Tutorial goal

This tutorial aims to show how to configure a test environment using the TestEnv module provided by LISA.

Configure logging

In [1]:
import logging
from conf import LisaLogging

In [2]:
# Execute this cell to enabled devlib debugging statements

In [3]:
# Other python modules required by this notebook
import json
import time
import os

Test environment setup

Do you have custom scripts to deploy and use on target?

In [4]:
# Custom scrips must be deployed under $LISA_HOME/tools
!tree ../../tools

├── arm64
│   ├── perf
│   ├── rt-app
│   ├── taskset
│   └── trace-cmd
├── armeabi
│   ├── busybox
│   ├── daemonize
│   ├── htop
│   ├── htop.armv7
│   ├── perf
│   ├── rt-app
│   ├── sysbench
│   ├── taskset
│   ├── terminfo.tar.bz2
│   └── trace-cmd
├── LICENSE.busybox
├── LICENSE.perf
├── LICENSE.rt-app
├── LICENSE.taskset
├── LICENSE.trace-cmd
├── plots.py
├── report.py
├── report.pyc
├── scripts
│   ├── cgroup_run_into.sh
│   ├── cgroup_tasks_move.sh
│   ├── cpuidle_sampling.sh
│   ├── odroid_sampler.py
│   ├── odroid_sampler.sh
│   ├── trace_frequencies.sh
│   └── traceview_extract.awk
├── x86
│   ├── busybox
│   └── chrt
└── x86_64
    ├── busybox
    ├── chrt
    ├── perf
    ├── rt-app
    ├── taskset
    ├── trace-cmd
    └── wlg

5 directories, 38 files

In [5]:
# This is the (not so fancy) script we want to deploy
!cat ../../tools/scripts/cpuidle_sampling.sh


# CPU to monitor
# Sampling time
# Samples to collect

# Enter CPU's sysfs
cd /sys/devices/system/cpu

# Initial C-State residencies counter
ISC=$(find cpu0/cpuidle -name "state*" | wc -l)
for I in $(seq 0 $((ISC-1))); do
	LCS[$I]=`cat cpu$CPU/cpuidle/state$I/usage`

# Dump header
printf "#%13s " "Time"
for I in $(seq 0 $((ISC-1))); do
  printf "%14s " "idle$I"

# Sampling loop
for I in $(seq $COUNT); do

	sleep $SLEEP

	# Dump CPU C-State residencies
	now=$(date +%s)
	printf "%14d " $now
	for I in $(seq 0 $((ISC-1))); do
		U=`cat cpu$CPU/cpuidle/state$I/usage`
		CCS=$(($U - ${LCS[$I]}))
		printf "%14d " $CCS


# vim: ts=2

Which devlib modules you need for your experiments?

In [6]:
# You can have a look at the devlib supported modules by lising the
devlib_modules_folder = 'libs/devlib/devlib/module/'

logging.info("Devlib provided modules are found under:")
logging.info("   $LISA_HOME/{}".format(devlib_modules_folder))
!cd ../../ ; find {devlib_modules_folder} -name "*.py" | sed 's|libs/devlib/devlib/module/|   |' | grep -v __init__

04:34:06  INFO    : Devlib provided modules are found under:
04:34:06  INFO    :    $LISA_HOME/libs/devlib/devlib/module/

Setup you TestEnv confguration

In [7]:
# Setup a target configuration
conf = {

    # Define the kind of target platform to use for the experiments
    "platform"    : 'linux',  # platform type, valid other options are:
                              # android - access via ADB
                              # linux   - access via SSH
                              # host    - direct access
    # Preload settings for a specific target
    "board"       : 'juno',   # board type, valid options are:
                              # - juno  - JUNO Development Board
                              # - tc2   - TC2 Development Board

    # Login credentials
    "host"        : "",
    "username"    : "root",
    "password"    : "",

    # Custom tools to deploy on target, they must be placed under:
    #   $LISA_HOME/tools/(ARCH|scripts)
    "tools" : [ "cpuidle_sampling.sh" ],

    # FTrace configuration
    "ftrace" : {
         "events" : [
         "buffsize" : 10240,
    # Where results are collected
    "results_dir" : "TestEnvExample",
    # Devlib module required (or not required)
    'modules' : [ "cpufreq", "cgroups" ],
    #"exclude_modules" : [ "hwmon" ],
    # Local installation path used for kernel/dtb installation on target
    # The specified path MUST be accessible from the board, e.g.
    # - JUNO/TC2: it can be the mount path of the VMESD disk image
    # - Other board: it can be a TFTP server path used by the board bootloader
    "tftp"  : {
        "folder"    : "/var/lib/tftpboot",
        "kernel"    : "kern.bin",
        "dtb"       : "dtb.bin",


In [8]:
from env import TestEnv

# Initialize a test environment using the provided configuration
te = TestEnv(conf)

04:34:08  INFO    :         Target - Using base path: /home/derkling/Code/lisa
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target - Loading custom (inline) target configuration
04:34:08  DEBUG   :         Target - Target configuration {'username': 'root', 'platform': 'linux', 'host': '', 'ftrace': {'buffsize': 10240, 'events': ['cpu_idle', 'sched_switch']}, 'board': 'juno', 'modules': ['cpufreq', 'cgroups'], 'tftp': {'kernel': 'kern.bin', 'folder': '/var/lib/tftpboot', 'dtb': 'dtb.bin'}, 'password': '', 'tools': ['cpuidle_sampling.sh'], 'results_dir': 'TestEnvExample'}
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target - Devlib modules to load: ['bl', 'cpufreq', 'cgroups', 'hwmon']
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target - Connecting linux target:
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target -   username : root
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target -       host :
04:34:08  INFO    :         Target -   password : 
04:34:08  DEBUG   :         Target - Setup LINUX target...
04:34:08  DEBUG   : Installing module vexpress-u-boot
04:34:08  DEBUG   : Installing module vexpress-dtr
04:34:08  DEBUG   : Installing module vexpress-vemsd
04:34:08  DEBUG   : Logging in root@
04:34:09  DEBUG   : id
04:34:09  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/root/devlib-target/bin' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:10  DEBUG   : ls -1 /root/devlib-target/bin
04:34:10  DEBUG   : cat /proc/cpuinfo
04:34:10  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'dmidecode -s system-version'
04:34:11  DEBUG   : Installing module bl
04:34:11  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox uname -m
04:34:11  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:12  DEBUG   : Installing module cpufreq
04:34:12  DEBUG   : zcat /proc/config.gz
04:34:12  DEBUG   : Installing module cgroups
04:34:12  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:12  DEBUG   : cgroup_root already mounted at /sys/fs/cgroup
04:34:13  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox cat /proc/cgroups
04:34:13  DEBUG   : Available controllers: ['cpuset', 'cpu', 'schedtune', 'memory', 'devices', 'freezer', 'perf_event', 'hugetlb', 'pids']
04:34:13  DEBUG   : Init cpuset controller...
04:34:13  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep cpuset /proc/cgroups
04:34:13  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:14  DEBUG   : Controller cpuset mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset
04:34:14  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset
04:34:14  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset'
04:34:14  DEBUG   : Controller cpuset enabled
04:34:14  DEBUG   : Init cpu controller...
04:34:14  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep cpu /proc/cgroups
04:34:15  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:15  DEBUG   : Controller cpu mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu
04:34:15  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu
04:34:15  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpu'
04:34:15  DEBUG   : Controller cpu enabled
04:34:15  DEBUG   : Init schedtune controller...
04:34:15  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep schedtune /proc/cgroups
04:34:16  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:16  DEBUG   : Controller schedtune mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune
04:34:16  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune
04:34:16  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_schedtune'
04:34:17  DEBUG   : Controller schedtune enabled
04:34:17  DEBUG   : Init memory controller...
04:34:17  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep memory /proc/cgroups
04:34:17  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:17  DEBUG   : Controller memory mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory
04:34:17  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory
04:34:18  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_memory'
04:34:18  DEBUG   : Controller memory enabled
04:34:18  DEBUG   : Init devices controller...
04:34:18  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep devices /proc/cgroups
04:34:18  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:19  DEBUG   : Controller devices mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_devices
04:34:19  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_devices
04:34:19  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_devices ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_devices'
04:34:19  DEBUG   : Controller devices enabled
04:34:19  DEBUG   : Init freezer controller...
04:34:19  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep freezer /proc/cgroups
04:34:20  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:20  DEBUG   : Controller freezer mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_freezer
04:34:20  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_freezer
04:34:20  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_freezer ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_freezer'
04:34:20  DEBUG   : Controller freezer enabled
04:34:20  DEBUG   : Init perf_event controller...
04:34:20  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep perf_event /proc/cgroups
04:34:21  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:21  DEBUG   : Controller perf_event mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_perf_event
04:34:21  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_perf_event
04:34:21  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_perf_event ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_perf_event'
04:34:22  DEBUG   : Controller perf_event enabled
04:34:22  DEBUG   : Init hugetlb controller...
04:34:22  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep hugetlb /proc/cgroups
04:34:22  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:22  DEBUG   : Controller hugetlb mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb
04:34:22  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb
04:34:22  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_hugetlb'
04:34:23  DEBUG   : Controller hugetlb enabled
04:34:23  DEBUG   : Init pids controller...
04:34:23  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox grep pids /proc/cgroups
04:34:23  DEBUG   : mount
04:34:24  DEBUG   : Controller pids mounted under: /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_pids
04:34:24  DEBUG   : Creating cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_pids
04:34:24  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_pids ] || mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_pids'
04:34:24  DEBUG   : Controller pids enabled
04:34:24  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:24  DEBUG   : Installing module hwmon
04:34:25  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon
04:34:25  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:25  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/name'\'''
04:34:26  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/
04:34:26  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/curr1_label'\'''
04:34:27  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:27  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/name'\'''
04:34:27  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/
04:34:28  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/curr1_label'\'''
04:34:28  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:29  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/name'\'''
04:34:29  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/
04:34:29  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/power1_label'\'''
04:34:30  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:30  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/name'\'''
04:34:31  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/
04:34:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon11/power1_label'\'''
04:34:32  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/name'\'''
04:34:32  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/
04:34:33  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon12/energy1_label'\'''
04:34:33  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:34  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/name'\'''
04:34:34  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/
04:34:34  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_label'\'''
04:34:35  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:35  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/name'\'''
04:34:36  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/
04:34:36  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_label'\'''
04:34:37  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:37  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/name'\'''
04:34:37  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/
04:34:38  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon15/energy1_label'\'''
04:34:38  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/name'\'''
04:34:39  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/
04:34:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in0_label'\'''
04:34:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in1_label'\'''
04:34:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in2_label'\'''
04:34:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in3_label'\'''
04:34:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in4_label'\'''
04:34:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in5_label'\'''
04:34:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/in6_label'\'''
04:34:42  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp1_label'\'''
04:34:43  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon16/temp2_label'\'''
04:34:43  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:44  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name'\'''
04:34:44  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/
04:34:44  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/curr1_label'\'''
04:34:45  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/name'\'''
04:34:46  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/
04:34:46  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/curr1_label'\'''
04:34:47  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/name'\'''
04:34:47  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/
04:34:48  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/in1_label'\'''
04:34:48  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/name'\'''
04:34:49  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/
04:34:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/in1_label'\'''
04:34:50  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:50  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/name'\'''
04:34:51  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/
04:34:51  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/in1_label'\'''
04:34:52  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:52  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/name'\'''
04:34:52  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/
04:34:53  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon7/in1_label'\'''
04:34:53  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:54  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/name'\'''
04:34:54  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/
04:34:54  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon8/power1_label'\'''
04:34:55  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/name' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:34:55  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/name'\'''
04:34:56  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/
04:34:56  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/power1_label'\'''
04:34:56  DEBUG   :         Target - Checking target connection...
04:34:56  DEBUG   :         Target - Target info:
04:34:56  DEBUG   :         Target -       ABI: arm64
04:34:56  DEBUG   :         Target -      CPUs: CpuInfo(['A53', 'A57', 'A57', 'A53', 'A53', 'A53'])
04:34:56  DEBUG   :         Target -  Clusters: [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
04:34:57  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'mount -o remount,rw /'
04:34:57  INFO    :         Target - Initializing target workdir:
04:34:57  INFO    :         Target -    /root/devlib-target
04:34:57  DEBUG   : mkdir -p /root/devlib-target
04:34:57  DEBUG   : mkdir -p /root/devlib-target/bin
04:34:58  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/arm64/busybox root@
04:34:58  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox
04:34:58  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/scripts/shutils root@
04:34:58  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils
04:34:59  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/scripts/cpuidle_sampling.sh root@
04:34:59  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/cpuidle_sampling.sh
04:34:59  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/tools/arm64/trace-cmd root@
04:34:59  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd
04:35:00  DEBUG   :         Target - Check for module [bl]...
04:35:00  DEBUG   :         Target - Check for module [cpufreq]...
04:35:00  DEBUG   :         Target - Check for module [cgroups]...
04:35:00  DEBUG   :         Target - Check for module [hwmon]...
04:35:00  INFO    :         Target - Topology:
04:35:00  INFO    :         Target -    [[0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
04:35:00  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
04:35:00  DEBUG   : cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
04:35:01  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
04:35:01  DEBUG   : cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
04:35:01  DEBUG   :       Platform - Trying to load default EM from /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/utils/platforms/juno.json
04:35:01  INFO    :       Platform - Loading default EM:
04:35:01  INFO    :       Platform -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/utils/platforms/juno.json
04:35:01  DEBUG   : loading JSON...
04:35:01  DEBUG   : Loaded JSON configuration:
{u'nrg_model': {u'big': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 64}, u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 1024, u'nrg_max': 616}}, u'little': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 57}, u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 447, u'nrg_max': 93}}}}
04:35:01  DEBUG   :       Platform - Platform descriptor initialized
{'nrg_model': {u'big': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 64}, u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 1024, u'nrg_max': 616}}, u'little': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 57}, u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 447, u'nrg_max': 93}}}, 'clusters': {'big': [1, 2], 'little': [0, 3, 4, 5]}, 'cpus_count': 6, 'freqs': {'big': [450000, 625000, 800000, 950000, 1100000], 'little': [450000, 575000, 700000, 775000, 850000]}, 'topology': [[0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]}
04:35:01  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/arm64/trace-cmd root@
04:35:02  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd
04:35:02  DEBUG   : cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_events
04:35:02  INFO    :         FTrace - Enabled tracepoints:
04:35:02  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_idle
04:35:02  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_switch
04:35:02  DEBUG   :    EnergyMeter - using default energy meter for [juno]
04:35:02  INFO    :    EnergyMeter - Scanning for HWMON channels, may take some time...
04:35:02  DEBUG   : Discovering available HWMON sensors...
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_amp/curr1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_amp/curr1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_power/power1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_power/power1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_energy/energy1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_energy/energy1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_energy/energy1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_energy/energy1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/temp1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/temp2
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in0
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in2
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in3
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in4
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in5
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor scpi_sensors/in6
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_amp/curr1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_amp/curr1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_volt/in1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_volt/in1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_volt/in1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_volt/in1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_power/power1
04:35:02  DEBUG   : 	Adding sensor v2m_juno_power/power1
04:35:02  DEBUG   :    EnergyMeter - Enabling channels {'kinds': ['energy'], 'sites': ['a53', 'a57']}
04:35:02  INFO    :    EnergyMeter - Channels selected for energy sampling:
04:35:02  INFO    :    EnergyMeter -    a57_energy
04:35:03  INFO    :    EnergyMeter -    a53_energy
04:35:03  DEBUG   : No RT-App workloads, skipping calibration
04:35:03  WARNING :        TestEnv - Wipe previous contents of the results folder:
04:35:03  WARNING :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/TestEnvExample
04:35:03  INFO    :        TestEnv - Set results folder to:
04:35:03  INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/TestEnvExample
04:35:03  INFO    :        TestEnv - Experiment results available also in:
04:35:03  INFO    :        TestEnv -    /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results_latest


The initialization of the test environment pre-initialize some useful
environment variables which are available to write test cases.

These are some of the information available via the TestEnv object.

In [9]:
# The complete configuration of the target we have configured
print json.dumps(te.conf, indent=4)

    "username": "root", 
    "ftrace": {
        "buffsize": 10240, 
        "events": [
    "host": "", 
    "password": "", 
    "tools": [
    "modules": [
    "results_dir": "TestEnvExample", 
    "platform": "linux", 
    "board": "juno", 
    "__features__": [], 
    "tftp": {
        "kernel": "kern.bin", 
        "folder": "/var/lib/tftpboot", 
        "dtb": "dtb.bin"

In [10]:
# Last configured kernel and DTB image
print te.kernel
print te.dtb


In [11]:
# The IP and MAC address of the target
print te.ip
print te.mac

In [12]:
# A full platform descriptor
print json.dumps(te.platform, indent=4)

    "nrg_model": {
        "big": {
            "cluster": {
                "nrg_max": 64
            "cpu": {
                "cap_max": 1024, 
                "nrg_max": 616
        "little": {
            "cluster": {
                "nrg_max": 57
            "cpu": {
                "cap_max": 447, 
                "nrg_max": 93
    "clusters": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "cpus_count": 6, 
    "freqs": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "topology": [

In [13]:
# A pre-created folder to host the tests results generated using this
# test environment, notice that the suite could add additional information
# in this folder, like for example a copy of the target configuration
# and other target specific collected information


In [14]:
# The working directory on the target



Some methods are also exposed to test developers which could be used to easy the creation of tests.

These are some of the methods available:

In [15]:
# Calibrate RT-App (if required) and get the most updated calibration value

04:27:32  DEBUG   : No RT-App workloads, skipping calibration

In [16]:
# Generate a JSON file with the complete platform description

04:27:32  DEBUG   :       Platform - Dump platform descriptor in [/tmp/platform.json]
({'clusters': {'big': [1, 2], 'little': [0, 3, 4, 5]},
  'cpus_count': 6,
  'freqs': {'big': [450000, 625000, 800000, 950000, 1100000],
   'little': [450000, 575000, 700000, 775000, 850000]},
  'nrg_model': {u'big': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 64},
    u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 1024, u'nrg_max': 616}},
   u'little': {u'cluster': {u'nrg_max': 57},
    u'cpu': {u'cap_max': 447, u'nrg_max': 93}}},
  'topology': [[0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]},

In [17]:
# Force a reboot of the target (and wait specified [s] before reconnect)
# te.reboot(reboot_time=60, ping_time=15)

In [18]:
# Resolve a MAC address into an IP address
# te.resolv_host(host='00:02:F7:00:5A:5B')

In [19]:
# Copy the specified file into the TFTP server folder defined by configuration

04:27:33  INFO    :           TFTP - Deploy /etc/group into /var/lib/tftpboot/group

In [20]:
!ls -la /var/lib/tftpboot

total 12
drwxrwxrwx  2 root     nogroup  4096 Feb 22 17:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 79 root     root     4096 Feb 26 15:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 derkling derkling 1168 Mar  2 16:27 group

Access to the devlib API

A special TestEnv attribute is target, which represents a devlib instance. Using the target attribute we can access to the full set of devlib provided functionalities. Which are summarized in the following sections.

Remotes commands execution

In [22]:
# Run a command on the target
te.target.execute("echo -n 'Hello Test Environment'", as_root=False)

04:27:34  DEBUG   : echo -n 'Hello Test Environment'
'Hello Test Environment'

In [23]:
# Spawn a command in background on the target
logging.info("Spawn a task which will run for a while...")
process = te.target.kick_off("sleep 10", as_root=True)

04:27:34  INFO    : Spawn a task which will run for a while...
04:27:35  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'sh -c "sleep 10" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &'

In [24]:
output = te.target.execute("ps")
print '\n'.join(output.splitlines())

04:27:35  DEBUG   : ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 6097 pts/0    00:00:00 sh
 6270 pts/0    00:00:00 sleep
 6271 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

Notice that the Shell PID is always the same for all commands we execute.
This is due to devlib ensuring to keep a persistent connection with the target device.

Running custom scripts

In [27]:
my_script = te.target.get_installed("cpuidle_sampling.sh")
print my_script

04:28:18  DEBUG   : if [ -e '/root/devlib-target/bin' ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi
04:28:18  DEBUG   : ls -1 /root/devlib-target/bin

In [28]:
output = te.target.execute(my_script, as_root=True)

04:28:19  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/cpuidle_sampling.sh'
['#         Time          idle0          idle1          idle2 ',
 '    1456934283              0             11             19 ',
 '    1456934284              0              5             17 ',
 '    1456934285              0              5             19 ']

Notice that the output is returned as a list of lines. This provides a useful base for post-processing the output of that command.

In [35]:
# We can also use "notebook embedded" scripts
# my_script = " \
# for I in $(seq 3); do \
#     grep '' /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/stats/time_in_stats | \
#     sed -e 's|/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu||' -e 's|/cpufreq/scaling_governor:| |' \
#     sleep 1 \
# done \
# "

In [34]:
# print te.target.execute(my_script)

Access to target specific attributes

In [9]:
# Acces to many target specific information
print "ABI                 : ", te.target.abi
print "big Core Family     : ", te.target.big_core
print "LITTLE Core Family  : ", te.target.little_core
print "CPU's Clusters IDs  : ", te.target.core_clusters
print "CPUs type           : ", te.target.core_names

ABI                 :  arm64
big Core Family     :  A57
LITTLE Core Family  :  A53
CPU's Clusters IDs  :  [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
CPUs type           :  ['A53', 'A57', 'A57', 'A53', 'A53', 'A53']

In [10]:
# Access to big.LITTLE specific information
print "big CPUs IDs        : ", te.target.bl.bigs
print "LITTLE CPUs IDs     : ", te.target.bl.littles
print "big CPUs freqs      : {}".format(te.target.bl.get_bigs_frequency())
print "big CPUs governor   : {}".format(te.target.bl.get_bigs_governor())

04:35:03  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
04:35:03  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq'\'''
big CPUs IDs        :  [1, 2]
LITTLE CPUs IDs     :  [0, 3, 4, 5]
big CPUs freqs      : 1100000
04:35:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/online'\'''
04:35:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
big CPUs governor   : performance

Modules usage example: CPUFreq

In [11]:
# You can use autocompletion to have a look at the supported method for a
# specific module
te.target.cpufreq #.get_all_governors()

04:36:33  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_get_all_governors'
{'0': 'performance',
 '1': 'performance',
 '2': 'performance',
 '3': 'performance',
 '4': 'performance',
 '5': 'performance'}

In [16]:
# Get goverors available for CPU0

04:39:00  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors'\'''
['conservative', 'ondemand', 'userspace', 'powersave', 'performance', 'sched']

In [17]:
# Set the "ondemand" governor
te.target.cpufreq.set_governor(0, 'ondemand')

04:40:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors'\'''
04:40:04  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo ondemand > '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:40:05  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:40:05  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:40:06  DEBUG   : ls -1 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand

In [19]:
# Check governor tunables

04:40:29  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:40:29  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:40:30  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load'\'''
04:40:30  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/io_is_busy'\'''
04:40:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/powersave_bias'\'''
04:40:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_down_factor'\'''
04:40:31  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate'\'''
04:40:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate_min'\'''
04:40:32  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold'\'''
{'ignore_nice_load': '0',
 'io_is_busy': '0',
 'powersave_bias': '0',
 'sampling_down_factor': '1',
 'sampling_rate': '1200000',
 'sampling_rate_min': '24000',
 'up_threshold': '95'}

In [22]:
# Update governor tunables
te.target.cpufreq.set_governor_tunables(0, sampling_rate=2000000)

04:41:46  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:41:46  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:41:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 2000000 > '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate'\'''
04:41:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate'\'''
04:41:47  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:41:48  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'\'''
04:41:48  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load'\'''
04:41:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/io_is_busy'\'''
04:41:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/powersave_bias'\'''
04:41:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_down_factor'\'''
04:41:50  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate'\'''
04:41:50  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/sampling_rate_min'\'''
04:41:51  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold'\'''
{'ignore_nice_load': '0',
 'io_is_busy': '0',
 'powersave_bias': '0',
 'sampling_down_factor': '1',
 'sampling_rate': '2000000',
 'sampling_rate_min': '24000',
 'up_threshold': '95'}

Modules usage example: CGroups

In [44]:
logging.info('%14s - Available controllers:', 'CGroup')
ssys = target.cgroups.list_subsystems()
for (n,h,g,e) in ssys:
    print '{:10} (hierarchy id: {:d}) has {} cgroups'.format(n, h, g)

04:51:18  INFO    :         CGroup - Available controllers:
04:51:18  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox cat /proc/cgroups
cpuset     (hierarchy id: 1) has 2 cgroups
cpu        (hierarchy id: 2) has 1 cgroups
schedtune  (hierarchy id: 3) has 1 cgroups
memory     (hierarchy id: 4) has 1 cgroups
devices    (hierarchy id: 5) has 1 cgroups
freezer    (hierarchy id: 6) has 1 cgroups
perf_event (hierarchy id: 7) has 1 cgroups
hugetlb    (hierarchy id: 8) has 1 cgroups
pids       (hierarchy id: 9) has 1 cgroups

In [23]:
# Get a reference to the CPUSet controller
cpuset = target.cgroups.controller('cpuset')

In [47]:
# Get the list of current configured CGroups for that controller
cgroups = cpuset.list_all()
print 'Existing CGropups:'
for cg in cgroups:
    print "   ", cg

04:51:42  DEBUG   : Listing groups for cpuset controller
04:51:43  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/busybox find /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset -type d
04:51:43  DEBUG   : Populate cpuset cgroup: /
04:51:43  DEBUG   : Populate cpuset cgroup: /LITTLE
Existing CGropups:

In [29]:
# Create a LITTLE partition and check which tunables we have
cpuset_littles = cpuset.cgroup('/LITTLE')

04:45:15  DEBUG   : Reading cpuset attributes from:
04:45:15  DEBUG   :   /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE
04:45:15  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE cpuset
{'cpu_exclusive': '0',
 'cpus': '',
 'effective_cpus': '',
 'effective_mems': '',
 'mem_exclusive': '0',
 'mem_hardwall': '0',
 'memory_migrate': '0',
 'memory_pressure': '0',
 'memory_spread_page': '0',
 'memory_spread_slab': '0',
 'mems': '',
 'sched_load_balance': '1',
 'sched_relax_domain_level': '-1'}

In [33]:
# Setup CPUs and MEMORY nodes for the LITTLE partition
cpuset_littles.set(cpus=te.target.bl.littles, mems=0)

04:47:33  DEBUG   : Set attribute [/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.cpus] to: 0,3-5"
04:47:33  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 0,3-5 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.cpus'\'''
04:47:33  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.cpus'\'''
04:47:34  DEBUG   : Set attribute [/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.mems] to: 0"
04:47:34  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 0 > '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.mems'\'''
04:47:34  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE/cpuset.mems'\'''

In [52]:
# Dump the configuraiton of each controller
for cgname in cgroups:
    cgroup = cpuset.cgroup(cgname)
    attrs = cgroup.get()
    cpus = attrs['cpus']
    print '{}:{:<15} cpus: {}'.format(cpuset.kind, cgroup.name, cpus)

04:52:55  DEBUG   : Reading cpuset attributes from:
04:52:55  DEBUG   :   /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset
04:52:55  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset cpuset
04:52:55  DEBUG   : Reading cpuset attributes from:
04:52:55  DEBUG   :   /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE
04:52:55  DEBUG   : /root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cgroups_get_attributes /sys/fs/cgroup/devlib_cpuset/LITTLE cpuset
cpuset:/               cpus: 0-5
cpuset:/LITTLE         cpus: 0,3-5

In [53]:
# Methods exists to move tasks in/out and in between groups
# cpuset_littles.add_task()

Sample energy from the target

In [6]:
# Reset and sample energy counters

# Sleep some time

# Sample energy consumption since last reset
nrg = te.emeter.sample()
nrg = json.dumps(te.emeter.sample(), indent=4)
print "First read: ", nrg

# Sleep some more time

# Sample again
nrg = te.emeter.sample()
nrg = json.dumps(te.emeter.sample(), indent=4)
print "Second read: ", nrg

03:02:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:39  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:39  DEBUG   : SAMPLE: {'a53': {'total': 10.111351999999897, 'last': 1335.646094, 'delta': 9.059672999999975}, 'a57': {'total': 15.980763000000024, 'last': 2052.693486, 'delta': 13.449973000000227}}
03:02:39  DEBUG   : RESET: {'a53': {'total': 0, 'last': 1335.646094, 'delta': 0}, 'a57': {'total': 0, 'last': 2052.693486, 'delta': 0}}
03:02:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:40  DEBUG   : SAMPLE: {'a53': {'total': 0.3706250000000182, 'last': 1336.016719, 'delta': 0.3706250000000182}, 'a57': {'total': 0.49970399999983783, 'last': 2053.19319, 'delta': 0.49970399999983783}}
03:02:40  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:41  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:41  DEBUG   : SAMPLE: {'a53': {'total': 0.7240460000000439, 'last': 1336.37014, 'delta': 0.35342100000002574}, 'a57': {'total': 0.9984340000000884, 'last': 2053.69192, 'delta': 0.4987300000002506}}
03:02:43  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:44  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:44  DEBUG   : SAMPLE: {'a53': {'total': 1.2472549999999956, 'last': 1336.893349, 'delta': 0.5232089999999516}, 'a57': {'total': 1.9705329999997048, 'last': 2054.664019, 'delta': 0.9720989999996164}}
03:02:44  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon13/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon14/energy1_input'\'''
03:02:45  DEBUG   : SAMPLE: {'a53': {'total': 1.4408379999999852, 'last': 1337.086932, 'delta': 0.19358299999998962}, 'a57': {'total': 2.4585919999999533, 'last': 2055.152078, 'delta': 0.4880590000002485}}
First read:  {
    "a53": {
        "total": 0.7240460000000439, 
        "last": 1336.37014, 
        "delta": 0.35342100000002574
    "a57": {
        "total": 0.9984340000000884, 
        "last": 2053.69192, 
        "delta": 0.4987300000002506
Second read:  {
    "a53": {
        "total": 1.4408379999999852, 
        "last": 1337.086932, 
        "delta": 0.19358299999998962
    "a57": {
        "total": 2.4585919999999533, 
        "last": 2055.152078, 
        "delta": 0.4880590000002485

Configure FTrace for a sepcific experiment

In [7]:
# Configure a specific set of events to trace
         "events" : [                                                                                                                                            
         "buffsize" : 10240                                                                                                                                      

02:59:43  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   /home/derkling/Code/lisa/libs/devlib/devlib/bin/arm64/trace-cmd root@
02:59:44  DEBUG   : chmod a+x /root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd
02:59:44  DEBUG   : cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/available_events
02:59:44  INFO    :         FTrace - Enabled tracepoints:
02:59:44  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_idle
02:59:44  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_capacity
02:59:44  INFO    :         FTrace -   cpu_frequency
02:59:44  INFO    :         FTrace -   sched_switch

In [8]:
# Start/Stop a FTrace session
te.target.execute("uname -a")

02:59:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo 10240 > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb'\'''
02:59:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'cat '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb'\'''
02:59:45  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd reset'
02:59:46  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd start -e cpu_idle -e cpu_capacity -e cpu_frequency -e sched_switch'
02:59:48  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo TRACE_MARKER_START > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker'\'''
02:59:48  DEBUG   : Trace CPUFreq frequencies
02:59:48  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_trace_all_frequencies'
02:59:48  DEBUG   : uname -a
02:59:49  DEBUG   : Trace CPUFreq frequencies
02:59:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/shutils cpufreq_trace_all_frequencies'
02:59:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c 'echo TRACE_MARKER_STOP > '\''/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker'\'''
02:59:49  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd stop'

In [9]:
# Collect and visualize the trace
trace_file = os.path.join(te.res_dir, 'trace.dat')
output = os.popen("DISPLAY=:0.0 kernelshark {}".format(trace_file))

02:59:50  DEBUG   : sudo -- sh -c '/root/devlib-target/bin/trace-cmd extract -o /root/devlib-target/trace.dat'
02:59:51  DEBUG   : /usr/bin/scp -r   root@ /home/derkling/Code/lisa/results/TestEnvExample/trace.dat