Modeling and Simulation in Python

Case Study: Predicting salmon returns

This case study is based on a ModSim student project by Josh Deng and Erika Lu.

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

In [1]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Can we predict salmon populations?

Each year the U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee reports estimates of salmon populations in oceans and rivers in the northeastern United States. The reports are useful for monitoring changes in these populations, but they generally do not include predictions.

The goal of this case study is to model year-to-year changes in population, evaluate how predictable these changes are, and estimate the probability that a particular population will increase or decrease in the next 10 years.

As an example, I'll use data from page 18 of the 2017 report, which provides population estimates for the Narraguagus and Sheepscot Rivers in Maine.

At the end of this notebook, I make some suggestions for extracting data from a PDF document automatically, but for this example I will keep it simple and type it in.

Here are the population estimates for the Narraguagus River:

In [2]:
pops = [2749, 2845, 4247, 1843, 2562, 1774, 1201, 1284, 1287, 2339, 1177, 962, 1176, 2149, 1404, 969, 1237, 1615, 1201];

To get this data into a Pandas Series, I'll also make a range of years to use as an index.

In [3]:
years = range(1997, 2016)

range(1997, 2016)

And here's the series.

In [4]:
pop_series = TimeSeries(pops, index=years, dtype=np.float64)

1997 2749.0
1998 2845.0
1999 4247.0
2000 1843.0
2001 2562.0
2002 1774.0
2003 1201.0
2004 1284.0
2005 1287.0
2006 2339.0
2007 1177.0
2008 962.0
2009 1176.0
2010 2149.0
2011 1404.0
2012 969.0
2013 1237.0
2014 1615.0
2015 1201.0

Here's what it looks like:

In [5]:
def plot_population(series):
    plot(series, label='Estimated population')
             ylabel='Population estimate', 
             title='Narraguacus River',
             ylim=[0, 5000])

Modeling changes

To see how the population changes from year-to-year, I'll use ediff1d to compute the absolute difference between each year and the next.

In [6]:
abs_diffs = np.ediff1d(pop_series, to_end=0)

array([   96.,  1402., -2404.,   719.,  -788.,  -573.,    83.,     3.,
        1052., -1162.,  -215.,   214.,   973.,  -745.,  -435.,   268.,
         378.,  -414.,     0.])

We can compute relative differences by dividing by the original series elementwise.

In [7]:
rel_diffs = abs_diffs / pop_series

1997    0.034922
1998    0.492794
1999   -0.566047
2000    0.390125
2001   -0.307572
2002   -0.322999
2003    0.069109
2004    0.002336
2005    0.817405
2006   -0.496794
2007   -0.182668
2008    0.222453
2009    0.827381
2010   -0.346673
2011   -0.309829
2012    0.276574
2013    0.305578
2014   -0.256347
2015    0.000000
dtype: float64

Or we can use the modsim function compute_rel_diff:

In [8]:
rel_diffs = compute_rel_diff(pop_series)

1997    0.034922
1998    0.492794
1999   -0.566047
2000    0.390125
2001   -0.307572
2002   -0.322999
2003    0.069109
2004    0.002336
2005    0.817405
2006   -0.496794
2007   -0.182668
2008    0.222453
2009    0.827381
2010   -0.346673
2011   -0.309829
2012    0.276574
2013    0.305578
2014   -0.256347
2015    0.000000
dtype: float64

These relative differences are observed annual net growth rates. So let's drop the 0 and save them.

In [9]:
rates = rel_diffs.drop(2015)

1997    0.034922
1998    0.492794
1999   -0.566047
2000    0.390125
2001   -0.307572
2002   -0.322999
2003    0.069109
2004    0.002336
2005    0.817405
2006   -0.496794
2007   -0.182668
2008    0.222453
2009    0.827381
2010   -0.346673
2011   -0.309829
2012    0.276574
2013    0.305578
2014   -0.256347
dtype: float64

A simple way to model this system is to draw a random value from this series of observed rates each year. We can use the NumPy function choice to make a random choice from a series.

In [10]:



Now we can simulate the system by drawing random growth rates from the series of observed rates.

I'll start the simulation in 2015.

In [11]:
t_0 = 2015
p_0 = pop_series[t_0]


Create a System object with variables t_0, p_0, rates, and duration=10 years.

The series of observed rates is one big parameter of the model.

In [12]:
system = System(t_0=t_0,

t_0 2015
p_0 1201
duration 10
rates 1997 0.034922 1998 0.492794 1999 -0.56...

Write an update functon that takes as parameters pop, t, and system. It should choose a random growth rate, compute the change in population, and return the new population.

In [13]:
# Solution

def update_func1(pop, t, system):
    """Simulate one time step.
    pop: population
    t: time step
    system: System object
    rate = np.random.choice(system.rates)
    pop += rate * pop
    return pop

Test your update function and run it a few times

In [14]:
update_func1(p_0, t_0, system)


Here's a version of run_simulation that stores the results in a TimeSeries and returns it.

In [15]:
def run_simulation(system, update_func):
    """Simulate a queueing system.
    system: System object
    update_func: function object
    t_0 = system.t_0
    t_end = t_0 + system.duration
    results = TimeSeries()
    results[t_0] = system.p_0
    for t in linrange(t_0, t_end):
        results[t+1] = update_func(results[t], t, system)

    return results

Use run_simulation to run generate a prediction for the next 10 years.

The plot your prediction along with the original data. Your prediction should pick up where the data leave off.

In [16]:
# Solution

results = run_simulation(system, update_func1)
plot(results, label='Simulation')

To get a sense of how much the results vary, we can run the model several times and plot all of the results.

In [17]:
def plot_many_simulations(system, update_func, iters):
    """Runs simulations and plots the results.
    system: System object
    update_func: function object
    iters: number of simulations to run
    for i in range(iters):
        results = run_simulation(system, update_func)
        plot(results, color='gray', linewidth=5, alpha=0.1)

The plot option alpha=0.1 makes the lines semi-transparent, so they are darker where they overlap.

Run plot_many_simulations with your update function and iters=30. Also plot the original data.

In [18]:
# Solution

plot_many_simulations(system, update_func1, 30)

The results are highly variable: according to this model, the population might continue to decline over the next 10 years, or it might recover and grow rapidly!

It's hard to say how seriously we should take this model. There are many factors that influence salmon populations that are not included in the model. For example, if the population starts to grow quickly, it might be limited by resource limits, predators, or fishing. If the population starts to fall, humans might restrict fishing and stock the river with farmed fish.

So these results should probably not be considered useful predictions. However, there might be something useful we can do, which is to estimate the probability that the population will increase or decrease in the next 10 years.

Distribution of net changes

To describe the distribution of net changes, write a function called run_many_simulations that runs many simulations, saves the final populations in a ModSimSeries, and returns the ModSimSeries.

In [19]:
def run_many_simulations(system, update_func, iters):
    """Runs simulations and report final populations.
    system: System object
    update_func: function object
    iters: number of simulations to run
    returns: series of final populations

In [20]:
# Solution

def run_many_simulations(system, update_func, iters):
    """Runs simulations and report final populations.
    system: System object
    update_func: function object
    iters: number of simulations to run
    returns: series of final populations
    last_pops = ModSimSeries()
    for i in range(iters):
        results = run_simulation(system, update_func)
        last_pops[i] = get_last_value(results)
    return last_pops

Test your function by running it with iters=5.

In [21]:
run_many_simulations(system, update_func1, 5)

0 892.723387
1 99.036567
2 943.549004
3 290.634834
4 1003.147033

Now we can run 1000 simulations and describe the distribution of the results.

In [22]:
last_pops = run_many_simulations(system, update_func1, 1000)

count     1000.000000
mean      1605.829424
std       2799.595802
min         13.400432
25%        306.557442
50%        748.584171
75%       1686.740121
max      47316.744869
dtype: float64

If we substract off the initial population, we get the distribution of changes.

In [23]:
net_changes = last_pops - p_0

count     1000.000000
mean       404.829424
std       2799.595802
min      -1187.599568
25%       -894.442558
50%       -452.415829
75%        485.740121
max      46115.744869
dtype: float64

The median is negative, which indicates that the population decreases more often than it increases.

We can be more specific by counting the number of runs where net_changes is positive.

In [24]:
np.sum(net_changes > 0)


Or we can use mean to compute the fraction of runs where net_changes is positive.

In [25]:
np.mean(net_changes > 0)


And here's the fraction where it's negative.

In [26]:
np.mean(net_changes < 0)


So, based on observed past changes, this model predicts that the population is more likely to decrease than increase over the next 10 years, by about 2:1.

A refined model

There are a few ways we could improve the model.

  1. It looks like there might be cyclic behavior in the past data, with a period of 4-5 years. We could extend the model to include this effect.

  2. Older data might not be as relevant for prediction as newer data, so we could give more weight to newer data.

The second option is easier to implement, so let's try it.

I'll use linspace to create an array of "weights" for the observed rates. The probability that I choose each rate will be proportional to these weights.

The weights have to add up to 1, so I divide through by the total.

In [27]:
weights = linspace(0, 1, len(rates))
weights /= sum(weights)
decorate(xlabel='Index into the rates array',

I'll add the weights to the System object, since they are parameters of the model.

In [28]:
system.weights = weights

We can pass these weights as a parameter to np.random.choice (see the documentation)

In [29]:
np.random.choice(system.rates, p=system.weights)


Write an update function that takes the weights into account.

In [30]:
# Solution

def update_func2(pop, t, system):
    """Simulate one time step.
    pop: population
    t: time step
    system: System object
    rate = np.random.choice(system.rates, p=system.weights)
    pop += rate * pop
    return pop

Use plot_many_simulations to plot the results.

In [31]:
# Solution

plot_many_simulations(system, update_func2, 30)

Use run_many_simulations to collect the results and describe to summarize the distribution of net changes.

In [32]:
# Solution

last_pops = run_many_simulations(system, update_func2, 1000)
net_changes = last_pops - p_0

count     1000.000000
mean       742.390577
std       3254.531642
min      -1167.871448
25%       -828.100752
50%       -291.246535
75%        958.199207
max      35927.186006
dtype: float64

Does the refined model have much effect on the probability of population decline?

In [33]:
# Solution

np.mean(net_changes < 0)


Extracting data from a PDF document

The following section uses tabula-py to get data from a PDF document.

If you don't already have it installed, and you are using Anaconda, you can install it by running the following command in a Terminal or Git Bash:

conda install -c conda-forge tabula-py

In [34]:
from tabula import read_pdf

In [35]:
df = read_pdf('data/USASAC2018-Report-30-2017-Activities-Page11.pdf')

Unnamed: 0 1 SW 2SW 3SW Repeat Total Hatchery Natural
0 1997 278 1,492 8 36 1,814 1,296 518
1 1998 340 1,477 3 42 1,862 1,146 716
2 1999 402 1,136 3 26 1,567 959 608
3 2000 292 535 0 20 847 562 285
4 2001 269 804 7 4 1,084 833 251
5 2002 437 505 2 23 967 832 135
6 2003 233 1,185 3 6 1,427 1,238 189
7 2004 319 1,266 21 24 1,630 1,395 235
8 2005 317 945 0 10 1,272 1,019 253
9 2006 442 1,007 2 5 1,456 1,167 289
10 2007 299 958 3 1 1,261 940 321
11 2008 812 1,758 12 23 2,605 2,191 414
12 2009 243 2,065 16 16 2,340 2,017 323
13 2010 552 1,081 2 16 1,651 1,468 183
14 2011 1,084 3,053 26 15 4,178 3,560 618
15 2012 26 879 31 5 941 731 210
16 2013 78 525 3 5 611 413 198
17 2014 110 334 3 3 450 304 146
18 2015 150 761 9 1 921 739 182
19 2016 232 389 2 3 626 448 178
20 2017 363 663 13 2 1041 806 235