The gem5 simulator is a modular platform for computer-system architecture research, encompassing system-level architecture as well as processor microarchitecture.
Before creating the gem5 target, the inputs needed by gem5 should have been created (eg gem5 binary, kernel suitable for gem5, disk image, device tree blob, etc). For more information, see GEM5 - Main Page.
In [1]:
from conf import LisaLogging
In [2]:
# One initial cell for imports
import json
import logging
import os
from env import TestEnv
# Suport for FTrace events parsing and visualization
import trappy
from trappy.ftrace import FTrace
from trace import Trace
# Support for plotting
# Generate plots inline
%matplotlib inline
import numpy
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
platform - the currently supported platforms are:
board - the currently supported boards are:
host - target IP or MAC address of the platform hosting the simulator
gem5 - the settings for the simulation are:
kernel - kernel image to run on the simulated platform
modules - devlib modules to be enabled
exclude_modules - devlib modules to be disabled
tools - binary tools (available under ./tools/$ARCH/) to install by default
ping_time - wait time before trying to access the target after reboot
reboot_time - maximum time to wait after rebooting the target
features - list of test environment features to enable
ftrace - ftrace configuration
results_dir - location of results of the experiments
In [3]:
# Root path of the gem5 workspace
base = "/home/vagrant/gem5/"
conf = {
# Only 'linux' is supported by gem5 for now
# 'android' is a WIP
"platform" : 'linux',
# Preload settings for a specific target
"board" : 'gem5',
# Host that will run the gem5 instance
"host" : "workstation-lin",
"gem5" : {
# System to simulate
"system" : {
# Platform description
"platform" : {
# Gem5 platform description
# LISA will also look for an optional gem5<platform> board file
# located in the same directory as the description file.
"description" : os.path.join(base, ""),
"args" : [
# Resume simulation from a previous checkpoint
# Checkpoint must be taken before Virtio folders are mounted
# "--checkpoint-indir " + os.path.join(base, "Juno/atomic/",
# "checkpoints"),
# "--checkpoint-resume 1",
# Kernel compiled for gem5 with Virtio flags
"kernel" : os.path.join(base, "platform_juno/", "vmlinux"),
# DTB of the system to simulate
"dtb" : os.path.join(base, "platform_juno/", "armv8_juno_r2.dtb"),
# Disk of the distrib to run
"disk" : os.path.join(base, "binaries/", "aarch64-ubuntu-trusty-headless.img")
# gem5 settings
"simulator" : {
# Path to gem5 binary
"bin" : os.path.join(base, "gem5/build/ARM/"),
# Args to be given to the binary
"args" : [
# Zilch
# FTrace events to collect for all the tests configuration which have
# the "ftrace" flag enabled
"ftrace" : {
"events" : [
"buffsize" : 100 * 1024,
"modules" : ["cpufreq", "bl", "gem5stats"],
# Tools required by the experiments
"tools" : ['trace-cmd', 'sysbench'],
# Output directory on host
"results_dir" : "gem5_res"
In [4]:
# Create the hardware target. Patience is required :
# ~40 minutes to resume from a checkpoint (detailed)
# ~5 minutes to resume from a checkpoint (atomic)
# ~3 hours to start from scratch (detailed)
# ~15 minutes to start from scratch (atomic)
te = TestEnv(conf)
target =
This is an example of running a workload and extracting stats from the simulation using m5 commands. For more information about m5 commands, see
In [5]:
# This function is an example use of gem5's ROI functionality
def record_time(command):
roi = 'time'
res = target.gem5stats.match(['host_seconds', 'sim_seconds'], [roi])
return res
In [6]:
# Initialise command: [binary/script, arguments]
workload = 'sysbench'
args = '--test=cpu --max-time=1 run'
# Install binary if needed
path = target.install_if_needed("/home/vagrant/lisa/tools/arm64/" + workload)
command = path + " " + args
# FTrace the execution of this workload
res = record_time(command)
print "{} -> {}s wall-clock execution time, {}s simulation-clock execution time".format(command,
sum(map(float, res['host_seconds']['time'])),
sum(map(float, res['sim_seconds']['time'])))
In [7]:
# Load traces in memory (can take several minutes)
platform_file = os.path.join(te.res_dir, 'platform.json')
te.platform_dump(te.res_dir, platform_file)
with open(platform_file, 'r') as fh:
platform = json.load(fh)
trace_file = os.path.join(te.res_dir, 'trace.dat')
trace = Trace(trace_file, conf['ftrace']['events'], platform, normalize_time=False)
In [8]:
# Plot some stuff
In [9]:
# Simulations done