What we see here is another vZome construction by David Koski, showing an E3 module dissected into four sub-modules, according to how the great circles of the 120 LCD Triangles cross the RT as chords. Compare with Figure 986.561 in Synergetics.
What are their volumes?
Lets start with E itself.
In [1]:
import gmpy2
from gmpy2 import sqrt as rt2
from gmpy2 import mpfr
root2 = rt2(mpfr(2))
root3 = rt2(mpfr(3))
root5 = rt2(mpfr(5))
ø = (root5 + 1)/2
ø_down = ø ** -1
ø_up = ø
E_vol = (15 * root2 * ø_down ** 3)/120 # a little more than 1/24, volume of T module
Now lets import the tetravolume.py module, which in turn has dependencies, to get these volumes directly, based on edge lengths. I'll use the edges given in Fig. 986.411 of Synergetics, spoking out from the point C at the center of any RT diamond, and/or values computed by David Koski.
First, lets get a color coded version of the E module...
The black hub is at the center of the RT, as shown here...
The edges of the Fum module, tetrahedron Black-Orange-Yellow-Blue will be... (note R=1, D=2):
In [2]:
# Edges needed for Fum and Emod
e0 = Black_Yellow = root3 * ø_down
e1 = Black_Blue = mpfr(1) # raddfius of RT = 1 (same as unit-radius sphere)
e2 = Black_Orange = 1/(rt2(ø**2+1)/2)
e3 = Yellow_Blue = (3 - root5)/2
e4 = Blue_Orange = (ø**-1)*(1/rt2(ø**2+1))
e5 = Orange_Yellow = rt2(Yellow_Blue**2 - Blue_Orange**2)
e6 = Black_Red = rt2((5 - root5)/2)
e7 = Blue_Red = 1/ø
e8 = Red_Yellow = rt2(5 - 2 * root5)
#print(e3 ** 2 + e7 ** 2)
#print(e8 ** 2)
#assert e3 ** 2 + e7 ** 2 == e8 ** 2 # check
#assert e4 ** 2 + e5 ** 2 == e3 ** 2 # check
# not needed for this computation
e9 = Black_Green = 20/(5 * root2 * ø**2) # Sfactor
e10 = Purple_Green = ø ** -4
for e in range(11):
val = "e" + str(e)
length = eval(val)
print("Edge {:3} = {:40.37}".format(val, length))
In [3]:
import tetravolume as tv # has to be in your path, stored on Github with this JN
# D = 1 in this module, so final volume need to be divided by 8 to match R=1 (D=2)
# see Fig. 986.411A in Synergetics
Fum_vol = tv.Tetrahedron(e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5).ivm_volume()/8
E_vol = tv.Tetrahedron(e1,e0,e6,e3,e8,e7).ivm_volume()/8
print("Fum volume (in tetravolumes): {:40.38}".format( Fum_vol ))
print("E volume (in tetravolumes) : {:40.38}".format( E_vol ))
In [4]:
Fe = (ø**-7) * (rt2(2)/8)
Fi = (ø**-6) * (rt2(2)/8)
Fo = ((5-rt2(5))/5) * (ø**-4) * (rt2(2)/8)
Fum = (rt2(5)/5) * (ø**-4)*(rt2(2)/8)
Fe_Fi = (ø**-5) * (rt2(2)/8)
Fo_Fum = (ø**-4) * (rt2(2)/8)
print("Fe: {:40.38}".format(Fe))
print("Fi: {:40.38}".format(Fi))
print("Fo: {:40.38}".format(Fo))
print("Fum: {:40.38}".format(Fum))
print("E_vol: {:40.38}".format((Fe_Fi) + (Fo_Fum)))
print("E_vol: {:40.38}".format((ø**-3)*(rt2(2)/8)))
Lets start with a Pentagonal Dodecahedron and build it from Es + e3s.
In [5]:
PD = 3 * root2 * (ø ** 2 + 1)
In [6]:
E = e = E_vol # shorthand (E3 = E * ø_up ** 3, e3 = E * ø_down ** 3, E = e)
e3 = e * ø_down ** 3
PD = 348 * E + 84 * e3
RT3, on the other hand, has a volume we may express as:
In [7]:
RT3 = 480 * E + 120 * e3 # e3 is e * ø_down ** 3 (e = E)
Recall RT3 is the Rhombic Triacontahedron we get by intersecting the two Platonic duals: Icosahedron (Icosa) and Pentagonal Dodecahedron (PD), with the former having edges = 2R and volume ~18.51 (5 * rt2(2) * ø ** 2).
It turns out that if we shave a Fum3 off an E3, and multiply by 120, we get the PD's volume.
Put another way: RT3 - PD leaves a volume of 120 Fum3 volumes. In other words 120 * (E3 - Fum3) = PD.
In [8]:
E3 = E_vol * ø_up ** 3
Fum3 = Fum_vol * ø_up ** 3
print(RT3 - PD)
print(120 * Fum3)
As you can see, the relationship holds, though floating point numbers add some noise.
In addition to edge lengths, we have a succinct way to express the angles of this LCD triangle in terms of ø, thanks to David Koski.
In [9]:
from math import atan, sqrt as rt2, degrees
Ø = (1 + rt2(5))/2 # back to floating point
print(degrees(atan(Ø**-2)/2)) # 10.812316º
print(degrees(atan(Ø**-3))) # 13.282525º
print(degrees(atan(Ø**-2))) # 20.905157º
print(degrees(atan(Ø**-1))) # 31.717474º
print(degrees(atan(2*Ø**-2))) # 37.377368º
print(atan(Ø ** -1) + atan(Ø ** -3))
print(atan(1)) # arctan 1 = 45º
print(2 * atan(Ø**-1))
print(atan(2)) # 63.434948º
print(degrees(atan(2))) # 63.434948º
print( atan(Ø**-1) + 3 * atan(Ø**-3) )
print(atan(3)) # 71.565051º
print(degrees(atan(3))) # 71.565051º