This notebook presents example code and exercise solutions for Think Bayes.
Copyright 2018 Allen B. Downey
MIT License:
In [5]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'
# import classes from thinkbayes2
from thinkbayes2 import Hist, Pmf, Suite
Exercise: This exercise is from one of my favorite books, David MacKay's "Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms":
Elvis Presley had a twin brother who died at birth. What is the probability that Elvis was an identical twin?"
To answer this one, you need some background information: According to the Wikipedia article on twins: "Twins are estimated to be approximately 1.9% of the world population, with monozygotic twins making up 0.2% of the total---and 8% of all twins.''
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# Solution
# Here's a Pmf with the prior probability that Elvis
# was an identical twin (taking the fact that he was a
# twin as background information)
pmf = Pmf(dict(fraternal=0.92, identical=0.08))
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# Solution
# And here's the update. The data is that the other twin
# was also male, which has likelihood 1 if they were identical
# and only 0.5 if they were fraternal.
pmf['fraternal'] *= 0.5
pmf['identical'] *= 1