An M/M/c queue is a basic queue with $c$ identical servers, exponentially distributed interarrival times, and exponentially distributed service times for each server. The arrival rate is defined as $\lambda$ such that the interarrival time distribution has mean $1/\lambda$. Similarly, the service rate is defined as $\mu$ such that the service time distribution has mean $1/\mu$ (for each server). The overall traffic intensity of the queue is $\rho = \lambda / (c \mu)$. If the traffic intensity exceeds one, the queue is unstable and the queue length will grow indefinitely.
In [ ]:
In [2]:
using Distributions
using SimJulia, ResumableFunctions
In [3]:
srand(8710) # set random number seed for reproducibility
num_customers = 10 # total number of customers generated
num_servers = 2 # number of servers
mu = 1.0 / 2 # service rate
lam = 0.9 # arrival rate
arrival_dist = Exponential(1 / lam) # interarrival time distriubtion
service_dist = Exponential(1 / mu); # service time distribution
In [4]:
@resumable function customer(env::Environment, server::Resource, id::Integer, time_arr::Float64, dist_serve::Distribution)
@yield timeout(env, time_arr) # customer arrives
println("Customer $id arrived: ", now(env))
@yield request(server) # customer starts service
println("Customer $id entered service: ", now(env))
@yield timeout(env, rand(dist_serve)) # server is busy
@yield release(server) # customer exits service
println("Customer $id exited service: ", now(env))
In [5]:
sim = Simulation() # initialize simulation environment
server = Resource(sim, num_servers) # initialize servers
arrival_time = 0.0
for i = 1:num_customers # initialize customers
arrival_time += rand(arrival_dist)
@process customer(sim, server, i, arrival_time, service_dist)
run(sim) # run simulation