot(births.weight, color="r")

In [30]:
# Plot a kde with a rug plot
ax = sns.distplot(births.weight, hist=False, rug=True, color="r")

Kernel Density Estimates have a parameter called "band-width" which controls the degree of smoothing.

In [31]:
sns.kdeplot(births.weight, bw=0.1, label='bw = 0.1')
sns.kdeplot(births.weight, bw=0.25, label='bw = 0.25')
sns.kdeplot(births.weight, bw=0.5, label='bw = 0.5')
sns.rugplot(births.weight, color='black')

In [34]:
sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="pastel", color_codes=True)
sns.violinplot(x="smoke", y="weight", hue="premature", data=births, split=True,
               palette={"full term": "b", "premie": "y"})
plt.legend(loc='upper center')

In [ ]: