Solutions for
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%matplotlib inline
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from quantecon import DiscreteRV, CareerWorkerProblem, compute_fixed_point
Simulate job / career paths.
In reading the code, recall that optimal_policy[i, j]
= policy at
$(\theta_i, \epsilon_j)$ = either 1, 2 or 3; meaning 'stay put', 'new job' and
'new life'.
In [7]:
wp = CareerWorkerProblem()
v_init = np.ones((wp.N, wp.N))*100
v = compute_fixed_point(wp.bellman, v_init, verbose=False)
optimal_policy = wp.get_greedy(v)
F = DiscreteRV(wp.F_probs)
G = DiscreteRV(wp.G_probs)
def gen_path(T=20):
i = j = 0
theta_index = []
epsilon_index = []
for t in range(T):
if optimal_policy[i, j] == 1: # Stay put
elif optimal_policy[i, j] == 2: # New job
j = int(G.draw())
else: # New life
i, j = int(F.draw()), int(G.draw())
return wp.theta[theta_index], wp.epsilon[epsilon_index]
theta_path, epsilon_path = gen_path()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
for ax in axes:
ax.plot(epsilon_path, label='epsilon')
ax.plot(theta_path, label='theta')
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
The median for the original parameterization can be computed as follows
In [8]:
wp = CareerWorkerProblem()
v_init = np.ones((wp.N, wp.N))*100
v = compute_fixed_point(wp.bellman, v_init)
optimal_policy = wp.get_greedy(v)
F = DiscreteRV(wp.F_probs)
G = DiscreteRV(wp.G_probs)
def gen_first_passage_time():
t = 0
i = j = 0
theta_index = []
epsilon_index = []
while 1:
if optimal_policy[i, j] == 1: # Stay put
return t
elif optimal_policy[i, j] == 2: # New job
j = int(G.draw())
else: # New life
i, j = int(F.draw()), int(G.draw())
t += 1
M = 25000 # Number of samples
samples = np.empty(M)
for i in range(M):
samples[i] = gen_first_passage_time()
print np.median(samples)
To compute the median with $\beta=0.99$ instead of the default value $\beta=0.95$,
replace wp = WorkerProblem()
with wp = WorkerProblem(beta=0.99)
The medians are subject to randomness, but should be about 7 and 11 respectively. Not surprisingly, more patient workers will wait longer to settle down to their final job
Here’s the code to reproduce the original figure
In [9]:
from matplotlib import cm
wp = CareerWorkerProblem()
v_init = np.ones((wp.N, wp.N))*100
v = compute_fixed_point(wp.bellman, v_init)
optimal_policy = wp.get_greedy(v)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
tg, eg = np.meshgrid(wp.theta, wp.epsilon)
lvls=(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5)
ax.contourf(tg, eg, optimal_policy.T, levels=lvls, cmap=cm.winter, alpha=0.5)
ax.contour(tg, eg, optimal_policy.T, colors='k', levels=lvls, linewidths=2)
ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14)
ax.text(1.8, 2.5, 'new life', fontsize=14)
ax.text(4.5, 2.5, 'new job', fontsize=14, rotation='vertical')
ax.text(4.0, 4.5, 'stay put', fontsize=14)
Now we want to set G_a = G_b = 100
and generate a new figure with these parameters.
To do this replace:
wp = CareerWorkerProblem()
wp = CareerWorkerProblem(G_a=100, G_b=100)
In the new figure, you will see that the region for which the worker will stay put has grown because the distribution for $\epsilon$ has become more concentrated around the mean, making high-paying jobs less realistic
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