iLQG algorithm with inverted Pendulum

Initialize variables

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from drl.ilqg import Pendulum

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-aabd84276b3c> in <module>()
      1 import numpy as np
      2 from drl.ilqg import Pendulum
----> 3 from drl.env import TwoLinkArm

ImportError: No module named 'drl.env'

In [26]:
env = Pendulum()

render_env = True

T = 100
dt = 0.05
state_dim = 2
action_dim = 1

epsilon = 0.00000001
lamb = 1.0
lamb_factor = 5
lamb_max = 1000
eps_converge = 0.00001

Helper functions

Define functions for calculating temporal difference derivative and losses.

Only valid for pendulum environment!

In [3]:
def dynamics(x, u):
    th, thdot = x

    g = 10.
    m = 1.
    l = 1.
    dt = 0.05
    max_torque = 8.
    max_speed = 2.
    u = np.clip(u, -max_torque, max_torque)[0]

    newthdot = thdot + (-3 * g / (2 * l) * np.sin(th + np.pi) + 3. / (m * l ** 2) * u) * dt
    newth = th + newthdot * dt
    newthdot = np.clip(newthdot, -max_speed, max_speed)

    return np.array([newth, newthdot])

In [4]:
def dynamics_derivatives(t, epsilon):
    x, u = t

    dfdx = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        x_plus = np.copy(x)
        x_plus[i] += epsilon
        x_min = np.copy(x)
        x_min[i] -= epsilon
        dfdx.append((dynamics(x_plus, u) - dynamics(x_min, u)) / (2. * epsilon))

    dfdu = []
    for i in range(len(u)):
        u_plus = np.copy(u)
        u_plus[i] += epsilon
        u_min = np.copy(u)
        u_min[i] -= epsilon
        dfdu.append((dynamics(x, u_plus) - dynamics(x, u_min)) / (2. * epsilon))
    return np.stack(dfdx, axis=1), np.stack(dfdu, axis=1)

In [17]:
def calc_cost(t):
    x, u = t
    l = 0.01 * u**2
    lx = np.zeros([2, 1])
    lu = 0.02 * u
    lxx = np.zeros([2, 2])
    luu = 0.02
    lux = np.zeros(2)
    return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

def calc_final_cost(t):
    x, u = t
    l = (1 - np.cos(x[0]))**2 + 0.1 * x[1]**2 + 0.01 * u**2
    lx = np.array([2.*(1. - np.cos(x[0]))*np.sin(x[0]), 0.2*x[1]]).reshape([2, 1])
    lu = 0.02 * u
    lxx = np.array([4.*np.sin(x[0]/2.)**2 * (2*np.cos(x[0]) + 1), 0., 0., 0.2]).reshape([2, 2])
    luu = 0.02
    lux = 0.
    return l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux

Forward pass

Execute control sequence pi. Calculate dynamics derivatives and loss (derivatives for every step). Return derivatives and total loss.

In [6]:
def forward_pass(pi):    
    trajectory = []
    derivatives = []
    cost = 0.
    x = env.reset()
    # Execute all steps except for final step
    for i in range(T-1):
        if render_env:

        u = pi[i]
        # Calculate dyanmics derivatives and loss (derivatives)
        seq = (x, u)
        dfdx, dfdu = dynamics_derivatives(seq, epsilon)
        l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = calc_cost(seq)
        cost += l
        # Store values
        derivatives.append((np.eye(state_dim) + dfdx*dt, dfdu*dt, lx*dt, lu*dt, lxx*dt, luu*dt, lux*dt))
        # Execute action
        x = env.step(u)
    if render_env:
    # Add final time step
    seq = (x, np.zeros(1))
    dfdx, dfdu = dynamics_derivatives(seq, epsilon)
    l, lx, lu, lxx, luu, lux = calc_final_cost(seq)
    cost += l
    derivatives.append((np.eye(state_dim) + dfdx*dt, dfdu*dt, lx*dt, lu*dt, lxx*dt, luu*dt, lux*dt))
    return trajectory, derivatives, cost

Test forward pass with random control sequence for T steps, print first 10 samples of trajectory to check if values are correct.

In [7]:
pi = np.random.randn(T, 1)
trajectory, derivatives, cost = forward_pass(pi)

print 'Trajectory: ', trajectory[:5]
print 'Derivatives: ', derivatives[:2]
print 'Cost: ', cost

Trajectory:  [array([ 3.14159265,  0.        ]), array([ 3.13823905, -0.06707199]), array([ 3.13281519, -0.10847737]), array([ 3.12411269, -0.17404993]), array([ 3.11192589, -0.2437359 ])]
Derivatives:  [(array([[ 1.048125,  0.0025  ],
       [-0.0375  ,  1.05    ]]), array([[ 0.000375],
       [ 0.0075  ]]), array([[  2.44929360e-17],
       [  0.00000000e+00]]), array([-0.00044715]), array([[-0.2 ,  0.  ],
       [ 0.  ,  0.01]]), 0.001, 0.0), (array([[ 1.04812501,  0.0025    ],
       [-0.03749979,  1.05      ]]), array([[ 0.000375],
       [ 0.0075  ]]), array([[ 0.00067072],
       [-0.00067072]]), array([-0.0002928]), array([[-0.19999719,  0.        ],
       [ 0.        ,  0.01      ]]), 0.001, 0.0)]
Cost:  [ 399.084288]

Backward pass

For final timestep $T$

$V(x,T) = l_f(x_T)$

Now iterate backwards from timestep $t = T$ to $t = 0$. Calculate $Q$-values using:

$Q_x = l_x + f_x^TV'_x\\ Q_u = l_u + f_u^TV'_x\\ Q_{xx} = l_{xx} + f_x^TV'_{xx}f_x\\ Q_{uu} = l_{uu} + f_u^TV'_{xx}f_u\\ Q_{ux} = l_{ux} + f_u^TV'_{xx}f_x$

From the $Q$-values we can derive the $V$-values and control modifications $K$, $k$

$K = -Q_{uu}^{-1}Q_{ux}\\ k = -Q_{uu}^{-1}Q_{u}$

$V_x = Q_x - K^TQ_{uu}k\\ V_{xx} = Q_{xx} - K^TQ_{uu}K$

Derivative sequence is $(f_x, f_u, l_x, l_u, l_{xx}, l_{uu}, l_{ux})$

In [8]:
def backward_pass(derivatives, lamb):
    K = []
    k = []
    Vx = derivatives[T-1][2]
    Vxx = derivatives[T-1][4]
    for i in reversed(range(T-1)):
        der = derivatives[i]
        Qx = der[2] +[0].T, Vx)        
        Qu = der[3] +[1].T, Vx)
        Qxx = der[4] +[0].T,, der[0]))
        Quu = der[5] +[1].T,, der[1]))
        Qux = der[6] +[1].T, ,der[0]))
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(Quu)
        S[S < 0] = 0.0
        S += lamb
        Quu_inv =,, V.T))
        Ks = -Quu_inv * Qux
        ks = -Quu_inv * Qu
        Vx = Qx -,, ks))
        Vxx = Qxx -,, Ks))
    return K[::-1], k[::-1]

Test backward pass with previous results from forward pass

In [9]:
K, k = backward_pass(derivatives, lamb)

print 'K: ', K[:3]
print 'k: ', k[:3]

K:  [array([[-42.51047564,  -3.24080289]]), array([[-39.02954012,  -2.77522002]]), array([[-35.79318228,  -2.36361661]])]
k:  [array([[-0.0857754]]), array([[-0.0817944]]), array([[-0.07824677]])]

Create new control signals

In [10]:
def update_control_signal(pi, trajectory, K, k):
    pi_new = np.zeros(pi.shape)
    x = trajectory[0][0].copy()
    for i in range(T - 1):
        u = pi[i] + k[i] +[i], trajectory[i])
        pi_new[i] = u[0]
    return pi_new

In [11]:
print K[T-5]
print trajectory[T-5]
print[T-5], trajectory[T-5])

[[ 0.00042261 -0.00036279]]
[ 3.32383154 -0.61496768]
[ 0.00162779]

In [12]:
pi_new = update_control_signal(pi, trajectory, K, k)

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0, T, T)
plt.plot(t, pi)
plt.plot(t, pi_new)
plt.title('Control signals')
plt.legend(['pi_old', 'pi_new'])

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f6efa0b3650>

Full loop

In [29]:
new_simulation = True
render_env = True

pi = np.random.randn(T, 1)

iter = 0
    if new_simulation:
        trajectory, derivatives, cost = forward_pass(pi)
        new_simulation = False
    K, k = backward_pass(derivatives, lamb)
    pi_new = update_control_signal(pi, trajectory, K, k)
    new_trajectory, new_derivatives, new_cost = forward_pass(pi_new)

    print 'cost ', iter, ': ', ((cost - new_cost)/cost)
    iter += 1
    if new_cost < cost:
        print 'new cost < cost'
        lamb /= lamb_factor
        if (np.abs(cost - new_cost)/cost) < eps_converge:
            print 'Converged!'
        pi = pi_new
        trajectory = new_trajectory
        cost = new_cost
        new_simulation = True
        print 'new_cost > cost'
        lamb *= lamb_factor
        if lamb > lamb_max:
            print 'lamb > lamb_max. Dit not converge!'

cost  0 :  [ 0.04540252]
new cost < cost
cost  1 :  [-1.68088317]
new_cost > cost
cost  2 :  [ 0.0176433]
new cost < cost
cost  3 :  [-0.32104884]
new_cost > cost
cost  4 :  [-0.04419413]
new_cost > cost
cost  5 :  [-0.00715395]
new_cost > cost
cost  6 :  [-0.00117138]
new_cost > cost
cost  7 :  [-0.0002323]
new_cost > cost
lamb > lamb_max. Dit not converge!