02 - Surprise Recommender System

  • Use a well-supported recommender package
  • Instead of homebrew matrix decomposition

In [99]:
import pandas as pd
from surprise import Dataset, Reader
from surprise.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler
from jlab import load_test_data, get_test_detector_plane

Load up and prep the datasets

  • Surprise requires a User, Item, Rating system
  • "Ratings" also need to be on the same scale with the same min/max values
  • Use melt and MinMaxScaler to achieve these things
  • In the spirit of the movie ratings system that's popularly used with Surprise, let's set Min/Max to 1/5

In [2]:
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(1,5))

In [100]:
scaler = StandardScaler()

In [101]:
# Load, fit the scaler, transform
X_train = pd.read_csv('MLchallenge2_training.csv')
X_train_scaled_values = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_train_scaled_values, columns=X_train.columns,

# Load, transform
X_test = load_test_data('test_in.csv')
X_test_scaled_values = scaler.transform(X_test)
X_test_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_test_scaled_values, columns=X_test.columns,
# While we're at it, get the detector plane that'll be used for evaluation
eval_planes = get_test_detector_plane(X_test)

# Combine datasets
X = (pd.concat([X_test_scaled, X_train_scaled], axis=0)

# Melt the dataframe into a user/item/rating format
# For our purposes, it's trackID / kinematic / value
X.index.name = "track_id"
X_melt = X.reset_index().melt(id_vars=['track_id'])

# Also, load our truth values
X_true = pd.read_csv('test_prediction.csv', names=['x', 'y', 'px', 'py', 'pz'],

In [102]:

x y z px py pz x1 y1 z1 px1 ... z23 px23 py23 pz23 x24 y24 z24 px24 py24 pz24
0 0.074161 0.112144 0.0 -1.622264 -0.354469 0.498673 -0.762725 0.024993 -0.173963 -1.690999 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 0.066620 -0.202530 0.0 0.684269 2.861297 0.705761 0.526532 1.105833 -0.173963 1.369923 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 -1.086878 -2.191303 0.0 0.425034 -0.142295 -1.191579 -0.542333 -2.184630 -0.173963 0.178825 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1.530702 0.234789 0.0 -0.126673 0.454445 -0.173494 1.289792 0.485696 -0.173963 0.085667 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1.290224 -1.584697 0.0 -0.066850 -0.075990 0.443141 1.077120 -1.405488 -0.173963 -0.093996 ... 0.146014 -0.09545 -0.01542 0.440823 NaN NaN 0.101972 NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 150 columns

In [103]:

track_id variable value
16769675 196994 px13 -0.313329
9507386 95740 py7 0.581009
13002815 112952 px10 1.071682
10043455 18006 y8 -1.700605
15673042 123366 py12 0.374578
29700965 33820 y24 -2.396870
14251962 134493 px11 0.096533
1672225 35417 z1 -0.173963
21452218 173714 z17 0.018756
23136029 16116 pz18 1.313962

In [105]:

x y px py pz
0 -23.123945 3.142886 -0.235592 0.091612 2.413377
1 19.633486 32.319292 0.314376 0.316425 2.592952
2 -8.308506 -39.299613 -0.020097 -0.051232 0.948906
3 19.918838 10.664617 0.038102 0.047740 1.864014
4 13.649239 -20.616935 -0.015548 0.001471 2.323953

In [109]:
MIN = X.min().min()

In [110]:
MAX = X.max().max()

Train some Surprise predictors

In [111]:
from surprise import (
    SVD, SVDpp, SlopeOne, NMF, CoClustering, 
    KNNBasic, KNNWithMeans, KNNWithZScore,
    NormalPredictor, BaselineOnly

Simple workflow

  • Train with just 1k full tracks
  • Train set (with all detectors) starts after track_id 10000

In [112]:
# A reader is still needed but only the rating_scale param is requiered.
reader = Reader(rating_scale=(MIN, MAX))

# The columns must correspond to user id, item id and ratings (in that order).
data = Dataset.load_from_df(X_melt[['track_id', 'variable', 'value']]
                            .query('track_id >= 10000 and track_id < 11000'),

In [113]:
algo = SVD()
cross_validate(algo, data, measures=['RMSE', 'MAE'], cv=3, verbose=True)

Evaluating RMSE, MAE of algorithm SVD on 3 split(s).

                  Fold 1  Fold 2  Fold 3  Mean    Std     
RMSE (testset)    0.2397  0.2667  0.2341  0.2468  0.0142  
MAE (testset)     0.1124  0.1067  0.1121  0.1104  0.0026  
Fit time          6.12    6.09    6.11    6.11    0.01    
Test time         6.07    0.54    0.31    2.31    2.66    
{'test_rmse': array([0.23972101, 0.2666763 , 0.23408972]),
 'test_mae': array([0.11241622, 0.1066782 , 0.1121256 ]),
 'fit_time': (6.117186069488525, 6.09119176864624, 6.1097939014434814),
 'test_time': (6.071123123168945, 0.5360040664672852, 0.3131752014160156)}

Give them all a shot

  • See which ones to pursue

In [114]:
algo_dict = {'SVD': SVD(),
             'SVDpp': SVDpp(),
             'SlopeOne': SlopeOne(),
             'CoClustering': CoClustering(),
             'KNNWithMeans': KNNWithMeans(),
             'NormalPredictor': NormalPredictor(),
             'BaselineOnly': BaselineOnly()}

for algo in algo_dict:
    print(cross_validate(algo_dict[algo], data, measures=['RMSE', 'MAE'], cv=3, verbose=True))

Evaluating RMSE, MAE of algorithm SVD on 3 split(s).

                  Fold 1  Fold 2  Fold 3  Mean    Std     
RMSE (testset)    0.2289  0.2759  0.2260  0.2436  0.0229  
MAE (testset)     0.1130  0.1091  0.1083  0.1102  0.0021  
Fit time          6.20    6.00    5.95    6.05    0.11    
Test time         0.50    0.47    0.49    0.49    0.01    
{'test_rmse': array([0.22891096, 0.2759472 , 0.22598352]), 'test_mae': array([0.11304235, 0.10914811, 0.10827262]), 'fit_time': (6.203150033950806, 5.996194839477539, 5.954233169555664), 'test_time': (0.49585604667663574, 0.47057509422302246, 0.4896547794342041)}
Evaluating RMSE, MAE of algorithm SVDpp on 3 split(s).

                  Fold 1  Fold 2  Fold 3  Mean    Std     
RMSE (testset)    0.2503  0.2606  0.3129  0.2746  0.0274  
MAE (testset)     0.1541  0.1676  0.1684  0.1634  0.0066  
Fit time          134.15  133.91  133.54  133.86  0.25    
Test time         6.18    6.39    6.36    6.31    0.09    
{'test_rmse': array([0.25026616, 0.26060685, 0.31291403]), 'test_mae': array([0.15407927, 0.16755922, 0.16842247]), 'fit_time': (134.14813780784607, 133.90549397468567, 133.53579807281494), 'test_time': (6.184978723526001, 6.390493869781494, 6.357921123504639)}
Evaluating RMSE, MAE of algorithm SlopeOne on 3 split(s).

                  Fold 1  Fold 2  Fold 3  Mean    Std     
RMSE (testset)    0.9088  0.8928  0.8996  0.9004  0.0066  
MAE (testset)     0.6598  0.6610  0.6626  0.6612  0.0011  
Fit time          0.45    0.41    0.43    0.43    0.02    
Test time         5.02    4.96    5.01    5.00    0.03    
{'test_rmse': array([0.90875587, 0.89276161, 0.89959105]), 'test_mae': array([0.65984765, 0.66103708, 0.66262992]), 'fit_time': (0.4522852897644043, 0.4134690761566162, 0.43015003204345703), 'test_time': (5.022490978240967, 4.957015752792358, 5.010500907897949)}
ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-114-fae06b225fb7> in <module>
     10 for algo in algo_dict:
     11     print(algo)
---> 12     print(cross_validate(algo_dict[algo], data, measures=['RMSE', 'MAE'], cv=3, verbose=True))

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/surprise/model_selection/validation.py in cross_validate(algo, data, measures, cv, return_train_measures, n_jobs, pre_dispatch, verbose)
     99                                            return_train_measures)
    100                     for (trainset, testset) in cv.split(data))
--> 101     out = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, pre_dispatch=pre_dispatch)(delayed_list)
    103     (test_measures_dicts,

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self, iterable)
    919             # remaining jobs.
    920             self._iterating = False
--> 921             if self.dispatch_one_batch(iterator):
    922                 self._iterating = self._original_iterator is not None

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in dispatch_one_batch(self, iterator)
    757                 return False
    758             else:
--> 759                 self._dispatch(tasks)
    760                 return True

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in _dispatch(self, batch)
    714         with self._lock:
    715             job_idx = len(self._jobs)
--> 716             job = self._backend.apply_async(batch, callback=cb)
    717             # A job can complete so quickly than its callback is
    718             # called before we get here, causing self._jobs to

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py in apply_async(self, func, callback)
    180     def apply_async(self, func, callback=None):
    181         """Schedule a func to be run"""
--> 182         result = ImmediateResult(func)
    183         if callback:
    184             callback(result)

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py in __init__(self, batch)
    547         # Don't delay the application, to avoid keeping the input
    548         # arguments in memory
--> 549         self.results = batch()
    551     def get(self):

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self)
    223         with parallel_backend(self._backend, n_jobs=self._n_jobs):
    224             return [func(*args, **kwargs)
--> 225                     for func, args, kwargs in self.items]
    227     def __len__(self):

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in <listcomp>(.0)
    223         with parallel_backend(self._backend, n_jobs=self._n_jobs):
    224             return [func(*args, **kwargs)
--> 225                     for func, args, kwargs in self.items]
    227     def __len__(self):

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/surprise/model_selection/validation.py in fit_and_score(algo, trainset, testset, measures, return_train_measures)
    163     start_fit = time.time()
--> 164     algo.fit(trainset)
    165     fit_time = time.time() - start_fit
    166     start_test = time.time()

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/surprise/prediction_algorithms/matrix_factorization.pyx in surprise.prediction_algorithms.matrix_factorization.NMF.fit()

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/surprise/prediction_algorithms/matrix_factorization.pyx in surprise.prediction_algorithms.matrix_factorization.NMF.sgd()

ZeroDivisionError: float division

SVD, SVDpp, and KNN do well

  • Probably do even better with more data, but it takes time...
  • Move forward with SVDpp
  • Train with 1k, create pred workflow for the detector of choice

In [115]:
data = Dataset.load_from_df(X_melt[['track_id', 'variable', 'value']]
                            .query('track_id < 50000'),
data = data.build_full_trainset()

In [116]:
algo = SVDpp(n_factors=20, n_epochs=20)

In [117]:

<surprise.prediction_algorithms.matrix_factorization.SVDpp at 0x1a739ba2b0>

Time to make predictions

  • Make a copy of our X_test
  • For each track, for each plane that we need to predict, predict x, y, px, py, pz

In [118]:
def get_kinematic_pred(algo, track_id, kinematic):
    return algo.predict(track_id, kinematic).est

In [119]:
def get_track_kinematic_pred_for_plane(algo, track_id, plane):
    kinematics = [k + str(int(plane))
                  for k in ['x', 'y', 'px', 'py', 'pz']]
    plane_dict = {kin: get_kinematic_pred(algo, track_id, kin)
                  for kin in kinematics}
    return plane_dict

In [120]:
get_track_kinematic_pred_for_plane(algo, 0, 15)

{'x15': 3.033402843600961,
 'y15': 2.978028441579763,
 'px15': 2.9850219111344884,
 'py15': 3.021867014894096,
 'pz15': 3.0038923592644524}

In [121]:
def fill_eval_plane_for_track(algo, X, track_id):
    plane = get_test_detector_plane(X.loc[track_id])
    plane_dict = get_track_kinematic_pred_for_plane(algo, track_id, plane)
    for kin in plane_dict:
        X.loc[track_id, kin] = plane_dict[kin]

In [122]:
X_pred_scaled = X_test_scaled.copy()

In [123]:
for ix in X_pred_scaled.index.values:
    fill_eval_plane_for_track(algo, X_pred_scaled, ix)

In [124]:
X_pred_values = scaler.inverse_transform(X_pred_scaled)
X_pred = pd.DataFrame(X_pred_values, columns=X_pred_scaled.columns,

Spot check!

In [125]:
for track in [20, 50, 1000, 5000]:
    plane = get_test_detector_plane(X_test.loc[track])
    print("PRED:\n", X_pred.loc[track, [kin + str(int(plane))
                             for kin in ['x', 'y', 'px', 'py', 'pz']]],
    print("TRUE:\n", X_true.loc[track], "\n\n-------------\n")

 x11     50.211999
y11     49.927170
px11     0.450275
py11     0.454208
pz11     4.567603
Name: 20, dtype: float64 

 x      4.108309
y     19.228528
px    -0.039872
py     0.212423
pz     2.011996
Name: 20, dtype: float64 


 x20     62.445658
y20     61.497072
px20     0.445079
py20     0.449278
pz20     4.566731
Name: 50, dtype: float64 

 x     18.472740
y    -19.001599
px     0.082835
py    -0.189903
pz     2.080941
Name: 50, dtype: float64 


 x20     62.445658
y20     61.497072
px20     0.445079
py20     0.449278
pz20     4.566731
Name: 1000, dtype: float64 

 x     10.736746
y     13.892162
px     0.025428
py    -0.020759
pz     1.876688
Name: 1000, dtype: float64 


 x13     57.438868
y13     56.440951
px13     0.450998
py13     0.455674
pz13     4.567316
Name: 5000, dtype: float64 

 x     -1.534074
y     39.745310
px     0.062563
py     0.165445
pz     1.700621
Name: 5000, dtype: float64 


I've tinkered around a bit, and this is discouraging...

  • Time to go back to the drawing board and try out a boring old sequence model :(