Interaction between mock, CV, and novel taxa results

The purpose of this notebook is to plot the F-measure (or other metric) scores achieved for mock community, cross-validated, and novel taxa evaluations with each method/parameter configuration. Each configuration that is tested in all three evaluations will be plotted in 3D space as a single point (averaged across all datasets/samples, e.g., all samples in each mock community will be averaged since the same samples do not exist in the cv and nt evals).

First we load modules and data.

In [48]:
from os.path import join, expandvars
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn.xkcd_rgb as colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from tax_credit.plotting_functions import isolate_top_params
#%matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
project_dir = expandvars("../../")
precomputed_results = join(project_dir, "data", "precomputed-results")
mock_results = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(join(
    precomputed_results, "mock-community", "mock_results.tsv"), sep="\t")
cv_results = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(join(
    precomputed_results, "cross-validated", "evaluate_classification_summary.csv"))
nt_results = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(join(
    precomputed_results, "novel-taxa-simulations", "evaluate_classification_summary.csv"))

# we can save plots in this directory
outdir = expandvars("../../../plots/")

We can set some global variables here

In [3]:
level = 6
metric = "F-measure"
method = "Method"
params = "Parameters"
reference = "Reference"
dataset = "Dataset"

    'rdp': colors['baby shit green'], 'sortmerna': colors['macaroni and cheese'],
    'uclust': 'coral', 'blast': 'indigo', 'blast+': colors['electric purple'], 'naive-bayes': 'dodgerblue',
    'naive-bayes-bespoke': 'blue', 'vsearch': 'firebrick'

We will use the following functions for combining evaluations and plotting

In [181]:
def combined_evaluation(mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params, metric, method, reference, dataset, domain, level):
    pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'

    # Filter mock results to use correct datasets
    dataset_ids = ['mock-1', 'mock-2', 'mock-3', 'mock-4', 'mock-5', 'mock-7', 'mock-8', 'mock-9',
                   'mock-10', 'mock-12', 'mock-16', 'mock-18', 'mock-19', 'mock-20', 'mock-21', 
                   'mock-22', 'mock-23', 'mock-24', 'mock-26-ITS1', 'mock-26-ITS9']
    method_ids = ['rdp', 'sortmerna', 'uclust', 'blast', 'blast+', 'naive-bayes', 'naive-bayes-bespoke', 'vsearch']
    if domain == "fungi":
        ref_ids = ['F1-REF', 'F2-REF', 'F3-REF', 'unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS']
    elif domain == "bacteria":
        ref_ids = ['B1-REF', 'B2-REF', 'B3-REF', 'gg_13_8_otus']
    # otherwise combine bacteria and fungi
        ref_ids = ['B1-REF', 'B2-REF', 'B3-REF', 'gg_13_8_otus', 'F1-REF', 'F2-REF', 'F3-REF', 'unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS']

    # Set level
    mock_results = mock_results[mock_results['Level'] == level]
    nt_results = nt_results[nt_results['level'] == level]
    # Filter mock results to use correct datasets
    mock_results = mock_results[(mock_results[reference].isin(ref_ids)) & 
                                (mock_results[method].isin(method_ids)) &

    # Filter nt and cv results to use correct datasets
    cv_results = cv_results[cv_results[dataset].isin(ref_ids)]
    nt_results = nt_results[nt_results[dataset].isin(ref_ids)]

    # modify parameter names so all evaluations use same conventions
    mock_results[params] = mock_results[params].str.replace('prior:char:8192','')
    mock_results[params] = mock_results[params].str.replace('char:8192:','')

    # extract per-level results from cv_results
    for m in ['Precision', 'Recall', 'F-measure']:
        level_results = []
        for v in cv_results[m]:
            v = v.strip('[]').split(', ')
        cv_results[m] = level_results

    # join all eval dataframes into one
    mock_mean = mock_results.groupby([method, params]).mean()
    cv_mean = cv_results.groupby([method, params]).mean()
    nt_mean = nt_results.groupby([method, params]).mean()
    dat = ['F-measure', 'Precision', 'Recall']
    evals_combined  = pd.concat([mock_mean[dat], cv_mean[dat], nt_mean[dat]], axis=1, join='inner')
    evals_combined.columns = ['Mock', 'MP', 'MR', 'Cross-validated', 'CP', 'CR', 'Novel taxa', 'NP', 'NR']
    return evals_combined

def plot_3d(evals_combined, x='Mock', y='Cross-validated', z='Novel taxa'):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    for m in evals_combined.index.levels[0]:
        evals_subset = evals_combined.loc[m]

    return ax

def set_threshold(df, mock_threshold, cv_threshold, nt_threshold, x='Mock', y='Cross-validated', z='Novel taxa'):
    mock_threshold = df[x] >= mock_threshold
    cv_threshold = df[y] >= cv_threshold
    nt_threshold = df[z] >= nt_threshold
    df = df[mock_threshold & cv_threshold & nt_threshold]
    return df

Bacteria level 5

In [167]:
evals_bacteria_5 = combined_evaluation(
    mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params,
    metric, method, reference, dataset, "bacteria", 5)

ax = plot_3d(evals_bacteria_5)

ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-bacteria-genus.pdf"), facecolor="white")
ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-bacteria-genus.png"), facecolor="white")

In [169]:
# find top-performing methods across all evals
evals_bacteria_5['sum'] = evals_bacteria_5['Mock'] + evals_bacteria_5['Cross-validated'] + evals_bacteria_5['Novel taxa']
evals_bacteria_5.sort_values('sum', ascending=False)[:10]

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.970689 0.989877 0.953833 0.916163 0.980870 0.859521 0.455828 0.628098 0.357821 2.342680
0.001::[6,6]:0.96 0.971723 0.986793 0.958080 0.921763 0.977041 0.872439 0.433962 0.571083 0.350050 2.327448
0.001::[7,7]:0.98 0.972685 0.986276 0.960380 0.922175 0.979056 0.871577 0.420981 0.562312 0.336577 2.315841
0.001::[8,8]:0.98 0.973107 0.982298 0.964539 0.921779 0.977143 0.872374 0.418760 0.551287 0.337727 2.313646
0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.974508 0.986894 0.963113 0.924388 0.974047 0.879582 0.412691 0.531172 0.337529 2.311587
0.001::[9,9]:0.98 0.974424 0.982298 0.967079 0.921708 0.976683 0.872626 0.409537 0.534702 0.331941 2.305669
0.001::[7,7]:0.96 0.974684 0.986080 0.964122 0.925577 0.974581 0.881297 0.403508 0.519721 0.329923 2.303769
0.001::[10,10]:0.98 0.974372 0.982193 0.967079 0.920799 0.975124 0.872233 0.397393 0.517350 0.322680 2.292564
0.001::[6,6]:0.92 0.975427 0.986885 0.964901 0.926120 0.971784 0.884580 0.390122 0.492246 0.323184 2.291669
0.001::[7,7]:0.94 0.976038 0.985353 0.967389 0.928345 0.972249 0.888259 0.385949 0.486296 0.320042 2.290332

Bacteria level 6

In [171]:
evals_bacteria = combined_evaluation(
    mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params,
    metric, method, reference, dataset, "bacteria", level)

ax = plot_3d(evals_bacteria)

ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-bacteria.pdf"), facecolor="white")
ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-bacteria.png"), facecolor="white")

Top method: sum of metrics

In [172]:
# find top-performing methods across all evals
evals_bacteria['sum'] = evals_bacteria['Mock'] + evals_bacteria['Cross-validated'] + evals_bacteria['Novel taxa']
evals_bacteria.sort_values('sum', ascending=False)[:10]

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[32,32]:0.5 0.936868 0.966365 0.913330 0.787882 0.817525 0.760322 0.053593 0.066694 0.044801 1.778343
0.001::[6,6]:0.9 0.705332 0.979879 0.581917 0.826988 0.931062 0.743872 0.165107 0.242715 0.125204 1.697427
0.001::[7,7]:0.9 0.714312 0.978454 0.593650 0.832648 0.925569 0.756722 0.147954 0.209964 0.114300 1.694913
0.001::[7,7]:0.92 0.712372 0.978162 0.591565 0.831132 0.930816 0.750772 0.151371 0.221300 0.115118 1.694876
0.001::[7,7]:0.94 0.708118 0.977916 0.585749 0.828505 0.936003 0.743191 0.157324 0.238789 0.117408 1.693947
0.001::[6,6]:0.92 0.704833 0.979810 0.581093 0.824505 0.936172 0.736666 0.164581 0.250958 0.122554 1.693919
0.001::[32,32]:0.0 0.936223 0.964806 0.913330 0.756596 0.756634 0.756559 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.692819
0.001::[8,8]:0.92 0.711734 0.974683 0.592544 0.829372 0.924433 0.752067 0.147249 0.212426 0.112743 1.688355
0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.703041 0.979805 0.578943 0.821557 0.941725 0.728625 0.161884 0.258988 0.117844 1.686481
0.001::[8,8]:0.94 0.711090 0.974684 0.591729 0.827487 0.930286 0.745172 0.147354 0.219961 0.110847 1.685931

"Balanced" metric

In [174]:
set_threshold(evals_bacteria, 0.7, 0.8, 0.15)

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.9 0.705332 0.979879 0.581917 0.826988 0.931062 0.743872 0.165107 0.242715 0.125204 1.697427
0.001::[6,6]:0.92 0.704833 0.979810 0.581093 0.824505 0.936172 0.736666 0.164581 0.250958 0.122554 1.693919
0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.703041 0.979805 0.578943 0.821557 0.941725 0.728625 0.161884 0.258988 0.117844 1.686481
0.001::[7,7]:0.92 0.712372 0.978162 0.591565 0.831132 0.930816 0.750772 0.151371 0.221300 0.115118 1.694876
0.001::[7,7]:0.94 0.708118 0.977916 0.585749 0.828505 0.936003 0.743191 0.157324 0.238789 0.117408 1.693947

"novel" method

In [175]:
set_threshold(evals_bacteria, 0.4, 0.8, 0.2)

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
blast+ 0.001:10:0.51:0.8 0.435585 0.723258 0.325427 0.816035 0.896382 0.749011 0.225072 0.331765 0.170688 1.476692
uclust 0.76:0.9:5 0.467342 0.775436 0.347768 0.839738 0.938376 0.759930 0.219491 0.357840 0.158487 1.526570
vsearch 10:0.51:0.8 0.449867 0.739803 0.341887 0.814357 0.891174 0.749787 0.225973 0.332746 0.171471 1.490197
10:0.51:0.9 0.450025 0.740312 0.341899 0.819837 0.896329 0.755438 0.218961 0.337687 0.162389 1.488823

"non-novel" method

In [176]:
set_threshold(evals_bacteria, 0.9, 0.75, 0.05)

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[32,32]:0.5 0.936868 0.966365 0.91333 0.787882 0.817525 0.760322 0.053593 0.066694 0.044801 1.778343

Mock results top F-measure

In [177]:
a = mock_results[(mock_results['Level'] == 6) & (mock_results['Reference'] == 'gg_13_8_otus')]
a = a.groupby(['Method', 'Parameters']).mean()
a = a.sort_values('F-measure', ascending=False)

Level Precision Recall F-measure Taxon Accuracy Rate Taxon Detection Rate
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.5 6 0.966365 0.913330 0.936868 0.774533 0.829707
0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.0 6 0.964806 0.913330 0.936223 0.779569 0.829707
0.001:prior:char:8192:[32,32]:0.7 6 0.967144 0.735058 0.810349 0.753343 0.811453
0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.5 6 0.802810 0.747975 0.772246 0.779585 0.843331
0.001:prior:char:8192:[18,18]:0.0 6 0.799452 0.747975 0.770868 0.787549 0.843331
0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.0 6 0.802136 0.740538 0.767227 0.788619 0.836042
0.001:prior:char:8192:[12,12]:0.0 6 0.798488 0.733346 0.761265 0.796385 0.837999
0.001:prior:char:8192:[14,14]:0.5 6 0.801674 0.725593 0.757531 0.772650 0.829375
vsearch 1:0.99:0.97 6 0.800121 0.722006 0.756215 0.558085 0.587260
1:0.75:0.97 6 0.800121 0.722006 0.756215 0.558085 0.587260
1:0.51:0.97 6 0.800121 0.722006 0.756215 0.558085 0.587260
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.0 6 0.785034 0.732991 0.756141 0.788335 0.828279
vsearch 1:0.51:0.9 6 0.799200 0.722006 0.755926 0.560528 0.590832
1:0.75:0.9 6 0.799200 0.722006 0.755926 0.560528 0.590832
1:0.99:0.9 6 0.799200 0.722006 0.755926 0.560528 0.590832
1:0.51:0.8 6 0.798594 0.722006 0.755729 0.560022 0.590832
1:0.75:0.8 6 0.798594 0.722006 0.755729 0.560022 0.590832
1:0.99:0.8 6 0.798594 0.722006 0.755729 0.560022 0.590832
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001:prior:char:8192:[16,16]:0.5 6 0.784999 0.731651 0.755331 0.771364 0.824311
vsearch 1:0.51:0.99 6 0.799432 0.720764 0.755187 0.562169 0.587260

"high-precision" metric

In [180]:
ax = plot_3d(evals_bacteria, 'MP', 'CP', 'NP')

In [207]:
set_threshold(evals_bacteria_precision, 0.95, 0.95, 0.25, 'MP', 'CP', 'NP')

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.675678 0.986527 0.536697 0.802879 0.956260 0.691946 0.162814 0.302948 0.111437
0.001::[7,7]:0.98 0.686757 0.979764 0.551431 0.814673 0.950889 0.712628 0.163697 0.282534 0.115344

"high-recall" metric

In [183]:
ax = plot_3d(evals_bacteria, 'MR', 'CR', 'NR')

In [185]:
set_threshold(evals_bacteria, 0.7, 0.75, 0.04, 'MR', 'CR', 'NR')

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[12,12]:0.5 0.754058 0.800459 0.721253 0.815240 0.829910 0.801085 0.053206 0.057727 0.049344 1.622504
0.001::[14,14]:0.5 0.757531 0.801674 0.725593 0.811291 0.826325 0.796796 0.051823 0.056571 0.047813 1.620645
0.001::[16,16]:0.5 0.755331 0.784999 0.731651 0.808282 0.824839 0.792382 0.052220 0.057992 0.047495 1.615833
0.001::[18,18]:0.5 0.772246 0.802810 0.747975 0.805482 0.822705 0.788969 0.055136 0.061230 0.050147 1.632863
0.001::[32,32]:0.5 0.936868 0.966365 0.913330 0.787882 0.817525 0.760322 0.053593 0.066694 0.044801 1.778343

Fungi level 6

In [186]:
evals_fungi = combined_evaluation(
    mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params,
    metric, method, reference, dataset, "fungi", level)

ax = plot_3d(evals_fungi)

ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-fungi.pdf"), facecolor="white")
ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-fungi.png"), facecolor="white")

In [187]:
# find top-performing methods across all evals
evals_fungi['sum'] = evals_fungi['Mock'] + evals_fungi['Cross-validated'] + evals_fungi['Novel taxa']
evals_fungi.sort_values('sum', ascending=False)[:10]

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
rdp 0.9 0.921991 0.937464 0.913311 0.517324 0.697787 0.411087 0.469883 0.617385 0.379322 1.909198
0.8 0.923891 0.938904 0.915099 0.506592 0.632788 0.422421 0.434051 0.534094 0.365651 1.864534
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.927422 0.969632 0.913376 0.503559 0.623920 0.422237 0.420927 0.511613 0.357635 1.851908
0.001::[6,6]:0.96 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.490756 0.589913 0.420222 0.393342 0.466027 0.340323 1.812099
0.001::[7,7]:0.98 0.935468 0.969632 0.920564 0.486725 0.595609 0.411555 0.385708 0.465972 0.329082 1.807900
naive-bayes 0.001:[6,6]:0.98 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.505361 0.628796 0.422549 0.426155 0.519976 0.361091 1.805743
rdp 0.7 0.928929 0.939035 0.921740 0.479447 0.571528 0.413002 0.382254 0.451244 0.331614 1.790630
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.479764 0.566541 0.416102 0.371032 0.432679 0.324801 1.778797
naive-bayes 0.001:[6,6]:0.96 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.494723 0.596504 0.422691 0.398585 0.473223 0.344329 1.767535
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[8,8]:0.98 0.929588 0.969632 0.915164 0.471443 0.581775 0.396335 0.365760 0.448802 0.308699 1.766792

In [188]:
set_threshold(evals_fungi, 0.85, 0.45, 0.37)

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes 0.001:[6,6]:0.94 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.480940 0.570173 0.415902 0.374248 0.437836 0.326823 1.729415
0.001:[6,6]:0.96 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.494723 0.596504 0.422691 0.398585 0.473223 0.344329 1.767535
0.001:[6,6]:0.98 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.505361 0.628796 0.422549 0.426155 0.519976 0.361091 1.805743
0.001:[7,7]:0.98 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.485003 0.596209 0.408806 0.387674 0.470084 0.329893 1.746904
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.479764 0.566541 0.416102 0.371032 0.432679 0.324801 1.778797
0.001::[6,6]:0.96 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.490756 0.589913 0.420222 0.393342 0.466027 0.340323 1.812099
0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.927422 0.969632 0.913376 0.503559 0.623920 0.422237 0.420927 0.511613 0.357635 1.851908
0.001::[7,7]:0.98 0.935468 0.969632 0.920564 0.486725 0.595609 0.411555 0.385708 0.465972 0.329082 1.807900
rdp 0.7 0.928929 0.939035 0.921740 0.479447 0.571528 0.413002 0.382254 0.451244 0.331614 1.790630
0.8 0.923891 0.938904 0.915099 0.506592 0.632788 0.422421 0.434051 0.534094 0.365651 1.864534
0.9 0.921991 0.937464 0.913311 0.517324 0.697787 0.411087 0.469883 0.617385 0.379322 1.909198

"novel" fungi

In [198]:
set_threshold(evals_fungi, 0.85, 0.45, 0.4)

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes 0.001:[6,6]:0.98 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.505361 0.628796 0.422549 0.426155 0.519976 0.361091 1.805743
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.927422 0.969632 0.913376 0.503559 0.623920 0.422237 0.420927 0.511613 0.357635 1.851908
rdp 0.8 0.923891 0.938904 0.915099 0.506592 0.632788 0.422421 0.434051 0.534094 0.365651 1.864534
0.9 0.921991 0.937464 0.913311 0.517324 0.697787 0.411087 0.469883 0.617385 0.379322 1.909198

fungi level 5

In [189]:
evals_fungi_5 = combined_evaluation(
    mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params,
    metric, method, reference, dataset, "fungi", 5)

ax = plot_3d(evals_fungi_5)

ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-fungi-genus.pdf"), facecolor="white")
ax.get_figure().savefig(join(outdir, "3way-eval-fmeasure-fungi-genus.png"), facecolor="white")

In [190]:
# find top-performing methods across all evals
evals_fungi_5['sum'] = evals_fungi_5['Mock'] + evals_fungi_5['Cross-validated'] + evals_fungi_5['Novel taxa']
evals_fungi_5.sort_values('sum', ascending=False)[:10]

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.9 0.976119 0.978335 0.974026 0.807002 0.894473 0.735173 0.167779 0.264073 0.123014 1.950900
rdp 0.7 0.945432 0.952343 0.939870 0.800292 0.909914 0.714317 0.204957 0.361206 0.143175 1.950681
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.92 0.973070 0.978335 0.968625 0.804963 0.897337 0.729907 0.172631 0.278470 0.125174 1.950663
0.001::[6,6]:0.96 0.951815 0.974554 0.938709 0.799349 0.909041 0.713373 0.191751 0.333218 0.134727 1.942915
rdp 0.6 0.945432 0.952343 0.939870 0.804966 0.890161 0.734724 0.191987 0.303091 0.140572 1.942385
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.951656 0.976425 0.937516 0.793017 0.919943 0.696984 0.197387 0.367639 0.135040 1.942060
0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.952342 0.974645 0.939332 0.803522 0.903482 0.723560 0.181770 0.302628 0.130005 1.937634
0.001::[7,7]:0.94 0.964635 0.978084 0.954355 0.801875 0.901592 0.722092 0.166973 0.282415 0.118596 1.933482
0.001::[7,7]:0.92 0.964635 0.978084 0.954355 0.802857 0.896271 0.727167 0.165409 0.270620 0.119170 1.932900
0.001::[7,7]:0.96 0.957556 0.976437 0.944811 0.797888 0.907133 0.712213 0.174487 0.306682 0.122016 1.929931

"high-precision" fungi

In [191]:
ax = plot_3d(evals_fungi, 'MP', 'CP', 'NP')

In [205]:
set_threshold(evals_fungi, 0.92, 0.6, 0.3, 'MP', 'CP', 'NP')

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes 0.001:[6,6]:0.98 0.874227 0.935085 0.827294 0.505361 0.628796 0.422549 0.426155 0.519976 0.361091 1.805743
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.927422 0.969632 0.913376 0.503559 0.623920 0.422237 0.420927 0.511613 0.357635 1.851908
rdp 0.8 0.923891 0.938904 0.915099 0.506592 0.632788 0.422421 0.434051 0.534094 0.365651 1.864534
0.9 0.921991 0.937464 0.913311 0.517324 0.697787 0.411087 0.469883 0.617385 0.379322 1.909198
1.0 0.821206 0.942963 0.742323 0.460527 0.809984 0.321902 0.459469 0.774336 0.326800 1.741202

"high-recall" fungi

In [193]:
ax = plot_3d(evals_fungi, 'MR', 'CR', 'NR')

In [194]:
set_threshold(evals_fungi, 0.9, 0.4, 0.3, 'MR', 'CR', 'NR')

Mock MP MR Cross-validated CP CR Novel taxa NP NR sum
Method Parameters
naive-bayes-bespoke 0.001::[6,6]:0.92 0.937779 0.971207 0.923596 0.466855 0.544321 0.408755 0.352976 0.407110 0.311591 1.757609
0.001::[6,6]:0.94 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.479764 0.566541 0.416102 0.371032 0.432679 0.324801 1.778797
0.001::[6,6]:0.96 0.928001 0.967761 0.914569 0.490756 0.589913 0.420222 0.393342 0.466027 0.340323 1.812099
0.001::[6,6]:0.98 0.927422 0.969632 0.913376 0.503559 0.623920 0.422237 0.420927 0.511613 0.357635 1.851908
0.001::[7,7]:0.96 0.935429 0.969407 0.920564 0.469653 0.560104 0.404420 0.357488 0.422168 0.310035 1.762570
0.001::[7,7]:0.98 0.935468 0.969632 0.920564 0.486725 0.595609 0.411555 0.385708 0.465972 0.329082 1.807900
rdp 0.7 0.928929 0.939035 0.921740 0.479447 0.571528 0.413002 0.382254 0.451244 0.331614 1.790630
0.8 0.923891 0.938904 0.915099 0.506592 0.632788 0.422421 0.434051 0.534094 0.365651 1.864534
0.9 0.921991 0.937464 0.913311 0.517324 0.697787 0.411087 0.469883 0.617385 0.379322 1.909198

Results from levels 2 through 6

In [26]:
p = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 8))
c = 0
for d in ["bacteria", "fungi"]:
    if d == "fungi":
        c = 5
    for l in range(2,7):
        evals_combined = combined_evaluation(
        mock_results, cv_results, nt_results, params,
        metric, method, reference, dataset, d, l)

        #p = plt.subplot(5, 2, l-1)
        #ax = p.gca(projection='3d')
        ax = p.add_subplot(2, 5, l-1+c, projection='3d')
        for m in evals_combined.index.levels[0]:
            evals_subset = evals_combined.loc[m]
                       zs=evals_subset['Novel taxa'],

        ax.set_zlabel('Novel taxa')