Tracing the Attention of Moving Citizens

Cheng-Jun Wang 1, Lingfei Wu 2

1 Computational Communication Collaboratory, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China

2 Knowledge Lab, Computation Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL., 60607, United States 2016 Apr 22


Physical Space and Virtual World

  • Mobile computing devices
  • Using the anonymous smartphone data of 100000 users in 30 days
    • we constructed the mobility network and the attention network
      • to study the correlations between online and offline human behaviors.

Small-world vs. Fractal

  • Most complex networks are found to be small-world
  • Many complex networks are featured by fractal patterns

The investigated network properties include the size of box $l_B$ and the number of boxes $N(l_B)$.

  • Small-world property, $N (l_B ) =e^{−l_B}$ ,
  • Self-similar property $N(l_B) = l^{−\gamma}$.

Mobility network and Attention Network

  • Mobility network
    • nodes are physical locations
    • edges represent the movements between locations
  • Attention network
    • nodes are websites
    • edges represent the switch of users between websites

Mobility Network

  • There are 9899 nodes and 39,083 edges
    • Density = 7.9×10−4
    • The diameter of the mobility network is 15,

Attention Network

  • and there are 16,476 nodes and 144,909 edges
    • Density = 10.6 × 10−4
    • The diameter of the attention network is only 10.

Network Renormalization Method

  • Box-covering method
    • Box-counting method in calculating the fractal dimension

we cover the network with boxes of size $l_B$, and the number of boxes needed is denoted as $N_B$.

Thus the fractal dimension or box dimension $d_B$ can be given from $N_B = l_B^{−d_B}$.

Renormalizations of the mobility network and attention network.

A. The renormalization process of the mobility network. Fixing the length of boxes $l_B$ to be 1, it takes 15 steps to tile the mobility network into one single node.

B. The renormalization process of the attention network. Fixing the length of boxes $l_B$ to be 1, it takes 10 steps to collapse the attention network into one node.

Two Universal Classes of Behaviors

Location-Based Human Behaviors

Geographical distribution of three kinds of mobile Internet use behaviors

Geometric Network Models

  • Node location and edge-generating mechanisms are spatial-constrained.
  • Spatial-constrained attachment (SCA) mechanism

Jiang Zhang, Xintong Li, Xinran Wang, Wen-Xu Wang, and Lingfei Wu. Scaling behaviours in the growth of networked systems and their geometric origins. Scientific Reports, 5:9767 04 2015.

Initially, there is only one node as the seed of the growing graph located in the center of the space.

  • At each time t a new node P is generated, and
    • P will be added to the graph if only it is within the radius r of at least an existing node Q,
    • or else P will not be added to the graph.

If P are within the radius of more than one node $Q_s$,

  • an edge will be established between P and each node of $Q_s$.

Since the new node P will be connected with all the nodes within a given radius, this original model could be named as Model all.

Based on Model all, more practical extensions can be implemented.


The investigated network properties include the size of box $l_B$ and the number of boxes $N(l_B)$.

We find two universal classes of behaviours:

  • the mobility network is featured by a small-world property, $N (l_B ) =e^{−l_B}$ ,
  • whereas the attention network is characterised by a self-similar property $N(l_B) = l^{−\gamma}$.

In particular, with the increasing of the length of box $l_B$, the degree correlation of the network changes from positive to negative which indicates that there are two layers of structure in the mobility network.

  • We use the results of network renormalisation to detect the community and map the structure of the mobility network.

  • Further, we located the most relevant websites visited in these communities, and identified three typical location-based behaviours, including the shopping, dating, and taxi-calling.

Finally, we offered a revised geometric network model to explain our findings in the perspective of spatial-constrained attachment.

This is the end.

Thank you for your attention.

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