In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from flight_safety.queries import get_events_accidents
In [3]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 6
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 20
con = sqlite3.connect('data/avall.db')
events = get_events_accidents(con)
In [4]:
gby_year = events.groupby(events.ev_date.dt.year)
injured_per_year = gby_year[['inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_s', 'inj_tot_m']].sum()
In [5]:
plt.ylabel('Number of victims');
In [6]:
passengers = pd.read_csv('./data/annual_passengers_carried_data.csv', nrows=1, usecols=range(4,60))
passengers = passengers.transpose()
# renaming column
passengers.columns = ['passengers']
gby_year = events.groupby(events.ev_date.dt.year)
injured_per_year = gby_year[['inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_s', 'inj_tot_m']].sum()
# parsing date in index
passengers.index = pd.to_datetime(passengers.index.str[:4])
# converting flight number to number
passengers['passengers'] = pd.to_numeric(passengers['passengers'], errors='coerce') / 1e6
passengers.index = passengers.index.year
In [7]:
flights = pd.read_csv('data/API_IS.AIR.DPRT_DS2_en_csv_v2/API_IS.AIR.DPRT_DS2_en_csv_v2.csv', skiprows=4)
flights = flights[flights['Country Name'] == 'United States']
flights = flights.iloc[:, 5:-1].T
flights.index = pd.to_numeric(flights.index)
flights = flights / 1e6
flights.columns = ['flights']
In [8]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
# ax[0].set_title('Millions of passengers transported')
# passengers['passengers'].plot.area(ax=ax[0], alpha=0.6, color="#0072B2")
# ax[0].set_xlim(1975, 2014)
ax.set_title('Millions of flights')
flights.plot.area(ax=ax, alpha=0.6, legend=False)
ax.set_xlim(1975, 2014)
In [9]:
accidents_gby_year = events.groupby(events.ev_date.dt.year).ntsb_no.count()
ax = accidents_gby_year.plot.area(alpha=0.8,)
ax.set_xlim(1982, 2015)
ax.set_ylabel('Number of accidents');
In [10]:
accident_rate = accidents_gby_year /
In [11]:
ax = accident_rate.plot.area(alpha=0.8, figsize=(11,5))
ax.set_xlim(1982, 2015)
ax.set_ylabel('accident rate');
In [12]:
ax = accident_rate.plot.area(alpha=0.8, figsize=(11,5))
ax.set_xlim(1998, 2016)
ax.set_ylabel('accident rate');
According to EASA in 2016:
Collecting and gathering all data that may support the management of safety risks