In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl

from flight_safety.queries import (get_events_accidents, 
        get_aircrafts_accidents, get_occurrences_accidents,
        get_seq_of_events_accidents, get_flight_time_accidents,

In [2]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 6
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 20

con = sqlite3.connect('data/avall.db')

events = get_events_accidents(con)
aircraft = get_aircrafts_accidents(con)
occurrences = get_occurrences_accidents(con)
seq_of_events = get_seq_of_events_accidents(con)
flight_time = get_flight_time_accidents(con)

What kind of events occur?

In [3]:
try:'TOTAL', inplace=True)
except ValueError:
    print('TOTAL category exists')

phases_per_occurence = pd.crosstab(occurrences.Occurrence_Code, occurrences.phase_flt_spec_gross)
phases_per_occurence['TOTAL'] = phases_per_occurence.sum(axis=1)
phases_per_occurence.sort_values('TOTAL', inplace=True, ascending=False)
phases_per_occurence.iloc[:10].iloc[:, 1:-1]

phase_flt_spec_gross Taxi Takeoff Climb Cruise Descent Approach Landing Maneuvering Other Unknown
In flight encounter with weather 0 2 19 98 71 14 2 0 0 0
On ground/water collision with object 95 11 0 0 0 1 31 0 3 0
Miscellaneous/other 16 7 6 14 11 1 6 3 5 1
Airframe/component/system failure/malfunction 9 27 21 15 7 18 14 0 1 0
In flight collision with terrain/water 0 13 0 3 19 5 18 3 0 0
In flight collision with object 0 10 1 4 1 15 3 1 0 0
Loss of control - in flight 0 15 1 5 4 7 2 0 0 0
Hard landing 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0
Fire 1 5 3 5 2 3 5 0 0 0
On ground/water collision with terrain/water 4 7 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 0

In [4]:
phases_per_occurence.iloc[:10].loc[:, 'TOTAL'].plot.barh();

When do they occur?

In [5]:
aux = occurrences.Occurrence_Code.value_counts().iloc[0:10]
occurrences_red = occurrences[occurrences['Occurrence_Code'].isin(aux.index)]

occurrences_per_phase = pd.crosstab(occurrences_red.phase_flt_spec_gross, occurrences_red.Occurrence_Code)
occurrences_per_phase = occurrences_per_phase.loc[['Standing', 'Taxi', 'Takeoff', 'Climb', 'Cruise', 'Descent', 'Approach',
       'Landing', 'Maneuvering']]


Occurrence_Code Airframe/component/system failure/malfunction Fire Hard landing In flight collision with object In flight collision with terrain/water In flight encounter with weather Loss of control - in flight On ground/water collision with object On ground/water collision with terrain/water Miscellaneous/other
Standing 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 60
Taxi 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 95 4 16
Takeoff 27 5 0 10 13 2 15 11 7 7
Climb 21 3 0 1 0 19 1 0 0 6
Cruise 15 5 0 4 3 98 5 0 0 14
Descent 7 2 0 1 19 71 4 0 0 11
Approach 18 3 0 15 5 14 7 1 0 1
Landing 14 5 33 3 18 2 2 31 20 6
Maneuvering 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 3

In [6]:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
occurrences_per_phase_ = occurrences_per_phase.iloc

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff9492e9438>

Which occurrences cause more victims?

In [7]:
occurrences_ = pd.merge(occurrences, events, left_on='ev_id', right_index=True)

inj_cols = ['inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_s', 'inj_tot_m', 'inj_tot_n', 'inj_tot_t']

inj_per_occ = occurrences_.groupby('Occurrence_Code')[inj_cols].sum()
inj_per_occ.sort_values('inj_tot_t', inplace=True, ascending=False)

In [8]:
inj_per_occ.loc[inj_per_occ.index[:10], ['inj_tot_t', 'inj_tot_n']].plot.barh(stacked=True);

In [9]:
inj_per_occ['inj_tot_s+m'] = inj_per_occ['inj_tot_s'] + inj_per_occ['inj_tot_m']

In [10]:
inj_per_occ.loc[inj_per_occ.index[:10], ['inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_s+m']].plot.barh(stacked=True);

Which phase of flight is more destructive for the airplane?

In [11]:
try:['TOTAL'], inplace=True)
except ValueError:

damage_per_Occurrence = pd.crosstab(occurrences.Occurrence_Code, aircraft.damage)
damage_per_Occurrence['TOTAL'] = damage_per_Occurrence.sum(axis=1)
damage_per_Occurrence.sort_values('TOTAL', inplace=True, ascending=False)

In flight encounter with weather 0 14 17 77 84 0 192
On ground/water collision with object 1 14 9 58 85 0 167
Miscellaneous/other 0 10 12 50 53 0 125
Airframe/component/system failure/malfunction 0 10 11 39 58 0 118
In flight collision with terrain/water 0 3 8 20 25 0 56

In [12]:
damage_per_Occurrence.loc[damage_per_Occurrence.index[1:10], ['DEST', 'SUBS', 'MINR', 'NONE']].plot.barh(stacked=True);

In [13]:
# Influence of fire in an accident

In [14]:
aircraft_with_phase = aircraft[aircraft.phase_flt_spec_gross != 0]

In [15]:
# f: fatal
# m: medium
# n: none
# s: serious
# t: f+s+m

# TODO: borrar injuries
injury_types = ['inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_s', 'inj_tot_m', 'inj_tot_n', 'inj_tot_t']

aircraft_2 = aircraft_with_phase.join(events, on='ev_id', how='inner', rsuffix='e')

injuries_per_phase = aircraft_2[injury_types + ['phase_flt_spec_gross']].groupby('phase_flt_spec_gross').sum()
injuries_per_phase.sort_values('inj_tot_t', inplace=True, ascending=False)
injuries_per_phase = injuries_per_phase.iloc[:10]
injuries_per_phase['inj_tot_s+m'] = injuries_per_phase['inj_tot_s'] + injuries_per_phase['inj_tot_m']

inj_tot_f inj_tot_s inj_tot_m inj_tot_n inj_tot_t inj_tot_s+m
Takeoff 857.0 120.0 382.0 6266.0 1359.0 502.0
Cruise 367.0 159.0 670.0 14198.0 1196.0 829.0
Landing 195.0 153.0 599.0 11018.0 947.0 752.0
Approach 522.0 65.0 74.0 2375.0 661.0 139.0
Climb 370.0 42.0 94.0 4895.0 506.0 136.0
Descent 89.0 105.0 212.0 9450.0 406.0 317.0
Standing 12.0 65.0 196.0 9675.0 273.0 261.0
Taxi 14.0 45.0 201.0 13961.0 260.0 246.0
Maneuvering 72.0 4.0 3.0 165.0 79.0 7.0
Other NaN 2.0 2.0 371.0 4.0 4.0

In [16]:
def tot_events_and_mean_injuries_by_factor(factor):
    ac_ = aircraft_2[[
    'inj_tot_f', 'inj_tot_m', 'inj_tot_n', 'inj_tot_s', 'inj_tot_t',
    'apt_dist', 'apt_dir', 'light_cond', 'sky_cond_nonceil',
    'gust_ind', 'gust_kts',
    'damage', 'acft_fire', 'acft_expl', 'acft_make', 'acft_model', 'acft_category',
    'afm_hrs', 'afm_hrs_last_insp', 'num_eng', 'far_part', 
    gby = ac_.groupby([factor])
    r = gby.agg({'ev_id': 'count',
    if factor in ('acft_fire', 'acft_expl'):
        r = r.loc[['GRD ', 'IFLT', 'NONE', 'UNK ']]
    elif factor in ('gust_ind'):
        r = r.loc[['N', 'Y']]
    return r.loc[:, ['ev_id', 'inj_tot_f']]

# EN acft_fire u acft_expl drop blaco y BOTH
# EN gust_ind drop blanco
# EVALUAR light_cond y sky_con_nonceil

In [17]:

ev_id inj_tot_f
GRD 93 37.512821
IFLT 18 47.500000
NONE 910 6.684211
UNK 25 66.714286