Problem P5.1 Island Recharge Grid Sensitivity

In Problem P5.1 from pages 244-245 in Anderson, Woessner and Hunt (2015), we are asked to construct an areal 2D model to assess impacts of grid sensitivity on pumping. Develop a 2D areal model using Flopy to solve for heads in the upper right-hand quadrant of the island shown in Fig. P5.1. The aquifer is confined, homogeneous, and isotropic with transmissivity, T, equal to 10,000 ft2/day. Recharge, R, occurs uniformly through a leaky confining bed at a rate of 0.00305 ft/day. The half-width of the island, l, is 12,000 ft. The head at the perimeter of the island is at sea level (use h = 0 ft). The heads are symmetric across the groundwater divides that separate the island into four quadrants (Fig. P5.1). Use a point-centered FD grid so that the node at the observation well in the center of the island (Fig. P5.1) is located directly on the groundwater divides that form the lefthand side and lower boundary of the quadrant model.

Include a water budget in your model. The inflow to the model is the volume of water entering from recharge. In this notebook, we will work through the problem again using MODFLOW and the Python tool set Flopy. Notice how much code is reused from previous examples. Note also, P5.1 gives directions for calculating the waterbudget; because in this exercise we are using MODFLOW it handles all water budget calculations for us.

Part a.

Write the mathematical model for this problem including the governing equation and boundary conditions of the quadrant model.

Part b.

Solve the model using an error tolerance equal to 1E-4 ft and test two designs for the nodal network: (1) a 4 x 7 array of nodes (delta x = delta y = 4000 ft); (2) a 13 x 25 array of nodes (delta x = delta y= 1000 ft). For each nodal network, print out the head solution to the fourth decimal place.

Below is an iPython Notebook that builds a Python MODFLOW model for this problem and plots results. See the Github wiki associated with this Chapter for information on one suggested installation and setup configuration for Python and iPython Notebook.

[Acknowledgements: This tutorial was created by Randy Hunt and all failings are mine. The exercise here has benefited greatly from the online Flopy tutorial and example notebooks developed by Chris Langevin and Joe Hughes for the USGS Spring 2015 Python Training course GW1774]

Creating the Model

In this example, we will create a simple groundwater flow modelusing the Flopy website approach. Visit the tutorial website here.

Setup the Notebook Environment and Import Flopy

Load a few standard libraries, and then load flopy.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import sys
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
from subprocess import check_output

# Import flopy
import flopy

Setup a New Directory and Change Paths

For this tutorial, we will work in a new subdirectory underneath the directory where the notebook is located. We can use some fancy Python tools to help us manage the directory creation. Note that if you encounter path problems with this workbook, you can stop and then restart the kernel and the paths will be reset.

In [2]:
# Set the name of the path to the model working directory
dirname = "P5-1_Island_recharge"
datapath = os.getcwd()
modelpath = os.path.join(datapath, dirname)
print 'Name of model path: ', modelpath

# Now let's check if this directory exists.  If not, then we will create it.
if os.path.exists(modelpath):
    print 'Model working directory already exists.'
    print 'Creating model working directory.'

Name of model path:  /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/P5-1_Island_recharge
Creating model working directory.

Define the Model Extent, Grid Resolution, and Characteristics

It is normally good practice to group things that you might want to change into a single code block. This makes it easier to make changes and rerun the code.

In [3]:
# model domain and grid definition
# for clarity, user entered variables are all caps; python syntax are lower case or mixed case
# This is an areal 2D model that uses island symmetry to reduce the grid size.
LX = 16000.   # half width of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
LY = 28000.   # half height of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
ZTOP = 0.  # the system is confined 
ZBOT = -50.
NLAY = 1
NROW = 7
NCOL = 4
DELR = LX / NCOL  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELR is along a row, thus has items = NCOL; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
DELC = LY / NROW  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELC is along a column, thus has items = NROW; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
BOTM = np.linspace(ZTOP, ZBOT, NLAY + 1)
HK = 200.
VKA = 1.
RCH = 0.00305 
# WELLQ = 0.   #not needed for Problem 5.1
print "DELR =", DELR, "  DELC =", DELC, '  DELV =', DELV
print "BOTM =", BOTM
print "Recharge =", RCH 
#print "Pumping well rate =", WELLQ

DELR = 4000.0   DELC = 4000.0   DELV = 50.0
BOTM = [  0. -50.]
Recharge = 0.00305

Create the MODFLOW Model Object

Create a flopy MODFLOW object: flopy.modflow.Modflow.

In [4]:
# Assign name and create modflow model object
modelname = 'P5-1'
#exe_name = os.path.join(datapath, 'mf2005.exe') # for Windows OS
exe_name = os.path.join(datapath, 'mf2005')     # for Mac OS
print 'Model executable: ', exe_name
MF = flopy.modflow.Modflow(modelname, exe_name=exe_name, model_ws=modelpath)

Model executable:  /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/mf2005

Discretization Package

Create a flopy discretization package object: flopy.modflow.ModflowDis.

In [5]:
# Create the discretization object
TOP = ZTOP * np.ones((NROW, NCOL),dtype=np.float)

In [6]:
DIS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(MF, NLAY, NROW, NCOL, delr=DELR, delc=DELC,
                               top=TOP, botm=BOTM[1:], laycbd=0)
# print DIS_PACKAGE  #uncomment this on far left to see information about the flopy object

Basic Package

Create a flopy basic package object: flopy.modflow.ModflowBas.

In [7]:
# Variables for the BAS package
IBOUND = np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.int32)  # all nodes are active (IBOUND = 1)

# make the top of the profile specified head by setting the IBOUND = -1
IBOUND[:, 0, :] = -1  #don't forget arrays are zero-based! Sets first row
IBOUND[:, :, 0] = -1  # Sets first column
print IBOUND

[[[-1 -1 -1 -1]
  [-1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1]]]

In [8]:
STRT = 1 * np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.float32)  # set starting head to 1` through out model domain
STRT[:, 0, :] = 0.       # top row ocean elevation for setting constant head
STRT[:, :, 0] = 0.     # first column ocean elevation for setting constant head
print STRT

[[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.]]]

In [9]:
BAS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(MF, ibound=IBOUND, strt=STRT)
# print BAS_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy BAS object

Layer Property Flow Package

Create a flopy layer property flow package object: flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf.

In [10]:
LPF_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf(MF, laytyp=1, hk=HK, vka=VKA)  # we defined the K and anisotropy at top of file
# print LPF_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy LPF object

Well Package

This is not needed for Problem P5.1

In [11]:
#WEL_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel(MF, stress_period_data=[0,0,0,WELLQ])  # remember python 0 index, layer 0 = layer 1 in MF
#print WEL_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy WEL object

Output Control

Create a flopy output control object: flopy.modflow.ModflowOc.

In [12]:
OC_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowOc(MF)   # we'll use the defaults for the model output
# print OC_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy OC object

Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver

Create a flopy pcg package object: flopy.modflow.ModflowPcg.

In [13]:
PCG_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowPcg(MF, mxiter=500, iter1=100, hclose=1e-04, rclose=1e-03, relax=0.98, damp=0.5) 
# print PCG_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy PCG object

Recharge Package

Create a flopy pcg package object: flopy.modflow.ModflowRch.

In [14]:
RCH_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowRch(MF, rech=RCH)
# print RCH_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy RCH object

Writing the MODFLOW Input Files

Before we create the model input datasets, we can do some directory cleanup to make sure that we don't accidently use old files.

In [15]:
#Before writing input, destroy all files in folder to prevent reusing old files
#Here's the working directory
print modelpath
#Here's what's currently in the working directory
modelfiles = os.listdir(modelpath)
print modelfiles


In [16]:
#delete these files to prevent us from reading old results
modelfiles = os.listdir(modelpath)
for filename in modelfiles:
    f = os.path.join(modelpath, filename)
    if modelname in f:
            print 'Deleted: ', filename
            print 'Unable to delete: ', filename

In [17]:
#Now write the model input files

The model datasets are written using a single command (mf.write_input).

Check in the model working directory and verify that the input files have been created. Or if you might just add another cell, right after this one, that prints a list of all the files in our model directory. The path we are working in is returned from this next block.

In [18]:
# return current working directory
print "You can check the newly created files in", modelpath

You can check the newly created files in /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/P5-1_Island_recharge

Running the Model

Flopy has several methods attached to the model object that can be used to run the model. They are run_model, run_model2, and run_model3. Here we use run_model3, which will write output to the notebook.

In [19]:
silent = False  #Print model output to screen?
pause = False   #Require user to hit enter? Doesn't mean much in Ipython notebook
report = True   #Store the output from the model in buff
success, buff = MF.run_model(silent=silent, pause=pause, report=report)

FloPy is using the following executable to run the model: /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/mf2005

                             Version 1.11.00 8/8/2013                        

 Using NAME file: P5-1.nam 
 Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:28

 Solving:  Stress period:     1    Time step:     1    Ground-Water Flow Eqn.
 Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:28
 Elapsed run time:  0.003 Seconds

  Normal termination of simulation

Post Processing the Results

To read heads from the MODFLOW binary output file, we can use the flopy.utils.binaryfile module. Specifically, we can use the HeadFile object from that module to extract head data arrays.

In [20]:
#imports for plotting and reading the MODFLOW binary output file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import flopy.utils.binaryfile as bf

#Create the headfile object and grab the results for last time.
headfile = os.path.join(modelpath, modelname + '.hds')
headfileobj = bf.HeadFile(headfile)

#Get a list of times that are contained in the model
times = headfileobj.get_times()
print 'Headfile (' + modelname + '.hds' + ') contains the following list of times: ', times

Headfile (P5-1.hds) contains the following list of times:  [1.0]

In [21]:
#Get a numpy array of heads for totim = 1.0
#The get_data method will extract head data from the binary file.
HEAD = headfileobj.get_data(totim=1.0)

#Print statistics on the head
print 'Head statistics'
print '  min: ', HEAD.min()
print '  max: ', HEAD.max()
print '  std: ', HEAD.std()

Head statistics
  min:  0.0
  max:  25.7969
  std:  9.06476

In [22]:
#Create a contour plot of heads
FIG = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))

#setup contour levels and plot extent
LEVELS = np.arange(0., 26., 5.)
EXTENT = (DELR/2., LX - DELR/2., DELC/2., LY - DELC/2.)
print 'Contour Levels: ', LEVELS
print 'Extent of domain: ', EXTENT

#Make a contour plot on the first axis
AX1 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, aspect='equal')
YTICKS = np.arange(0, 28000, 4000)
AX1.set_title("P5.1 Island Recharge Problem")
AX1.text(2250, 10000, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue", rotation='vertical')
AX1.text(5500, 25000, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue")
AX1.contour(np.flipud(HEAD[0, :, :]), levels=LEVELS, extent=EXTENT)

#Make a color flood on the second axis
AX2 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, aspect='equal')
AX2.set_title("P5.1 color flood")
AX2.text(5500, 25000, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white")
AX2.text(2500, 10500, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white", rotation='vertical')
cax = AX2.imshow(HEAD[0, :, :], extent=EXTENT, interpolation='nearest')
cbar = FIG.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.45)

Contour Levels:  [  0.   5.  10.  15.  20.  25.]
Extent of domain:  (2000.0, 14000.0, 2000.0, 26000.0)

In [23]:
print HEAD

[[[  0.           0.           0.           0.        ]
  [  0.           5.62512398   8.71148396  10.10727406]
  [  0.           8.90901184  14.23354053  16.73033714]
  [  0.          10.89738178  17.70332718  20.97019768]
  [  0.          12.09718895  19.83218956  23.59692764]
  [  0.          12.77918339  21.05131721  25.10839653]
  [  0.          13.08822632  21.60549736  25.79694748]]]

Look at the bottom of the MODFLOW output file (ending with a *.list) and write down the water balance reported to compare to the less coarse grid size done in the next part of the problem.

Changing the grid size and rerunning/plotting

Recall that the second part of Part b is to redo the problem with a finer grid spacing: a 13 x 25 array of nodes (delta x = delta y= 1000 ft).

In [24]:
LX = 13000.   # same as before - half width of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
LY = 25000.   # same as before - half height of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
NLAY = 1
NROW = 25
NCOL = 13
DELR = LX / NCOL  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELR is along a row, thus has items = NCOL; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
DELC = LY / NROW  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELC is along a column, thus has items = NROW; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
BOTM = np.linspace(ZTOP, ZBOT, NLAY + 1)
HK = 200.
VKA = 1.
RCH = 0.00305 
# WELLQ = 0.   #not needed for Problem 5.1
print "DELR =", DELR, "  DELC =", DELC, '  DELV =', DELV
print "BOTM =", BOTM
print "Recharge =", RCH

DELR = 1000.0   DELC = 1000.0   DELV = 50.0
BOTM = [  0. -50.]
Recharge = 0.00305

In [25]:
# Create the discretization object
TOP = ZTOP * np.ones((NROW, NCOL),dtype=np.float)
DIS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(MF, NLAY, NROW, NCOL, delr=DELR, delc=DELC,
                               top=TOP, botm=BOTM[1:], laycbd=0)

****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'>
replacing existing Package...

In [26]:
# Variables for the BAS package
IBOUND = np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.int32)  # all nodes are active (IBOUND = 1)

# make the top of the profile specified head by setting the IBOUND = -1
IBOUND[:, 0, :] = -1  #don't forget arrays are zero-based! Sets first row
IBOUND[:, :, 0] = -1  # Sets first column
print IBOUND

[[[-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1]]]

In [27]:
STRT = 1 * np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.float32)  # set starting head to 1` through out model domain
STRT[:, 0, :] = 0.       # top row ocean elevation for setting constant head
STRT[:, :, 0] = 0.     # first column ocean elevation for setting constant head
print STRT

[[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]]]

In [28]:
BAS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(MF, ibound=IBOUND, strt=STRT)
# print BAS_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy BAS object

****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'>
replacing existing Package...

In [29]:
#delete earlier files to prevent us from reading old results
modelfiles = os.listdir(modelpath)
for filename in modelfiles:
    f = os.path.join(modelpath, filename)
    if modelname in f:
            print 'Deleted: ', filename
            print 'Unable to delete: ', filename

Deleted:  P5-1.bas
Deleted:  P5-1.cbc
Deleted:  P5-1.ddn
Deleted:  P5-1.dis
Deleted:  P5-1.hds
Deleted:  P5-1.list
Deleted:  P5-1.lpf
Deleted:  P5-1.nam
Deleted:  P5-1.oc
Deleted:  P5-1.pcg
Deleted:  P5-1.rch

In [30]:
#Now write the model input files
# return current working directory
print "You can check the newly created files in", modelpath

You can check the newly created files in /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/P5-1_Island_recharge

In [31]:
silent = False  #Print model output to screen?
pause = False   #Require user to hit enter? Doesn't mean much in Ipython notebook
report = True   #Store the output from the model in buff
success, buff = MF.run_model(silent=silent, pause=pause, report=report)

FloPy is using the following executable to run the model: /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/mf2005

                             Version 1.11.00 8/8/2013                        

 Using NAME file: P5-1.nam 
 Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:29

 Solving:  Stress period:     1    Time step:     1    Ground-Water Flow Eqn.
 Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:29
 Elapsed run time:  0.007 Seconds

  Normal termination of simulation

In [32]:
#imports for plotting and reading the MODFLOW binary output file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import flopy.utils.binaryfile as bf

#Create the headfile object and grab the results for last time.
headfile = os.path.join(modelpath, modelname + '.hds')
headfileobj = bf.HeadFile(headfile)

#Get a list of times that are contained in the model
times = headfileobj.get_times()
print 'Headfile (' + modelname + '.hds' + ') contains the following list of times: ', times
#Get a numpy array of heads for totim = 1.0
#The get_data method will extract head data from the binary file.
HEAD = headfileobj.get_data(totim=1.0)

#Print statistics on the head
print 'Head statistics'
print '  min: ', HEAD.min()
print '  max: ', HEAD.max()
print '  std: ', HEAD.std()

Headfile (P5-1.hds) contains the following list of times:  [1.0]
Head statistics
  min:  0.0
  max:  21.5226
  std:  6.71904

In [33]:
#Create a contour plot of heads
FIG = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))

#setup contour levels and plot extent
LEVELS = np.arange(0., 26., 5.)
EXTENT = (DELR/2., LX - DELR/2., DELC/2., LY - DELC/2.)
print 'Contour Levels: ', LEVELS
print 'Extent of domain: ', EXTENT

#Make a contour plot on the first axis
AX1 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, aspect='equal')
YTICKS = np.arange(0, 28000, 4000)
AX1.set_title("P5.1 Island Recharge Problem")
AX1.text(900, 10000, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue", rotation='vertical')
AX1.text(4000, 23900, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue")
AX1.contour(np.flipud(HEAD[0, :, :]), levels=LEVELS, extent=EXTENT)

#Make a color flood on the second axis
AX2 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, aspect='equal')
AX2.set_title("P5.1 color flood")
AX2.text(4000, 23900, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white")
AX2.text(600, 10500, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white", rotation='vertical')
cax = AX2.imshow(HEAD[0, :, :], extent=EXTENT, interpolation='nearest')
cbar = FIG.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.45)

Contour Levels:  [  0.   5.  10.  15.  20.  25.]
Extent of domain:  (500.0, 12500.0, 500.0, 24500.0)

In [34]:
print HEAD

[[[  0.           0.           0.           0.           0.           0.
     0.           0.           0.           0.           0.           0.
     0.        ]
  [  0.           0.60000247   1.047019     1.40084159   1.6893183
     1.92744803   2.1242485    2.28557014   2.41539431   2.51650047
     2.59083104   2.63970518   2.66394496]
  [  0.           1.0479908    1.88223183   2.56202936   3.12398338
     3.59122515   3.97897649   4.29763699   4.55450678   4.75477648
     4.90211821   4.9990449    5.04712963]
  [  0.           1.40472889   2.56688809   3.53606033   4.34836102
     5.02949238   5.59779501   6.06649542   6.44521952   6.74098063
     6.95881987   7.10222721   7.17339897]
  [  0.           1.69903684   3.13953114   4.3619628    5.39890814
     6.27558899   7.01121521   7.62032986   8.11389637   8.50010586
     8.78495502   8.97264385   9.06584072]
  [  0.           1.94688749   3.62523723   5.06835079   6.3047204
     7.35773993   8.24614716   8.9847126    9.58492947  10.05559063
    10.40324974  10.6325531   10.74647903]
  [  0.           2.15827584   4.04117918   5.67648268   7.08888245
     8.29950333   9.3259201   10.18244553  10.88051701  11.4290781
    11.83489895  12.10284138  12.23604298]
  [  0.           2.34003687   4.39972115   6.20251799   7.76982355
     9.12047291  10.27058411  11.23363018  12.02061653  12.64030552
    13.09942818  13.40287018  13.55380821]
  [  0.           2.49715066   4.71015024   6.65904474   8.36242104
     9.83697796  11.09731388  12.15587521  13.02301407  13.70709896
    14.21463871  14.55040169  14.71751118]
  [  0.           2.63341498   4.97968531   7.0560894    8.87883663
    10.46270561  11.8208189   12.96454239  13.90346527  14.64543629
    15.19662571  15.56158829  15.74332428]
  [  0.           2.75182438   5.21408606   7.40179062   9.32913208
    11.00918865  12.45371437  13.67300987  14.67586708  15.46955681
    16.05983925  16.45100021  16.64587402]
  [  0.           2.85479689   5.41804314   7.70285511   9.72171211
    11.48620319  13.0068388   14.29291534  15.35243893  16.19208336
    16.81717491  17.23169708  17.43829918]
  [  0.           2.94431996   5.59543514   7.96487474  10.06365681
    11.90207386  13.48952198  14.83437347  15.94388962  16.82416153
    17.48007965  17.91531754  18.13232422]
  [  0.           3.02204776   5.74950218   8.19255257  10.36096764
    12.26391315  13.90980148  15.3061676   16.45958519  17.37559509
    18.05866623  18.51216888  18.73835564]
  [  0.           3.08936882   5.88297272   8.38986588  10.61874771
    12.57781124  14.27460194  15.71591187  16.90768814  17.85496521
    18.56182098  19.03133392  19.2655735 ]
  [  0.           3.14745522   5.99815464   8.56018925  10.84134674
    12.8489809   14.58988285  16.07018852  17.29528809  18.26975822
    18.99731445  19.48077583  19.72203255]
  [  0.           3.19729733   6.09700203   8.70638847  11.0324707
    13.08188057  14.86076164  16.37467384  17.62851715  18.62646484
    19.37190628  19.8674221   20.11474609]
  [  0.           3.23973179   6.18116713   8.83089352  11.19526768
    13.28030968  15.09160805  16.63422775  17.91264534  18.9306736
    19.69142342  20.19726372  20.44978333]
  [  0.           3.27546239   6.25204182   8.93575001  11.33239555
    13.44748402  15.28613186  16.85298729  18.15215874  19.18716049
    19.96085358  20.47542381  20.73233795]
  [  0.           3.3050766    6.31078672   9.02266979  11.44608021
    13.58609772  15.44744778  17.03442955  18.35084534  19.39995193
    20.18440819  20.70623779  20.96681023]
  [  0.           3.32905722   6.35835886   9.09306335  11.53815842
    13.69837856  15.57813358  17.18143654  18.51184273  19.57239723
    20.36558723  20.89331245  21.15685272]
  [  0.           3.34779334   6.39552832   9.14806652  11.61010933
    13.78612423  15.6802721   17.29634094  18.6376915   19.70720291
    20.50723076  21.03957176  21.30543518]
  [  0.           3.36158776   6.42289495   9.18856525  11.66308975
    13.85073757  15.75548744  17.38096428  18.73038101  19.80649567
    20.61156273  21.14730453  21.41488266]
  [  0.           3.37066245   6.4408989    9.21520901  11.69794559
    13.89324951  15.80497742  17.43664551  18.7913723   19.8718338
    20.68021965  21.21820259  21.48690987]
  [  0.           3.37516379   6.4498291    9.22842407  11.71523571
    13.91433811  15.82952785  17.46426773  18.82162857  19.90424728
    20.71428108  21.2533741   21.52264214]]]

Write down the new mass balance information for this 1000 ft grid size run (or rename the *.list file). Compare your previous result obtained with the 4000 foot grid size.

In [ ]:

P5.1 Part e.

Run your model with a nodal spacing of 500 ft and again with a nodal spacing of 250 ft. Compare head values and the volumetric discharge rate at the shoreline for all four nodal networks. Do you think a nodal spacing of 1000 ft is adequate for this problem? Justify your answer.

In [35]:
# Same as above but now 500 foot nodal spacing
LX = 12500.   # same as before - half width of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
LY = 24500.   # same as before - half height of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
NLAY = 1
NROW = 49
NCOL =25
DELR = LX / NCOL  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELR is along a row, thus has items = NCOL; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
DELC = LY / NROW  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELC is along a column, thus has items = NROW; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
BOTM = np.linspace(ZTOP, ZBOT, NLAY + 1)
HK = 200.
VKA = 1.
RCH = 0.00305 
# WELLQ = 0.   #not needed for Problem 5.1
print "DELR =", DELR, "  DELC =", DELC, '  DELV =', DELV
print "BOTM =", BOTM
print "Recharge =", RCH

DELR = 500.0   DELC = 500.0   DELV = 50.0
BOTM = [  0. -50.]
Recharge = 0.00305

In [36]:
# Create the discretization object
TOP = ZTOP * np.ones((NROW, NCOL),dtype=np.float)
DIS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(MF, NLAY, NROW, NCOL, delr=DELR, delc=DELC,
                               top=TOP, botm=BOTM[1:], laycbd=0)
# Variables for the BAS package
IBOUND = np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.int32)  # all nodes are active (IBOUND = 1)

# make the top of the profile specified head by setting the IBOUND = -1
IBOUND[:, 0, :] = -1  #don't forget arrays are zero-based! Sets first row
IBOUND[:, :, 0] = -1  # Sets first column
print IBOUND

****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'>
replacing existing Package...
[[[-1 -1 -1 ..., -1 -1 -1]
  [-1  1  1 ...,  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1 ...,  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1 ...,  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1 ...,  1  1  1]
  [-1  1  1 ...,  1  1  1]]]

In [37]:
STRT = 1 * np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.float32)  # set starting head to 1` through out model domain
STRT[:, 0, :] = 0.       # top row ocean elevation for setting constant head
STRT[:, :, 0] = 0.     # first column ocean elevation for setting constant head
print STRT

[[[ 0.  0.  0. ...,  0.  0.  0.]
  [ 0.  1.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]
  [ 0.  1.  1. ...,  1.  1.  1.]]]

In [38]:
BAS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(MF, ibound=IBOUND, strt=STRT)
# print BAS_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy BAS object
#delete earlier files to prevent us from reading old results
modelfiles = os.listdir(modelpath)
for filename in modelfiles:
    f = os.path.join(modelpath, filename)
    if modelname in f:
            print 'Deleted: ', filename
            print 'Unable to delete: ', filename
#Now write the model input files
# return current working directory
print "New files written. You can check them in", modelpath
silent = False  #Print model output to screen?
pause = False   #Require user to hit enter? Doesn't mean much in Ipython notebook
report = True   #Store the output from the model in buff
success, buff = MF.run_model(silent=silent, pause=pause, report=report)
#imports for plotting and reading the MODFLOW binary output file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import flopy.utils.binaryfile as bf

#Create the headfile object and grab the results for last time.
headfile = os.path.join(modelpath, modelname + '.hds')
headfileobj = bf.HeadFile(headfile)

#Get a list of times that are contained in the model
times = headfileobj.get_times()
print 'Headfile (' + modelname + '.hds' + ') contains the following list of times: ', times
#Get a numpy array of heads for totim = 1.0
#The get_data method will extract head data from the binary file.
HEAD = headfileobj.get_data(totim=1.0)

#Print statistics on the head
print 'Head statistics'
print '  min: ', HEAD.min()
print '  max: ', HEAD.max()
print '  std: ', HEAD.std()

****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'>
replacing existing Package...
Deleted:  P5-1.bas
Deleted:  P5-1.cbc
Deleted:  P5-1.ddn
Deleted:  P5-1.dis
Deleted:  P5-1.hds
Deleted:  P5-1.list
Deleted:  P5-1.lpf
Deleted:  P5-1.nam
Deleted:  P5-1.oc
Deleted:  P5-1.pcg
Deleted:  P5-1.rch
New files written. You can check them in /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/P5-1_Island_recharge
FloPy is using the following executable to run the model: /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/mf2005

                             Version 1.11.00 8/8/2013                        

 Using NAME file: P5-1.nam 
 Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:30

 Solving:  Stress period:     1    Time step:     1    Ground-Water Flow Eqn.
 Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:30
 Elapsed run time:  0.022 Seconds

  Normal termination of simulation
Headfile (P5-1.hds) contains the following list of times:  [1.0]
Head statistics
  min:  0.0
  max:  20.7694
  std:  6.32012

Note that the max head is getting closer to the analytical solution of 20 ft.

In [39]:
#Create a contour plot of heads
FIG = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))

#setup contour levels and plot extent
LEVELS = np.arange(0., 26., 5.)
EXTENT = (DELR/2., LX - DELR/2., DELC/2., LY - DELC/2.)
print 'Contour Levels: ', LEVELS
print 'Extent of domain: ', EXTENT

#Make a contour plot on the first axis
AX1 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, aspect='equal')
YTICKS = np.arange(0, 28000, 4000)
AX1.set_title("P5.1 Island Recharge Problem")
AX1.text(500, 10000, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue", rotation='vertical')
AX1.text(4000, 23900, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue")
AX1.contour(np.flipud(HEAD[0, :, :]), levels=LEVELS, extent=EXTENT)

#Make a color flood on the second axis
AX2 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, aspect='equal')
AX2.set_title("P5.1 color flood")
AX2.text(4000, 23900, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white")
AX2.text(400, 10500, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white", rotation='vertical')
cax = AX2.imshow(HEAD[0, :, :], extent=EXTENT, interpolation='nearest')
cbar = FIG.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.45)

Contour Levels:  [  0.   5.  10.  15.  20.  25.]
Extent of domain:  (250.0, 12250.0, 250.0, 24250.0)

Again write down the mass balance information from the *.list file for comparison to other grid sizes.

In [40]:
# Same as above but now 250 foot nodal spacing
LX = 12250.   # same as before - half width of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
LY = 24250.   # same as before - half height of island + one node for constant head boundary condition
NLAY = 1
NROW = 97
NCOL =49
DELR = LX / NCOL  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELR is along a row, thus has items = NCOL; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
DELC = LY / NROW  # recall that MODFLOW convention is DELC is along a column, thus has items = NROW; see page XXX in AW&H (2015)
BOTM = np.linspace(ZTOP, ZBOT, NLAY + 1)
HK = 200.
VKA = 1.
RCH = 0.00305 
# WELLQ = 0.   #not needed for Problem 5.1
print "DELR =", DELR, "  DELC =", DELC, '  DELV =', DELV
print "BOTM =", BOTM
print "Recharge =", RCH

DELR = 250.0   DELC = 250.0   DELV = 50.0
BOTM = [  0. -50.]
Recharge = 0.00305

In [41]:
# Create the discretization object
TOP = ZTOP * np.ones((NROW, NCOL),dtype=np.float)
DIS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(MF, NLAY, NROW, NCOL, delr=DELR, delc=DELC,
                               top=TOP, botm=BOTM[1:], laycbd=0)
# Variables for the BAS package
IBOUND = np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.int32)  # all nodes are active (IBOUND = 1)

# make the top of the profile specified head by setting the IBOUND = -1
IBOUND[:, 0, :] = -1  #don't forget arrays are zero-based! Sets first row
IBOUND[:, :, 0] = -1  # Sets first column
STRT = 1 * np.ones((NLAY, NROW, NCOL), dtype=np.float32)  # set starting head to 1` through out model domain
STRT[:, 0, :] = 0.       # top row ocean elevation for setting constant head
STRT[:, :, 0] = 0.     # first column ocean elevation for setting constant head
BAS_PACKAGE = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(MF, ibound=IBOUND, strt=STRT)
# print BAS_PACKAGE  # uncomment this at far left to see the information about the flopy BAS object
#delete earlier files to prevent us from reading old results
modelfiles = os.listdir(modelpath)
for filename in modelfiles:
    f = os.path.join(modelpath, filename)
    if modelname in f:
            print 'Deleted: ', filename
            print 'Unable to delete: ', filename
#Now write the model input files
# return current working directory
print "New files written. You can check them in", modelpath
silent = False  #Print model output to screen?
pause = False   #Require user to hit enter? Doesn't mean much in Ipython notebook
report = True   #Store the output from the model in buff
success, buff = MF.run_model(silent=silent, pause=pause, report=report)
#imports for plotting and reading the MODFLOW binary output file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import flopy.utils.binaryfile as bf

#Create the headfile object and grab the results for last time.
headfile = os.path.join(modelpath, modelname + '.hds')
headfileobj = bf.HeadFile(headfile)

#Get a list of times that are contained in the model
times = headfileobj.get_times()
print 'Headfile (' + modelname + '.hds' + ') contains the following list of times: ', times
#Get a numpy array of heads for totim = 1.0
#The get_data method will extract head data from the binary file.
HEAD = headfileobj.get_data(totim=1.0)

#Print statistics on the head
print 'Head statistics'
print '  min: ', HEAD.min()
print '  max: ', HEAD.max()
print '  std: ', HEAD.std()

****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfdis.ModflowDis'>
replacing existing Package...
****Warning -- two packages of the same type:  <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'> <class 'flopy.modflow.mfbas.ModflowBas'>
replacing existing Package...
Deleted:  P5-1.bas
Deleted:  P5-1.cbc
Deleted:  P5-1.ddn
Deleted:  P5-1.dis
Deleted:  P5-1.hds
Deleted:  P5-1.list
Deleted:  P5-1.lpf
Deleted:  P5-1.nam
Deleted:  P5-1.oc
Deleted:  P5-1.pcg
Deleted:  P5-1.rch
New files written. You can check them in /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/P5-1_Island_recharge
FloPy is using the following executable to run the model: /Users/rjhunt1/GitHub/Chapter_5_problems-1/mf2005

                             Version 1.11.00 8/8/2013                        

 Using NAME file: P5-1.nam 
 Run start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:31

 Solving:  Stress period:     1    Time step:     1    Ground-Water Flow Eqn.
 Run end date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss): 2015/09/23 12:59:31
 Elapsed run time:  0.087 Seconds

  Normal termination of simulation
Headfile (P5-1.hds) contains the following list of times:  [1.0]
Head statistics
  min:  0.0
  max:  20.3885
  std:  6.12028

Note that the max head is again getting closer to the analytical solution of 20 ft.

In [42]:
#Create a contour plot of heads
FIG = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))

#setup contour levels and plot extent
LEVELS = np.arange(0., 26., 5.)
EXTENT = (DELR/2., LX - DELR/2., DELC/2., LY - DELC/2.)
print 'Contour Levels: ', LEVELS
print 'Extent of domain: ', EXTENT

#Make a contour plot on the first axis
AX1 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, aspect='equal')
YTICKS = np.arange(0, 28000, 4000)
AX1.set_title("P5.1 Island Recharge Problem")
AX1.text(220, 10000, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue", rotation='vertical')
AX1.text(4000, 23800, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="blue")
AX1.contour(np.flipud(HEAD[0, :, :]), levels=LEVELS, extent=EXTENT)

#Make a color flood on the second axis
AX2 = FIG.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, aspect='equal')
AX2.set_title("P5.1 color flood")
AX2.text(4000, 23800, r"top ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white")
AX2.text(200, 10000, r"side ocean boundary condition", fontsize=10, color="white",rotation='vertical')
cax = AX2.imshow(HEAD[0, :, :], extent=EXTENT, interpolation='nearest')
cbar = FIG.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.45)

Contour Levels:  [  0.   5.  10.  15.  20.  25.]
Extent of domain:  (125.0, 12125.0, 125.0, 24125.0)

Again write down the mass balance information from the *.list file for the 250 foot grid spacing. Compare all grid sizes.

In [ ]: