In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.4)

In [2]:
data_df = pd.read_csv('raw-data.csv', index_col='eventID')

AfterInhMATRIX5 PrescaleMATRIX5 RawMATRIX4 RawTriggers label
430001 27094 12 1598521 10759045 2
430002 34901 14 1670878 11813291 3
430003 36317 15 1675869 12002554 3
430004 34088 14 1637602 11564482 3
430005 27489 12 1587623 10627391 4

In [3]:
feature = "AfterInhMATRIX5"
sns.distplot(data_df.query("label == 1")[feature])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90b8529850>

We'll be plotting over ranges of eventID

Get details of the eventID's we're working with.

In [4]:
minEventID = data_df.index.values[0]
maxEventID = data_df.index.values[-1]
nTotalEvents = maxEventID - minEventID
print ("Event Range: %d - %d (%d events)" %
       (minEventID, maxEventID, nTotalEvents))

Event Range: 430001 - 482555 (52554 events)

In [5]:
# Define animation parameters
frames = 60
step = int((nTotalEvents)/frames)
print ("#Frames: %d\nStep Size: %d events" % (frames, step))

#Frames: 60
Step Size: 875 events

In [6]:
def my_frame(nframe):
    """Creates a single frame for our animated plot."""
    # Clear the axes
    # Get step amount
    my_step = step
    # Calculate the eventID range from the frame number
    tmp_minEventID = minEventID + (nframe * my_step)
    # Define your max eventID.
    tmp_maxEventID = tmp_minEventID + my_step
    # Get desired slice of the data
    my_slice = data_df.query("label == 1 and "
                             "eventID >= @tmp_minEventID and "
                             "eventID < @tmp_maxEventID")[feature]
    if len(my_slice)!=0:
        # Plot the distribution
        ax = sns.distplot(my_slice)
        # Make sure you always use the same x-range
        # Y-ticks will be different per normalized distplot
        # Label with the eventID range plotted
        plt.title('eventID: [%d, %d)' %
                  (tmp_minEventID, tmp_maxEventID))

In [7]:
fps = 4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6));
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_frame,
                               frames=frames);'figures/%dfps.gif' % fps), 
          writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

Let's add the means for the Gaussians we fit earlier

Just for kicks, to see how they line up with this progression.

In [8]:
# Optimized values from scipy.optimize.curve_fit
#    (from previous post)
optim_means = [30367, 53071, 66494, 80549]
optim_amp = [7.46e-06, 1.99e-05, 5.85e-05, 4.70e-06]
# Normalize the list like so
norm_amp = [i/sum(optim_amp) for i in optim_amp]

In [9]:
def my_frame(nframe):
    """Creates a single frame for our animated plot."""
    # Clear the axes
    # Get step amount
    my_step = step
    # Calculate the eventID range from the frame number
    tmp_minEventID = minEventID + (nframe * my_step)
    # Define your max eventID.
    tmp_maxEventID = tmp_minEventID + my_step
    # Get desired slice of the data
    my_slice = data_df.query("label == 1 and "
                             "eventID >= @tmp_minEventID and "
                             "eventID < @tmp_maxEventID")[feature]
    if len(my_slice)!=0:
        # Plot the distribution
        ax = sns.distplot(my_slice)
        ###### **NEW** ######
        #Add lines for the Gaussian means we fitted
        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        for mean, amp in zip(optim_means, norm_amp):
            plt.vlines(mean, 0.0, amp*ylim[1], color='black',
                       linestyles='--', lw=2)
        # Make sure you always use the same x-range
        # Y-ticks will be different per normalized distplot
        # Label with the eventID range plotted
        plt.title('eventID: [%d, %d)' %
                  (tmp_minEventID, tmp_maxEventID))

In [10]:
fps = 4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6));
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_frame,
                               frames=frames);'figures/%dfps_means.gif' % fps),
          writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

Smoothing out the animations

You can smooth out the animation by:

  • Keep the step size the same
  • Increase the chunk of events you're looking at by some factor N

This allows that, for each step transition, only only 1/Nth of the data introduced is removed and added

In [22]:
def my_frame(nframe):
    """Creates a single frame for our animated plot."""
    # Clear the axes
    # Get step amount
    my_step = step
    # Calculate the eventID range from the frame number
    tmp_minEventID = minEventID + (nframe * my_step)
    ###### **NEW** ######
    # Define your max eventID. You can smooth things out
    #   by increasing this by some factor of step size
    N_factor = 3
    tmp_maxEventID = tmp_minEventID + (N_factor*my_step)
    # Get desired slice of the data
    my_slice = data_df.query("label == 1 and "
                             "eventID >= @tmp_minEventID and "
                             "eventID < @tmp_maxEventID")[feature]
    if len(my_slice)!=0:
        # Plot the distribution
        ax = sns.distplot(my_slice)
        # Add lines for the Gaussian means we fitted
        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        for mean, amp in zip(optim_means, norm_amp):
            plt.vlines(mean, 0.0, amp*ylim[1], color='black',
                       linestyles='--', lw=2)
        # Make sure you always use the same x-range
        # Y-ticks will be different per normalized distplot
        # Label with the eventID range plotted
        plt.title('eventID: [%d, %d)' %
                  (tmp_minEventID, tmp_maxEventID))

In [23]:
fps = 4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6));
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_frame,
                               frames=frames);'figures/%dfps_means_smooth.gif' % fps),
          writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

Add progress bar

It's difficult to watch the eventID values.

Help out the viewer by adding a progress bar. Allows one to, at the least, see when .gif loops.

  • Create empty Rectangle at the top
  • Create a filled in Rectangle to represent the data viewed

In [13]:
def my_frame(nframe):
    """Creates a single frame for our animated plot."""
    # Clear the axes
    # Get step amount
    my_step = step
    # Calculate the eventID range from the frame number
    tmp_minEventID = minEventID + (nframe * my_step)
    # Define your max eventID. You can smooth things out
    #   by increasing this by some factor of step size
    N_factor = 3
    tmp_maxEventID = tmp_minEventID + (N_factor*my_step)
    # Get some figures for where we are in the whose set
    nEvents = tmp_maxEventID - tmp_minEventID
    prcnt_events = (nEvents / float(nTotalEvents))
    prcnt_total = (tmp_maxEventID - minEventID) / float(nTotalEvents)
    # Get desired slice of the data
    my_slice = data_df.query("label == 1 and "
                             "eventID >= @tmp_minEventID and "
                             "eventID < @tmp_maxEventID")[feature]
    if len(my_slice)!=0:
        # Plot the distribution
        ax = sns.distplot(my_slice)
        # Add lines for the Gaussian means we fitted
        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        for mean, amp in zip(optim_means, norm_amp):
            plt.vlines(mean, 0.0, amp*ylim[1], color='black',
                       linestyles='--', lw=2)
        ###### **NEW** ######
        # Add empty progress bar rectangle
        r1 = Rectangle((12000, 0.920*ylim[1]),    # Lower left (x,y)
                       86000,                     # Width
                       0.06*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]),    # Height
                       facecolor="grey", alpha=0.9, fill=False)
        # Add rectangle to indicate data location on display
        r2 = Rectangle((12500+(prcnt_total*78000), 0.925*ylim[1]),
                       facecolor="grey", alpha=0.7, fill=True)
        # Make sure you always use the same x-range
        # Y-ticks will be different per normalized distplot
        # Label with the eventID range plotted
        plt.title('eventID: [%d, %d)' %
                  (tmp_minEventID, tmp_maxEventID))

In [14]:
fps = 4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6));
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_frame,
                               frames=frames);'figures/%dfps_means_smooth_progress.gif' % fps),
          writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

Adjust FPS

Now that you're done adding things, play around with FPS to see what looks best

In [15]:
# Plot for various speeds
for fps in [1, 9, 16]:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
    anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_frame,
                                   frames=frames);'figures/%dfps_means_smooth_progress.gif' % fps),
              writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

I think I like somewhere around 9fps, so I'll use that.

Let's apply this to some different plots

Like, say if we wanted to get a feel for this time dependence across all categories. Does it effect them all the same?

In [18]:
def my_violin_frame(nframe):
    """Creates a single frame for our animated plot."""
    # Clear the axes
    # Get step amount
    my_step = step
    # Calculate the eventID range from the frame number
    tmp_minEventID = minEventID + (nframe * my_step)
    # Define your max eventID. You can smooth things out
    #   by increasing this by some factor of step size
    N_factor = 3
    tmp_maxEventID = tmp_minEventID + (N_factor*my_step)
    # Get some figures for where we are in the whose set
    nEvents = tmp_maxEventID - tmp_minEventID
    prcnt_events = (nEvents / float(nTotalEvents))
    prcnt_total = (tmp_maxEventID - minEventID) / float(nTotalEvents)
    # Get desired slice of the data
    my_slice = data_df.query("eventID >= @tmp_minEventID and "
                             "eventID < @tmp_maxEventID")
    if len(my_slice)!=0:
        # Plot the distribution
        ax = sns.violinplot(x='label', y=feature,
        ylim = [10000,110000]
        # Add empty progress bar rectangle
        r1 = Rectangle((0.1, 0.920*ylim[1]),    # Lower left (x,y)
                       6,                       # Width
                       0.06*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]),  # Height
                       facecolor="grey", alpha=0.9, fill=False)
        # Add rectangle to indicate data location on display
        r2 = Rectangle((0.11+(prcnt_total*5.5), 0.925*ylim[1]),
                       facecolor="grey", alpha=0.7, fill=True)
        # Label with the eventID range plotted
        plt.title('eventID: [%d, %d)' %
                  (tmp_minEventID, tmp_maxEventID))

In [19]:
fps = 9
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, my_violin_frame,
                               frames=frames);'figures/%dfps_violin.gif' % fps),
          writer='imagemagick', fps=fps);

In [ ]: