Spot resources Analytics

Here we perform some initial process and analysis on the dataset.

With static dataset, e.g. load the grabbed data.

In [197]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
%matplotlib inline
import time
import dateutil.parser

In [3]:
# The filtered file make sure to use the fi
filename = 'data/aws-recent-filtered.csv'
#filename = './data/subset.csv'

In [4]:
start = time.time()
# parse the data file and extra the results
df = pd.read_csv(filename)

TimeStamp AvailabilityZone InstanceType SpotPrice
0 2016-12-12 10:44:30 ap-northeast-1a t1.micro 0.0135
1 2016-12-12 10:44:30 ap-northeast-1a t1.micro 0.0035
2 2016-12-12 10:43:50 ap-northeast-1a t1.micro 0.0134

In [5]:
df = df.dropna()
df = df[df.AvailabilityZone != "AvailabilityZone"]
df['TimeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df.TimeStamp)
df.index = df.TimeStamp
df = df.drop('TimeStamp', axis=1)
df= df.sort_index()

AvailabilityZone InstanceType SpotPrice
2016-10-06 10:44:39 eu-west-1b p2.16xlarge 184.96
2016-10-06 10:44:39 eu-west-1c p2.16xlarge 184.96
2016-10-06 10:44:39 eu-west-1a p2.16xlarge 184.96

In [6]:
print (len(df))
print (df['InstanceType'].unique())
print (df['AvailabilityZone'].unique())
print (df['SpotPrice'].unique())

['p2.16xlarge' 'c3.large' 'i2.4xlarge' 'i2.2xlarge' 'm2.4xlarge' 'm3.large'
 'm4.4xlarge' 'm4.xlarge' 't1.micro' 'g2.8xlarge' 'd2.2xlarge' 'c1.xlarge'
 'm1.small' 'i2.xlarge' 'm1.xlarge' 'c4.2xlarge' 'm1.large' 'c4.large'
 'c4.xlarge' 'm3.medium' 'm4.16xlarge' 'p2.8xlarge' 'm1.medium'
 'x1.16xlarge' 'x1.32xlarge' 'c3.4xlarge' 'r3.4xlarge' 'c1.medium'
 'c4.4xlarge' 'i2.8xlarge' 'hi1.4xlarge' 'd2.8xlarge' 'r3.2xlarge'
 'd2.4xlarge' 'm4.10xlarge' 'c3.8xlarge' 'r3.8xlarge' 'c3.2xlarge'
 'c3.xlarge' 'r3.large' 'c4.8xlarge' 'm3.xlarge' 'm4.large' 'd2.xlarge'
 'm2.2xlarge' 'm2.xlarge' 'r3.xlarge' 'm3.2xlarge' 'm4.2xlarge'
 'cr1.8xlarge' 'p2.xlarge' 'cc2.8xlarge' 'cg1.4xlarge' 'cc1.4xlarge'
 'g2.2xlarge' 'r4.large' 'r4.xlarge' 'r4.4xlarge' 'r4.16xlarge'
 'r4.8xlarge' 'r4.2xlarge']
['eu-west-1b' 'eu-west-1c' 'eu-west-1a' 'us-west-2c' 'ap-northeast-2c'
 'ap-northeast-2a' 'us-west-1b' 'us-west-1c' 'us-west-2b' 'us-west-2a'
 'ap-southeast-2c' 'eu-central-1b' 'ap-southeast-2b' 'ap-southeast-2a'
 'eu-central-1a' 'us-east-1a' 'us-east-1e' 'sa-east-1c' 'sa-east-1a'
 'ap-southeast-1a' 'ap-southeast-1b' 'us-east-1d' 'ap-northeast-1c'
 'ap-northeast-1a' 'us-east-1c']
[  1.84960000e+02   1.04100000e-01   1.13600000e+00 ...,   3.05060000e+00
   1.83800000e-02   1.18380000e-01]

Hypothesis #2

For each machine type there exists a region that is more favorable to use, as the market volatility is very low and the prices tend to stay cheaper than the other regions.

With in proving this hypothesis users will be able to find the best region they should be bidding in, as long as latency is not an issue for them.

Data Science tools & Techniques: We can use clustering and classification methods.

In [7]:
def corrGraph(title, df):
    corr_df = df.corr()
    mask = np.zeros_like(corr_df)
    mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True
    seaborn.heatmap(corr_df, cmap='RdYlGn_r', vmax=1.0, vmin=-1.0 , mask = mask, linewidths=2.5)

In [13]:
# Some info about the data
df = df.truncate(before='2016-10-13 00:00:00', after='2016-12-11 00:00:00')
print (df.index.min())
print (df.index.max())
print(df.index.max()- df.index.min()) 


2016-10-13 00:00:00
2016-12-11 00:00:00
59 days 00:00:00
AvailabilityZone InstanceType SpotPrice
2016-10-13 us-east-1e m3.xlarge 0.1395
2016-10-13 ap-northeast-1a r3.8xlarge 0.4891
2016-10-13 ap-northeast-1a r3.8xlarge 0.5891

In [68]:
depa = df.groupby(['AvailabilityZone', 'InstanceType'])

In [75]:
#depa = awsResampler(df)
# Initialize dictionary of all combos of  empty dfs we want to graph and corr
for item in df['InstanceType'].unique():
    typedfs.update({item: pd.DataFrame()})
for item in df['AvailabilityZone'].unique():
    zonedfs.update({item: pd.DataFrame()})

#Fill zonedfs with dataframes of all machines in that zone pricing
for name, group in depa:
    #We have to create the data frame by merging the rows and the first run we need our first row
    if zonedfs[name[0]].empty:
        #RESAMPLE DATA HOURLY getting the avg of the hour
        zonedfs[name[0]] = group
        zonedfs[name[0]] = zonedfs[name[0]].resample('H').mean()
        zonedfs[name[0]] = zonedfs[name[0]].fillna(method="ffill")
        #zonedfs[name[0]] = zonedfs[name[0]].drop('InstanceType', axis=1).drop(['AvailabilityZone'],axis=1)
        #Remove index so that you can merge
        zonedfs[name[0]] = zonedfs[name[0]].reset_index()
        #print(zonedfs[name[0]].head(40) )
        zonedfs[name[0]].rename(columns = {'SpotPrice':name[1]}, inplace = True)

        #RESAMPLE DATA HOURLY getting the avg of the hour
        group1 = group.resample('H').mean()
        group1 = group1.fillna(method="ffill")
        #print(zonedfs[name[0]].head(20) )
        #group1 = group.drop('InstanceType', axis=1).drop(['AvailabilityZone'],axis=1)
        group1.rename(columns = {'SpotPrice':name[1]}, inplace = True)    
        #Remove index so that you can merge
        group1 = group1.reset_index()
        zonedfs[name[0]] = zonedfs[name[0]].merge(group1,how='right')

#Fill typedfs with dataframes of all machines in that zone pricing
for name, group in depa:
    if typedfs[name[1]].empty:
        typedfs[name[1]] = group
        typedfs[name[1]] = typedfs[name[1]].resample('H').mean()
        typedfs[name[1]] = typedfs[name[1]].fillna(method="ffill")
        #typedfs[name[1]] = typedfs[name[1]].drop('InstanceType', axis=1).drop(['AvailabilityZone'],axis=1)
        typedfs[name[1]].rename(columns = {'SpotPrice':name[0]}, inplace = True)
        typedfs[name[1]] = typedfs[name[1]].reset_index()
        group1 = group.resample('H').mean()
        group1 = group1.fillna(method="ffill")
        #group1 = group.drop('InstanceType', axis=1).drop(['AvailabilityZone'],axis=1)
        group1.rename(columns = {'SpotPrice':name[0]}, inplace = True)
        group1 = group1.reset_index()
        typedfs[name[1]] = typedfs[name[1]].merge(group1,how='right')

In [76]:
# Reindex time by timestamp
for key in typedfs:
    typedfs[key].index = typedfs[key].TimeStamp
    typedfs[key]       = typedfs[key].drop(['TimeStamp'],axis=1)

for key in zonedfs:
    zonedfs[key].index = zonedfs[key].TimeStamp
    zonedfs[key]       = zonedfs[key].drop(['TimeStamp'],axis=1)

In [96]:

ap-southeast-2b ap-southeast-2c eu-central-1a eu-central-1b eu-west-1a eu-west-1b eu-west-1c us-east-1a us-east-1c us-east-1d us-east-1e us-west-1b us-west-1c us-west-2a us-west-2b us-west-2c
2016-12-05 18:00:00 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.078 0.078 0.078 0.063000 0.063000 0.063000 0.063000 0.078 0.078 0.077 0.077 0.077
2016-12-05 19:00:00 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.078 0.078 0.078 0.077067 0.077067 0.081667 0.077267 0.078 0.078 0.077 0.077 0.077
2016-12-05 20:00:00 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.078 0.078 0.078 0.077033 0.077033 0.097500 0.077133 0.078 0.078 0.077 0.077 0.077

Correlations of timeseries

In [82]:


for key in tN:
    #typedfs[key].index = typedfs[key].TimeStamp
    #typedfs[key]       = typedfs[key].drop(['TimeStamp'],axis=1)
    #Normalize data
        #typedfs[key] = typedfs[key].apply(lambda row: np.log(row).diff(), axis=0 )
    tN[key] = tN[key].diff(axis=0)
    corrGraph(key, tN[key])
for key in zonedfsN:
    #zonedfs[key].index = zonedfs[key].TimeStamp
    #zonedfs[key]       = zonedfs[key].drop(['TimeStamp'],axis=1)
    #Normalize data
        #zonedfs[key] = zonedfs[key].apply(lambda row: np.log(row).diff(), axis=0 )
    zN[key] = zN[key].diff(axis=0)
    corrGraph(key, zN[key])


In [87]:

tavg = typedfs
dfAVG= []
dfA = pd.DataFrame()
#["InstanceType","AvailabilityZone","Mean", "Median", "Max", "Min", "STD"]

for key in tavg:
    for column in tavg[key]:
        dfAVG.append({'InstanceType':key, 'AvailabilityZone':column,'Mean':tavg[key][column].mean(),'Median':tavg[key][column].median(),
             'Max':tavg[key][column].max(), 'Min':tavg[key][column].min(), 'STD':tavg[key][column].std()})

dfA = pd.DataFrame(dfAVG)

  AvailabilityZone InstanceType    Max      Mean  Median    Min       STD
0  ap-southeast-2b     r4.large  0.108  0.072216  0.0661  0.066  0.013839
1  ap-southeast-2c     r4.large  0.108  0.072179  0.0661  0.066  0.013854
2    eu-central-1a     r4.large  0.108  0.068157  0.0662  0.066  0.007208

Get the actual pricing data for comparison

In [89]:
dfPricing = pd.read_csv("data/pricing-data.csv")

In [95]:
dfPricing.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1,inplace=True)

AvailabilityZone InstanceType OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm1Standard.noUpfront yrTerm1Standard.partialUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.allUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.noUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.partialUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.partialUpfront
1 us-west-2 t1.micro 0.020 0.012 0.014 0.012 NaN NaN NaN 0.008 0.009
2 us-west-1 t1.micro 0.025 0.015 0.017 0.015 NaN NaN NaN 0.011 0.012
3 eu-west-1 t1.micro 0.020 0.015 0.016 0.015 NaN NaN NaN 0.011 0.012

In [107]:
az = ['eu-west-1b', 'eu-west-1c', 'eu-west-1a', 'us-west-2c', 'ap-northeast-2c',
 'ap-northeast-2a', 'us-west-1b', 'us-west-1c', 'us-west-2b', 'us-west-2a',
 'ap-southeast-2c' ,'eu-central-1b','ap-southeast-2b','ap-southeast-2a',
 'eu-central-1a','us-east-1a','us-east-1e' 'sa-east-1c' 'sa-east-1a',
 'ap-southeast-1a','ap-southeast-1b', 'us-east-1d', 'ap-northeast-1c',
 'ap-northeast-1a', 'us-east-1c']

dfPricingAdj = pd.DataFrame()

In [126]:
#modify dfPricing Availability Zone to contain a, b ...etc
count =0
for item in az:
    azM = item[:-1]
    if count == 0:
        dfPricingAdj= dfPricing[dfPricing.AvailabilityZone == azM].copy()
        dfPricingAdj.replace(to_replace=azM, value=item, inplace=True) 
        count = count+1
        dfTemp = dfPricing[dfPricing.AvailabilityZone == azM].copy()
        dfTemp.replace(to_replace=azM, value=item, inplace=True) 
        dfPricingAdj = dfPricingAdj.append(dfTemp)
dfPricingAdj = dfPricingAdj.reset_index().drop('index', axis=1)
#for item in dfPricing['AvailabilityZone']:
#    print(item)
#    break

#Merge the prices with the stats
#dfA = dfA(dfPricing,how='right')

In [128]:
#Merge the prices with the stats
dfA = dfA.merge(dfPricingAdj,how='right')


AvailabilityZone InstanceType Max Mean Median Min STD OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm1Standard.noUpfront yrTerm1Standard.partialUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.allUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.noUpfront yrTerm3Convertible.partialUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.partialUpfront
0 ap-southeast-2b r4.large 0.108 0.072216 0.0661 0.066 0.013839 0.16 0.094 0.112 0.096 0.084 0.101 0.086 0.06 0.064
1 ap-southeast-2c r4.large 0.108 0.072179 0.0661 0.066 0.013854 0.16 0.094 0.112 0.096 0.084 0.101 0.086 0.06 0.064
2 eu-central-1a r4.large 0.108 0.068157 0.0662 0.066 0.007208 0.16 0.094 0.112 0.096 0.085 0.101 0.086 0.06 0.064

In [130]:

Analysis Using the MAX MEAN, and ondemand + cheapest prices

In [221]:
dfA = pd.read_csv("data/instance_price_stats.csv")
dfA.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1,inplace=True)

In [222]:
### DO analysis by subtracting the Mean & Max with the prices
#lets only look at the cheapest prices
dfA = dfA.drop('yrTerm1Standard.partialUpfront', axis=1).drop('yrTerm1Standard.noUpfront', axis=1).drop('yrTerm3Standard.partialUpfront',axis=1)
dfA = dfA.drop('yrTerm3Convertible.noUpfront',axis=1).drop('yrTerm3Convertible.partialUpfront',axis=1).drop('yrTerm3Convertible.allUpfront',axis=1)

In [223]:
dfMean = dfA.copy()
dfMax =  dfA.copy()

dfMean = dfMean.drop('Max', axis=1).drop('Min', axis=1).drop('STD', axis=1).drop('Median', axis=1)
dfMax = dfMax.drop('Mean', axis=1).drop('Min', axis=1).drop('STD', axis=1).drop('Median', axis=1)

In [224]:

AvailabilityZone InstanceType Mean OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront
0 ap-southeast-2b r4.large 0.072216 0.16 0.094 0.06

In [225]:

AvailabilityZone InstanceType Max OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront
0 ap-southeast-2b r4.large 0.108 0.16 0.094 0.06

In [226]:
def npCount(dfin):
    NPcounter={'odp':0, 'odn':0, '1p':0, '1n':0, '3p':0, '3n':0}
    for row in dfin['OnDemand']:
        if(row > 0):
            NPcounter['odp'] = NPcounter['odp'] +1
            NPcounter['odn'] = NPcounter['odn'] +1
    for row in dfin['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront']:
        if(row > 0):
            NPcounter['1p'] = NPcounter['1p'] +1
            NPcounter['1n'] = NPcounter['1n'] +1
    for row in dfin['OnDemand']:
        if(row > 0):
            NPcounter['3p'] = NPcounter['3p'] +1
            NPcounter['3n'] = NPcounter['3n'] +1
    return NPcounter

How much money would it cost to only use spot instance?

Negative Values means it is cheaper to use that method, Positive Value indicates it is cheaper to use Spot Instance

In [227]:
dfMean['OnDemand'] = dfMean['OnDemand'].sub(dfMean['Mean'])
dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'] = dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].sub(dfMean['Mean'])
dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'] = dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].sub(dfMean['Mean'])

AvailabilityZone InstanceType Mean OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront
0 ap-southeast-2b r4.large 0.072216 0.087784 0.021784 -0.012216

In [228]:
print("Median OnDemand "+ str(dfMean['OnDemand'].median()))
print("Median 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].median()))
print("Median 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].median()))
print("AVG OnDemand "+ str(dfMean['OnDemand'].mean()))
print("AVG 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].mean()))
print("AVG 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].mean()))
print("Min OnDemand "+ str(dfMean['OnDemand'].min()))
print("Min 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].min()))
print("Min 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].min()))
print("Max OnDemand "+ str(dfMean['OnDemand'].max()))
print("Max 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].max()))
print("Max 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMean['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].max()))
countRes = npCount(dfMean)
print("Positive OnDemand "+ str(countRes['odp']))
print("Negative OnDemand "+ str(countRes['odn']))
print("Positive 1 yr "+ str(countRes['1p']))
print("Negative 1 yr "+ str(countRes['1n']))
print("Positive 3 yr "+ str(countRes['3p']))
print("Negative 3 yr "+ str(countRes['3n']))

Median OnDemand 0.3969030627221103
Median 1 Yr Upfront 0.124961276125377
Median 3 Yr Upfront 0.007324014730859932
AVG OnDemand -0.4227119827733383
AVG 1 Yr Upfront -1.2808091320602544
AVG 3 Yr Upfront -1.7002691127738512
Min OnDemand -141.164719653
Min 1 Yr Upfront -146.775719653
Min 3 Yr Upfront -149.798719653
Max OnDemand 15.8683402304
Max 1 Yr Upfront 7.65034023045
Max 3 Yr Upfront 2.02622203225
Positive OnDemand 986
Negative OnDemand 311
Positive 1 yr 841
Negative 1 yr 456
Positive 3 yr 986
Negative 3 yr 311

Do Spot Instance ever go over the original price?

Negative values means its cheaper to use that option (money lost), Positve Values means its cheaper to use Spot Instances (Money gained)

In [229]:
dfMax['OnDemand'] = dfMax['OnDemand'].sub(dfMax['Max'])
dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'] = dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].sub(dfMax['Max'])
dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'] = dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].sub(dfMax['Max'])

AvailabilityZone InstanceType Max OnDemand yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront
0 ap-southeast-2b r4.large 0.108 0.052 -0.014 -0.048

In [230]:
print("MEDIAN OnDemand "+ str(dfMax['OnDemand'].median()))
print("MEDIAN 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].median()))
print("MEDIAN 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].median()))
print("AVG OnDemand "+ str(dfMax['OnDemand'].mean()))
print("AVG 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].mean()))
print("AVG 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].mean()))
print("MIN OnDemand "+ str(dfMax['OnDemand'].min()))
print("MIN 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].min()))
print("MIN 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].min()))
print("MAX OnDemand "+ str(dfMax['OnDemand'].max()))
print("MAX 1 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm1Standard.allUpfront'].max()))
print("MAX 3 Yr Upfront "+ str(dfMax['yrTerm3Standard.allUpfront'].max()))
countRes = npCount(dfMax)
print("Positive OnDemand "+ str(countRes['odp']))
print("Negative OnDemand "+ str(countRes['odn']))
print("Positive 1 yr "+ str(countRes['1p']))
print("Negative 1 yr "+ str(countRes['1n']))
print("Positive 3 yr "+ str(countRes['3p']))
print("Negative 3 yr "+ str(countRes['3n']))

MEDIAN OnDemand 0.0018422222222222243
MEDIAN 1 Yr Upfront -0.22749999999999998
MEDIAN 3 Yr Upfront -0.4948297872340438
AVG OnDemand -5.7695350078298615
AVG 1 Yr Upfront -6.625474195952593
AVG 3 Yr Upfront -7.044934176666191
MIN OnDemand -202.934
MIN 1 Yr Upfront -209.735
MIN 3 Yr Upfront -214.462
MAX OnDemand 10.9348
MAX 1 Yr Upfront 2.7168
MAX 3 Yr Upfront 1.05127068966
Positive OnDemand 531
Negative OnDemand 766
Positive 1 yr 221
Negative 1 yr 1076
Positive 3 yr 531
Negative 3 yr 766

DAILY TRENDS Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

In [ ]: