In [13]:
from aide_design import pipedatabase as pipe
from aide_design.units import unit_registry as u
from aide_design import physchem as pc
import aide_design
import numpy as np

In [ ]:
flow = 30 * u.L/u.s
pipe_sed_to_filter_ND = 8 * u.inch
pipe_sed_to_filter_SDR = 26
pipe_sed_to_filter_length = 20 * u.m
pipe_sed_to_filter_kminor = 4
PVC_ROUGHNESS = 0.0015 *
NU_WATER = 1 * 10**-6 * u.m**2/u.s

Determining HeadLoss for only one pipe between sed and filter

We need to know that the sed tank drain channel won't back up and prevent free fall from the sed tank exit canal. Therefore the difference in height between the wier in the filter and the wier in the sed channel has to be greater than the headloss in the worst case scenario in the pipe network between the two channels.

Determine designed height from AutoCAD design:

Notice that the height between the two is 40cm (on the right hand side).

In [3]:
pc.headloss(flow, pipe.ID_SDR(pipe_sed_to_filter_ND,pipe_sed_to_filter_SDR), pipe_sed_to_filter_length, 
           NU_WATER , PVC_ROUGHNESS, pipe_sed_to_filter_kminor)

$0.2473188840426446\ \mathrm{meter}$

This is a rough calculation that shows with even a kminor = 4 and 20 m of pipe, there is still 40-25 = 15cm of free fall into the sed exit tank.

Calculation of the Polycarbonate Sheets for Flocculator AND Plate Settlers

We need to measure the number of 8' and 12' sheets to get from Mexichem


This implies the following dimensions:

In [36]:

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