In [1]:


In [ ]:

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%cd Dipole_Manuscript_elements/


In [4]:
!ls                     Vel_Dist_init_Uniform06
Dipole_01.pyc                    Vel_Dist_init_Uniform07
Dipole_Manuscript_elements       Vel_Dist_init_Uniform08                         Vel_Dist_init_Uniform09
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform            Vel_Dist_init_Uniform10
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform02          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform11
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform03          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform12
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform04          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform13
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform05          Velocity_Ensamble_01_Img0000.png

In [2]:
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def orto(x):
    if,x) == 0:
        return 'No se puede: ese es el vector cero!'
        if 0 not in x:
            v1 = 1
            v2 = -(x[0]/x[1])
            v3 = 0
            #return np.array([v1,v2,v3])
            if x[0] == 0:
                if x[1] == 0:
                    v1 = 1
                    v2 = 0
                    v3 = 0
                    v1 = 0
                    v2 = 0
                    v3 = 1
            elif x[1] == 0:
                v1 = 0
                v2 = 1
                v3 = 0
                v1 = 0
                v2 = 0
                v3 = 1
        return np.array([v1,v2,v3])
#Funcion que regresa dos vectores; numpy arrays de 3D, ortogonales al vector de input x.
#Esto es, devuelven la base al espacio ortogonal definido por el vector x de entrada.
def base_ort_nor(x):
    y = orto(x)
    v1 = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    z = np.cross(x,v1)
    v2 = z/np.linalg.norm(z)
    return v1, v2

#Esta funcion genera un vector con distrubucion uniforme en las direcciones sobre un plano tangente a la esfera de radio R.
def vector_des(v1,v2):
    na = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
    vn = v1*np.cos(na) + v2*np.sin(na)
    return vn/np.linalg.norm(vn)

R = 1

#Normalizamos al vector de desplazamiento para que intersecte al vector de la nueva posicion de acuerdo con que el
#desplazamiento (s) sobre la esfera, sobre este arco de circulo maximo, sea el determinado por el movimiento browniano particular.
def vector_q(x,s):
    q = (R)*np.tan(s/(R))
    return q*x

#Dados todos los datos anteriores, esta funcion actualiza la posicion de la particula.
#Lo que hace es que la mueve sobre el plano tangente a la esfera en la direccion predeterminada de tal suerte que el desplazamiento efectivo
#s sobre una geodesica de la esfera, se el deseado, y posteriormente la proyecta sobre la superficie de la esfera.
def nuevo_r(r, vector_q):
    y = r + vector_q
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return (R)*y

#funcion que incorpora el efecto de un campo externo

def nuevo_r_field(r, vector_q, field):
    y = r + vector_q + field
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return y

def field_theta(ri, v0):
    r, theta, phi = trans_c_s(ri[0],ri[1],ri[2])
    field = -v0*np.cos(2*theta)*theta_uni(theta, phi)
    return field

#Esta funcion ensambla todo lo anterior: como imput necesita una posicion inicial y un arco de desplazamiento
#Como output da un vector de posicion nuevo dada un tipo de desplazamiento.
def actualiza(r,s):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r(r, q)

def actualiza_field_theta(r,s,v0):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r_field(r, q, field_theta(r,v0))

#Esta funcion actualiza la posicion de todos los elementos de una lista; particula brownianas.
def act_n(lista,s):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
    return l

def act_n_field(lista,s,v0):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
    return l

#Huella de la trayectoria
#La siguiente funcion hace una particion de la trayectoria sobre s en n pedazos y regresa
#una lista de los vectores de esas posiciones sobre la esfera.
#Usa al operador de rotacion.

def b_steps_(ri,rf,n):
    l = [ri]
    r0 = ri
    lamb = (,rf))/((np.linalg.norm(ri))*(np.linalg.norm(rf)))
    if abs(lamb) > 1:
        #print 'Is fucked up: there was a rounding '
        if lamb < 0:
            lamb = -1
            lamb = 1
    theta = np.arccos(lamb)
    #if theta < 1e17:
        #return l
    if theta == 0:
        return [ri,rf]

        normal = np.cross(ri, rf)/ np.linalg.norm(np.cross(ri,rf))
        for i in range(1,n + 1):
            #vi = rot_theta(r0, theta/n, normal)
            vi = rot_finita(r0, -normal, theta/n)
            r0 = vi
        return l

#Operador de Rotacion
#Depende de los parametros r, el vector o punto que queremos rotar; theta el angulo de rotacion; n el vector que define el eje de rotacion y el signo de rotacion.

def rot_theta(r, theta, u):
    x = np.array([np.cos(theta) + (u[0]*u[0])*(1 - np.cos(theta)), u[0]*u[1]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) - u[2]*np.sin(theta), u[0]*u[2]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) + u[1]*np.sin(theta)])
    y = np.array([u[1]*u[0]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) + u[2]*np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta) + u[1]*u[1]*(1 - np.cos(theta)), u[1]*u[2]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) - u[0]*np.sin(theta)])
    z = np.array([u[2]*u[0]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) - u[1]*np.sin(theta), u[2]*u[1]*(1 - np.cos(theta)) + u[0]*np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta) + u[2]*u[2]*(1 - np.cos(theta))])
    R = np.array([x,y,z])
    return, r)

#Transformacion de coordenada de esfericas a cartesianas.

def trans_s_c(r,theta, phi):
    x = r*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi)
    y = r*np.sin(theta)* np.sin(phi)
    z = r*np.cos(theta)
    return x, y, z

#Transformacion de coordenadas de cartesianas a esfericas.
def trans_c_s(x,y,z):
    r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
    #print r
    cociente = z/r
    if abs(cociente) > 1:
        if cociente < 0:
            theta = np.arccos(-1)
            theta = np.arccos(1)
        theta = np.arccos(z/r)
    #Aqui hay un problema relevante: cada vez que y o x sean nulos, habra un problema
    #de indefinicion de operacion
    if x == 0:
        if y == 0:
            phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
            if y < 0:
                phi = 3*np.pi/2.
                phi = np.pi/2.
        phi = np.arctan(y/x)
    return r, theta, phi

def r_uni(theta, phi):
    x = np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi)
    y = np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)
    z = np.cos(theta)
    return np.array([x,y,z])
def theta_uni(theta, phi):
    x = np.cos(theta)*np.cos(phi)
    y = np.cos(theta)*np.sin(phi)
    z = -np.sin(theta)
    return np.array([x,y,z])
def phi_uni(theta, phi):
    x = -np.sin(phi)
    y = np.cos(phi)
    z = 0
    return np.array([x,y,z])

def nombre(s):
    diferencia = 4 - len(str(s))
    ceros = '' 
    for i in range(diferencia):
        ceros = ceros + '0'
    variable = ceros + str(s)
    return variable

#Varianza para una distribucion bigaussiana; difusion en 2D
def var(D, delta_t):
    return 4*D*delta_t

#Arco de circulo maximo con distribucion normal alrededor de cero y una varianza dada por
def ese(D,delta_t):
    return abs(np.random.normal(loc = 0., scale = np.sqrt(var(D,delta_t)),size = None))

#Funcion de rotacion finita
def rot_finita(r_ini, N, Phi):
    n = N/np.linalg.norm(N)
    r_fin = np.cos(Phi)*r_ini + (,r_ini))*(1 - np.cos(Phi))*n + (np.sin(Phi))*(np.cross(r_ini,n))
    return r_fin

#Funcion que regresa una lista de n numpy arrays que son l
def Trayectoria(ri,rf,n):
    l = [ri]
    r0 = ri
    theta = np.arccos((,rf))/((np.linalg.norm(ri))*(np.linalg.norm(rf))))
    N = np.cross(ri, rf)
    for i in range(1,n + 1):
        vi = rot_finita(r0, N, theta/n)
        r0 = vi
    return l

#Collision_check es una función que, dada una trayectoria: una lista de vectores que
#pasan por puntos sucesivos de la trayectoria, verifica si alguna de estas posiciones
#interesecto a alguno de los obstáculos. En caso de que así sea, actualiza conforme una
#colision elastica. En caso de no intersectar a ningun obstaculo regresa una lista
#con dos vectores: posicion inicial y posicion final en ese orden.
def penetrate_obs(lista_vect, lista_obs, size):
    metiches = []
    for obs in lista_obs:
        theta_omega = size
        r_omega = obs
        frontera = .2
        #metiches = []
        for v in lista_vect:
            tamanho = np.cos(theta_omega - frontera)
            if,r_omega) > tamanho:
                print 'Penetro el mother fucker obstacle'
    #print 'no choco el mother fucker'
    #valor = False
    return metiches

#Esta funcion cuando es llamada grafia la posicion de las partoculas brownianas.
#sobre la superficie de una esfera sobre la que se esta difundiendo.
def plot_particles(lista, vpolar, vazim, numero):
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib import cm

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #import numpy as np
    from itertools import product, combinations
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax._axis3don = False


    #draw sphere
    R = 1
    u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:np.pi:50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.15)

    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap=cm.YlGnBu_r,rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.10, linewidth = 0.10)
    ax.view_init(vpolar, vazim)
    #draw an arrow or a set of arrow
    ax.quiver(0,0,1.5,0,0,1, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    #draw patch
    #u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:(np.pi/7):50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.25)    
    #draw points
    for p in lista:
        ax.scatter([p[0]],[p[1]],[p[2]],color="b",s=15, alpha = 0.25)
    #ax.view_init(80, 30)

def polo_n(n, R):
    l = []
    for i in range(n):
    return l

def particion_esfera(ccero, Nphi):
    Ntheta = int(4*np.pi/(ccero*Nphi))
    print 'Ntheta', Ntheta, 'Nphi', Nphi, 'Ntheta*Nphi', Ntheta*Nphi
    sigmaPhi = 2*np.pi/Nphi
    deltaphi = 2*np.pi/Nphi
    thetas = []
    phis = [0]
    cociente = ccero/sigmaPhi
    for i in range(Ntheta + 1):
        theta = np.arccos(1 - (i)*cociente)
    for j in range(Nphi):
        phis.append(phis[j] + deltaphi)
    return thetas, phis

def secuencia_part(tamini, Nfi, numero):
    l1, l2 = particion_esfera(4*np.pi/tamini, Nfi)
    particion = []
    for i in range(len(l2)):
        for j in range(len(l1)):
            x, y, z = trans_s_c(1, l1[j], l2[i])
            particion.append(np.array([x, y, z]))
    return plot_particles(particion, 45, 45, numero)

#Funcion que regresa las coordenadas del centro de dos arreglos para 
#las coordenadas theta y phi
def coordenadas_centro(l1,l2):
    thetas_centro = []
    phis_centro = []
    for i in range(len(l1) - 1):
        theta_media = l1[i] + (l1[i + 1] - l1[i])/2.
    for j in range(len(l2) - 1):
        phi_media = l2[j] + (l2[j + 1] - l2[j])/2.
    return thetas_centro, phis_centro

def secuencia_obs(N, Nfi, numero):
    l1_prima, l2_prima = particion_esfera(4*np.pi/N, Nfi)
    l1, l2 = coordenadas_centro(l1_prima, l2_prima)
    particion = []
    for i in range(len(l2)):
        for j in range(len(l1)):
            x, y, z = trans_s_c(1, l1[j], l2[i])
            particion.append(np.array([x, y, z]))
    print len(particion)
    #return plot_particles(particion, 0, 0, numero)
    return particion

def plot_particle_traj_obs(lista_obstaculos, trayectoria,  vpolar, vazim, numero):
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib import cm

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #import numpy as np
    from itertools import product, combinations
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax._axis3don = False


    #draw sphere
    R = 1
    u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:np.pi:50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.15)

    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap=cm.YlGnBu_r,rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.10, linewidth = 0.15)
    ax.view_init(vpolar, vazim)
    #draw patch
    #u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:(np.pi/7):50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.25)
    #draw obstacles
    for p in lista_obstaculos:
        ax.scatter([p[0]],[p[1]],[p[2]], color="b", s=10, alpha = 0.2)
    #draw trajectory
    for p in trayectoria:
        ax.scatter([p[0]],[p[1]],[p[2]], color="k",s=20, alpha = 0.7)
    #Plot the x positive direction
    ax.quiver(1.5,0,0,1,0,0, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    ax.quiver(0,1.5,0,0,1,0, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    ax.quiver(0,0,1.5,0,0,1, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    #fig.savefig('BS_24_Obs_test_01{}.png'.format(nombre(numero + 1)))
    #ax.view_init(80, 30)

def obs_uniforme(N, R, size):
    list_obs = []
    omega = np.cos(size)
    while len(list_obs) < N:
        x, y, z = np.random.uniform(-1,1), np.random.uniform(-1,1), np.random.uniform(-1,1)
        v = np.array([x, y, z])
        norma = np.linalg.norm(v)
        if norma <= R:
            n = v/norma
            if not, np.array([0.,0.,1.]))/R > omega:
    return list_obs    

def puntos_obs_j(r_omega, theta_omega, n):
    r , theta, phi = trans_c_s(r_omega[0],r_omega[1],r_omega[2])
    rp = rot_finita(r_omega, phi_uni(theta, phi), theta_omega)
    puntos_obs_j = [rp]
    for i in range(1,n):
        x = rot_finita(rp, r_omega, 2*np.pi/n)
        rp = x
    return puntos_obs_j

def puntos_obs(lista_obstaculos, size):
    mis_obs = []
    for i in range(len(lista_obstaculos)):
        a = lista_obstaculos[i]
        b = size
        mis_obs = mis_obs + puntos_obs_j(a,b,100)
    return mis_obs
#Collision_check es una función que, dada una trayectoria: una lista de vectores que
#pasan por puntos sucesivos de la trayectoria, verifica si alguna de estas posiciones
#interesecto a alguno de los obstáculos. En caso de que así sea, actualiza conforme una
#colision elastica. En caso de no intersectar a ningun obstaculo regresa una lista
#con dos vectores: posicion inicial y posicion final en ese orden.

def penetrate_obs(lista_vect, lista_obs, size):
    metiches = []
    for obs in lista_obs:
        r_omega, theta_omega = obs, size
        #frontera = .2
        #metiches = []
        for v in lista_vect:
            tamanho = np.cos(theta_omega)
            if,r_omega) >= tamanho:
                #print 'Penetro el mother fucker obstacle'
    #print 'no choco el mother fucker'
    #valor = False
    return metiches

def check_collision(lista_vect, lista_obs, size):
    for obs in lista_obs:
        r_omega, theta_omega = obs, size 
        for v in lista_vect:
            tamanho = np.cos(theta_omega)
            if,r_omega) > tamanho:
                return  True
    return False

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd Dipole_Manuscript_elements/

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd ..

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd ..

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
!mkdir Vel_Dist_init_Uniform02

In [ ]:
%cd Vel_Dist_init_Uniform02/

In [ ]:

In [6]:
# %load 4-538
# %load 4-538
import numpy as np
# %load 4-538
from Dipole_01 import *                     Vel_Dist_init_Uniform06
Dipole_01.pyc                    Vel_Dist_init_Uniform07
Dipole_Manuscript_elements       Vel_Dist_init_Uniform08                         Vel_Dist_init_Uniform09
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform            Vel_Dist_init_Uniform10
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform02          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform11
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform03          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform12
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform04          Vel_Dist_init_Uniform13
Vel_Dist_init_Uniform05          Velocity_Ensamble_01_Img0000.png

In [ ]:
# %load 4-538
#%cd Dipole_Manuscript_elements/
#import numpy as np

In [3]:

array([0, 1, 0])

In [4]:

array([0, 0, 1])

In [5]:
%time 2**128

CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 3 µs
Wall time: 5.96 µs

In [6]:
def tangent_space(x1,x2,xo):
    np_prima = np.cross(np.cross(xo, x1), x1)
    nor_p = np_prima/np.linalg.norm(np_prima)
    up_prima = np.cross(np.cross(x1, x2), x1)
    up = up_prima/np.linalg.norm(up_prima)
    tp_prima = np.cross(x1, nor_p)
    tp = tp_prima/np.linalg.norm(tp_prima)
    y = (,tp))*tp - (, nor_p))*nor_p
    v_rot_prima = np.cross(x1, y)
    v_rot = v_rot_prima/np.linalg.norm(v_rot_prima)
    return v_rot

In [3]:
def collision_check(Lv, Lo, size):
    if len(Lv) == 1:
        return Lv[0], Lv[0], 0
    elif len(Lv) == 2:
        sproduct =[0], Lv[1])
        if abs(sproduct) > 1:
            if sproduct < 0:
                sproduct = -1.
                sproduct = 1.
        alpha = np.arccos(sproduct)
        for obs in Lo:
            r_o = obs
            if[1],r_o) > np.cos(size):
                v_rot = tangent_space(Lv[0], Lv[1], r_o)
                x_final = rot_finita(Lv[1], -v_rot, alpha)
                return Lv[1], x_final, 0
        for k in range(1,len(Lv)):
            for obs in Lo:
                r_o = obs
                if[k],r_o) > np.cos(size):
                    v_rot = tangent_space(Lv[0], Lv[k], r_o)
                    if k == len(Lv) - 1:
                        sproduct =[k-1], Lv[k])
                        if abs(sproduct) > 1:
                            if sproduct < 0:
                                sproduct = -1.
                            sproduct = 1.
                        sproduct =[k], Lv[-1])
                        if abs(sproduct) > 1:
                            if sproduct < 0:
                                sproduct = -1.
                                sproduct = 1.
                    alpha = np.arccos(sproduct)
                    x_final = rot_finita(Lv[k], -v_rot, alpha)
                    return Lv[k], x_final, k
        return Lv[0], Lv[-1], 0

In [5]:
def uniform_inside_omega(N, R, size):
    list_obs = []
    omega = np.cos(size)
    while len(list_obs) < N:
        x, y, z = np.random.uniform(-1,1), np.random.uniform(-1,1), np.random.uniform(-1,1)
        v = np.array([x, y, z])
        norma = np.linalg.norm(v)
        if norma <= R:
            n = v/norma
            if not, np.array([0.,0.,1.]))/R < omega:
    return list_obs

In [34]:
def vector_q(x,s):
    q = np.tan(s)
    return q*x

In [63]:
def nuevo_r_field(r, vector_q, field):
    y = r + vector_q + field
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return y

def field_theta(ri, v0):
    r, theta, phi = trans_c_s(ri[0],ri[1],ri[2])
    field = (-2*v0*np.sin(2*theta)*theta_uni(theta, phi))
    return field

In [36]:
def actualiza_field_theta(r,s,v0):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r_field(r, q, field_theta(r,v0))

In [37]:
def act_n_field(lista, v0):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
        s = ese(D,dt)
        l.append(actualiza_field_theta(v, s, v0))
    return l

In [ ]:
#pos_ini = polo_n(700,1.)
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-3
v0 = 1./2*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt

In [11]:
def polo_s(n, R):
    l = []
    for i in range(n):
    return l

In [11]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Función para graficar el ensamble de velocidades en $\mathbb{R}^3$

In [ ]:
def plot_velocity_space(lista, vpolar, vazim, numero):
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib import cm

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #import numpy as np
    from itertools import product, combinations
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax._axis3don = False


    #draw sphere
    R = 1
    u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:np.pi:50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.15)

    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap=cm.YlGnBu_r,rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.05, linewidth = 0.15)
    ax.view_init(vpolar, vazim)
    #draw an arrow or a set of arrow
    #ax.quiver(0,0,1.5,0,0,1, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    #draw patch
    #u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:(np.pi/7):50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.25)    
    #draw points
    for p in lista:
        #ax.scatter([p[0]],[p[1]],[p[2]],color="b",s=35, alpha = 0.5)
        ax.quiver(0,0,0,p[0],p[1],p[2], length=1.0, arrow_length_ratio = .1)
    #ax.view_init(80, 30)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Condición inicial con una distribución en los polos; la mitad en cada uno

In [ ]:
pos_ini = polo_n(200,1.) + polo_s(200,1.)

In [ ]:

Condición inicial con distribución uniforme en el ecuador

In [12]:
def dist_ecuador(n):
    l = []
    for i in range(n):
        x, y, z = trans_s_c(1.,np.pi/2, np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi))
    return l

In [ ]:
dist_uni_ecu = dist_ecuador(400)

In [ ]:

Distribución inicial uniforma en todas las direcciones

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(200, 1., 0)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Rutina para simular la evolución del ensamble

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%mkdir Vel_Dist_init_Uniform03/

In [ ]:
%cd Vel_Dist_init_Uniform03/

In [ ]:
%cd Dipole_Manuscript_elements/

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd Vel_Dist_init_Uniform/

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-3
v0 = 10*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt

rs = dist_uni
for i in range(150):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        plot_velocity_space(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos

Hagamos la animación mother fuckers!

In [ ]:
!mencoder "mf://*.png" -o Dipole_Vel_Dist_Anime_03.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:autoaspect:vbitrate=2160000:mbd=2:keyint=132:vqblur=1.0:cmp=2:subcmp=2:dia=2:mv0:last_pred=3 -fps 4

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Otras simulaciones

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd Dipole_Manuscript_elements/

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
%cd ..

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
!mkdir Quadrupole_Obs06/

In [ ]:
%cd Quadrupole_Obs06/

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [61]:
%cd ..


In [ ]:

In [62]:
!mkdir Quadrupole_Obs13/

In [63]:
%cd Quadrupole_Obs13/


In [64]:


In [65]:
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-4
v0 = 3.3*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(2000, 1., 0)
rs = dist_uni
for i in range(300):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        plot_particles(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos
!mencoder "mf://*.png" -o Quadrupole_Anim_13.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
                                dia=2:mv0:last_pred=3 -fps 14

MEncoder 1.2-4.2.1 (C) 2000-2015 MPlayer Team
211 audio & 444 video codecs
success: format: 16  data: 0x0 - 0x0
MF file format detected.
[mf] search expr: *.png
[mf] number of files: 301 (2408)
[demux_mf] file type was not set! trying 'type=png'...
VIDEO:  [MPNG]  0x0  24bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:16  fourcc:0x474E504D  size:0x0  fps:25.000  ftime:=0.0400
Input fps will be interpreted as 14.000 instead.
libavcodec version 56.60.100 (internal)
Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, osd: 1, aspect: 0.000000, round: 1
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffpng] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg PNG)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x102fa5110]bicubic scaler, from rgba to yuv420p using MMXEXT
videocodec: libavcodec (800x800 fourcc=3234504d [MP42])
[VE_LAVC] High quality encoding selected (non-realtime)!
Movie-Aspect is 1.00:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.
Pos:   0.1s      1f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.1s      2f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.2s      3f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.4s      5f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min  12mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.4s      6f ( 2%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.5s      7f ( 2%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   9mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.6s      9f ( 3%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.8s     11f ( 3%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   9mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.9s     13f ( 4%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.0s     14f ( 4%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.1s     15f ( 5%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2906:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.1s     16f ( 5%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2868:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.2s     17f ( 5%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [2837:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.3s     18f ( 6%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2809:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.4s     20f ( 6%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2760:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.6s     22f ( 7%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2720:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.7s     24f ( 8%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2686:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.9s     26f ( 8%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2655:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.9s     27f ( 9%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2642:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.0s     28f ( 9%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2628:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.1s     30f (10%) 29.18fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2605:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.3s     32f (10%) 29.17fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2583:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.4s     33f (11%) 29.28fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2573:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.6s     36f (12%) 29.17fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2544:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.6s     37f (12%) 29.53fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2535:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.8s     39f (13%) 30.16fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2517:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.9s     40f (13%) 30.51fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2509:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.9s     41f (13%) 30.83fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2500:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.1s     43f (14%) 30.82fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2484:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.1s     44f (14%) 30.70fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2476:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.3s     46f (15%) 30.89fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2460:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.4s     48f (16%) 31.13fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2443:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.6s     50f (16%) 31.11fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2428:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.8s     53f (17%) 31.23fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2405:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.9s     55f (18%) 31.30fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2391:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.1s     57f (19%) 31.61fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2378:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.2s     59f (19%) 31.77fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2364:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.3s     60f (20%) 31.98fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2357:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.4s     61f (20%) 32.14fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2351:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.4s     62f (20%) 32.31fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2344:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     64f (21%) 32.02fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2332:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     65f (21%) 32.23fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2325:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.7s     66f (22%) 32.24fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2319:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.8s     67f (22%) 32.43fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [2313:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.9s     69f (23%) 32.61fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2302:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.2s     73f (24%) 32.27fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2278:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.4s     75f (25%) 32.45fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2266:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.4s     76f (25%) 32.56fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2260:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.5s     77f (25%) 32.65fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2254:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.6s     79f (26%) 32.67fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2244:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.8s     81f (27%) 32.86fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2233:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.9s     82f (27%) 33.01fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2228:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.9s     83f (27%) 33.02fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2222:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.1s     85f (28%) 33.06fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2212:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.2s     87f (29%) 33.08fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2202:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.4s     89f (29%) 33.20fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2191:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.5s     91f (30%) 33.38fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2182:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.6s     92f (30%) 33.53fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2176:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.6s     93f (31%) 33.57fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2172:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.7s     94f (31%) 33.64fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2167:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.9s     96f (32%) 33.91fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2157:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.9s     97f (32%) 34.05fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2153:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.1s     99f (33%) 34.19fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2144:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.2s    101f (33%) 34.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2134:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.4s    103f (34%) 34.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2126:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.5s    105f (35%) 34.49fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2117:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.6s    107f (35%) 34.59fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2109:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.7s    108f (36%) 34.54fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2106:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.9s    110f (36%) 34.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2098:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.9s    111f (37%) 34.37fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2094:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.1s    113f (37%) 34.39fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2086:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.1s    114f (38%) 34.44fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2083:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.4s    117f (39%) 34.36fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2072:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.5s    119f (39%) 34.44fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2065:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.6s    120f (40%) 34.39fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2061:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.6s    121f (40%) 34.39fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2058:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.7s    122f (40%) 34.50fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2055:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.8s    123f (41%) 34.60fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2052:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.9s    125f (41%) 34.76fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2045:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.0s    126f (42%) 34.85fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2042:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.1s    127f (42%) 34.86fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2038:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.2s    129f (43%) 34.85fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2032:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.4s    131f (43%) 34.81fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2025:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.5s    133f (44%) 34.94fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2026:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.6s    135f (45%) 34.95fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2020:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.8s    137f (45%) 35.04fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2014:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.9s    138f (46%) 35.13fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2010:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.9s    139f (46%) 35.18fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2007:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.0s    140f (46%) 35.27fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [2004:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.1s    142f (47%) 35.38fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1999:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.3s    144f (48%) 35.37fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1993:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.4s    146f (48%) 35.45fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1987:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.6s    148f (49%) 35.53fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1982:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.6s    149f (49%) 35.55fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1979:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.7s    150f (50%) 35.63fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1977:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.8s    151f (50%) 35.63fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1974:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.9s    152f (50%) 35.71fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1972:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.9s    153f (51%) 35.76fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1969:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.0s    154f (51%) 35.71fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1967:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.1s    155f (51%) 35.70fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1964:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.1s    156f (52%) 35.75fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1962:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.2s    157f (52%) 35.83fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1959:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.3s    158f (52%) 35.83fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1957:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.4s    159f (52%) 35.91fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1954:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.5s    161f (52%) 35.91fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1950:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.6s    163f (54%) 36.06fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1945:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.7s    164f (54%) 36.14fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1943:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.9s    167f (55%) 36.12fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1936:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.1s    169f (56%) 36.07fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1931:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.2s    171f (57%) 36.15fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1927:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.3s    172f (57%) 36.19fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1924:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.4s    173f (57%) 36.25fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1922:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.5s    175f (58%) 36.25fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1918:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.6s    176f (58%) 36.31fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1916:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.7s    178f (58%) 36.39fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1912:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.8s    179f (58%) 36.46fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1910:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.9s    180f (60%) 36.53fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1908:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.9s    181f (60%) 36.51fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1906:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.0s    182f (60%) 36.55fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1904:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.1s    183f (61%) 36.62fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1902:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.2s    185f (61%) 36.67fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1898:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.4s    187f (62%) 36.78fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1895:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.4s    188f (62%) 36.80fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1893:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.6s    190f (63%) 36.91fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1890:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.7s    192f (64%) 36.90fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1886:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.9s    194f (64%) 37.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1883:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.1s    197f (65%) 36.81fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1878:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.2s    199f (66%) 36.75fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1875:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.4s    201f (67%) 36.87fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1871:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.5s    203f (67%) 36.92fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1868:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.6s    205f (68%) 36.84fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1865:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.7s    206f (68%) 36.81fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1864:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.8s    207f (69%) 36.87fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1862:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.9s    209f (69%) 36.89fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1860:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.1s    212f (70%) 36.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1856:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.3s    214f (71%) 36.83fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1853:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.4s    215f (71%) 36.89fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1852:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.4s    216f (72%) 36.92fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1851:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.5s    217f (72%) 36.93fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1849:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.7s    220f (73%) 36.88fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1846:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.8s    221f (73%) 36.93fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1845:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    222f (74%) 36.99fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1843:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    223f (74%) 37.01fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1842:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.1s    225f (75%) 37.07fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1840:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.4s    230f (76%) 36.36fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1834:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.5s    231f (77%) 36.29fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1833:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.6s    233f (77%) 36.23fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1831:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.8s    235f (78%) 36.24fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1829:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.9s    236f (78%) 36.21fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1828:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.0s    238f (79%) 36.15fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1825:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.1s    240f (80%) 36.12fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1823:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.2s    241f (80%) 36.10fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1822:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.3s    242f (80%) 36.16fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1821:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.5s    245f (81%) 36.07fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1818:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.6s    247f (82%) 36.16fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1815:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.7s    248f (82%) 36.20fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1814:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.9s    250f (83%) 36.27fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1812:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.0s    252f (84%) 36.31fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1810:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.1s    254f (84%) 36.33fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1809:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.2s    255f (85%) 36.37fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1808:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.3s    256f (85%) 36.39fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1807:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.4s    257f (85%) 36.39fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1805:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.4s    258f (86%) 36.43fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1804:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.5s    259f (86%) 36.44fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1804:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.6s    261f (87%) 36.47fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1802:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.8s    263f (87%) 36.54fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1800:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.9s    265f (88%) 36.60fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1802:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.0s    266f (88%) 36.65fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1801:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.2s    269f (89%) 36.62fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1798:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.4s    271f (90%) 36.64fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1796:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.4s    272f (90%) 36.68fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1795:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.6s    274f (91%) 36.76fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1793:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.6s    275f (91%) 36.80fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1793:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.7s    276f (92%) 36.84fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1792:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.8s    277f (92%) 36.83fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1791:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.9s    279f (93%) 36.91fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1789:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.0s    280f (93%) 36.95fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1789:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.1s    281f (93%) 36.99fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1788:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.1s    282f (94%) 37.01fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1787:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.3s    284f (94%) 37.07fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1785:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.4s    286f (95%) 37.13fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1784:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.5s    287f (95%) 37.12fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1783:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.6s    288f (96%) 37.16fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1782:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.6s    289f (96%) 37.16fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1782:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.7s    290f (96%) 37.19fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1781:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.8s    291f (97%) 37.18fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1780:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.9s    293f (97%) 37.26fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1779:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.1s    295f (98%) 37.27fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1777:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.2s    297f (99%) 37.30fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1775:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.4s    299f (99%) 37.32fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1773:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x102f8f150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.5s    301f (100%) 37.30fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1772:0]

Skipping frame!
Pos:  21.5s    302f (100%) 37.43fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1772:0]

Flushing video frames.
Writing index...
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.

Video stream: 1772.244 kbit/s  (221530 B/s)  size: 4762905 bytes  21.500 secs  302 frames

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Código para hacer la estadística sobre el ensamble

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Necesitamos en cada paso la coordenada $\theta$ y $\phi$ de cada una de las partículas en el ensamble

Ah! Pero necesitamos primero encontrar una forma de visualizar el potencial junto con la dinámica del sistema y para ello necesitamos adaptar la función plot

In [60]:
def plot_potential(lista, vpolar, vazim, numero):
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    from matplotlib import cm

    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #import numpy as np
    from itertools import product, combinations
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    ax._axis3don = False


    #draw sphere
    R = 1
    u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:np.pi:50j]
    #draw potential
    Rp = R + .20*(-np.cos(2*v)*np.sin(v))
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.15)

    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap=cm.YlGnBu_r,rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.15, linewidth = 0.05)
    #ax.plot_surface(xp, yp, zp, cmap=cm.YlGnBu_r,rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.13, linewidth = 0.10)
    ax.plot_surface(xp, yp, zp, cmap=cm.BuGn, rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha = 0.08, linewidth = 0.01)
    ax.view_init(vpolar, vazim)
    #draw an arrow or a set of arrow
    ax.quiver(0,0,1.5,0,0,1, length=0.5, arrow_length_ratio = .5)
    #draw patch
    #u, v = np.mgrid[0:2*np.pi:50j, 0:(np.pi/7):50j]
    #ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color="r", alpha = 0.25)    
    #draw points
    for p in lista:
        ax.scatter([p[0]],[p[1]],[p[2]],color="b",s=15, alpha = 0.20)
    #ax.view_init(80, 30)

In [ ]:

In [56]:
%cd ..


In [25]:


In [69]:
%cd /Users/draflorencia/Documents/Adriano/simulaciones/New_Programs/


In [12]:


In [57]:
!mkdir Potential_Dipole_View_05

In [58]:
%cd Potential_Dipole_View_05/


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [62]:
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-4
v0 = 20*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(1000, 1., 0)
rs = dist_uni
for i in range(400):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        plot_potential(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos
!mencoder "mf://*.png" -o Dipole_Anim_Potential_05.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:autoaspect:vbitrate=2160000:mbd=2:keyint=132:vqblur=1.0:cmp=2:subcmp=2:dia=2:mv0:last_pred=3 -fps 14

MEncoder 1.2-4.2.1 (C) 2000-2015 MPlayer Team
211 audio & 444 video codecs
success: format: 16  data: 0x0 - 0x0
MF file format detected.
[mf] search expr: *.png
[mf] number of files: 401 (3208)
[demux_mf] file type was not set! trying 'type=png'...
VIDEO:  [MPNG]  0x0  24bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:16  fourcc:0x474E504D  size:0x0  fps:25.000  ftime:=0.0400
Input fps will be interpreted as 14.000 instead.
libavcodec version 56.60.100 (internal)
Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, osd: 1, aspect: 0.000000, round: 1
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffpng] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg PNG)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x10e663110]bicubic scaler, from rgba to yuv420p using MMXEXT
videocodec: libavcodec (800x800 fourcc=3234504d [MP42])
[VE_LAVC] High quality encoding selected (non-realtime)!
Movie-Aspect is 1.00:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.2s      3f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.3s      4f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   1min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.5s      7f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   1min  13mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.6s      8f ( 2%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.7s     10f ( 2%)  9.44fps Trem:   0min   9mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.9s     13f ( 3%) 11.30fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.1s     15f ( 3%) 12.44fps Trem:   0min   9mb  A-V:0.000 [2201:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.2s     17f ( 4%) 13.45fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [2201:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.4s     19f ( 4%) 14.46fps Trem:   0min   9mb  A-V:0.000 [2201:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.4s     20f ( 5%) 15.00fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2199:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.5s     21f ( 5%) 15.53fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2198:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.6s     23f ( 5%) 16.23fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [2197:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.8s     25f ( 6%) 17.14fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2193:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.9s     27f ( 6%) 17.82fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [2189:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.0s     28f ( 7%) 18.21fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2188:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.1s     29f ( 7%) 18.64fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2163:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.2s     31f ( 7%) 19.18fps Trem:   0min   8mb  A-V:0.000 [2121:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.4s     33f ( 8%) 19.73fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2084:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.5s     35f ( 8%) 20.36fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2049:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.6s     37f ( 9%) 20.75fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [2016:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.8s     39f ( 9%) 21.28fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [1986:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.9s     40f (10%) 21.61fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1972:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.9s     41f (10%) 21.93fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1959:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.0s     42f (10%) 22.16fps Trem:   0min   7mb  A-V:0.000 [1946:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.1s     44f (11%) 22.74fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1921:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.3s     46f (11%) 23.16fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1899:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.4s     48f (12%) 23.56fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1876:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.6s     50f (12%) 23.97fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1856:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.7s     52f (13%) 24.27fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1835:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.8s     53f (13%) 24.36fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1825:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.9s     54f (13%) 24.57fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1826:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.9s     55f (13%) 24.65fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1828:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.0s     56f (14%) 24.80fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1828:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.1s     58f (14%) 25.26fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1828:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.3s     60f (15%) 25.65fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1827:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.4s     62f (15%) 25.84fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1825:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.5s     63f (15%) 26.05fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1824:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     64f (16%) 26.26fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1823:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     65f (16%) 26.48fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1822:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.8s     67f (16%) 26.82fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1818:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.9s     69f (17%) 27.02fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1815:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.1s     71f (17%) 27.31fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1812:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.3s     74f (18%) 27.41fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1808:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.5s     77f (19%) 27.48fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1803:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.6s     79f (19%) 27.63fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1799:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.8s     81f (20%) 27.64fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1794:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.9s     82f (20%) 27.70fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1792:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.0s     84f (21%) 27.87fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1788:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.1s     85f (21%) 27.97fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1785:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.1s     86f (21%) 28.12fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1783:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.3s     88f (22%) 28.15fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1778:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.4s     89f (22%) 28.14fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1776:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.4s     90f (22%) 28.20fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1773:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.6s     92f (23%) 28.44fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1768:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.6s     93f (23%) 28.48fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1766:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.7s     94f (23%) 28.55fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1763:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.8s     95f (23%) 28.67fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1759:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.9s     97f (24%) 28.73fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1754:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.1s     99f (24%) 28.87fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1747:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.2s    101f (25%) 29.02fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1741:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.4s    103f (25%) 29.11fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1735:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.4s    104f (26%) 29.07fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1732:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.5s    105f (26%) 29.19fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1729:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.6s    107f (26%) 29.32fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1722:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.7s    108f (27%) 29.34fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1719:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.9s    110f (27%) 29.40fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1714:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.9s    111f (27%) 29.51fps Trem:   0min   6mb  A-V:0.000 [1711:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.1s    113f (28%) 29.73fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1705:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.1s    114f (28%) 29.84fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1701:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.2s    115f (28%) 29.96fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1699:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.3s    116f (29%) 29.99fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1695:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.4s    117f (29%) 30.08fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1692:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.5s    119f (29%) 30.15fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1686:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.6s    121f (30%) 30.18fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1680:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.8s    123f (30%) 30.39fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1673:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.9s    124f (31%) 30.47fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1670:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.1s    127f (31%) 30.60fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.2s    129f (32%) 30.65fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1655:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.3s    130f (32%) 30.75fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1652:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.4s    131f (32%) 30.83fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1649:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.4s    132f (33%) 30.84fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1646:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.6s    134f (33%) 30.73fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1646:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.6s    135f (33%) 30.78fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1643:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.7s    136f (34%) 30.82fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1640:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.9s    138f (34%) 30.91fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1634:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.0s    140f (35%) 30.86fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1628:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.1s    141f (35%) 30.87fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1625:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.1s    142f (35%) 30.96fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1622:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.3s    144f (36%) 31.12fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1616:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.4s    146f (36%) 31.19fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1610:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.6s    148f (37%) 31.20fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1605:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.7s    150f (37%) 31.27fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1599:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.9s    152f (38%) 31.35fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1593:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.1s    155f (38%) 31.34fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1585:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.1s    156f (39%) 31.42fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1582:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.2s    157f (39%) 31.50fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1579:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.3s    158f (39%) 31.59fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1576:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.4s    159f (39%) 31.57fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1573:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.4s    160f (40%) 31.66fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1571:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.5s    161f (40%) 31.66fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1568:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.6s    162f (40%) 31.74fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1566:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.7s    164f (41%) 31.83fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1560:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.9s    166f (41%) 31.86fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1555:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.0s    168f (42%) 32.02fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1550:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.1s    169f (42%) 32.09fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1548:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.3s    172f (43%) 32.13fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1541:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.4s    173f (43%) 32.20fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1539:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.5s    175f (43%) 32.36fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1534:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.6s    176f (44%) 32.43fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1532:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.7s    178f (44%) 32.58fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1528:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.8s    179f (44%) 32.66fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1525:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.0s    182f (45%) 32.68fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1519:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.1s    183f (45%) 32.75fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1517:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.1s    184f (46%) 32.82fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1515:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.2s    185f (46%) 32.89fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1513:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.4s    187f (46%) 33.03fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1508:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.4s    188f (47%) 33.05fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1506:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.5s    189f (47%) 33.11fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1504:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.6s    191f (47%) 33.11fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1500:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.7s    192f (48%) 33.14fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1498:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.8s    193f (48%) 33.21fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1496:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.9s    194f (48%) 33.28fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1494:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.9s    195f (48%) 33.35fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1492:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.0s    196f (49%) 33.39fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1490:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.1s    198f (49%) 33.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1487:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.3s    200f (50%) 33.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1483:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.4s    201f (50%) 33.37fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1481:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.5s    203f (50%) 33.36fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1477:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.6s    204f (51%) 33.40fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1475:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.6s    205f (51%) 33.44fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1473:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.8s    207f (51%) 33.42fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1470:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.9s    209f (52%) 33.41fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1466:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.1s    211f (52%) 33.45fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1462:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.4s    215f (52%) 33.28fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1455:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.5s    217f (54%) 33.30fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1452:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.6s    218f (54%) 33.27fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1450:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.6s    219f (54%) 33.31fps Trem:   0min   5mb  A-V:0.000 [1448:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.8s    221f (55%) 33.43fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1445:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    222f (55%) 33.49fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1443:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    223f (55%) 33.53fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1441:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.0s    224f (56%) 33.59fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1439:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.1s    225f (56%) 33.65fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1438:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.1s    226f (56%) 33.72fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1436:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.2s    227f (56%) 33.77fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1434:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.4s    230f (57%) 33.72fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1429:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.6s    232f (58%) 33.76fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1426:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.6s    233f (58%) 33.81fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1425:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.7s    234f (58%) 33.86fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1423:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.9s    236f (58%) 33.81fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1420:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.9s    237f (58%) 33.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1418:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.0s    238f (58%) 33.83fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1417:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.1s    239f (58%) 33.80fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1415:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.2s    241f (60%) 33.82fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1413:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.4s    243f (60%) 33.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1410:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.5s    245f (61%) 33.84fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1407:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.6s    247f (61%) 33.84fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1404:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.9s    250f (62%) 33.86fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1400:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.9s    251f (62%) 33.87fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1399:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.0s    252f (63%) 33.90fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1398:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.1s    253f (63%) 33.91fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1396:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.2s    255f (63%) 34.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1394:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.4s    257f (64%) 34.07fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1391:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.5s    259f (64%) 34.10fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1389:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.6s    260f (65%) 34.15fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1387:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.7s    262f (65%) 34.20fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1385:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.9s    265f (66%) 34.14fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1385:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.0s    266f (66%) 34.13fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1384:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.1s    267f (66%) 34.18fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1383:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.1s    268f (67%) 34.23fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1382:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.2s    269f (67%) 34.28fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1380:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.3s    270f (67%) 34.28fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1379:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.4s    272f (68%) 34.37fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1377:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.0s    280f (70%) 32.71fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1369:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.1s    282f (70%) 32.70fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1367:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.2s    283f (70%) 32.75fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1366:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.3s    284f (71%) 32.66fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1365:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.7s    290f (72%) 32.30fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1358:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.8s    291f (72%) 32.35fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1357:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.9s    292f (73%) 32.39fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1356:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.0s    294f (73%) 32.40fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1354:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.1s    295f (73%) 32.41fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1353:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.1s    296f (74%) 32.45fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1352:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.2s    297f (74%) 32.49fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1351:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.4s    299f (74%) 32.53fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1349:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.5s    301f (75%) 32.62fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1347:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.6s    303f (75%) 32.64fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1345:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.7s    304f (76%) 32.68fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1344:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.8s    305f (76%) 32.70fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1343:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.9s    306f (76%) 32.75fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1342:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.0s    308f (77%) 32.78fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1340:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.2s    311f (77%) 32.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1337:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.5s    315f (78%) 32.63fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1334:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.6s    317f (79%) 32.64fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1332:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.8s    319f (79%) 32.66fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1331:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.9s    321f (80%) 32.73fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1329:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.1s    323f (80%) 32.73fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1328:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.2s    325f (81%) 32.74fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1326:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.3s    326f (81%) 32.75fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1325:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.4s    327f (81%) 32.76fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1324:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.4s    328f (82%) 32.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1324:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.6s    330f (82%) 32.78fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1322:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.7s    332f (83%) 32.79fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1321:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  23.9s    334f (83%) 32.83fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1319:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.0s    336f (84%) 32.84fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1318:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.1s    338f (84%) 32.85fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1316:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.3s    340f (85%) 32.89fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1315:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.4s    342f (85%) 32.92fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1313:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.6s    344f (86%) 32.96fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1312:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.7s    346f (86%) 33.01fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1310:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  24.9s    348f (87%) 33.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1309:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.0s    350f (87%) 33.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1307:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.1s    351f (87%) 33.02fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1306:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.2s    353f (88%) 33.02fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1305:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.3s    354f (88%) 33.02fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1304:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.4s    355f (88%) 33.06fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1303:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.4s    356f (89%) 33.05fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1302:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.5s    357f (89%) 33.09fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1302:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.6s    359f (89%) 33.09fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1300:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.8s    361f (90%) 33.09fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1299:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  25.9s    363f (90%) 33.16fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1298:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.0s    364f (91%) 33.18fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1297:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.1s    366f (91%) 33.22fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1295:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.3s    368f (92%) 33.25fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1294:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.4s    370f (92%) 33.30fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1292:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.6s    372f (93%) 33.31fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1291:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.7s    374f (93%) 33.35fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1290:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.9s    376f (94%) 33.40fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1288:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  26.9s    377f (94%) 33.43fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1288:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.1s    379f (94%) 33.49fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1286:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.2s    381f (95%) 33.54fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1285:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.4s    383f (95%) 33.53fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1284:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.4s    384f (96%) 33.57fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1283:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.5s    385f (96%) 33.60fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1283:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.6s    386f (96%) 33.61fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1282:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.6s    387f (96%) 33.61fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1281:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.7s    388f (97%) 33.61fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1281:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.8s    389f (97%) 33.64fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1280:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.9s    390f (97%) 33.68fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1280:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  27.9s    391f (97%) 33.67fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1279:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.0s    392f (98%) 33.71fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1278:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.1s    394f (98%) 33.72fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1277:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.3s    396f (99%) 33.72fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1276:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.4s    398f (99%) 33.80fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1277:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.5s    399f (99%) 33.83fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1277:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x10e64d150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  28.6s    401f (100%) 33.89fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1276:0]

Skipping frame!
Pos:  28.6s    402f (100%) 33.98fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [1276:0]

Flushing video frames.
Writing index...
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.

Video stream: 1276.191 kbit/s  (159523 B/s)  size: 4569220 bytes  28.643 secs  402 frames

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [44]:
!mencoder "mf://*.png" -o Dipole_Anim_Potential_02.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:autoaspect:vbitrate=2160000:mbd=2:keyint=132:vqblur=1.0:cmp=2:subcmp=2:dia=2:mv0:last_pred=3 -fps 14

MEncoder 1.2-4.2.1 (C) 2000-2015 MPlayer Team
211 audio & 444 video codecs
success: format: 16  data: 0x0 - 0x0
MF file format detected.
[mf] search expr: *.png
[mf] number of files: 321 (2568)
[demux_mf] file type was not set! trying 'type=png'...
VIDEO:  [MPNG]  0x0  24bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:16  fourcc:0x474E504D  size:0x0  fps:25.000  ftime:=0.0400
Input fps will be interpreted as 14.000 instead.
libavcodec version 56.60.100 (internal)
Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, osd: 1, aspect: 0.000000, round: 1
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffpng] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg PNG)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x104dc9110]bicubic scaler, from rgba to yuv420p using MMXEXT
videocodec: libavcodec (800x800 fourcc=3234504d [MP42])
[VE_LAVC] High quality encoding selected (non-realtime)!
Movie-Aspect is 1.00:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.1s      2f ( 0%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   0mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.4s      5f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.4s      6f ( 1%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   4mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.6s      8f ( 2%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.9s     12f ( 3%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   0.9s     13f ( 4%)  0.00fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [0:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.2s     17f ( 5%) 16.77fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [712:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.5s     21f ( 6%) 17.89fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [698:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.6s     22f ( 6%) 18.09fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [698:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   1.9s     27f ( 8%) 18.67fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [690:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.0s     28f ( 8%) 18.93fps Trem:   0min   2mb  A-V:0.000 [690:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.4s     33f (10%) 19.49fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [680:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.6s     36f (11%) 19.98fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [676:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   2.9s     40f (12%) 20.45fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [673:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.2s     45f (14%) 19.54fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [670:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.4s     47f (14%) 19.46fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [670:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.4s     48f (15%) 19.58fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [671:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.5s     49f (15%) 19.81fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [671:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.6s     51f (15%) 19.87fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [667:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   3.7s     52f (16%) 19.96fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [668:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.0s     56f (17%) 20.19fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [668:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.1s     58f (18%) 20.15fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [667:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.2s     59f (18%) 20.37fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [666:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.3s     60f (18%) 20.57fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [665:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.4s     61f (19%) 20.52fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [666:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.4s     62f (19%) 20.74fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [665:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     64f (20%) 21.12fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.6s     65f (20%) 21.32fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.8s     67f (20%) 21.73fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [664:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.9s     68f (21%) 21.92fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   4.9s     69f (21%) 22.06fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.0s     70f (21%) 22.26fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.1s     71f (22%) 22.45fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.1s     72f (22%) 22.65fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.4s     75f (23%) 22.60fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.4s     76f (23%) 22.78fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.6s     78f (24%) 22.90fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.7s     80f (25%) 23.15fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.9s     82f (25%) 23.43fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   5.9s     83f (25%) 23.60fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.1s     85f (26%) 23.88fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.2s     87f (27%) 24.15fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.3s     88f (27%) 24.25fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.4s     89f (27%) 24.38fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.4s     90f (28%) 24.53fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.6s     92f (28%) 24.82fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.7s     94f (29%) 24.96fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.8s     95f (29%) 25.11fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   6.9s     96f (30%) 25.24fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.0s     98f (30%) 25.33fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.1s     99f (30%) 25.48fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.2s    101f (31%) 25.73fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.3s    102f (31%) 25.73fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.4s    103f (32%) 25.80fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.4s    104f (32%) 25.92fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.5s    105f (32%) 26.04fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.6s    106f (33%) 26.08fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.6s    107f (33%) 26.17fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [656:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.7s    108f (33%) 26.22fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [656:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   7.9s    111f (34%) 26.25fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [655:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.0s    112f (35%) 26.20fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [655:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.1s    114f (35%) 26.32fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [655:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.3s    116f (36%) 26.45fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [654:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.4s    117f (36%) 26.57fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [654:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.4s    118f (36%) 26.64fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [654:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.6s    120f (37%) 26.74fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [654:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.7s    122f (38%) 26.81fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [653:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.8s    123f (38%) 26.93fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [653:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   8.9s    125f (39%) 27.17fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [653:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.1s    127f (39%) 27.29fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [653:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.1s    128f (40%) 27.36fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [652:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.2s    129f (40%) 27.48fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [652:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.3s    130f (40%) 27.55fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [652:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.4s    132f (41%) 27.74fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [652:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.6s    134f (41%) 27.89fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.7s    136f (42%) 28.00fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:   9.9s    138f (43%) 28.12fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.0s    140f (43%) 28.21fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.1s    142f (44%) 28.34fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.2s    143f (44%) 28.44fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [664:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.4s    145f (45%) 28.63fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.4s    146f (45%) 28.69fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.5s    147f (45%) 28.78fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.6s    148f (46%) 28.83fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.6s    149f (46%) 28.86fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.8s    151f (47%) 28.92fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [663:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  10.9s    153f (47%) 29.00fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.1s    155f (48%) 29.15fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.2s    157f (49%) 29.23fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.3s    158f (49%) 29.32fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.4s    160f (50%) 29.48fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.6s    162f (50%) 29.60fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.6s    163f (50%) 29.68fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.8s    165f (51%) 29.83fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.9s    166f (51%) 29.89fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  11.9s    167f (52%) 29.97fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.0s    168f (52%) 30.06fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.1s    169f (52%) 30.14fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.1s    170f (52%) 30.23fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.2s    171f (52%) 30.28fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.4s    173f (54%) 30.44fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.5s    175f (54%) 30.53fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.6s    176f (55%) 30.61fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.6s    177f (55%) 30.64fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.7s    178f (55%) 30.72fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.9s    180f (56%) 30.80fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  12.9s    181f (56%) 30.88fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.0s    182f (56%) 30.96fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.1s    183f (57%) 31.04fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.2s    185f (57%) 31.17fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.3s    186f (58%) 31.23fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.4s    188f (58%) 31.39fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.5s    189f (58%) 31.46fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.6s    191f (58%) 31.60fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.8s    193f (60%) 31.69fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  13.9s    194f (60%) 31.76fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.0s    196f (61%) 31.90fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.1s    197f (61%) 31.97fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.1s    198f (61%) 31.97fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.3s    200f (62%) 31.95fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.4s    202f (63%) 31.97fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.6s    204f (63%) 32.11fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.7s    206f (64%) 32.14fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.8s    207f (64%) 32.20fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.9s    208f (65%) 32.26fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  14.9s    209f (65%) 32.32fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.1s    211f (65%) 32.34fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.2s    213f (66%) 32.47fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.4s    215f (67%) 32.50fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.5s    217f (67%) 32.59fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.6s    218f (68%) 32.64fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.6s    219f (68%) 32.66fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.7s    220f (68%) 32.70fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    222f (69%) 32.83fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  15.9s    223f (69%) 32.89fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.1s    225f (70%) 33.01fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.1s    226f (70%) 33.02fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.2s    227f (70%) 33.08fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.3s    228f (71%) 33.14fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.4s    230f (71%) 33.26fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.5s    231f (72%) 33.29fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.6s    233f (72%) 33.41fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.8s    235f (73%) 33.46fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  16.9s    236f (73%) 33.51fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.0s    238f (74%) 33.63fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.1s    240f (75%) 33.71fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.2s    241f (75%) 33.76fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.4s    243f (75%) 33.83fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.4s    244f (76%) 33.88fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.5s    245f (76%) 33.93fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.6s    246f (76%) 33.96fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.7s    248f (77%) 34.07fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.8s    249f (77%) 34.12fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  17.9s    251f (78%) 34.17fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.1s    253f (79%) 34.28fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.1s    254f (79%) 34.33fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.2s    255f (79%) 34.34fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.3s    256f (80%) 34.39fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.4s    258f (80%) 34.49fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.5s    259f (80%) 34.54fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.6s    261f (81%) 34.65fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.7s    262f (81%) 34.66fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.8s    263f (82%) 34.71fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.9s    264f (82%) 34.76fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [657:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  18.9s    265f (82%) 34.82fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.0s    266f (83%) 34.87fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.1s    267f (83%) 34.86fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.2s    269f (84%) 34.96fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [662:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.3s    270f (84%) 35.01fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.4s    271f (84%) 35.04fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.4s    272f (85%) 35.05fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.6s    274f (85%) 35.09fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.7s    276f (86%) 35.17fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.9s    278f (86%) 35.22fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  19.9s    279f (87%) 35.27fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.1s    281f (87%) 35.36fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.1s    282f (88%) 35.41fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.3s    284f (88%) 35.41fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.4s    285f (89%) 35.45fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.4s    286f (89%) 35.49fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [661:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.6s    288f (90%) 35.55fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.7s    290f (90%) 35.61fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.8s    291f (90%) 35.66fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  20.9s    293f (91%) 35.72fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.0s    294f (91%) 35.77fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [660:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.1s    296f (92%) 35.83fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.2s    297f (92%) 35.87fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.3s    298f (93%) 35.91fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.4s    300f (93%) 35.92fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.6s    302f (94%) 35.93fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.6s    303f (94%) 35.98fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.8s    305f (95%) 36.00fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.9s    306f (95%) 36.00fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  21.9s    307f (95%) 36.04fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.0s    308f (96%) 36.09fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [659:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.1s    310f (96%) 36.01fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.2s    311f (97%) 36.05fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.4s    313f (97%) 36.11fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.5s    315f (98%) 36.15fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.6s    316f (98%) 36.19fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.7s    318f (99%) 36.26fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set

[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.9s    320f (100%) 36.26fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.format is not set
[msmpeg4v2 @ 0x104db3150]AVFrame.width or height is not set
Pos:  22.9s    321f (100%) 36.30fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]

Skipping frame!
Pos:  22.9s    322f (100%) 36.42fps Trem:   0min   1mb  A-V:0.000 [658:0]

Flushing video frames.
Writing index...
Writing header...
ODML: vprp aspect is 16384:16384.

Video stream:  658.144 kbit/s  (82268 B/s)  size: 1886288 bytes  22.929 secs  322 frames


In [97]:
def mean_var_hist_theta(lista):
    thetas = []
    for r in lista:
        cociente = r[2]
        if abs(cociente) > 1:
            if cociente < 0:
                theta = np.arccos(-1)
                theta = np.arccos(1)

            theta = np.arccos(r[2])
    return thetas, np.mean(thetas), np.var(thetas)

In [98]:
def mean_var_hist_phis(lista):
    phis = []
    for r in lista:
        if r[0] == 0:
            if r[1] == 0:
                phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
                if r[1] < 0:
                    phi = 3*np.pi/2.
                    phi = np.pi/2.

            phi = np.arctan(r[1]/r[0])
    return phis, np.mean(phis), np.var(phis)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [356]:
#Definimos las funciones para el campo exterior
#q = (R)*np.tan(s/(R))
def nuevo_r_field(r, vector_q, field):
    nfield = np.tan(field)
    #y = r + vector_q + nfield
    y = r + vector_q + nfield
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return y

def field_theta(ri, v0):
    r, theta, phi = trans_c_s(ri[0],ri[1],ri[2])
    field = (-v0*np.sin(2*theta)*theta_uni(theta, phi))
    return field

def actualiza_field_theta(r,s,v0):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r_field(r, q, field_theta(r,v0))
    #return nuevo_r_field(r, pre_q, field_theta(r,v0))

def act_n_field(lista, v0):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
        s = ese(D,dt)
        l.append(actualiza_field_theta(v, s, v0))
    return l

In [ ]:

In [378]:
#Vamos a usar esta plantilla para calcular el desplasamiento medio cuadratico
#en el caso de un campo externo con cuatro puntos criticos
#el ensamble parte del polo norte explotando la simetria del problema

#Paramtreos de la simulacion
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-3
v0 = 15*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt
#dist_uni = polo_n(10000,1.)
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(1000, 1., 0)
Nt = 1000

rs = dist_uni

#Variables para el analisis estadistico
mt0,vt0 = mean_var_theta(rs)
mp0,vp0 = mean_var_phis(rs)
mean_thetas_t = [mt0]
var_thetas_t = [vt0]
mean_phis_t = [mp0]
var_phis_t = [vp0]
histograma_thetas_t = []
histograma_phis_t = []

for i in range(Nt):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        #plot_potential(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos
        ht, mt0, vt0 = mean_var_hist_theta(rs)
        hp, mp0, vp0 = mean_var_hist_phis(rs)

In [70]:
%matplotlib inline

In [71]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

In [373]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x12bf42fd0>]

In [329]:


In [91]:


In [ ]:

In [374]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.hist(histograma_thetas_t[0], bins=100)
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$P_N(\theta,t=0)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x12c1e4590>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [377]:
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
plt.hist(histograma_thetas_t[900], bins=100, color = 'b')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,np.pi,1000),   -70.0*np.cos(2*#
np.linspace(0,np.pi,1000)), color ="r")
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$\lim_{t \to \infty}P_{N}(\theta,t)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x162211910>

In [ ]:

In [127]:
tiempo = 0
dt = np.log(10)*1e-4
Nt = 5000
tiempos = [tiempo]
for i in range(Nt):
    tiempo = tiempo + dt

In [130]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, mean_thetas_t)
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\langle \theta(t) \rangle$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1127a33d0>

In [ ]:

In [133]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, var_thetas_t)
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\mbox{Var}(\theta(t))$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x113e131d0>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [132]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, mean_phis_t)
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\langle \phi(t) \rangle$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112042910>

In [134]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, var_phis_t)
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\mbox{Var}(\phi(t))$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x113449850>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Quadrupole Statistics

In [ ]:

In [342]:
#q = (R)*np.tan(s/(R))
def nuevo_r_field(r, vector_q, field):
    nfield = np.tan(field)
    y = r + vector_q + nfield
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return y

def field_theta(ri, v0):
    r, theta, phi = trans_c_s(ri[0],ri[1],ri[2])
    field = (-v0*np.sin(6*theta)*theta_uni(theta, phi))
    return field

def actualiza_field_theta(r,s,v0):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r_field(r, q, field_theta(r,v0))

def act_n_field(lista, v0):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
        s = ese(D,dt)
        l.append(actualiza_field_theta(v, s, v0))
    return l

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [343]:
#Paramtreos de la simulacion
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-3
v0 = 10*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(10000, 1., 0)
#dist_uni = polo_n(1000,1.)

Nt = 600

rs = dist_uni

#Variables para el analisis estadistico
ht0,mt0,vt0 = mean_var_hist_theta(rs)
hp0,mp0,vp0 = mean_var_hist_phis(rs)
mean_thetas_t = [mt0]
var_thetas_t = [vt0]
mean_phis_t = [mp0]
var_phis_t = [vp0]
histograma_thetas_t = [ht0]
histograma_phis_t = [hp0]

for i in range(Nt):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        #plot_potential(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos
        ht, mt0, vt0 = mean_var_hist_theta(rs)
        hp, mp0, vp0 = mean_var_hist_phis(rs)

In [ ]:

In [344]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.hist(histograma_thetas_t[0], bins=50, color = 'g')
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$P_N(\theta,t=0)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x162268fd0>

In [345]:
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
plt.hist(np.array(histograma_thetas_t[-1]), bins=50, color = 'g')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,np.pi,1000),   -900.*abs(np.sin(np.linspace(0,np.pi,1000))**2)*np.cos(6*#
np.linspace(0,np.pi,1000)), color ="r")
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$\lim_{t \to \infty}P_{N}(\theta,t)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1625b1590>

In [215]:
tiempo = 0
dt = np.log(10)*1e-4
#Nt = 10000
tiempos = [tiempo]
for i in range(Nt):
    tiempo = tiempo + dt

In [218]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos[:5800], mean_thetas_t[:5800], color = 'g')
#plt.plot(tiempos[:5800], np.arccos(np.exp(-14*D*np.array(tiempos[:5800]))))
#plt.plot(tiempos[:5800], np.pi/2*np.ones(len(tiempos[:5800])), color = 'r')
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\langle \theta(t) \rangle$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x15bb7dc50>

In [219]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos[:1800], var_thetas_t[:1800], color = 'g')
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\mbox{Var}\{s(t)\}$$', fontsize = 15)

(0, 0.55)

In [220]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, mean_phis_t, color = 'g')
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\langle \phi(t) \rangle$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x15c278510>

In [221]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.plot(tiempos, var_phis_t, color =  'g')
plt.xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'$$\mbox{Var}(\phi(t))$$', fontsize = 15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x15c2c83d0>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Gravitational Field Statistics

In [146]:


In [147]:
%cd ..


In [148]:
!mkdir Gravitational_Field

In [149]:
%cd Gravitational_Field/


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [150]:
def nuevo_r_field(r, vector_q, field):
    y = r + vector_q + field
    y = y/np.linalg.norm(y)
    return y

def field_theta(ri, v0):
    r, theta, phi = trans_c_s(ri[0],ri[1],ri[2])
    field = (-2*v0*np.sin(1*theta)*theta_uni(theta, phi))
    return field

def actualiza_field_theta(r,s,v0):
    v1, v2 = base_ort_nor(r)
    pre_q = vector_des(v1,v2)
    q = vector_q(pre_q, s)
    return nuevo_r_field(r, q, field_theta(r,v0))

def act_n_field(lista, v0):
    l = []
    for v in lista:
        s = ese(D,dt)
        l.append(actualiza_field_theta(v, s, v0))
    return l

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [151]:
#Paramtreos de la simulacion
D = 1.
dt = np.log(10)*1e-4
v0 = 20*np.sqrt(2*D)*dt
dist_uni = obs_uniforme(1000, 1., 0)
Nt = 5000

rs = dist_uni

#Variables para el analisis estadistico
mt0,vt0 = mean_var_theta(rs)
mp0,vp0 = mean_var_phis(rs)
mean_thetas_t = [mt0]
var_thetas_t = [vt0]
mean_phis_t = [mp0]
var_phis_t = [vp0]
histograma_thetas_t = []
histograma_phis_t = []

for i in range(Nt):
        nuevas_pos = act_n_field(rs, v0)
        #plot_potential(nuevas_pos, 0, 0, i + 1)
        rs = nuevas_pos
        ht, mt0, vt0 = mean_var_hist_theta(rs)
        hp, mp0, vp0 = mean_var_hist_phis(rs)

In [155]:
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.hist(histograma_thetas_t[1], bins=100, color = 'c')
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$P_N(\theta,t=0)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x13250d510>

In [156]:
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
plt.hist(histograma_thetas_t[-1], bins=100, color = 'c')
plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$", fontsize = 18)
plt.title(r'$$\lim_{t \to \infty}P_{N}(\theta,t)$$', fontsize = 18)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x132833a10>

In [ ]: