This notebook presents explorations of the association between Internet use and religion in Europe, using data from the European Social Survey (
Copyright 2015 Allen Downey
MIT License:
In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function, division
import string
import random
import cPickle as pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import thinkstats2
import thinkplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ess
# colors by
BLUE1 = '#a6cee3'
BLUE2 = '#1f78b4'
GREEN1 = '#b2df8a'
GREEN2 = '#33a02c'
PINK = '#fb9a99'
RED = '#e31a1c'
ORANGE1 = '#fdbf6f'
ORANGE2 = '#ff7f00'
PURPLE1 = '#cab2d6'
PURPLE2 = '#6a3d9a'
YELLOW = '#ffff99'
BROWN = '#b15928'
%matplotlib inline
Open the store containing resampled DataFrames.
In [2]:
store = pd.HDFStore('ess.resamples.h5')
In [3]:
country_map = ess.make_countries(store)
In [4]:
FORMULA1 = ('treatment ~ inwyr07_f + yrbrn60_f + yrbrn60_f2 + '
'edurank_f + hincrank_f +'
'tvtot_f + rdtot_f + nwsptot_f')
def compute_delta(group, country):
group['yrbrn60_f2'] = group.yrbrn60_f ** 2
group['propensity'] = np.nan
group['treatment'] = np.nan
# quantize netuse to get treatment variable
# choose threshold close to the median
netuse = group.netuse_f
thresh = netuse.median()
if thresh < 1:
thresh = 1
group.treatment = (netuse >= thresh).astype(int)
# compute propensities
model = smf.logit(FORMULA1, data=group)
results =
group.propensity = results.predict(group)
# divide into treatment and control groups
treatment = group[group.treatment == 1]
control = group[group.treatment == 0]
# sort the propensities of the controls (for fast lookup)
series = control.propensity.sort_values()
# look up the propensities of the treatment group
# to find (approx) closest matches in the control group
indices = series.searchsorted(treatment.propensity)
indices[indices < 0] = 0
indices[indices >= len(control)] = len(control)-1
# use the indices to select the matches
control_indices = series.index[indices]
matches = control.loc[control_indices]
# find distances and differences
distances = (treatment.propensity.values -
differences = (treatment.rlgdgr_f.values -
# select differences with small distances
caliper = differences[abs(distances) < 0.001]
# return the mean difference
delta = np.mean(caliper)
return delta
In [5]:
def process_frame(df, country_map):
grouped = df.groupby('cntry')
for code, group in grouped:
country = country_map[code]
# compute mean difference between matched pairs
delta = compute_delta(group, country)
d = dict(delta=delta)
In [6]:
def process_all_frames(store, country_map, num=201):
"""Loops through the store and processes frames.
store: store
country_map: map from code to Country
num: how many resamplings to process
reg_func: function used to compute regression
formula: string Patsy formula
model_num: which model we're running
for i, key in enumerate(store.keys()):
if i >= num:
print(i, key)
df = store.get(key)
process_frame(df, country_map)
In [7]:
process_all_frames(store, country_map, num=101)
In [8]:
In [9]:
with open('ess6.pkl', 'wb') as fp:
pickle.dump(country_map, fp)
In [17]:
with open('ess6.pkl', 'rb') as fp:
country_map = pickle.load(fp)
In [18]:
In [25]:
plot_counter = 1
def save_plot(flag=False):
"""Saves plots in png format.
flag: boolean, whether to save or not
global plot_counter
if flag:
root = 'ess6.%2.2d' % plot_counter
thinkplot.Save(root=root, formats=['png'])
plot_counter += 1
Make a plot showing confidence interval of effect size for the given parameters
In [26]:
xlabel1 = 'Difference in religiosity (10 point scale)'
In [29]:
xlim = [-2.5, 1.0]
In [30]:
t = ess.extract_vars(country_map, 'delta', None)
ess.plot_cis(t, PURPLE2)
thinkplot.Config(title='Internet use',
xlabel=xlabel1, xlim=xlim)
Why bigger CIs?
In [19]:
cdfnames = ['delta']
ess.plot_cdfs(country_map, ess.extract_vars, cdfnames=cdfnames)
loc='upper left')
In [20]:
varnames = ['delta']
ts = ess.make_table(country_map, varnames, ess.extract_vars)
In [ ]:
In [ ]: