RTA workload

The RTA or RTApp workload represents a type of workload obtained using the rt-app test application. More details on the test application can be found at https://github.com/scheduler-tools/rt-app.

In [1]:
import logging
from conf import LisaLogging

2016-12-08 12:02:29,102 INFO    : root         : Using LISA logging configuration:
2016-12-08 12:02:29,103 INFO    : root         :   /home/vagrant/lisa/logging.conf

In [2]:
# Generate plots inline
%pylab inline

import json
import os

# Support to initialise and configure your test environment
import devlib
from env import TestEnv

# Support to configure and run RTApp based workloads
from wlgen import RTA, Periodic, Ramp, Step, Pulse

# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization
import trappy

# Support for performance analysis of RTApp workloads
from perf_analysis import PerfAnalysis

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Test environment setup

For more details on this please check out examples/utils/testenv_example.ipynb.

In [3]:
# Setup a target configuration
my_target_conf = {
    # Define the kind of target platform to use for the experiments
    "platform"    : 'linux',  # Linux system, valid other options are:
                              # android - access via ADB
                              # linux   - access via SSH
                              # host    - direct access
    # Preload settings for a specific target
    "board"       : 'juno',  # juno - JUNO board with mainline hwmon
    # Define devlib module to load
    "modules"     : [
        'bl',           # enable big.LITTLE support
        'cpufreq'       # enable CPUFreq support

    # Account to access the remote target
    "host"        : '',
    "username"    : 'root',
    "password"    : 'juno',

    # Comment the following line to force rt-app calibration on your target
    "rtapp-calib" : {
        '0': 361, '1': 138, '2': 138, '3': 352, '4': 360, '5': 353


# Setup the required Test Environment supports
my_tests_conf = {
    # Binary tools required to run this experiment
    # These tools must be present in the tools/ folder for the architecture
    "tools"   : ['rt-app', 'taskset', 'trace-cmd'],
    # FTrace events end buffer configuration
    "ftrace"  : {
         "events" : [
         "buffsize" : 10240


In [4]:
# Initialize a test environment using
# - the provided target configuration (my_target_conf)
# - the provided test configuration   (my_test_conf)
te = TestEnv(target_conf=my_target_conf, test_conf=my_tests_conf)
target = te.target

2016-12-07 10:25:45,152 INFO    : TestEnv      : Using base path: /home/vagrant/lisa
2016-12-07 10:25:45,153 INFO    : TestEnv      : Loading custom (inline) target configuration
2016-12-07 10:25:45,153 INFO    : TestEnv      : Loading custom (inline) test configuration
2016-12-07 10:25:45,153 INFO    : TestEnv      : Devlib modules to load: ['bl', 'cpufreq', 'hwmon']
2016-12-07 10:25:45,154 INFO    : TestEnv      : Connecting linux target:
2016-12-07 10:25:45,154 INFO    : TestEnv      :   username : root
2016-12-07 10:25:45,155 INFO    : TestEnv      :       host :
2016-12-07 10:25:45,155 INFO    : TestEnv      :   password : juno
2016-12-07 10:25:45,156 INFO    : TestEnv      : Connection settings:
2016-12-07 10:25:45,156 INFO    : TestEnv      :    {'username': 'root', 'host': '', 'password': 'juno'}
2016-12-07 10:26:02,855 INFO    : TestEnv      : Initializing target workdir:
2016-12-07 10:26:02,856 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /root/devlib-target
2016-12-07 10:26:23,640 INFO    : TestEnv      : Topology:
2016-12-07 10:26:23,643 INFO    : TestEnv      :    [[0, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]
2016-12-07 10:26:28,585 INFO    : TestEnv      : Enabled tracepoints:
2016-12-07 10:26:28,587 INFO    : TestEnv      :    sched_switch
2016-12-07 10:26:28,589 INFO    : TestEnv      :    cpu_frequency
2016-12-07 10:26:28,591 WARNING : TestEnv      : Using configuration provided RTApp calibration
2016-12-07 10:26:28,591 INFO    : TestEnv      : Using RT-App calibration values:
2016-12-07 10:26:28,592 INFO    : TestEnv      :    {"0": 361, "1": 138, "2": 138, "3": 352, "4": 360, "5": 353}
2016-12-07 10:26:28,592 INFO    : EnergyMeter  : Scanning for HWMON channels, may take some time...
2016-12-07 10:26:28,594 INFO    : EnergyMeter  : Channels selected for energy sampling:
2016-12-07 10:26:28,595 INFO    : EnergyMeter  :    BOARDBIG_energy
2016-12-07 10:26:28,595 INFO    : EnergyMeter  :    BOARDLITTLE_energy
2016-12-07 10:26:28,596 INFO    : TestEnv      : Set results folder to:
2016-12-07 10:26:28,596 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628
2016-12-07 10:26:28,597 INFO    : TestEnv      : Experiment results available also in:
2016-12-07 10:26:28,597 INFO    : TestEnv      :    /home/vagrant/lisa/results_latest

Workload configuration

To create an instance of an RTApp workload generator you need to provide the following:

  • target: target device configuration
  • name: name of workload. This is the name of the JSON configuration file reporting the generated RTApp configuration.
  • calibration: CPU load calibration values, measured on each core.

An RTApp workload is defined by specifying a kind, provided below through rtapp.conf, which represents the way we want to define the behavior of each task. The possible kinds of workloads are profile and custom. It's very important to notice that periodic is no longer considered a "kind" of workload but a "class" within the profile kind.

As you see below, when "kind" is "profile", the tasks generated by this workload have a profile which is defined by a sequence of phases. These phases are defined according to the following grammar:

  • params := {task, ...}
  • task := NAME : {SCLASS, PRIO, [phase, ...]}
  • phase := (PTIME, PERIOD, DCYCLE)

There are some pre-defined task classes for the profile kind:

  • Step: the load of this task is a step with a configured initial and final load.
  • Pulse: the load of this task is a pulse with a configured initial and final load.The main difference with the 'step' class is that a pulse workload is by definition a 'step down', i.e. the workload switches from an initial load to a final one which is always lower than the initial one. Moreover, a pulse load does not generate a sleep phase in case of 0[%] load, i.e. the task ends as soon as the non null initial load has completed.
  • Ramp: the load of this task is a ramp with a configured number of steps determined by the input parameters.
  • Periodic: the load of this task is periodic with a configured period and duty-cycle.

    The one below is a workload mix having all types of workloads described above, but each of them can also be specified serapately in the RTApp parameters.

In [5]:
# Create a new RTApp workload generator using the calibration values
# reported by the TestEnv module
rtapp = RTA(target, 'simple', calibration=te.calibration())

# Configure this RTApp instance to:
# 1. generate a "profile based" set of tasks
    # 2. define the "profile" of each task

        # 3. PERIODIC task
        # This class defines a task which load is periodic with a configured
        # period and duty-cycle.
        # This class is a specialization of the 'pulse' class since a periodic
        # load is generated as a sequence of pulse loads.
        # Args:
        #     cuty_cycle_pct  (int, [0-100]): the pulses load [%]
        #                                     default: 50[%]
        #     duration_s  (float): the duration in [s] of the entire workload
        #                          default: 1.0[s]
        #     period_ms   (float): the period used to define the load in [ms]
        #                          default: 100.0[ms]
        #     delay_s     (float): the delay in [s] before ramp start
        #                          default: 0[s]
        #     sched       (dict):  the scheduler configuration for this task
        #     cpus      (list): the list of CPUs on which task can run
        'task_per20': Periodic(
            period_ms=100,         # period
            duty_cycle_pct=20,     # duty cycle
            duration_s=5,          # duration
            cpus=None,             # run on all CPUS
                "policy": "FIFO",  # Run this task as a SCHED_FIFO task
            delay_s=0              # start at the start of RTApp

        # 4. RAMP task
        # This class defines a task which load is a ramp with a configured number
        # of steps according to the input parameters.
        # Args:
        #     start_pct (int, [0-100]): the initial load [%], (default 0[%])
        #     end_pct   (int, [0-100]): the final load [%], (default 100[%])
        #     delta_pct (int, [0-100]): the load increase/decrease [%],
        #                               default: 10[%]
        #                               increase if start_prc < end_prc
        #                               decrease  if start_prc > end_prc
        #     time_s    (float): the duration in [s] of each load step
        #                        default: 1.0[s]
        #     period_ms (float): the period used to define the load in [ms]
        #                        default: 100.0[ms]
        #     delay_s   (float): the delay in [s] before ramp start
        #                        default: 0[s]
        #     loops     (int):   number of time to repeat the ramp, with the
        #                        specified delay in between
        #                        default: 0
        #     sched     (dict): the scheduler configuration for this task
        #     cpus      (list): the list of CPUs on which task can run
        'task_rmp20_5-60': Ramp(
            period_ms=100,         # period
            start_pct=5,           # intial load
            end_pct=65,            # end load
            delta_pct=20,          # load % increase...
            time_s=1,              # ... every 1[s]
            cpus="0"               # run just on first CPU
        # 5. STEP task
        # This class defines a task which load is a step with a configured
        # initial and final load.
        # Args:
        # start_pct (int, [0-100]): the initial load [%]
        #                               default 0[%])
        # end_pct   (int, [0-100]): the final load [%]
        #                               default 100[%]
        # time_s    (float): the duration in [s] of the start and end load
        #                        default: 1.0[s]
        # period_ms (float): the period used to define the load in [ms]
        #                        default 100.0[ms]
        # delay_s   (float): the delay in [s] before ramp start
        #                        default 0[s]
        # loops     (int):   number of time to repeat the ramp, with the
        #                        specified delay in between
        #                        default: 0
        # sched     (dict): the scheduler configuration for this task
        # cpus      (list): the list of CPUs on which task can run
        'task_stp10-50': Step(
            period_ms=100,         # period
            start_pct=0,           # intial load
            end_pct=50,            # end load
            time_s=1,              # ... every 1[s]
            delay_s=0.5            # start .5[s] after the start of RTApp
        # 6. PULSE task
        # This class defines a task which load is a pulse with a configured
        # initial and final load.
        # The main difference with the 'step' class is that a pulse workload is
        # by definition a 'step down', i.e. the workload switch from an finial
        # load to a final one which is always lower than the initial one.
        # Moreover, a pulse load does not generate a sleep phase in case of 0[%]
        # load, i.e. the task ends as soon as the non null initial load has
        # completed.
        # Args:
        #     start_pct (int, [0-100]): the initial load [%]
        #                               default: 0[%]
        #     end_pct   (int, [0-100]): the final load [%]
        #                               default: 100[%]
        #               NOTE: must be lower than start_pct value
        #     time_s    (float): the duration in [s] of the start and end load
        #                        default: 1.0[s]
        #                        NOTE: if end_pct is 0, the task end after the
        #                        start_pct period completed
        #     period_ms (float): the period used to define the load in [ms]
        #                        default: 100.0[ms]
        #     delay_s   (float): the delay in [s] before ramp start
        #                        default: 0[s]
        #     loops     (int):   number of time to repeat the ramp, with the
        #                        specified delay in between
        #                        default: 0
        #     sched     (dict):  the scheduler configuration for this task
        #     cpus      (list):  the list of CPUs on which task can run
        'task_pls5-80': Pulse(
            period_ms=100,         # period
            start_pct=65,          # intial load
            end_pct=5,             # end load
            time_s=1,              # ... every 1[s]
            delay_s=0.5            # start .5[s] after the start of RTApp
    # 7. use this folder for task logfiles

2016-12-07 10:27:16,946 INFO    : Workload     : Setup new workload simple
2016-12-07 10:27:16,947 INFO    : Workload     : Workload duration defined by longest task
2016-12-07 10:27:16,947 INFO    : Workload     : Default policy: SCHED_OTHER
2016-12-07 10:27:16,948 INFO    : Workload     : ------------------------
2016-12-07 10:27:16,948 INFO    : Workload     : task [task_per20], sched: {'policy': 'FIFO'}
2016-12-07 10:27:16,949 INFO    : Workload     :  | calibration CPU: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,949 INFO    : Workload     :  | loops count: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,949 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000001: duration 5.000000 [s] (50 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,950 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  20 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,950 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  20000 [us], sleep_time  80000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,951 INFO    : Workload     : ------------------------
2016-12-07 10:27:16,951 INFO    : Workload     : task [task_pls5-80], sched: using default policy
2016-12-07 10:27:16,952 INFO    : Workload     :  | start delay: 0.500000 [s]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,952 INFO    : Workload     :  | calibration CPU: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,952 INFO    : Workload     :  | loops count: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,953 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000001: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,953 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  65 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,954 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  65000 [us], sleep_time  35000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,954 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000002: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,955 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle   5 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,955 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time   5000 [us], sleep_time  95000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,955 INFO    : Workload     : ------------------------
2016-12-07 10:27:16,956 INFO    : Workload     : task [task_rmp20_5-60], sched: using default policy
2016-12-07 10:27:16,956 INFO    : Workload     :  | calibration CPU: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,957 INFO    : Workload     :  | loops count: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,957 INFO    : Workload     :  | CPUs affinity: 0
2016-12-07 10:27:16,958 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000001: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,958 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle   5 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,958 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time   5000 [us], sleep_time  95000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,959 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000002: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,959 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  25 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,960 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  25000 [us], sleep_time  75000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,960 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000003: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,961 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  45 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,961 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  45000 [us], sleep_time  55000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,962 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000004: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,962 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  65 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,963 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  65000 [us], sleep_time  35000 [us]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,963 INFO    : Workload     : ------------------------
2016-12-07 10:27:16,964 INFO    : Workload     : task [task_stp10-50], sched: using default policy
2016-12-07 10:27:16,964 INFO    : Workload     :  | start delay: 0.500000 [s]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,964 INFO    : Workload     :  | calibration CPU: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,965 INFO    : Workload     :  | loops count: 1
2016-12-07 10:27:16,965 INFO    : Workload     :  + phase_000001: sleep 1.000000 [s]
2016-12-07 10:27:16,966 INFO    : Workload     : + phase_000002: duration 1.000000 [s] (10 loops)
2016-12-07 10:27:16,966 INFO    : Workload     : |  period   100000 [us], duty_cycle  50 %
2016-12-07 10:27:16,967 INFO    : Workload     : |  run_time  50000 [us], sleep_time  50000 [us]

The output of the previous cell reports the main properties of the generated tasks. Thus for example we see that the first task is configure to be:

  • named task_per20
  • executed as a SCHED_FIFO task
  • generating a load which is calibrated with respect to the CPU 1
  • with one single "phase" which defines a peripodic load for the duration of 5[s]
  • that periodic load consistes of 50 cycles
  • each cycle has a period of 100[ms] and a duty-cycle of 20%, which means that the task, for every cycle, will run for 20[ms] and then sleep for 80[ms]

All these properties are translated into a JSON configuration file for RTApp which you can see in Collected results below.

Workload composition

Another way of specifying the phases of a task is through workload composition, described in the next cell.
NOTE: We are just giving this as an example of specifying a workload, but this configuration won't be the one used for the following execution and analysis cells. You need to uncomment these lines if you want to use the composed workload.

In [6]:
# Initial phase and pinning parameters
ramp = Ramp(period_ms=100, start_pct=5, end_pct=65, delta_pct=20, time_s=1, cpus="0")

# Following phases
medium_slow = Periodic(duty_cycle_pct=10, duration_s=5, period_ms=100, cpus="0")
high_fast   = Periodic(duty_cycle_pct=60, duration_s=5, period_ms=10, cpus="0")
medium_fast = Periodic(duty_cycle_pct=10, duration_s=5, period_ms=1, cpus="0")
high_slow   = Periodic(duty_cycle_pct=60, duration_s=5, period_ms=100, cpus="0")

#Compose the task
complex_task = ramp + medium_slow + high_fast + medium_fast + high_slow

# Configure this RTApp instance to:
# rtapp.conf(
#    # 1. generate a "profile based" set of tasks
#    kind='profile',
#    # 2. define the "profile" of each task
#    params={
#        'complex' : complex_task.get()
#    },
#    # 6. use this folder for task logfiles
#    run_dir='/tmp'

Workload execution

In [7]:
logging.info('#### Setup FTrace')

logging.info('#### Start energy sampling')

logging.info('#### Start RTApp execution')
rtapp.run(out_dir=te.res_dir, cgroup="")

logging.info('#### Read energy consumption: %s/energy.json', te.res_dir)
nrg_report = te.emeter.report(out_dir=te.res_dir)

logging.info('#### Stop FTrace')

trace_file = os.path.join(te.res_dir, 'trace.dat')
logging.info('#### Save FTrace: %s', trace_file)

logging.info('#### Save platform description: %s/platform.json', te.res_dir)
(plt, plt_file) = te.platform_dump(te.res_dir)

2016-12-07 10:27:30,511 INFO    : root         : #### Setup FTrace
2016-12-07 10:27:38,104 INFO    : root         : #### Start energy sampling
2016-12-07 10:27:38,723 INFO    : root         : #### Start RTApp execution
2016-12-07 10:27:38,726 INFO    : Workload     : Workload execution START:
2016-12-07 10:27:38,728 INFO    : Workload     :    /root/devlib-target/bin/rt-app /root/devlib-target/simple_00.json 2>&1
2016-12-07 10:27:54,778 INFO    : root         : #### Read energy consumption: /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628/energy.json
2016-12-07 10:27:55,401 INFO    : root         : #### Stop FTrace
2016-12-07 10:27:57,663 INFO    : root         : #### Save FTrace: /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628/trace.dat
2016-12-07 10:28:03,718 INFO    : root         : #### Save platform description: /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628/platform.json

Collected results

In [8]:
# Inspect the JSON file used to run the application
with open('{}/simple_00.json'.format(te.res_dir), 'r') as fh:
    rtapp_json = json.load(fh, )
logging.info('Generated RTApp JSON file:')
print json.dumps(rtapp_json, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

2016-12-07 10:29:04,768 INFO    : root         : Generated RTApp JSON file:
    "global": {
        "calibration": 138, 
        "default_policy": "SCHED_OTHER", 
        "duration": -1, 
        "logdir": "/root/devlib-target"
    "tasks": {
        "task_per20": {
            "loop": 1, 
            "phases": {
                "p000001": {
                    "loop": 50, 
                    "run": 20000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_per20"
            "policy": "SCHED_FIFO"
        "task_pls5-80": {
            "loop": 1, 
            "phases": {
                "p000000": {
                    "delay": 500000
                "p000001": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 65000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_pls5-80"
                "p000002": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 5000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_pls5-80"
            "policy": "SCHED_OTHER"
        "task_rmp20_5-60": {
            "cpus": [
            "loop": 1, 
            "phases": {
                "p000001": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 5000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_rmp20_5-60"
                "p000002": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 25000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_rmp20_5-60"
                "p000003": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 45000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_rmp20_5-60"
                "p000004": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 65000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_rmp20_5-60"
            "policy": "SCHED_OTHER"
        "task_stp10-50": {
            "loop": 1, 
            "phases": {
                "p000000": {
                    "delay": 500000
                "p000001": {
                    "loop": 1, 
                    "sleep": 1000000
                "p000002": {
                    "loop": 10, 
                    "run": 50000, 
                    "timer": {
                        "period": 100000, 
                        "ref": "task_stp10-50"
            "policy": "SCHED_OTHER"

In [9]:
# All data are produced in the output folder defined by the TestEnv module
logging.info('Content of the output folder %s', te.res_dir)
!ls -la {te.res_dir}

2016-12-07 10:29:06,513 INFO    : root         : Content of the output folder /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628
total 3592
drwxrwxr-x  2 user user    4096 Dec  7 10:28 .
drwxrwxr-x 22 user user    4096 Dec  7 10:26 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user      68 Dec  7 10:27 energy.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user     705 Dec  7 10:27 output.log
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user     673 Dec  7 10:28 platform.json
-rw-r--r--  1 user user    6360 Dec  7 10:27 rt-app-task_per20-0.log
-rw-r--r--  1 user user    2764 Dec  7 10:27 rt-app-task_pls5-80-1.log
-rw-r--r--  1 user user    5120 Dec  7 10:27 rt-app-task_rmp20_5-60-2.log
-rw-r--r--  1 user user    1648 Dec  7 10:27 rt-app-task_stp10-50-3.log
-rw-r--r--  1 user user    3104 Dec  7 10:27 simple_00.json
-rw-r--r--  1 user user 3629056 Dec  7 10:28 trace.dat

In [10]:
# Dump the energy measured for the LITTLE and big clusters
logging.info('Energy: %s', nrg_report.report_file)
print json.dumps(nrg_report.channels, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

2016-12-07 10:29:09,792 INFO    : root         : Energy: /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628/energy.json
    "LITTLE": 1.8224460000000136, 
    "big": 0.5827259999999796

In [11]:
# Dump the platform descriptor, which could be useful for further analysis
# of the generated results
logging.info('Platform description: %s', plt_file)
print json.dumps(plt, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

2016-12-07 10:29:14,705 INFO    : root         : Platform description: /home/vagrant/lisa/results/20161207_102628/platform.json
    "clusters": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "cpus_count": 6, 
    "freqs": {
        "big": [
        "little": [
    "nrg_model": null, 
    "topology": [

Trace inspection

More information on visualization and trace inspection can be found in examples/trappy.

In [12]:
# NOTE: The interactive trace visualization is available only if you run
#       the workload to generate a new trace-file

RTApp task performance plots

In [13]:
# Parse the RT-App generate log files to compute performance metrics
pa = PerfAnalysis(te.res_dir)

# For each task which has generated a logfile, plot  its performance metrics
for task in pa.tasks():
    pa.plotPerf(task, "Performance plots for task [{}] ".format(task))

2016-12-07 10:29:27,425 INFO    : PerfAnalysis : PerfIndex, Task [task_rmp20_5-60] avg: -5.34, std: 8.79
2016-12-07 10:29:27,795 INFO    : PerfAnalysis : PerfIndex, Task [task_pls5-80] avg: -8.28, std: 7.04
2016-12-07 10:29:28,161 INFO    : PerfAnalysis : PerfIndex, Task [task_stp10-50] avg: -24.23, std: 1.75
2016-12-07 10:29:28,546 INFO    : PerfAnalysis : PerfIndex, Task [task_per20] avg: 0.56, std: 0.06