Evaluate mock community classification accuracy

The purpose of this notebook is to evaluate taxonomic classification accuracy of mock communities using different classification methods.

Prepare the environment

First we'll import various functions that we'll need for generating the report.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from os.path import join, exists, expandvars
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, Markdown
import seaborn.xkcd_rgb as colors
from tax_credit.plotting_functions import (pointplot_from_data_frame,
from tax_credit.eval_framework import (evaluate_results,

Configure local environment-specific values

This is the only cell that you will need to edit to generate basic reports locally. After editing this cell, you can run all cells in this notebook to generate your analysis report. This will take a few minutes to run, as results are computed at multiple taxonomic levels.

Values in this cell will not need to be changed, with the exception of project_dir, to generate the default results contained within tax-credit. To analyze results separately from the tax-credit precomputed results, other variables in this cell will need to be set.

In [2]:
## project_dir should be the directory where you've downloaded (or cloned) the 
## tax-credit repository. 
project_dir = expandvars("../../")

## expected_results_dir contains expected composition data in the structure
## expected_results_dir/<dataset name>/<reference name>/expected/
expected_results_dir = join(project_dir, "data/precomputed-results/", "mock-community")

## mock_results_fp designates the files to which summary results are written.
## If this file exists, it can be read in to generate results plots, instead
## of computing new scores.
mock_results_fp = join(expected_results_dir, 'mock_results.tsv')

## results_dirs should contain the directory or directories where
## results can be found. By default, this is the same location as expected 
## results included with the project. If other results should be included, 
## absolute paths to those directories should be added to this list.
results_dirs = [expected_results_dir]

## directory containing mock community data, e.g., feature table without taxonomy
mock_dir = join(project_dir, "data", "mock-community")

## Minimum number of times an OTU must be observed for it to be included in analyses. Edit this
## to analyze the effect of the minimum count on taxonomic results.
min_count = 1

## Define the range of taxonomic levels over which to compute accuracy scores.
## The default given below will compute order (level 2) through species (level 6)
taxonomy_level_range = range(2,7)

# we can save plots in this directory
outdir = join(expandvars("../../../"), 'plots')

In [3]:
dataset_ids = ['mock-1', 'mock-2', 'mock-3', 'mock-4', 'mock-5', 'mock-7', 'mock-8', 'mock-9',
               'mock-10', 'mock-12', 'mock-16', 'mock-18', 'mock-19', 'mock-20', 'mock-21', 
               'mock-22', 'mock-23', 'mock-24', 'mock-26-ITS1', 'mock-26-ITS9']
method_ids = ['rdp', 'sortmerna', 'uclust', 'blast', 'blast+', 'naive-bayes', 'naive-bayes-bespoke', 'vsearch']
ref_ids = ['gg_13_8_otus', 'unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS']

Find mock community pre-computed tables, expected tables, and "query" tables

Next we'll use the paths defined above to find all of the tables that will be compared. These include the pre-computed result tables (i.e., the ones that the new methods will be compared to), the expected result tables (i.e., the tables containing the known composition of the mock microbial communities), and the query result tables (i.e., the tables generated with the new method(s) that we want to compare to the pre-computed result tables).

Note: if you have added additional methods to add, set append=True. If you are attempting to recompute pre-computed results, set force=True.

This cell will take a few minutes to run if new results are being added, so hold onto your hat. If you are attempting to re-compute everything, it may take an hour or so, so go take a nap.

In [4]:
mock_results = evaluate_results(results_dirs, 

../../data/precomputed-results/mock-community/mock_results.tsv already exists.
Reading in pre-computed evaluation results.
To overwrite, set force=True
Results have been filtered to only include datasets or reference databases or methods or parameters that are explicitly set by results params. To disable this function and load all results, set dataset_ids and reference_ids and method_ids and parameter_ids to None.

Restrict analyses to a set of datasets or references: e.g., exclude taxonomy assignments made for purpose of reference database comparisons. This can be performed as shown below — alternatively, specific reference databases, datasets, methods, or parameters can be chosen by setting dataset_ids, reference_ids, method_ids, and parameter_ids in the evaluate_results command above.

In [5]:
# mock_results = filter_df(mock_results, column_name='Method', values=['naive-bayes'], exclude=False)
mock_results = mock_results.reset_index(drop=True)

Compute and summarize precision, recall, and F-measure for mock communities

In this evaluation, we compute and summarize precision, recall, and F-measure of each result (pre-computed and query) based on the known composition of the mock communities. We then summarize the results in two ways: first with boxplots, and second with a table of the top methods based on their F-measures. Higher scores = better accuracy

As a first step, we will evaluate average method performance at each taxonomic level for each method within each reference dataset type.

Note that, as parameter configurations can cause results to vary widely, average results are not a good representation of the "best" results. See here for results using optimized parameters for each method.

First we will define our color palette and the variables we want to plot. Via seaborn, we can apply the xkcd crowdsourced color names. If that still doesn't match your hue, use hex codes.

In [6]:
    'expected': 'black', 'rdp': colors['baby shit green'], 'sortmerna': colors['macaroni and cheese'],
    'uclust': 'coral', 'blast': 'indigo', 'blast+': colors['electric purple'], 'naive-bayes': 'dodgerblue',
    'naive-bayes-bespoke': 'blue', 'vsearch': 'firebrick'

y_vars = ["Precision", "Recall", "F-measure", "Taxon Accuracy Rate", "Taxon Detection Rate"]

In [8]:
point = pointplot_from_data_frame(mock_results, "Level", y_vars, 
                                  group_by="Reference", color_by="Method",

In [10]:
for k, v in point.items():
    v.savefig(join(outdir, 'mock-{0}-lineplots.pdf'.format(k)))

Kruskal-Wallis between-method accuracy comparisons

Kruskal-Wallis FDR-corrected p-values comparing classification methods at each level of taxonomic assignment

In [11]:
result = per_level_kruskal_wallis(mock_results, y_vars, group_by='Method', 
                                  dataset_col='Reference', level_name='Level',
                                  levelrange=range(2,7), alpha=0.05, 

Reference Variable 2 3 4 5 6
0 gg_13_8_otus Precision 1.507747e-47 1.854806e-77 9.910988e-51 3.609426e-65 2.406841e-310
1 gg_13_8_otus Recall 3.113942e-51 6.712403e-242 1.789303e-273 0.000000e+00 4.778745e-205
2 gg_13_8_otus F-measure 2.755966e-50 1.397661e-242 3.850779e-272 0.000000e+00 5.978456e-211
3 gg_13_8_otus Taxon Accuracy Rate 5.037725e-12 4.870274e-76 8.147172e-60 2.475215e-302 0.000000e+00
4 gg_13_8_otus Taxon Detection Rate 1.326490e-30 4.209898e-31 3.360070e-19 3.921844e-241 0.000000e+00
5 unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS Precision 3.547503e-36 2.160250e-58 2.998770e-96 3.664661e-100 2.377685e-268
6 unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS Recall 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
7 unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS F-measure 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
8 unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS Taxon Accuracy Rate 1.173900e-161 8.258546e-169 1.677852e-191 1.505928e-226 0.000000e+00
9 unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS Taxon Detection Rate 1.489817e-91 3.993707e-132 2.571375e-147 8.253999e-176 0.000000e+00

Heatmaps of per-level accuracy

Heatmaps show the performance of individual method/parameter combinations at each taxonomic level, in each reference database (i.e., for bacterial and fungal mock communities individually).

In [12]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results, metric="Precision", rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Reference", "Level"])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x105546630>

In [13]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results, metric="Recall", rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Reference", "Level"])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11341f6d8>

In [14]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results, metric="F-measure", rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Reference", "Level"])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x114ab8e10>

In [15]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results, metric="Taxon Accuracy Rate", rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Reference", "Level"])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1166674e0>

In [16]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results, metric="Taxon Detection Rate", rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Reference", "Level"])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1149c4c88>

Now we will focus on results at species level (for genus level, change to level 5)

In [7]:
mock_results_6 = mock_results[mock_results['Level'] == 6]

In [8]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, group_by="Method", metric="Precision", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e569400>

In [9]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, group_by="Method", metric="Recall", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11086f588>

In [10]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, group_by="Method", metric="F-measure", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e8aa588>

In [11]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, group_by="Method", metric="Taxon Accuracy Rate", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10ead5a58>

In [12]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, group_by="Method", metric="Taxon Detection Rate", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e6d6b00>

Look at F-measure at genus level

In [13]:
mock_results_5 = mock_results[mock_results['Level'] == 5]

In [14]:
boxplot_from_data_frame(mock_results_5, group_by="Method", metric="F-measure", color_palette=color_palette)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e6b0550>

In [20]:

Level Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
blast 5 1.0 0.968912 0.984211 0.750000 0.727273
blast+ 5 1.0 0.849341 0.897696 0.583333 0.538462
naive-bayes 5 1.0 0.947026 0.951923 0.666667 0.636364
naive-bayes-bespoke 5 1.0 1.000000 1.000000 0.771429 0.636364
rdp 5 1.0 0.999990 0.999990 0.750000 0.727273
sortmerna 5 1.0 0.956708 0.972085 0.714286 0.636364
uclust 5 1.0 0.713621 0.810810 0.636364 0.542857
vsearch 5 1.0 0.894203 0.932479 0.628571 0.545455

In [23]:

Level Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
blast 0.0 0.091380 0.113460 0.099558 0.144590 0.189215
blast+ 0.0 0.321829 0.357214 0.349524 0.250316 0.263426
naive-bayes 0.0 0.350885 0.394216 0.378837 0.294774 0.299700
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.0 0.209343 0.274806 0.258039 0.213479 0.272208
rdp 0.0 0.097528 0.186111 0.152516 0.166270 0.207367
sortmerna 0.0 0.124508 0.195748 0.164674 0.169572 0.187481
uclust 0.0 0.068539 0.313915 0.309204 0.174172 0.212127
vsearch 0.0 0.095198 0.301211 0.266225 0.181140 0.215745

In [21]:

Level Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
blast 6 0.911808 0.898308 0.905669 0.578947 0.545455
blast+ 6 0.885315 0.406352 0.542705 0.410256 0.363636
naive-bayes 6 0.963514 0.766478 0.811590 0.520000 0.454545
naive-bayes-bespoke 6 1.000000 0.942217 0.948357 0.692308 0.636364
rdp 6 0.992066 0.947026 0.948357 0.600000 0.578947
sortmerna 6 0.995403 0.927770 0.932479 0.571429 0.460000
uclust 6 0.910492 0.289107 0.415764 0.440000 0.363636
vsearch 6 0.992308 0.458496 0.580192 0.428571 0.363636

In [22]:

Level Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
blast 0.0 0.203380 0.226256 0.215324 0.127848 0.148844
blast+ 0.0 0.405526 0.391825 0.388711 0.241750 0.230588
naive-bayes 0.0 0.361718 0.404387 0.390941 0.255675 0.236117
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.0 0.247967 0.330187 0.299690 0.207314 0.251360
rdp 0.0 0.177257 0.305923 0.267272 0.178491 0.168614
sortmerna 0.0 0.249246 0.313537 0.284816 0.168591 0.164231
uclust 0.0 0.185041 0.293794 0.291339 0.170592 0.168700
vsearch 0.0 0.202364 0.369768 0.341499 0.202229 0.197371

In the following heatmaps, we assess accuracy rates in each dataset X method configuration combination. This allows us to assess how evenly configurations affect performance, whether specific mock communities outperform of underperform relative to others, and generally assess how increasing/decreasing specific parameters affects accuracy.

In [25]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, "Precision")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11fd49630>

In [26]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, "Recall")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1201fdc18>

In [27]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, "F-measure")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x120085cc0>

In [28]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, "Taxon Accuracy Rate")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1202b2828>

In [29]:
heatmap_from_data_frame(mock_results_6, "Taxon Detection Rate")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x121fcecc0>

Method Optimization

Which method/parameter configuration performed "best" for a given score? We can rank the top-performing configuration by dataset, method, and taxonomic level.

First, the top-performing method/configuration combination by dataset.

In [30]:
for dataset in mock_results_6['Dataset'].unique():
    display(Markdown('## {0}'.format(dataset)))
    best = method_by_dataset_a1(mock_results_6, dataset)


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
4422 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.5 0.985273 0.817671 0.893681 0.860000 0.796296
1662 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 0.978409 0.800016 0.880266 0.679245 0.666667
2654 rdp 0.4 0.937163 0.705506 0.805000 0.603774 0.592593
3284 uclust 0.51:0.97:3 0.662203 0.509471 0.575883 0.551020 0.500000
2054 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.669105 0.494585 0.568759 0.565217 0.481481
2789 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.659963 0.413790 0.508657 0.511111 0.425926
299 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.624731 0.422299 0.503946 0.510638 0.444444
2879 blast 1e-10 0.624731 0.422299 0.503946 0.510638 0.444444


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
18993 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
13233 vsearch 1:0.75:0.97 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
6033 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
11313 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[14,14]:0.0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
16173 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
15753 rdp 0.2 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.777778 0.636364
16413 blast 1e-10 0.984163 0.984163 0.984163 0.666667 0.545455
17973 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.984163 0.984163 0.984163 0.666667 0.545455


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
28647 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.0 0.979330 0.823178 0.894490 0.840000 0.777778
26187 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 0.936550 0.756941 0.837221 0.705882 0.666667
27194 rdp 0.3 0.862963 0.668879 0.753626 0.627451 0.592593
27779 uclust 0.51:0.9:3 0.752492 0.466084 0.575630 0.571429 0.444444
27359 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.670887 0.496033 0.570360 0.545455 0.444444
24554 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.97 0.640563 0.500886 0.562179 0.543478 0.462963
27404 blast 1e-10 0.640563 0.500886 0.562179 0.543478 0.462963
26684 vsearch 1:0.99:0.8 0.625602 0.456603 0.527907 0.577778 0.481481


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
30704 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.0 1.000000 0.905037 0.950152 0.725000 0.783784
29774 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[9,9]:0.5 1.000000 0.862307 0.926063 0.555556 0.675676
30304 rdp 0.7 1.000000 0.779486 0.876080 0.511628 0.594595
30129 vsearch 10:0.51:0.99 0.549971 0.476456 0.510581 0.487805 0.540541
30459 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.523875 0.431704 0.473344 0.525000 0.567568
30344 sortmerna 1.0:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.494340 0.391467 0.436930 0.485714 0.459459
29504 blast+ 0.001:100:0.51:0.99 0.508952 0.273960 0.356189 0.463415 0.513514
30384 blast 1000 0.350540 0.288866 0.316729 0.488372 0.567568


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
36102 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.5 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.950000 0.95
35244 uclust 0.51:0.9:1 0.988422 0.953779 0.970792 0.769231 0.50
31564 blast+ 0.001:1:0.75:0.97 0.945743 0.912596 0.928874 0.692308 0.45
34884 blast 1000 0.945743 0.912596 0.928874 0.692308 0.45
34001 vsearch 1:0.51:0.9 0.949057 0.896317 0.921933 0.705882 0.60
34821 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.914761 0.328205 0.483085 0.555556 0.50
34663 rdp 0.8 0.915142 0.304494 0.456948 0.538462 0.35
32683 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 0.907022 0.304494 0.455929 0.538462 0.35


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
41518 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.94 0.997564 0.522668 0.685941 0.461538 0.500000
40378 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 1.000000 0.435936 0.607180 0.416667 0.416667
40003 vsearch 100:0.75:0.97 0.642512 0.435936 0.519439 0.428571 0.500000
40198 rdp 0.6 0.576611 0.441873 0.500330 0.352941 0.500000
37678 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.99 0.476931 0.435936 0.455513 0.428571 0.500000
40543 uclust 0.76:0.97:3 1.000000 0.289107 0.448539 0.333333 0.166667
38653 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.96 0.574485 0.289107 0.384644 0.250000 0.250000
40483 blast 1e-10 0.346096 0.346096 0.346096 0.333333 0.416667


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
43644 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[11,11]:0.92 0.999958 0.999906 0.999932 0.629630 0.894737
43469 blast 1e-10 0.777240 0.736385 0.756261 0.444444 0.631579
42544 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.97 0.777240 0.736385 0.756261 0.444444 0.631579
42764 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.945478 0.628949 0.755396 0.288889 0.684211
43374 rdp 0.6 0.945470 0.626301 0.753480 0.315789 0.631579
43239 vsearch 1:0.75:0.8 0.745446 0.706217 0.725301 0.480000 0.631579
43549 uclust 0.51:0.99:3 0.744739 0.703471 0.723517 0.458333 0.578947
43424 sortmerna 1.0:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.742659 0.703551 0.722577 0.392857 0.578947


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
45609 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.5 1.000000 0.942504 0.970401 0.800000 0.800000
44589 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[12,12]:0.5 0.942771 0.888565 0.914866 0.578947 0.733333
44174 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.8 0.866472 0.816653 0.840825 0.500000 0.666667
45099 blast 1000 0.866472 0.816653 0.840825 0.526316 0.666667
45049 rdp 0.2 0.820735 0.773546 0.796442 0.523810 0.733333
45234 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.819872 0.772732 0.795605 0.647059 0.733333
44989 vsearch 1:0.51:0.99 0.743117 0.700391 0.721122 0.600000 0.600000
45059 sortmerna 1.0:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.743117 0.700391 0.721122 0.450000 0.600000


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
50417 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 0.999752 0.999752 0.999752 0.863636 0.95
49898 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.987503 0.955909 0.971449 0.538462 0.70
46178 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.946067 0.918123 0.931886 0.560000 0.70
49618 blast 1e-10 0.946067 0.918123 0.931886 0.538462 0.70
49036 vsearch 1:0.51:0.97 0.955963 0.906693 0.930676 0.619048 0.65
49516 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:5:0.9:1.0 0.937503 0.406352 0.566960 0.521739 0.60
47596 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[32,32]:0.98 0.895793 0.378540 0.532190 0.434783 0.50
49299 rdp 0.5 0.908339 0.285428 0.434365 0.464286 0.65


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
53139 vsearch 100:0.51:0.9 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.095238 0.250
52329 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.97 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.210526 0.500
53184 rdp 0.6 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.285714 0.750
53239 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.400000 0.500
53284 uclust 0.76:0.99:1 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.333333 0.375
52814 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[8,8]:0.96 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.227273 0.625
53644 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[11,11]:0.96 1.000000 0.889646 0.941601 0.315789 0.750
53279 blast 1e-10 0.889646 0.889646 0.889646 0.227273 0.625


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
55199 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.0 0.999990 0.999990 0.999990 0.692308 0.947368
54909 blast 1000 0.826671 0.735173 0.778242 0.413793 0.631579
54079 blast+ 0.001:1:0.75:0.97 0.826671 0.735173 0.778242 0.428571 0.631579
54689 vsearch 1:0.51:0.9 0.825662 0.734231 0.777267 0.428571 0.631579
54994 uclust 0.51:0.99:3 0.813507 0.676203 0.738528 0.423077 0.578947
54884 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.760641 0.676426 0.716066 0.379310 0.578947
54209 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.774044 0.650819 0.707103 0.279070 0.631579
54834 rdp 0.5 0.757617 0.593107 0.665344 0.268293 0.578947


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
60227 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 0.998426 0.998426 0.998426 0.826087 0.95
55628 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.97 0.956439 0.936893 0.946565 0.518519 0.70
59428 blast 1e-10 0.956405 0.936133 0.946160 0.518519 0.70
58526 vsearch 1:0.51:0.9 0.958658 0.925608 0.941843 0.560000 0.70
59368 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.947126 0.927770 0.937348 0.464286 0.65
59808 uclust 1.0:0.99:1 0.950255 0.921753 0.935787 0.481481 0.65
56946 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[4,4]:0.0 0.840326 0.427025 0.566284 0.520000 0.65
59049 rdp 0.6 0.903279 0.265198 0.410017 0.481481 0.65


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
127529 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.98 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.700000 0.636364
89107 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.600000 0.272727
89529 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.750000 0.545455
99729 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.777778 0.636364
100506 blast 1e-10 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.500000 0.363636
98329 rdp 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.700000 0.636364
105704 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.400000 0.181818
63520 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.97 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.666667 0.363636


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
128139 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.7 0.996677 0.954140 0.974945 0.309524 0.65
128404 rdp 0.7 0.996674 0.953750 0.974739 0.292683 0.60
128799 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.5 0.957738 0.957738 0.957738 0.393939 0.65
128569 uclust 0.51:0.99:3 0.954174 0.953804 0.953989 0.324324 0.60
128289 vsearch 1:0.75:0.99 0.953804 0.953804 0.953804 0.315789 0.60
127599 blast+ 0.001:100:0.51:0.8 0.991209 0.856243 0.918796 0.277778 0.50
128469 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.949030 0.859894 0.902266 0.315789 0.60
128484 blast 1000 0.911808 0.477596 0.626853 0.272727 0.45


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
130669 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.98 0.758964 0.643289 0.696355 0.722222 0.866667
130194 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.829256 0.534118 0.649742 0.666667 0.800000
129719 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 0.686593 0.599645 0.640180 0.571429 0.800000
129924 vsearch 1:0.75:0.99 0.755874 0.486854 0.592246 0.625000 0.666667
129189 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.99 0.617034 0.569362 0.592240 0.500000 0.800000
130119 blast 1000 0.597664 0.569362 0.583170 0.500000 0.800000
130074 rdp 1.0 0.905908 0.428101 0.581436 0.500000 0.600000
130084 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.606123 0.503654 0.550158 0.476190 0.666667


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
134968 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[11,11]:0.98 0.658864 0.384047 0.485247 0.500000 0.416667
133573 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.658864 0.384047 0.485247 0.416667 0.416667
133393 rdp 0.6 0.505002 0.388435 0.439114 0.375000 0.500000
132913 vsearch 100:0.51:0.97 0.489466 0.384047 0.430395 0.428571 0.500000
133739 uclust 0.76:0.97:3 0.736017 0.277288 0.402818 0.333333 0.166667
130873 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.99 0.418402 0.384047 0.400489 0.428571 0.500000
131504 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[16,16]:0.9 0.440021 0.277288 0.340196 0.272727 0.250000
133679 blast 1e-10 0.277288 0.277288 0.277288 0.312500 0.416667


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
135934 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.0 0.801097 0.659208 0.723259 0.469388 0.621622
136964 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.5 0.911128 0.555923 0.690524 0.608696 0.756757
136584 rdp 0.5 0.748552 0.468953 0.576648 0.428571 0.567568
136514 vsearch 1:0.99:0.9 0.483693 0.311953 0.379288 0.444444 0.540541
136624 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.482285 0.302594 0.371870 0.466667 0.567568
136764 uclust 0.51:0.9:5 0.414754 0.272723 0.329067 0.326087 0.405405
135779 blast+ 0.001:100:0.51:0.99 0.347856 0.131147 0.190480 0.361702 0.459459
136659 blast 1000 0.212792 0.131297 0.162394 0.446809 0.567568


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
138924 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.7 0.895613 0.877584 0.886507 0.547945 0.80
137759 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 0.809916 0.755805 0.781925 0.392405 0.62
137359 blast+ 0.001:1:0.75:0.8 0.777234 0.777234 0.777234 0.421053 0.64
138294 blast 1000 0.777234 0.777234 0.777234 0.421053 0.64
138394 uclust 1.0:0.99:1 0.790336 0.734302 0.761289 0.416667 0.60
138264 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.891800 0.626707 0.736114 0.323944 0.46
138134 vsearch 100:0.75:0.99 0.855187 0.632913 0.727449 0.338028 0.48
138204 rdp 0.6 0.742193 0.680423 0.709967 0.367089 0.58


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
140249 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.772727 0.894737
139099 blast+ 0.001:1:0.75:0.97 0.838606 0.784018 0.810394 0.545455 0.631579
139934 blast 1e-10 0.838606 0.784018 0.810394 0.545455 0.631579
139789 vsearch 1:0.51:0.97 0.828898 0.774943 0.801013 0.545455 0.631579
140014 uclust 0.51:0.99:3 0.936591 0.679946 0.787896 0.545455 0.631579
139889 sortmerna 1.0:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.755563 0.706381 0.730144 0.500000 0.578947
139229 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.729441 0.621587 0.671209 0.521739 0.631579
139859 rdp 0.4 0.705767 0.553025 0.620129 0.458333 0.578947


Method Parameters Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
141864 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.94 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.761905 0.842105
140714 blast+ 0.001:1:0.75:0.99 0.822001 0.798174 0.809912 0.550000 0.578947
141564 blast 1000 0.822001 0.798174 0.809912 0.578947 0.578947
141454 vsearch 1:0.51:0.99 0.788340 0.765489 0.776746 0.550000 0.578947
141539 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.785973 0.763191 0.774414 0.500000 0.526316
141639 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.780039 0.760019 0.769899 0.473684 0.473684
140864 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.955869 0.552149 0.699968 0.523810 0.578947
141494 rdp 0.4 0.955693 0.549850 0.698071 0.476190 0.526316

Now we can determine which parameter configuration performed best for each method. Count best values in each column indicate how many samples a given method achieved within one mean absolute deviation of the best result (which is why they may sum to more than the total number of samples).

In [31]:
for method in mock_results_6['Method'].unique():
    top_params = parameter_comparisons(
        mock_results_6, method, 
        metrics=['Taxon Accuracy Rate', 'Taxon Detection Rate', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F-measure'])
    display(Markdown('## {0}'.format(method)))


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.001:1:0.99:0.99 85.0 61 86.0 85.0 85.0
0.001:1:0.99:0.97 85.0 60 86.0 83.0 86.0
0.001:1:0.99:0.8 85.0 60 86.0 83.0 86.0
0.001:1:0.75:0.99 85.0 61 86.0 85.0 85.0
0.001:1:0.75:0.97 85.0 60 86.0 83.0 86.0


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.5 80.0 66 75.0 73.0 71.0
0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 80.0 63 80.0 80.0 83.0
0.001:char:8192:[7,7]:0.5 80.0 66 78.0 77.0 76.0
0.001:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 79.0 62 79.0 81.0 87.0
0.001:char:8192:[9,9]:0.5 78.0 65 77.0 74.0 76.0


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
1:0.75:0.9 83 58 87 86.0 87.0
1:0.51:0.9 83 58 87 86.0 87.0
1:0.99:0.9 83 58 87 86.0 87.0
1:0.75:0.99 80 58 87 84.0 77.0
1:0.51:0.97 80 58 87 83.0 77.0


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.6 85 63 85 83 85
0.5 82 57 86 86 87
0.4 80 56 87 87 87
0.7 80 62 80 72 81
0.0 77 52 87 82 87


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 73 59 87 82 81
0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 73 58 87 76 86
1.0:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 73 59 87 82 81
1.0:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 73 58 87 76 86
0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 71 64 73 61 68


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
1000 87 87 87 87 87
1e-10 87 87 87 87 87


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.76:0.9:1 71 39 81 66.0 85
1.0:0.9:1 71 39 81 66.0 85
0.51:0.9:1 71 39 81 66.0 85
1.0:0.97:3 40 35 23 40.0 31
0.76:0.97:3 40 35 23 40.0 31


F-measure Precision Recall Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 81.0 77 82.0 27.0 78.0
0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.0 81.0 77 82.0 29.0 78.0
0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.0 76.0 69 79.0 26.0 79.0
0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.0 76.0 69 79.0 27.0 79.0
0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 76.0 69 79.0 26.0 76.0

Optimized method performance

And, finally, which method performed best at each individual taxonomic level for each reference dataset (i.e., for across all fungal and bacterial mock communities combined)?

For this analysis, we rank the top-performing method/parameter combination for each method at family through species levels. Methods are ranked by top F-measure, and the average value for each metric is shown (rather than count best as above). F-measure distributions are plotted for each method, and compared using paired t-tests with FDR-corrected P-values. This cell does not need to be altered, unless if you wish to change the metric used for sorting best methods and for plotting.

In [15]:
boxes = rank_optimized_method_performance_by_dataset(mock_results,
                                                                     "Taxon Accuracy Rate",
                                                                     "Taxon Detection Rate",

gg_13_8_otus level 4

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
7 vsearch 10:0.51:0.97 0.756907 0.905563 0.999280 0.988253 0.992761
6 uclust 0.51:0.9:5 0.765879 0.905563 0.999276 0.988235 0.992750
1 blast+ 0.001:10:0.51:0.97 0.746911 0.905563 0.991090 0.991087 0.991089
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.98 0.777150 0.906435 0.991992 0.989532 0.990705
0 blast 1000 0.760281 0.905563 0.990108 0.990093 0.990101
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[8,8]:0.5 0.757606 0.905563 0.990679 0.989468 0.990060
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.757977 0.905563 0.990406 0.986630 0.988457
4 rdp 0.5 0.752147 0.892958 0.986117 0.981087 0.983548
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 1.007887 0.322457 0.401566
vsearch -0.998911 0.326706 0.401566
rdp 2.631308 0.013885 0.055542
sortmerna 2.895350 0.007414 0.055542
blast 1.002986 0.324772 0.401566
uclust -0.992307 0.329858 0.401566
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.286863 0.776407 0.776407
naive-bayes vsearch -1.002315 0.325090 0.401566
rdp 2.768654 0.010048 0.055542
sortmerna 1.005882 0.323402 0.401566
blast -1.131486 0.267800 0.401566
uclust -0.998217 0.327037 0.401566
naive-bayes-bespoke -0.888411 0.382166 0.445861
vsearch rdp 2.226266 0.034534 0.108149
sortmerna 2.703855 0.011715 0.055542
blast 1.000424 0.325988 0.401566
uclust 1.618347 0.117212 0.298358
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.710590 0.483432 0.503712
rdp sortmerna -1.807567 0.081829 0.229120
blast -2.771857 0.009972 0.055542
uclust -2.223222 0.034762 0.108149
naive-bayes-bespoke -3.030049 0.005337 0.055542
sortmerna blast -1.051756 0.302234 0.401566
uclust -2.695341 0.011952 0.055542
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.205398 0.238508 0.401566
blast uclust -0.996268 0.327965 0.401566
naive-bayes-bespoke -0.824819 0.416702 0.466706
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke 0.706839 0.485723 0.503712

gg_13_8_otus level 5

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.92 0.747524 0.854652 0.983594 0.972504 0.977910
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 0.692003 0.855205 0.961400 0.957798 0.959554
4 rdp 0.4 0.695065 0.833314 0.960625 0.941653 0.950748
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.642848 0.762265 0.961073 0.864836 0.908411
0 blast 1000 0.642922 0.762265 0.961071 0.864836 0.908410
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.624157 0.734949 0.968661 0.857607 0.907877
7 vsearch 1:0.51:0.97 0.633192 0.732345 0.979106 0.847672 0.904776
6 uclust 0.51:0.9:3 0.639338 0.728730 0.981724 0.838934 0.898139
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes -4.442545 0.000136 0.000293
vsearch 0.642398 0.526032 0.566580
rdp -3.920839 0.000545 0.001018
sortmerna 0.118816 0.906301 0.906430
blast 1.000000 0.326189 0.397100
uclust 1.283153 0.210344 0.280503
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.166133 0.000019 0.000061
naive-bayes vsearch 5.716772 0.000004 0.000042
rdp 1.448078 0.159109 0.247503
sortmerna 5.359695 0.000012 0.000061
blast 4.442552 0.000136 0.000293
uclust 4.790140 0.000054 0.000136
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.128674 0.042555 0.070090
vsearch rdp -5.532257 0.000007 0.000051
sortmerna -0.675267 0.505248 0.566580
blast -0.642277 0.526110 0.566580
uclust 1.051171 0.302498 0.384997
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.200592 0.000001 0.000035
rdp sortmerna 5.081310 0.000024 0.000069
blast 3.920841 0.000545 0.001018
uclust 5.203513 0.000018 0.000061
naive-bayes-bespoke -3.396978 0.002127 0.003722
sortmerna blast -0.118651 0.906430 0.906430
uclust 1.360447 0.184939 0.272541
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.915944 0.000003 0.000037
blast uclust 1.283055 0.210377 0.280503
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.166153 0.000019 0.000061
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -5.295295 0.000014 0.000061

gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 0.774533 0.829707 0.966365 0.913330 0.936868
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.97 0.558085 0.587260 0.800121 0.722006 0.756215
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.543011 0.590632 0.781600 0.699559 0.734336
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.551996 0.584026 0.773162 0.622255 0.675783
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.539866 0.645513 0.775514 0.494970 0.582100
4 rdp 0.4 0.508823 0.597903 0.781453 0.487433 0.579487
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.514926 0.555999 0.609748 0.537393 0.567987
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.088036 4.635904e-02 7.639518e-02
vsearch -1.298109 2.052297e-01 2.298573e-01
rdp 2.088857 4.627924e-02 7.639518e-02
sortmerna 2.954274 6.425307e-03 1.802145e-02
blast 1.440004 1.613617e-01 1.964403e-01
uclust 1.502020 1.446982e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.356296 8.320207e-07 3.328083e-06
naive-bayes vsearch -2.609719 1.460058e-02 3.442351e-02
rdp 0.742658 4.641017e-01 4.998018e-01
sortmerna 0.274238 7.859889e-01 8.150996e-01
blast -2.087791 4.638279e-02 7.639518e-02
uclust -1.451109 1.582698e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.573601 3.800203e-08 4.912339e-07
vsearch rdp 2.605247 1.475293e-02 3.442351e-02
sortmerna 3.612115 1.222973e-03 4.280406e-03
blast 1.300049 2.045736e-01 2.298573e-01
uclust 2.317250 2.831299e-02 6.098182e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.998645 1.597891e-07 1.118524e-06
rdp sortmerna 0.216540 8.301950e-01 8.301950e-01
blast -2.088614 4.630287e-02 7.639518e-02
uclust -1.479014 1.507099e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.441775 5.263220e-08 4.912339e-07
sortmerna blast -2.953578 6.436231e-03 1.802145e-02
uclust -1.482821 1.497014e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -8.154994 9.279879e-09 2.598366e-07
blast uclust 1.501824 1.447486e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.358289 8.277176e-07 3.328083e-06
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -6.821250 2.508812e-07 1.404934e-06

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 4

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 0.812025 0.645609 0.980435 0.980435 0.980435
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.766152 0.591239 0.977034 0.950119 0.961174
4 rdp 0.0 0.794482 0.645609 0.959546 0.959546 0.959546
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.776349 0.578472 0.959308 0.958882 0.959094
0 blast 1000 0.804539 0.643187 0.957139 0.957139 0.957139
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.8 0.803329 0.643187 0.957139 0.957139 0.957139
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[7,7]:0.0 0.777382 0.645609 0.956028 0.956028 0.956028
6 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.716396 0.573850 0.955623 0.945129 0.949945
/Users/nbokulich/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/statsmodels/stats/multitest.py:320: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  reject = pvals_sorted <= ecdffactor*alpha
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 0.434012 0.665890 NaN
vsearch -1.044782 0.300459 NaN
rdp -1.285267 0.203808 NaN
sortmerna -1.874409 0.065913 NaN
blast NaN NaN NaN
uclust 2.436316 0.017929 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.732427 0.008319 NaN
naive-bayes vsearch -1.811657 0.075218 NaN
rdp -1.887903 0.064045 NaN
sortmerna -1.848973 0.069560 NaN
blast -0.434012 0.665890 NaN
uclust 2.440440 0.017745 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.509888 0.014890 NaN
vsearch rdp -2.458122 0.016975 NaN
sortmerna -1.837460 0.071266 NaN
blast 1.044782 0.300459 NaN
uclust 2.640136 0.010629 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.556342 0.013219 NaN
rdp sortmerna -1.689226 0.096546 NaN
blast 1.285267 0.203808 NaN
uclust 2.663527 0.009994 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.550530 0.013418 NaN
sortmerna blast 1.874409 0.065913 NaN
uclust 2.606787 0.011599 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.561454 0.013046 NaN
blast uclust 2.436316 0.017929 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.732427 0.008319 NaN
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -2.687164 0.009387 NaN

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 5

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.5 0.805223 0.645609 0.980435 0.980435 0.980435
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.779259 0.595724 0.977034 0.950119 0.961174
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.779533 0.569530 0.959308 0.958882 0.959094
4 rdp 0.5 0.777914 0.627119 0.958893 0.957333 0.958104
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.97 0.781244 0.625000 0.958344 0.954926 0.956571
0 blast 1000 0.781527 0.625000 0.954926 0.954926 0.954926
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.766466 0.617874 0.953815 0.953815 0.953815
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.697358 0.542758 0.953015 0.942916 0.947551
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 1.247486 0.217233 0.225279
vsearch -2.187984 0.032713 0.049045
rdp -1.527398 0.132098 0.142259
sortmerna -2.502258 0.015182 0.035424
blast 1.790685 0.078563 0.091657
uclust 2.652495 0.010289 0.035424
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.659315 0.010105 0.035424
naive-bayes vsearch -2.180630 0.033280 0.049045
rdp -2.016902 0.048343 0.061527
sortmerna -2.112928 0.038921 0.054490
blast -0.434012 0.665890 0.665890
uclust 2.467433 0.016581 0.035484
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.516014 0.014659 0.035424
vsearch rdp 2.291140 0.025607 0.044812
sortmerna -1.837460 0.071266 0.086759
blast 2.030208 0.046930 0.061527
uclust 2.703904 0.008978 0.035424
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.556342 0.013219 0.035424
rdp sortmerna -2.206099 0.031352 0.049045
blast 1.656405 0.103041 0.115405
uclust 2.686972 0.009392 0.035424
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.552293 0.013357 0.035424
sortmerna blast 2.407623 0.019258 0.035949
uclust 2.658218 0.010135 0.035424
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.561454 0.013046 0.035424
blast uclust 2.440505 0.017742 0.035484
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.722625 0.008540 0.035424
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -2.680432 0.009556 0.035424

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.94 0.669836 0.546032 0.972887 0.929592 0.944469
5 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.666131 0.534669 0.971207 0.925385 0.939629
4 rdp 0.6 0.658445 0.556626 0.941823 0.925922 0.932765
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.661119 0.554507 0.934220 0.925922 0.929675
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.675403 0.542180 0.931071 0.925258 0.928022
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.98 0.618735 0.501348 0.935384 0.878948 0.902295
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
6 uclust 0.51:0.9:1 0.475223 0.385208 0.861520 0.856609 0.858862
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 4.870672 8.955166e-06 2.089539e-05
vsearch -1.226348 2.250235e-01 2.250235e-01
rdp -2.585395 1.226227e-02 1.907465e-02
sortmerna -2.266427 2.717148e-02 3.170006e-02
blast 7.416245 5.853776e-10 2.731762e-09
uclust 8.305885 1.884853e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.345272 2.245560e-02 2.733725e-02
naive-bayes vsearch -4.758296 1.338066e-05 2.881987e-05
rdp -5.038219 4.891520e-06 1.245114e-05
sortmerna -4.462116 3.790479e-05 7.580959e-05
blast 3.342155 1.459689e-03 2.404193e-03
uclust 4.163979 1.051109e-04 1.839441e-04
naive-bayes-bespoke -4.261095 7.565123e-05 1.412156e-04
vsearch rdp -2.554263 1.328990e-02 1.958512e-02
sortmerna -2.438366 1.783744e-02 2.378326e-02
blast 7.325742 8.310027e-10 3.324011e-09
uclust 8.156795 3.345844e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.393299 1.995446e-02 2.539659e-02
rdp sortmerna -2.022239 4.777186e-02 4.962695e-02
blast 7.462607 4.892038e-10 2.731762e-09
uclust 8.261010 2.239977e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.182273 3.315302e-02 3.713139e-02
sortmerna blast 6.915088 4.069873e-09 1.266183e-08
uclust 7.443678 5.263979e-10 2.731762e-09
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.021463 4.785456e-02 4.962695e-02
blast uclust 2.474556 1.628602e-02 2.280042e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.618927 1.275875e-08 3.572450e-08
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -6.996678 2.969028e-09 1.039160e-08

In [16]:
for k, v in boxes.items():
    v.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, 'mock-fmeasure-{0}-boxplots.pdf'.format(k)))

In [17]:
for metric in ["Taxon Accuracy Rate", "Taxon Detection Rate", "Precision", "Recall", "F-measure"]:
    display(Markdown('## {0}'.format(metric)))
    boxes = rank_optimized_method_performance_by_dataset(mock_results,
                                                                         "Taxon Accuracy Rate",
                                                                         "Taxon Detection Rate",
    for k, v in boxes.items():
        v.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, 'mock-{0}-{1}-boxplots.pdf'.format(metric, k)))

Taxon Accuracy Rate

gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[4,4]:0.0 0.927823 0.597525 0.516160 0.425484 0.458826
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.562169 0.587260 0.799432 0.720764 0.755187
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.551996 0.584026 0.773162 0.622255 0.675783
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.544272 0.586863 0.781846 0.698317 0.733760
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.539866 0.645513 0.775514 0.494970 0.582100
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.525377 0.554015 0.611236 0.536151 0.567907
4 rdp 0.4 0.508823 0.597903 0.781453 0.487433 0.579487
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 0.212505 8.333096e-01 8.641729e-01
vsearch -2.425184 2.226441e-02 4.156023e-02
rdp 2.015700 5.388359e-02 8.381892e-02
sortmerna 3.848723 6.594780e-04 1.678671e-03
blast 0.614763 5.438580e-01 6.091210e-01
uclust -0.555331 5.832409e-01 6.281055e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -27.588393 2.562691e-21 3.587768e-20
naive-bayes vsearch -1.264896 2.167174e-01 3.193730e-01
rdp 4.735549 6.199705e-05 1.928797e-04
sortmerna 0.750834 4.592468e-01 5.590830e-01
blast -0.076405 9.396601e-01 9.396601e-01
uclust -0.627457 5.356306e-01 6.091210e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -16.486575 1.279261e-15 5.117046e-15
vsearch rdp 3.993466 4.502844e-04 1.260796e-03
sortmerna 5.067429 2.540923e-05 8.893231e-05
blast 2.773121 9.942136e-03 2.141383e-02
uclust 1.132319 2.674567e-01 3.744393e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -25.700375 1.623596e-20 1.136517e-19
rdp sortmerna -1.049403 3.032955e-01 4.043940e-01
blast -2.119006 4.343360e-02 7.153770e-02
uclust -3.123757 4.232996e-03 9.876990e-03
naive-bayes-bespoke -20.249627 7.436687e-18 4.164545e-17
sortmerna blast -2.528026 1.762822e-02 3.525644e-02
uclust -2.241176 3.343682e-02 5.851443e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -25.840557 1.409610e-20 1.136517e-19
blast uclust -0.822193 4.181689e-01 5.322149e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -28.023011 1.703655e-21 3.587768e-20
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -19.500750 1.931703e-17 9.014613e-17

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[4,4]:0.0 0.864407 0.240370 0.592765 0.592765 0.592765
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.675403 0.542180 0.931071 0.925258 0.928022
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.670776 0.526194 0.925307 0.916357 0.920407
4 rdp 0.3 0.662121 0.556626 0.925922 0.925922 0.925922
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.661119 0.554507 0.934220 0.925922 0.929675
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[16,16]:0.7 0.631612 0.514831 0.905683 0.899683 0.902162
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
6 uclust 0.76:0.99:3 0.542615 0.289869 0.940503 0.433466 0.525933
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.960666 4.441401e-03 6.908846e-03
vsearch 1.893375 6.330007e-02 7.706096e-02
rdp 1.802789 7.661724e-02 8.938678e-02
sortmerna 0.965708 3.381996e-01 3.507255e-01
blast 10.935829 1.015963e-15 5.689390e-15
uclust 12.309256 8.128480e-18 7.586582e-17
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.694165 4.327017e-07 8.077098e-07
naive-bayes vsearch -2.430404 1.819612e-02 2.426150e-02
rdp -2.395286 1.985656e-02 2.527199e-02
sortmerna -2.866801 5.769954e-03 8.503090e-03
blast 4.033016 1.628866e-04 2.682838e-04
uclust 4.796721 1.166833e-05 2.041958e-05
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.545632 1.691660e-08 4.306044e-08
vsearch rdp -0.686158 4.953473e-01 4.953473e-01
sortmerna -1.378781 1.732569e-01 1.940477e-01
blast 14.430259 7.525972e-21 1.053636e-19
uclust 9.883011 4.792097e-14 1.677234e-13
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.944326 1.683483e-07 3.855858e-07
rdp sortmerna -1.263380 2.115076e-01 2.277774e-01
blast 14.848080 2.033422e-21 5.693581e-20
uclust 10.117131 2.012525e-14 8.050099e-14
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.928103 1.790220e-07 3.855858e-07
sortmerna blast 10.424247 6.506941e-15 3.036572e-14
uclust 11.900729 3.334295e-17 2.334007e-16
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.750872 3.496136e-07 6.992271e-07
blast uclust 2.744934 8.043711e-03 1.126119e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -8.396074 1.332759e-11 3.731726e-11
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -8.697020 4.207145e-12 1.308889e-11

Taxon Detection Rate

gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 0.779585 0.843331 0.802810 0.747975 0.772246
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.539866 0.645513 0.775514 0.494970 0.582100
4 rdp 0.0 0.494357 0.609701 0.765818 0.488003 0.574161
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.560528 0.590832 0.799200 0.722006 0.755926
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.543011 0.590632 0.781600 0.699559 0.734336
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.551996 0.584026 0.773162 0.622255 0.675783
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.514926 0.555999 0.609748 0.537393 0.567987
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes -3.146365 4.001401e-03 7.002452e-03
vsearch -0.021954 9.826459e-01 9.826459e-01
rdp -1.065996 2.958653e-01 3.765559e-01
sortmerna 5.085631 2.419690e-05 6.159212e-05
blast 1.000000 3.261889e-01 3.970995e-01
uclust 0.586579 5.623593e-01 6.298424e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -16.172081 2.054684e-15 1.438279e-14
naive-bayes vsearch 3.474414 1.744457e-03 3.488914e-03
rdp 6.071805 1.751311e-06 6.129590e-06
sortmerna 5.158391 1.990316e-05 5.572885e-05
blast 3.307334 2.670682e-03 4.985273e-03
uclust 3.538778 1.478264e-03 3.183954e-03
naive-bayes-bespoke -11.253051 1.064159e-11 4.256636e-11
vsearch rdp -1.124412 2.707355e-01 3.609807e-01
sortmerna 5.970468 2.286950e-06 7.114955e-06
blast 0.214412 8.318365e-01 8.626453e-01
uclust 0.589668 5.603157e-01 6.298424e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -23.087499 2.598622e-19 7.276142e-18
rdp sortmerna 3.099045 4.500807e-03 7.413094e-03
blast 1.189406 2.446349e-01 3.424888e-01
uclust 1.548325 1.331869e-01 1.962754e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -11.845335 3.337428e-12 1.557467e-11
sortmerna blast -4.764394 5.737240e-05 1.338689e-04
uclust -2.500941 1.875395e-02 2.917281e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -21.467696 1.679305e-18 2.351026e-17
blast uclust 0.411067 6.842682e-01 7.369042e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -16.413983 1.426167e-15 1.331089e-14
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -13.861357 8.559562e-14 4.793355e-13

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.0 0.679121 0.569337 0.931322 0.931322 0.931322
4 rdp 0.0 0.660617 0.556626 0.925922 0.925922 0.925922
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.661119 0.554507 0.934220 0.925922 0.929675
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.653569 0.543914 0.919525 0.916357 0.917861
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.675403 0.542180 0.931071 0.925258 0.928022
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[9,9]:0.0 0.625942 0.521186 0.880926 0.880926 0.880926
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.475223 0.385208 0.861520 0.856609 0.858862
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.112055 3.899930e-02 4.199925e-02
vsearch -2.656508 1.018057e-02 1.246009e-02
rdp -2.882191 5.529512e-03 8.148755e-03
sortmerna -0.271243 7.871675e-01 7.871675e-01
blast 9.613323 1.310932e-13 3.058842e-13
uclust 16.525722 1.316026e-23 7.369743e-23
naive-bayes-bespoke -3.985024 1.909369e-04 3.144843e-04
naive-bayes vsearch -4.194349 9.487211e-05 1.770946e-04
rdp -4.734417 1.456617e-05 3.102620e-05
sortmerna -3.197671 2.244873e-03 3.492025e-03
blast 4.716673 1.551310e-05 3.102620e-05
uclust 16.360482 2.130221e-23 9.941031e-23
naive-bayes-bespoke -4.052056 1.528982e-04 2.675718e-04
vsearch rdp -1.000000 3.214644e-01 3.333705e-01
sortmerna 2.752889 7.873227e-03 1.094725e-02
blast 15.875842 8.910020e-23 3.118507e-22
uclust 20.353985 4.298311e-28 6.017636e-27
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.654483 1.023507e-02 1.246009e-02
rdp sortmerna 2.417288 1.880108e-02 2.105720e-02
blast 16.675607 8.525563e-24 5.967894e-23
uclust 20.424674 3.601502e-28 6.017636e-27
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.417288 1.880108e-02 2.105720e-02
sortmerna blast 10.095747 2.177971e-14 5.543925e-14
uclust 19.893413 1.376530e-27 1.284761e-26
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.737302 8.210440e-03 1.094725e-02
blast uclust 14.530769 5.482526e-21 1.705675e-20
naive-bayes-bespoke -12.257340 9.713986e-18 2.719916e-17
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -15.993910 6.271512e-23 2.508605e-22


gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
7 vsearch 100:0.99:0.97 0.191464 0.186578 0.988600 0.157820 0.260185
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.98 0.709284 0.723084 0.986527 0.536697 0.675678
1 blast+ 0.001:100:0.99:0.97 0.182957 0.183682 0.976018 0.158007 0.257228
4 rdp 1.0 0.172868 0.194529 0.941480 0.160176 0.238734
5 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.378407 0.392316 0.911405 0.292386 0.428211
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[32,32]:0.94 0.444776 0.513583 0.906138 0.429301 0.552925
6 uclust 1.0:0.9:5 0.309652 0.326077 0.862718 0.255452 0.381379
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 4.069772 3.678877e-04 0.001288
vsearch -1.000000 3.261889e-01 0.374225
rdp 1.282581 2.105411e-01 0.280721
sortmerna 2.518376 1.802194e-02 0.031538
blast 4.875675 4.253952e-05 0.000199
uclust 2.757891 1.030878e-02 0.019243
naive-bayes-bespoke -0.983424 3.341298e-01 0.374225
naive-bayes vsearch -5.672167 5.039983e-06 0.000047
rdp -1.241121 2.252367e-01 0.286665
sortmerna -0.182603 8.564735e-01 0.856474
blast 2.772028 9.968046e-03 0.019243
uclust 1.003192 3.246748e-01 0.374225
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.872902 2.959248e-06 0.000041
vsearch rdp 2.166629 3.925591e-02 0.064657
sortmerna 3.091001 4.591423e-03 0.009920
blast 5.387723 1.076473e-05 0.000061
uclust 3.381684 2.211221e-03 0.006191
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.323798 7.485860e-01 0.776311
rdp sortmerna 0.955995 3.475567e-01 0.374292
blast 4.122572 3.197686e-04 0.001279
uclust 1.797141 8.350843e-02 0.116912
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.999219 5.574173e-02 0.086709
sortmerna blast 6.476723 6.085954e-07 0.000017
uclust 1.955395 6.095940e-02 0.089835
naive-bayes-bespoke -3.089727 4.605942e-03 0.009920
blast uclust -3.527097 1.523446e-03 0.004740
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.381372 1.094920e-05 0.000061
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -3.269367 2.939558e-03 0.007483

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[9,9]:0.94 0.665330 0.548151 0.973077 0.924192 0.939285
5 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.666131 0.534669 0.971207 0.925385 0.939629
1 blast+ 0.001:10:0.99:0.99 0.511648 0.404468 0.966035 0.801723 0.864648
4 rdp 1.0 0.473145 0.366140 0.942963 0.742323 0.821206
6 uclust 0.76:0.99:3 0.542615 0.289869 0.940503 0.433466 0.525933
7 vsearch 100:0.51:0.97 0.446615 0.358243 0.938101 0.754332 0.829143
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.98 0.618735 0.501348 0.935384 0.878948 0.902295
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.213613 3.080216e-02 4.934976e-02
vsearch 2.441905 1.768009e-02 3.300283e-02
rdp 1.804243 7.638628e-02 1.018484e-01
sortmerna -1.778564 8.055237e-02 1.025212e-01
blast 4.799663 1.154644e-05 4.618575e-05
uclust 2.199155 3.186780e-02 4.934976e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -3.318700 1.566458e-03 5.482603e-03
naive-bayes vsearch -0.804590 4.243424e-01 4.400588e-01
rdp -1.409506 1.640252e-01 1.996829e-01
sortmerna -2.443592 1.760549e-02 3.300283e-02
blast 6.961497 3.401614e-09 9.524518e-08
uclust -2.030143 4.693685e-02 6.571158e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.607397 1.158017e-02 2.702041e-02
vsearch rdp -1.068476 2.897326e-01 3.245005e-01
sortmerna -2.783531 7.247130e-03 2.029196e-02
blast 6.110295 8.959916e-08 7.133179e-07
uclust -1.171414 2.462224e-01 2.872594e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.926724 4.885017e-03 1.519783e-02
rdp sortmerna -2.177976 3.348734e-02 4.934976e-02
blast 6.076501 1.019026e-07 7.133179e-07
uclust 0.548422 5.855073e-01 5.855073e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.360708 2.162280e-02 3.783990e-02
sortmerna blast 4.925350 7.356967e-06 3.433251e-05
uclust 2.481147 1.601693e-02 3.300283e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.000000 3.214644e-01 3.461924e-01
blast uclust -6.491661 2.081736e-08 2.914430e-07
naive-bayes-bespoke -5.030011 5.039397e-06 2.822062e-05
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -2.681775 9.522331e-03 2.423866e-02


gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.0 0.779569 0.829707 0.964806 0.913330 0.936223
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.560528 0.590832 0.799200 0.722006 0.755926
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.543011 0.590632 0.781600 0.699559 0.734336
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
6 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.551996 0.584026 0.773162 0.622255 0.675783
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.514926 0.555999 0.609748 0.537393 0.567987
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[32,32]:0.0 0.487359 0.602108 0.563041 0.512789 0.535682
4 rdp 0.0 0.494357 0.609701 0.765818 0.488003 0.574161
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.219574 3.503735e-02 5.775258e-02
vsearch -1.077105 2.909632e-01 3.133450e-01
rdp 2.593803 1.514960e-02 3.032139e-02
sortmerna 2.928088 6.848186e-03 1.748781e-02
blast 1.440160 1.613178e-01 2.053135e-01
uclust 1.599400 1.213698e-01 1.700039e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.993639 1.618284e-07 9.062388e-07
naive-bayes vsearch -2.689181 1.212630e-02 2.829469e-02
rdp 1.391082 1.755587e-01 2.137237e-01
sortmerna -0.431088 6.698265e-01 6.698265e-01
blast -2.219221 3.506407e-02 5.775258e-02
uclust -1.449248 1.587845e-01 2.053135e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.550125 5.033497e-07 2.013399e-06
vsearch rdp 3.140113 4.064197e-03 1.264417e-02
sortmerna 3.648799 1.111936e-03 3.891775e-03
blast 1.079968 2.897097e-01 3.133450e-01
uclust 2.337065 2.710111e-02 5.058874e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -8.091499 1.080140e-08 1.512197e-07
rdp sortmerna -0.858511 3.981678e-01 4.129147e-01
blast -2.593487 1.516069e-02 3.032139e-02
uclust -1.922180 6.519395e-02 1.014128e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.466465 4.950939e-08 4.620876e-07
sortmerna blast -2.926767 6.870211e-03 1.748781e-02
uclust -1.103587 2.795113e-01 3.133450e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -8.440399 4.720679e-09 1.321790e-07
blast uclust 1.599123 1.214314e-01 1.700039e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.997849 1.601118e-07 9.062388e-07
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -6.850799 2.326614e-07 1.085753e-06

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.0 0.679121 0.569337 0.931322 0.931322 0.931322
4 rdp 0.0 0.660617 0.556626 0.925922 0.925922 0.925922
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.661119 0.554507 0.934220 0.925922 0.929675
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.662872 0.534669 0.947962 0.925385 0.934021
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.675403 0.542180 0.931071 0.925258 0.928022
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[16,16]:0.5 0.631337 0.516371 0.903318 0.899748 0.901327
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.475223 0.385208 0.861520 0.856609 0.858862
/Users/nbokulich/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/statsmodels/stats/multitest.py:320: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  reject = pvals_sorted <= ecdffactor*alpha
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.126819 3.770042e-02 NaN
vsearch -2.952960 4.538704e-03 NaN
rdp -2.952960 4.538704e-03 NaN
sortmerna -1.426218 1.591661e-01 NaN
blast 7.154296 1.613669e-09 NaN
uclust 8.141534 3.548490e-11 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.877182 6.552553e-02 NaN
naive-bayes vsearch -2.148669 3.584739e-02 NaN
rdp -2.148669 3.584739e-02 NaN
sortmerna -2.138312 3.671557e-02 NaN
blast 2.518036 1.458360e-02 NaN
uclust 3.429051 1.121125e-03 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.080895 4.186940e-02 NaN
vsearch rdp NaN NaN NaN
sortmerna 2.531773 1.408018e-02 NaN
blast 7.195561 1.375488e-09 NaN
uclust 8.153072 3.394187e-11 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.762370 8.327568e-02 NaN
rdp sortmerna 2.531773 1.408018e-02 NaN
blast 7.195561 1.375488e-09 NaN
uclust 8.153072 3.394187e-11 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.762370 8.327568e-02 NaN
sortmerna blast 7.159719 1.580157e-09 NaN
uclust 8.147637 3.466015e-11 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -1.836242 7.144875e-02 NaN
blast uclust 3.213745 2.141039e-03 NaN
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.149526 1.643733e-09 NaN
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -7.620513 2.655004e-10 NaN


gg_13_8_otus level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 0.774533 0.829707 0.966365 0.913330 0.936868
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.97 0.558085 0.587260 0.800121 0.722006 0.756215
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.51:0.8 0.543011 0.590632 0.781600 0.699559 0.734336
0 blast 1000 0.541281 0.588847 0.781597 0.699503 0.734306
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.551996 0.584026 0.773162 0.622255 0.675783
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.539866 0.645513 0.775514 0.494970 0.582100
4 rdp 0.4 0.508823 0.597903 0.781453 0.487433 0.579487
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.9:1:0.9:1.0 0.514926 0.555999 0.609748 0.537393 0.567987
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 2.088036 4.635904e-02 7.639518e-02
vsearch -1.298109 2.052297e-01 2.298573e-01
rdp 2.088857 4.627924e-02 7.639518e-02
sortmerna 2.954274 6.425307e-03 1.802145e-02
blast 1.440004 1.613617e-01 1.964403e-01
uclust 1.502020 1.446982e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.356296 8.320207e-07 3.328083e-06
naive-bayes vsearch -2.609719 1.460058e-02 3.442351e-02
rdp 0.742658 4.641017e-01 4.998018e-01
sortmerna 0.274238 7.859889e-01 8.150996e-01
blast -2.087791 4.638279e-02 7.639518e-02
uclust -1.451109 1.582698e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.573601 3.800203e-08 4.912339e-07
vsearch rdp 2.605247 1.475293e-02 3.442351e-02
sortmerna 3.612115 1.222973e-03 4.280406e-03
blast 1.300049 2.045736e-01 2.298573e-01
uclust 2.317250 2.831299e-02 6.098182e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.998645 1.597891e-07 1.118524e-06
rdp sortmerna 0.216540 8.301950e-01 8.301950e-01
blast -2.088614 4.630287e-02 7.639518e-02
uclust -1.479014 1.507099e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -7.441775 5.263220e-08 4.912339e-07
sortmerna blast -2.953578 6.436231e-03 1.802145e-02
uclust -1.482821 1.497014e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -8.154994 9.279879e-09 2.598366e-07
blast uclust 1.501824 1.447486e-01 1.964403e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.358289 8.277176e-07 3.328083e-06
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -6.821250 2.508812e-07 1.404934e-06

unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS level 6

Method Parameters Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate Precision Recall F-measure
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.94 0.669836 0.546032 0.972887 0.929592 0.944469
5 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.666131 0.534669 0.971207 0.925385 0.939629
4 rdp 0.6 0.658445 0.556626 0.941823 0.925922 0.932765
7 vsearch 1:0.75:0.9 0.661119 0.554507 0.934220 0.925922 0.929675
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.675403 0.542180 0.931071 0.925258 0.928022
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[11,11]:0.98 0.618735 0.501348 0.935384 0.878948 0.902295
0 blast 1000 0.575196 0.481317 0.864703 0.864703 0.864703
6 uclust 0.51:0.9:1 0.475223 0.385208 0.861520 0.856609 0.858862
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ naive-bayes 4.870672 8.955166e-06 2.089539e-05
vsearch -1.226348 2.250235e-01 2.250235e-01
rdp -2.585395 1.226227e-02 1.907465e-02
sortmerna -2.266427 2.717148e-02 3.170006e-02
blast 7.416245 5.853776e-10 2.731762e-09
uclust 8.305885 1.884853e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.345272 2.245560e-02 2.733725e-02
naive-bayes vsearch -4.758296 1.338066e-05 2.881987e-05
rdp -5.038219 4.891520e-06 1.245114e-05
sortmerna -4.462116 3.790479e-05 7.580959e-05
blast 3.342155 1.459689e-03 2.404193e-03
uclust 4.163979 1.051109e-04 1.839441e-04
naive-bayes-bespoke -4.261095 7.565123e-05 1.412156e-04
vsearch rdp -2.554263 1.328990e-02 1.958512e-02
sortmerna -2.438366 1.783744e-02 2.378326e-02
blast 7.325742 8.310027e-10 3.324011e-09
uclust 8.156795 3.345844e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.393299 1.995446e-02 2.539659e-02
rdp sortmerna -2.022239 4.777186e-02 4.962695e-02
blast 7.462607 4.892038e-10 2.731762e-09
uclust 8.261010 2.239977e-11 3.122788e-10
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.182273 3.315302e-02 3.713139e-02
sortmerna blast 6.915088 4.069873e-09 1.266183e-08
uclust 7.443678 5.263979e-10 2.731762e-09
naive-bayes-bespoke -2.021463 4.785456e-02 4.962695e-02
blast uclust 2.474556 1.628602e-02 2.280042e-02
naive-bayes-bespoke -6.618927 1.275875e-08 3.572450e-08
uclust naive-bayes-bespoke -6.996678 2.969028e-09 1.039160e-08

Beta diversity method/parameter comparisons

Principal coordinate analysis offers a neat way to assess the relative performance of multiple methods to reconstruct expected compositions. Methods that cluster with the "expected" composition probably outperform those that appear more distant on a PCoA plot. First, we need to merge biom tables from each method/parameter configuration for each dataset/reference/level combination, so that we can compare each method/parameter as a separate "sample".

Note: if you have added additional methods and are attempting to recompute results, set force=True.

In [33]:
merge_expected_and_observed_tables(expected_results_dir, results_dirs, taxonomy_level=6, force=True, 

Now we can manually select which table we want to view. This will output a Bray-Curtis PCoA plot, in addition to ANOSIM test results, which indicate whether at least two methods are significantly different from each other.

These plots are useful for visualizing the relative performance of different methods and their configurations relative to each other and to expected compositions, but are primarily a qualitative technique and do not really give us an idea of whether method X actually performs better than method Y.

Note that 2D plots will only appear if you are running notebooks locally. If viewing static notebooks online, make sure you are viewing this notebook in nbviewer. (if viewing on GitHub, just copy the URL and paste into the search bar in nbviewer.)

In [34]:
table = join(expected_results_dir, 'mock-18', 'gg_13_8_otus', 'merged_table.biom')
sample_md, results, pc, dm = beta_diversity_pcoa(table, method="braycurtis", dim=2,
                                                 permutations=99, col='method', 

R =  0.286742732174 ; P =  0.01
/home/ben/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-2017.6/lib/python3.5/site-packages/skbio/stats/ordination/_principal_coordinate_analysis.py:111: RuntimeWarning: The result contains negative eigenvalues. Please compare their magnitude with the magnitude of some of the largest positive eigenvalues. If the negative ones are smaller, it's probably safe to ignore them, but if they are large in magnitude, the results won't be useful. See the Notes section for more details. The smallest eigenvalue is -1.2081736462109671 and the largest is 13.524061791272043.
Loading BokehJS ...

You can also view all beta diversity plots with a single command, batch_beta_diversity(), but we will only show single dataset examples in these example notebooks.

Average dissimilarity between expected results and observed results for each method

As we already discussed, PCoA plots are good for a qualitative overview, but don't offer much in the way of quantitative comparison. Instead, we can directly compare the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between methods, and utilize pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests to determine precisely which methods perform better (lower dissimilarity = more accurate classification). In the cell below, we will use distance comparisons to determine:

1) Whether the dissimilarity between taxonomic assignment with different parameters of the same method is greater or less than the dissimilarity between taxonomic assignments with different methods, including the expected composition.
2) which method (averaged across all configurations) most closely reproduces the expected composition.

You can generate boxplots for individual datasets one-by-one with per_method_boxplots(), or for all datasets individually with fastlane_boxplots(). However, here we are most interested in the average performance of methods across each dataset.

The command below violin plots of distribution of distances between expected composition and predicted compositions for each method (all parameter configurations) across all samples/datasets, and pairwise Mann Whitney U tests between these distributions.

In [12]:
boxes, best = average_distance_boxplots(expected_results_dir, paired=False,
                                        use_best=False, color_palette=color_palette)


stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ blast 5.123550 3.750830e-07 5.834625e-07
naive-bayes-bespoke 21.057707 3.604650e-93 3.364340e-92
naive-bayes -5.447897 5.422066e-08 1.002903e-07
rdp 5.876506 5.603218e-09 1.206847e-08
sortmerna 4.623602 4.276776e-06 5.702368e-06
uclust 0.460602 6.451502e-01 6.451502e-01
vsearch -1.097503 2.725715e-01 2.935385e-01
blast naive-bayes-bespoke 2.376851 1.752196e-02 2.133108e-02
naive-bayes -6.096060 1.222337e-09 3.111402e-09
rdp -2.224597 2.672431e-02 3.117836e-02
sortmerna -2.829360 5.003881e-03 6.368576e-03
uclust -5.754990 1.228829e-08 2.457658e-08
vsearch -5.466148 5.730876e-08 1.002903e-07
naive-bayes-bespoke naive-bayes -42.058853 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
rdp -9.228368 4.752963e-20 2.218049e-19
sortmerna -8.506349 2.700078e-17 1.080031e-16
uclust -20.972279 1.805146e-92 1.263602e-91
vsearch -24.920575 1.297107e-127 1.815949e-126
naive-bayes rdp 9.348021 1.589160e-20 8.899297e-20
sortmerna 7.413175 1.564983e-13 5.477441e-13
uclust 6.050850 1.581107e-09 3.689249e-09
vsearch 4.824764 1.453539e-06 2.034954e-06
rdp sortmerna -0.674307 5.004101e-01 5.189439e-01
uclust -6.197996 8.170584e-10 2.287763e-09
vsearch -6.822651 1.360274e-11 4.231963e-11
sortmerna uclust -4.920069 1.014636e-06 1.495254e-06
vsearch -5.386507 8.600462e-08 1.416547e-07
uclust vsearch -1.648283 9.947297e-02 1.114097e-01


stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ blast 9.640919 1.830050e-21 3.202588e-21
naive-bayes-bespoke 38.653451 8.482023e-300 1.187483e-298
naive-bayes 18.640706 6.034712e-76 1.689719e-75
rdp 24.251627 9.078087e-116 5.083729e-115
sortmerna 18.640578 7.000215e-72 1.781873e-71
uclust -1.433858 1.517095e-01 1.633794e-01
vsearch 9.129660 1.092766e-19 1.699857e-19
blast naive-bayes-bespoke -0.962448 3.358603e-01 3.482995e-01
naive-bayes -4.421985 9.939306e-06 1.265003e-05
rdp 2.141749 3.252363e-02 3.642646e-02
sortmerna 0.162795 8.707347e-01 8.707347e-01
uclust -11.672483 2.316028e-30 4.632056e-30
vsearch -7.488710 9.886499e-14 1.384110e-13
naive-bayes-bespoke naive-bayes -21.953107 7.022254e-105 3.277052e-104
rdp 6.359202 2.155121e-10 2.873495e-10
sortmerna 2.174683 2.968796e-02 3.463596e-02
uclust -42.716667 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
vsearch -29.307596 5.548754e-180 5.178838e-179
naive-bayes rdp 13.291442 7.827892e-40 1.686008e-39
sortmerna 8.948023 4.591237e-19 6.766033e-19
uclust -20.969526 4.381587e-95 1.533556e-94
vsearch -9.434689 4.964277e-21 8.176456e-21
rdp sortmerna -3.054186 2.309178e-03 2.811173e-03
uclust -28.723443 4.156486e-155 2.909540e-154
vsearch -19.882069 2.013703e-82 6.264853e-82
sortmerna uclust -22.252051 1.168845e-98 4.675380e-98
vsearch -14.571551 2.558118e-46 5.968942e-46
uclust vsearch 11.379295 1.595565e-29 2.978388e-29
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11b67aa20>

In [35]:
for k, v in boxes.items():
    v.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, 'mock-nonopt-distance-{0}-boxplots.pdf'.format(k)))

Average distance between expected results and observed results for each method with optimized parameters

Reports the top-performing parameter configuration for each method, violin plots of distribution of distances between expected composition and predicted compositions for the top parameter for each method across all samples/datasets, and pairwise paired Wilcoxon signed rank tests between these distributions.

In [7]:
boxes, best = average_distance_boxplots(expected_results_dir, paired=False,


method params distance
6 uclust 0.76:0.9:1 0.697222
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.675437
0 blast 1000 0.674382
4 rdp 0.3 0.671381
5 sortmerna 0.51:0.99:1:0.9:1.0 0.671113
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.8 0.666258
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.655735
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[9,9]:0.0 0.467257
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ blast -0.226415 8.217339e-01 9.923969e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke 6.532120 2.365461e-08 9.461843e-08
naive-bayes 0.314748 7.541657e-01 9.923969e-01
rdp -0.156043 8.765806e-01 9.923969e-01
sortmerna -0.155769 8.767957e-01 9.923969e-01
uclust -0.919897 3.617176e-01 9.923969e-01
vsearch -0.258380 7.970958e-01 9.923969e-01
blast naive-bayes-bespoke 6.708680 1.224007e-08 5.712032e-08
naive-bayes 0.551557 5.835275e-01 9.923969e-01
rdp 0.090361 9.283350e-01 9.923969e-01
sortmerna 0.103580 9.178865e-01 9.923969e-01
uclust -0.671160 5.049795e-01 9.923969e-01
vsearch -0.029409 9.766465e-01 9.923969e-01
naive-bayes-bespoke naive-bayes -6.732156 1.121256e-08 5.712032e-08
rdp -7.485316 6.713150e-10 6.265607e-09
sortmerna -8.076811 7.417049e-11 1.038387e-09
uclust -8.136249 5.949654e-11 1.038387e-09
vsearch -6.834442 7.651112e-09 5.355778e-08
naive-bayes rdp -0.512120 6.106552e-01 9.923969e-01
sortmerna -0.534798 5.949852e-01 9.923969e-01
uclust -1.319438 1.925898e-01 6.740644e-01
vsearch -0.589343 5.580890e-01 9.923969e-01
rdp sortmerna 0.009573 9.923969e-01 9.923969e-01
uclust -0.839043 4.051442e-01 9.923969e-01
vsearch -0.123561 9.021217e-01 9.923969e-01
sortmerna uclust -0.899840 3.722010e-01 9.923969e-01
vsearch -0.138786 8.901355e-01 9.923969e-01
uclust vsearch 0.647288 5.201881e-01 9.923969e-01


method params distance
6 uclust 1.0:0.9:1 0.599239
0 blast 1000 0.586838
2 naive-bayes 0.001:char:8192:[16,16]:0.7 0.574774
7 vsearch 1:0.99:0.99 0.549004
5 sortmerna 1.0:0.99:5:0.9:1.0 0.548545
4 rdp 0.3 0.548401
3 naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 0.546291
1 blast+ 0.001:1:0.99:0.99 0.543117
stat P FDR P
Method A Method B
blast+ blast -2.437728 0.016271 0.068501
naive-bayes-bespoke -0.173448 0.862599 0.994093
naive-bayes -1.378974 0.170533 0.434085
rdp -0.277334 0.782009 0.994093
sortmerna -0.277090 0.782196 0.994093
uclust -2.998939 0.003305 0.046270
vsearch -0.306423 0.759823 0.994093
blast naive-bayes-bespoke 2.418521 0.017125 0.068501
naive-bayes 0.554515 0.580285 0.902665
rdp 2.182101 0.031084 0.104714
sortmerna 2.105168 0.037398 0.104714
uclust -0.719140 0.473477 0.779844
vsearch 2.127227 0.035483 0.104714
naive-bayes-bespoke naive-bayes -1.287859 0.200358 0.467503
rdp -0.117415 0.906732 0.994093
sortmerna -0.121500 0.903504 0.994093
uclust -3.006743 0.003233 0.046270
vsearch -0.149526 0.881396 0.994093
naive-bayes rdp 1.161629 0.247750 0.485216
sortmerna 1.132521 0.259731 0.485216
uclust -1.091567 0.277266 0.485216
vsearch 1.128359 0.261477 0.485216
rdp sortmerna -0.007419 0.994093 0.994093
uclust -2.761886 0.006667 0.047930
vsearch -0.031868 0.974631 0.994093
sortmerna uclust -2.673968 0.008559 0.047930
vsearch -0.023629 0.981189 0.994093
uclust vsearch 2.705077 0.007840 0.047930
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x11b599c18>

In [38]:
for k, v in boxes.items():
    v.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, 'mock-opt-distance-{0}-boxplots.pdf'.format(k)))

In [24]:
a = best['gg_13_8_otus'].groupby(['method', 'params']).mean()
a = a.sort_values('distance')
a[a['distance'] < 0.51]

method params
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[9,9]:0.0 0.467257
0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.0 0.467649
0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.0 0.468700
0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.0 0.469980
0.001:prior:char:8192:[9,9]:0.5 0.470198
0.001:prior:char:8192:[11,11]:0.0 0.470591
0.001:prior:char:8192:[7,7]:0.5 0.470635
0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.0 0.471006
0.001:prior:char:8192:[6,6]:0.5 0.471651
0.001:prior:char:8192:[8,8]:0.5 0.472379
0.001:prior:char:8192:[11,11]:0.5 0.476747
0.001:prior:char:8192:[10,10]:0.5 0.477313
0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.0 0.488763
0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.5 0.490282
0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.0 0.498809
0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.5 0.502069
0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.0 0.503721
0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.5 0.505855

In [ ]: