This notebook provides a few examples of the shared graphing utilities within AWASH.

Graphing functions are provided in forms that use either R or native Julia Plots commands. If RCall is installed, then loading graphing.jl will load the R versions; otherwise, the Plots versions will be used.

Below we will use the constituent graphing-rcall.jl and graphing-native.jl libraries separately, to show how each looks.

In [4]:
using DataFrames
counties = readtable("../data/global/counties.csv")
counties[:value] = counties[:state];

In [16]:

usmap (generic function with 2 methods)

In [18]:

x -1×10⁷ -9×10⁶ -8×10⁶ -7×10⁶ -6×10⁶ -5×10⁶ -4×10⁶ -3×10⁶ -2×10⁶ -1×10⁶ 0 1×10⁶ 2×10⁶ 3×10⁶ 4×10⁶ 5×10⁶ 6×10⁶ 7×10⁶ 8×10⁶ 9×10⁶ 1×10⁷ -9.0×10⁶ -8.8×10⁶ -8.6×10⁶ -8.4×10⁶ -8.2×10⁶ -8.0×10⁶ -7.8×10⁶ -7.6×10⁶ -7.4×10⁶ -7.2×10⁶ -7.0×10⁶ -6.8×10⁶ -6.6×10⁶ -6.4×10⁶ -6.2×10⁶ -6.0×10⁶ -5.8×10⁶ -5.6×10⁶ -5.4×10⁶ -5.2×10⁶ -5.0×10⁶ -4.8×10⁶ -4.6×10⁶ -4.4×10⁶ -4.2×10⁶ -4.0×10⁶ -3.8×10⁶ -3.6×10⁶ -3.4×10⁶ -3.2×10⁶ -3.0×10⁶ -2.8×10⁶ -2.6×10⁶ -2.4×10⁶ -2.2×10⁶ -2.0×10⁶ -1.8×10⁶ -1.6×10⁶ -1.4×10⁶ -1.2×10⁶ -1.0×10⁶ -8.0×10⁵ -6.0×10⁵ -4.0×10⁵ -2.0×10⁵ 0 2.0×10⁵ 4.0×10⁵ 6.0×10⁵ 8.0×10⁵ 1.0×10⁶ 1.2×10⁶ 1.4×10⁶ 1.6×10⁶ 1.8×10⁶ 2.0×10⁶ 2.2×10⁶ 2.4×10⁶ 2.6×10⁶ 2.8×10⁶ 3.0×10⁶ 3.2×10⁶ 3.4×10⁶ 3.6×10⁶ 3.8×10⁶ 4.0×10⁶ 4.2×10⁶ 4.4×10⁶ 4.6×10⁶ 4.8×10⁶ 5.0×10⁶ 5.2×10⁶ 5.4×10⁶ 5.6×10⁶ 5.8×10⁶ 6.0×10⁶ 6.2×10⁶ 6.4×10⁶ 6.6×10⁶ 6.8×10⁶ 7.0×10⁶ 7.2×10⁶ 7.4×10⁶ 7.6×10⁶ 7.8×10⁶ 8.0×10⁶ 8.2×10⁶ 8.4×10⁶ 8.6×10⁶ 8.8×10⁶ 9.0×10⁶ -1×10⁷ -5×10⁶ 0 5×10⁶ 1×10⁷ -9.0×10⁶ -8.5×10⁶ -8.0×10⁶ -7.5×10⁶ -7.0×10⁶ -6.5×10⁶ -6.0×10⁶ -5.5×10⁶ -5.0×10⁶ -4.5×10⁶ -4.0×10⁶ -3.5×10⁶ -3.0×10⁶ -2.5×10⁶ -2.0×10⁶ -1.5×10⁶ -1.0×10⁶ -5.0×10⁵ 0 5.0×10⁵ 1.0×10⁶ 1.5×10⁶ 2.0×10⁶ 2.5×10⁶ 3.0×10⁶ 3.5×10⁶ 4.0×10⁶ 4.5×10⁶ 5.0×10⁶ 5.5×10⁶ 6.0×10⁶ 6.5×10⁶ 7.0×10⁶ 7.5×10⁶ 8.0×10⁶ 8.5×10⁶ 9.0×10⁶ KY SC FL IN CO AZ WY ID NH RI OR MD ME DE DC VT VA CT MO GA NV MN WA AL ND NM UT IA NE TN AR CA KS OH NC MI MT NJ MS OK WV IL TX LA PA WI MA SD NY Color -7×10⁶ -6×10⁶ -5×10⁶ -4×10⁶ -3×10⁶ -2×10⁶ -1×10⁶ 0 1×10⁶ 2×10⁶ 3×10⁶ 4×10⁶ 5×10⁶ 6×10⁶ 7×10⁶ -6.0×10⁶ -5.8×10⁶ -5.6×10⁶ -5.4×10⁶ -5.2×10⁶ -5.0×10⁶ -4.8×10⁶ -4.6×10⁶ -4.4×10⁶ -4.2×10⁶ -4.0×10⁶ -3.8×10⁶ -3.6×10⁶ -3.4×10⁶ -3.2×10⁶ -3.0×10⁶ -2.8×10⁶ -2.6×10⁶ -2.4×10⁶ -2.2×10⁶ -2.0×10⁶ -1.8×10⁶ -1.6×10⁶ -1.4×10⁶ -1.2×10⁶ -1.0×10⁶ -8.0×10⁵ -6.0×10⁵ -4.0×10⁵ -2.0×10⁵ 0 2.0×10⁵ 4.0×10⁵ 6.0×10⁵ 8.0×10⁵ 1.0×10⁶ 1.2×10⁶ 1.4×10⁶ 1.6×10⁶ 1.8×10⁶ 2.0×10⁶ 2.2×10⁶ 2.4×10⁶ 2.6×10⁶ 2.8×10⁶ 3.0×10⁶ 3.2×10⁶ 3.4×10⁶ 3.6×10⁶ 3.8×10⁶ 4.0×10⁶ 4.2×10⁶ 4.4×10⁶ 4.6×10⁶ 4.8×10⁶ 5.0×10⁶ 5.2×10⁶ 5.4×10⁶ 5.6×10⁶ 5.8×10⁶ 6.0×10⁶ -6×10⁶ -3×10⁶ 0 3×10⁶ 6×10⁶ -6.0×10⁶ -5.5×10⁶ -5.0×10⁶ -4.5×10⁶ -4.0×10⁶ -3.5×10⁶ -3.0×10⁶ -2.5×10⁶ -2.0×10⁶ -1.5×10⁶ -1.0×10⁶ -5.0×10⁵ 0 5.0×10⁵ 1.0×10⁶ 1.5×10⁶ 2.0×10⁶ 2.5×10⁶ 3.0×10⁶ 3.5×10⁶ 4.0×10⁶ 4.5×10⁶ 5.0×10⁶ 5.5×10⁶ 6.0×10⁶ y

In [20]:

INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/jrising/.julia/lib/v0.4/RCall.ji for module RCall.
R installation found at "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources"
WARNING: using RCall.isna in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
usmap (generic function with 2 methods)

In [21]:

WARNING: RCall.jl: Warning: package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 3.2.3
WARNING: RCall.jl: 
PBS Mapping 2.69.76 -- Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Fisheries and Oceans Canada

for details see the file COPYING.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute
it under certain conditions, as outlined in the above file.

A complete user guide 'PBSmapping-UG.pdf' is located at 

Packaged on 2015-04-23
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo

All available PBS packages can be found at

To see demos, type '.PBSfigs()'.

WARNING: RCall.jl: Loading required package: maptools
Loading required package: sp
Warning: package ‘sp’ was built under R version 3.2.5
Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
Loading required package: foreign