In this notebook, PMOD Timer functionalities are illustrated. The Timer has two sub-modules: Timer0 and Timer1.

The Generate output and Capture Input of Timer 0 are assumed to be connected to PMODA pin1.

1. The Generate function outputs one clock (10 ns) pulse after a desired period. 
2. The Capture input is sensitive to a rising edge or high level logic.

To see the results of this notebook, you will need a Digilent Analog Discovery 2


and WaveForms 2015

1. Instantiation

Import overlay to use the timers.

In [1]:
from pynq import Overlay

Instantiate Pmod_Timer class. The method stop() will stop both timer sub-modules.

In this example, we will use pin 0 of the PMODA interface. PMODB and other pins can also be used.

In [2]:
from time import sleep
from pynq.iop import Pmod_Timer
from pynq.iop import PMODA

pt = Pmod_Timer(PMODA,0)

2. Generate pulses for a certain period of time

In this example, we choose the Digilent Analog Discovery 2 as the scope.

  • The 1+ pin (of channel 1) has to be connected to pin 0 on PMODA interface.

Use the following settings for waveform.

Generate a 10 ns clock pulse every 1 microseconds for 4 seconds and then stop the generation.

Note that pulses are generated every $count\times10$ ns. Here count is defined as period.

You should see output like this:

In [3]:
# Generate a 10 ns pulse every period*10 ns

# Sleep for 4 seconds and stop the timer

3. Generate a certain number of pulses

Note first parameter is the period interval. Denoting the desired period as $T$ (in ns), we need to set the first parameter period to:

$period = \frac{T}{10} $

The second parameter is the number of pulses to be generated.

Run the following cell and you should see output in the scope like this:

In [4]:
# Generate 3 pulses at every 1 us
pt.generate_pulse(period, count)

Now generate the pulses at every 1 $\mu$s interval.

In [5]:
# Generate pulses per 1 us forever
pt.generate_pulse(period, count)

Stop the generation.

In [6]:

4. Determine if an event has occurred at the input

An event is either a rising edge or a high logic level. The parameter is duration, $period\times10$ ns, in which the event is to be detected. It returns 0 if no event occurred, otherwise it returns 1.

Use a waveform generator in this example. Connect W1 channel of the Analog Discovery to Pin 1 of PMODA.

Do not run the waveform generation in the next cell.

In [7]:
# Detect any event within 10 us


Now run the waveform generation and then run the next cell. Set the waveform generator settings as shown below:

In [8]:
# Detect any event within 20 ms


5. Count number of events occurred during a desired period

An event is either a rising edge or a high logic level. The parameter is duration, $period\times10$ ns, in which the number of event are counted. In this example we are interested in number of events occurring in 10 $\mu$s.

Use a waveform generator in this example. Use the following settings of the waveform generator and run the generator. Then run the next example.

In [9]:
# Count number of events within 10 us


6. Measure period between two rising edges

An event is either a rising edge or a high logic level. It expects at least two rising edges. The return result is in units of nanoseconds.

Use a waveform generator in this example. Use the following settings of the waveform generator and run the generation. Then run the next example.

In [10]:
period = pt.get_period_ns()
print("The measured waveform frequency: {} Hz".format(1e9/period))

The measured waveform frequency: 200000.0 Hz