Bayesian Statistics Made Simple

Code and exercises from my workshop on Bayesian statistics in Python.

Copyright 2016 Allen Downey

MIT License:

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from __future__ import print_function, division

%matplotlib inline

import warnings

from thinkbayes2 import Pmf, Suite
import thinkplot

Working with Pmfs

Create a Pmf object to represent a six-sided die.

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d6 = Pmf()

A Pmf is a map from possible outcomes to their probabilities.

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for x in [1,2,3,4,5,6]:
    d6[x] = 1

Initially the probabilities don't add up to 1.

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Normalize adds up the probabilities and divides through. The return value is the total probability before normalizing.

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Now the Pmf is normalized.

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And we can compute its mean (which only works if it's normalized).

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Random chooses a random value from the Pmf.

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thinkplot provides methods for plotting Pmfs in a few different styles.

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Exercise 1: The Pmf object provides __add__, so you can use the + operator to compute the Pmf of the sum of two dice.

Compute and plot the Pmf of the sum of two 6-sided dice.

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# Solution goes here

Exercise 2: Suppose I roll two dice and tell you the result is greater than 3.

Plot the Pmf of the remaining possible outcomes and compute its mean.

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# Solution goes here

Create a Pmf with two equally likely hypotheses.

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cookie = Pmf(['Bowl 1', 'Bowl 2'])

Update each hypothesis with the likelihood of the data (a vanilla cookie).

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cookie['Bowl 1'] *= 0.75
cookie['Bowl 2'] *= 0.5

Print the posterior probabilities.

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Exercise 3: Suppose we put the first cookie back, stir, choose again from the same bowl, and get a chocolate cookie.

Hint: The posterior (after the first cookie) becomes the prior (before the second cookie).

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# Solution goes here

Exercise 4: Instead of doing two updates, what if we collapse the two pieces of data into one update?

Re-initialize Pmf with two equally likely hypotheses and perform one update based on two pieces of data, a vanilla cookie and a chocolate cookie.

The result should be the same regardless of how many updates you do (or the order of updates).

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# Solution goes here

The dice problem

Create a Suite to represent dice with different numbers of sides.

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pmf = Pmf([4, 6, 8, 12])

Exercise 5: We'll solve this problem two ways. First we'll do it "by hand", as we did with the cookie problem; that is, we'll multiply each hypothesis by the likelihood of the data, and then renormalize.

In the space below, update suite based on the likelihood of the data (rolling a 6), then normalize and print the results.

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# Solution goes here

Exercise 6: Now let's do the same calculation using Suite.Update.

Write a definition for a new class called Dice that extends Suite. Then define a method called Likelihood that takes data and hypo and returns the probability of the data (the outcome of rolling the die) for a given hypothesis (number of sides on the die).

Hint: What should you do if the outcome exceeds the hypothetical number of sides on the die?

Here's an outline to get you started:

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class Dice(Suite):
        # hypo is the number of sides on the die
        # data is the outcome
        def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):
            return 1

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# Solution goes here

Now we can create a Dice object and update it.

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dice = Dice([4, 6, 8, 12])

If we get more data, we can perform more updates.

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for roll in [8, 7, 7, 5, 4]:

Here are the results.

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The German tank problem

The German tank problem is actually identical to the dice problem.

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class Tank(Suite):
    # hypo is the number of tanks
    # data is an observed serial number
    def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):
        if data > hypo:
            return 0
            return 1 / hypo

Here are the posterior probabilities after seeing Tank #37.

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tank = Tank(range(100))

Exercise 7: Suppose we see another tank with serial number 17. What effect does this have on the posterior probabilities?

Update the suite again with the new data and plot the results.

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# Solution goes here

The Euro problem

Exercise 8: Write a class definition for Euro, which extends Suite and defines a likelihood function that computes the probability of the data (heads or tails) for a given value of x (the probability of heads).

Note that hypo is in the range 0 to 100. Here's an outline to get you started.

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class Euro(Suite):
    def Likelihood(self, data, hypo):
        hypo is the prob of heads (0-100)
        data is a string, either 'H' or 'T'
        return 1

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# Solution goes here

We'll start with a uniform distribution from 0 to 100.

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euro = Euro(range(101))

Now we can update with a single heads:

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Another heads:

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And a tails:

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Starting over, here's what it looks like after 7 heads and 3 tails.

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euro = Euro(range(101))

for outcome in 'HHHHHHHTTT':


The maximum posterior probability is 70%, which is the observed proportion.

Here are the posterior probabilities after 140 heads and 110 tails.

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euro = Euro(range(101))

evidence = 'H' * 140 + 'T' * 110
for outcome in evidence:

The posterior mean s about 56%

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So is the value with Maximum Aposteriori Probability (MAP).

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The posterior credible interval has a 90% chance of containing the true value (provided that the prior distribution truly represents our background knowledge).

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Swamping the prior

The following function makes a Euro object with a triangle prior.

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def TrianglePrior():
    """Makes a Suite with a triangular prior."""
    suite = Euro(label='triangle')
    for x in range(0, 51):
        suite[x] = x
    for x in range(51, 101):
        suite[x] = 100-x 
    return suite

And here's what it looks like:

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euro1 = Euro(range(101), label='uniform')
euro2 = TrianglePrior()
thinkplot.Pdfs([euro1, euro2])

Exercise 9: Update euro1 and euro2 with the same data we used before (140 heads and 110 tails) and plot the posteriors. How big is the difference in the means?

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# Solution goes here

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