Load necessary libs and set up caffe and caffe_root
In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 10)
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
# Make sure that caffe is on the python path:
import os
caffe_root = './'
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe
coco_net = caffe.Net(caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/coco/SSD_512x512/deploy.prototxt',
caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/coco/SSD_512x512/VGG_coco_SSD_512x512_iter_240000.caffemodel',
voc_net = caffe.Net(caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512/deploy.prototxt',
caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512/VGG_VOC0712_SSD_512x512_iter_60000.caffemodel',
Set Caffe to CPU mode, load the net in the test phase for inference, and configure input preprocessing.
In [2]:
from google.protobuf import text_format
from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
# load MS COCO model specs
file = open(caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/coco/SSD_512x512/deploy.prototxt', 'r')
coco_netspec = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
text_format.Merge(str(file.read()), coco_netspec)
# load MS COCO labels
coco_labelmap_file = caffe_root + 'data/coco/labelmap_coco.prototxt'
file = open(coco_labelmap_file, 'r')
coco_labelmap = caffe_pb2.LabelMap()
text_format.Merge(str(file.read()), coco_labelmap)
# load PASCAL VOC model specs
file = open(caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512/deploy.prototxt', 'r')
voc_netspec = caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
text_format.Merge(str(file.read()), voc_netspec)
# load PASCAL VOC labels
voc_labelmap_file = caffe_root + 'data/VOC0712/labelmap_voc.prototxt'
file = open(voc_labelmap_file, 'r')
voc_labelmap = caffe_pb2.LabelMap()
text_format.Merge(str(file.read()), voc_labelmap)
def get_labelname(labelmap, labels):
num_labels = len(labelmap.item)
labelnames = []
if type(labels) is not list:
labels = [labels]
for label in labels:
found = False
for i in xrange(0, num_labels):
if label == labelmap.item[i].label:
found = True
assert found == True
return labelnames
In [3]:
# input preprocessing: 'data' is the name of the input blob == net.inputs[0]
transformer = caffe.io.Transformer({'data': coco_net.blobs['data'].data.shape})
transformer.set_transpose('data', (2, 0, 1))
transformer.set_mean('data', np.array([104,117,123])) # mean pixel
transformer.set_raw_scale('data', 255) # the reference model operates on images in [0,255] range instead of [0,1]
transformer.set_channel_swap('data', (2,1,0)) # the reference model has channels in BGR order instead of RGB
Load an image.
In [4]:
image = caffe.io.load_image(caffe_root + 'examples/images/fish-bike.jpg')
transformed_image = transformer.preprocess('data', image)
# set net to batch size of 1
# resizes the image to the right size, applies transformation etc.
coco_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformed_image
voc_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformed_image
orig_image = transformer.deprocess('data', coco_net.blobs['data'].data)
Top5 detections using coco model.
In [5]:
detections = coco_net.forward()['detection_out']
# parse the output
det_label = detections[0,0,:,1]
det_conf = detections[0,0,:,2]
#print det_conf
det_xmin = detections[0,0,:,3]
det_ymin = detections[0,0,:,4]
det_xmax = detections[0,0,:,5]
det_ymax = detections[0,0,:,6]
# get topN detections
top_k = 5
topk_indexes = det_conf.argsort()[::-1][:top_k]
top_conf = det_conf[topk_indexes]
top_label_indexes = det_label[topk_indexes]
top_labels = get_labelname(coco_labelmap, top_label_indexes.tolist())
top_xmin = det_xmin[topk_indexes]
top_ymin = det_ymin[topk_indexes]
top_xmax = det_xmax[topk_indexes]
top_ymax = det_ymax[topk_indexes]
plot_colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
currentAxis = plt.gca()
for i in xrange(top_conf.shape[0]):
xmin = int(round(top_xmin[i] * 512.0))
ymin = int(round(top_ymin[i] * 512.0))
xmax = int(round(top_xmax[i] * 512.0))
ymax = int(round(top_ymax[i] * 512.0))
score = top_conf[i]
label = top_labels[i]
name = '%s: %.2f'%(label, score)
coords = (xmin, ymin), xmax-xmin+1, ymax-ymin+1
currentAxis.add_patch(plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=plot_colors[i % len(plot_colors)] , linewidth=2))
currentAxis.text(xmin, ymin, name, bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':0.5})
Top5 detections using voc model.
In [6]:
detections = voc_net.forward()['detection_out']
# parse the output
det_label = detections[0,0,:,1]
det_conf = detections[0,0,:,2]
#print det_conf
det_xmin = detections[0,0,:,3]
det_ymin = detections[0,0,:,4]
det_xmax = detections[0,0,:,5]
det_ymax = detections[0,0,:,6]
# get topN detections
top_k = 5
topk_indexes = det_conf.argsort()[::-1][:top_k]
top_conf = det_conf[topk_indexes]
top_label_indexes = det_label[topk_indexes]
top_labels = get_labelname(voc_labelmap, top_label_indexes.tolist())
top_xmin = det_xmin[topk_indexes]
top_ymin = det_ymin[topk_indexes]
top_xmax = det_xmax[topk_indexes]
top_ymax = det_ymax[topk_indexes]
plot_colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
currentAxis = plt.gca()
for i in xrange(top_conf.shape[0]):
xmin = int(round(top_xmin[i] * 512.0))
ymin = int(round(top_ymin[i] * 512.0))
xmax = int(round(top_xmax[i] * 512.0))
ymax = int(round(top_ymax[i] * 512.0))
score = top_conf[i]
label = top_labels[i]
name = '%s: %.2f'%(label, score)
coords = (xmin, ymin), xmax-xmin+1, ymax-ymin+1
currentAxis.add_patch(plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=plot_colors[i % len(plot_colors)] , linewidth=2))
currentAxis.text(xmin, ymin, name, bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':0.5})
In [7]:
for layer_name, param in coco_net.params.iteritems():
if len(param) == 2:
print(layer_name + '\t' + str(param[0].data.shape) + str(param[1].data.shape))
print(layer_name + '\t' + str(param[0].data.shape))
Subsampling parameters from coco
In [8]:
map_file = caffe_root + 'data/VOC0712/coco_voc_map.txt'
if not os.path.exists(map_file):
print('{} does not exist'.format(map_file))
maps = np.loadtxt(map_file, str, delimiter=',')
for m in maps:
[coco_label, voc_label, name] = m
coco_name = get_labelname(coco_labelmap, int(coco_label))[0]
voc_name = get_labelname(voc_labelmap, int(voc_label))[0]
assert voc_name == name
print('{}, {}'.format(coco_name, voc_name))
def sample_param(src_param, src_num_classes, dst_num_classes, num_bboxes, maps):
src_shape = src_param.shape
assert src_shape[0] == src_num_classes * num_bboxes
if len(src_shape) == 4:
dst_shape = (dst_num_classes * num_bboxes, src_shape[1], src_shape[2], src_shape[3])
dst_shape = dst_num_classes * num_bboxes
dst_param = np.zeros(dst_shape)
for i in xrange(0, num_bboxes):
for m in maps:
[src_label, dst_label, name] = m
src_idx = i * src_num_classes + int(src_label)
dst_idx = i * dst_num_classes + int(dst_label)
dst_param[dst_idx,] = src_param[src_idx,]
return dst_param
mbox_source_layers = ['conv4_3_norm', 'fc7', 'conv6_2', 'conv7_2', 'conv8_2', 'conv9_2', 'conv10_2']
num_bboxes = [4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4]
assert len(mbox_source_layers) == len(num_bboxes)
num_voc_classes = 21
num_coco_classes = 81
for i in xrange(0, len(mbox_source_layers)):
mbox_source_layer = mbox_source_layers[i]
mbox_priorbox_layer = '{}_mbox_priorbox'.format(mbox_source_layer)
mbox_loc_layer = '{}_mbox_loc'.format(mbox_source_layer)
mbox_conf_layer = '{}_mbox_conf'.format(mbox_source_layer)
num_bbox = num_bboxes[i]
for j in xrange(0, len(coco_netspec.layer)):
layer = coco_netspec.layer[j]
if mbox_priorbox_layer == layer.name:
if mbox_loc_layer == layer.name:
voc_netspec.layer[j].convolution_param.num_output = num_bbox * 4
if mbox_conf_layer == layer.name:
voc_netspec.layer[j].convolution_param.num_output = num_bbox * num_voc_classes
new_voc_model_dir = caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512_coco'
if not os.path.exists(new_voc_model_dir):
# del voc_netspec.layer[-1]
new_voc_model_def_file = '{}/deploy.prototxt'.format(new_voc_model_dir)
with open(new_voc_model_def_file, 'w') as f:
print(voc_netspec, file=f)
voc_net_new = caffe.Net(new_voc_model_def_file, caffe.TEST)
new_voc_model_file = '{}/VGG_coco_SSD_512x512.caffemodel'.format(new_voc_model_dir)
for layer_name, param in coco_net.params.iteritems():
if 'mbox' not in layer_name:
for i in xrange(0, len(param)):
voc_net_new.params[layer_name][i].data.flat = coco_net.params[layer_name][i].data.flat
for i in xrange(0, len(mbox_source_layers)):
layer = mbox_source_layers[i]
num_bbox = num_bboxes[i]
conf_layer = '{}_mbox_conf'.format(layer)
voc_net_new.params[conf_layer][0].data.flat = sample_param(coco_net.params[conf_layer][0].data,
len(coco_labelmap.item), len(voc_labelmap.item), num_bbox, maps)
voc_net_new.params[conf_layer][1].data.flat = sample_param(coco_net.params[conf_layer][1].data,
len(coco_labelmap.item), len(voc_labelmap.item), num_bbox, maps)
loc_layer = '{}_mbox_loc'.format(layer)
voc_net_new.params[loc_layer][0].data.flat = coco_net.params[loc_layer][0].data.flat
voc_net_new.params[loc_layer][1].data.flat = coco_net.params[loc_layer][1].data.flat
In [9]:
voc_net = caffe.Net(caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512_coco/deploy.prototxt',
caffe_root + 'models/VGGNet/VOC0712/SSD_512x512_coco/VGG_coco_SSD_512x512.caffemodel',
# resizes the image to the right size, applies transformation etc.
voc_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformed_image
detections = voc_net.forward()['detection_out']
# parse the output
det_label = detections[0,0,:,1]
det_conf = detections[0,0,:,2]
#print det_conf
det_xmin = detections[0,0,:,3]
det_ymin = detections[0,0,:,4]
det_xmax = detections[0,0,:,5]
det_ymax = detections[0,0,:,6]
# get topN detections
top_k = 5
topk_indexes = det_conf.argsort()[::-1][:top_k]
top_conf = det_conf[topk_indexes]
top_label_indexes = det_label[topk_indexes]
top_labels = get_labelname(voc_labelmap, top_label_indexes.tolist())
top_xmin = det_xmin[topk_indexes]
top_ymin = det_ymin[topk_indexes]
top_xmax = det_xmax[topk_indexes]
top_ymax = det_ymax[topk_indexes]
plot_colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
currentAxis = plt.gca()
for i in xrange(top_conf.shape[0]):
xmin = int(round(top_xmin[i] * 512.0))
ymin = int(round(top_ymin[i] * 512.0))
xmax = int(round(top_xmax[i] * 512.0))
ymax = int(round(top_ymax[i] * 512.0))
score = top_conf[i]
label = top_labels[i]
name = '%s: %.2f'%(label, score)
coords = (xmin, ymin), xmax-xmin+1, ymax-ymin+1
currentAxis.add_patch(plt.Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor=plot_colors[i % len(plot_colors)] , linewidth=2))
currentAxis.text(xmin, ymin, name, bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':0.5})