Load data

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

In [1]:
column_names = ['txn_key', 'from_user', 'to_user', 'date', 'amount']
df = pd.read_csv('../data/bitcoin_uic_data_and_code_20130410/user_edges.txt', names=column_names)


txn_key from_user to_user date amount
0 1 2 2 20130410142250 24.375000
1 1 2 782477 20130410142250 0.770900
2 2 620423 4571210 20111227114312 614.174951
3 2 620423 3 20111227114312 128.040520
4 3 3 782479 20130410142250 47.140520

Select transactions in or before 2010

In [2]:
df[ df.date < 20110000000000 ].to_csv('../data/subset/user_edges_2010.csv', index=False)

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('../data/subset/user_edges_2010.csv')

In [16]:
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.date, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

In [5]:
df.to_csv('../data/subset/user_edges_2010.csv', index=False)

Transaction Features to use

  • Number of transaction under this key
  • Transaction amount, total amount under this key
  • From equals to?
  • Number of unique from/to under this key
  • Transaction date
    • Year
    • Month
    • Day
    • Day of week
    • Day of year
    • Hour
    • Minute
    • Second
  • From/to in/out (unique) degree
  • From/to clustering coefficient
  • From/to in/out transaction frequency
    • All
    • Within ±12 hours
  • From/to transaction volume
    • All
    • Within ±12 hours
  • From/to first transaction date
  • From/to average in/out transaction amount
  • From/to average time between in/out transactions

Build graphs from transaction data - Undirected, directed and multi-directed

In [17]:
import networkx as nx

# for features only defined in undirected graph
G = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df, 
                             source='from_user', target='to_user', 
                             edge_attr=['txn_key', 'amount', 'date'], 

# unique links between users
G_di = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df, 
                             source='from_user', target='to_user', 
                             edge_attr=['txn_key', 'amount', 'date'], 

# the full graph
G_mdi = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df, 
                             source='from_user', target='to_user', 
                             edge_attr=['txn_key', 'amount', 'date'], 

In [18]:
# transaction feature maps
count_by_key = df.groupby('txn_key').size()
amount_by_key = df.groupby('txn_key').amount.sum()
ufrom_by_key = df.groupby('txn_key').from_user.agg(pd.Series.nunique)
uto_by_key = df.groupby('txn_key').to_user.agg(pd.Series.nunique)

# user feature maps
in_txn_count = df.groupby('to_user').size()
in_key_count = df.groupby('to_user').txn_key.agg(pd.Series.nunique)

out_txn_count = df.groupby('from_user').size()
out_key_count = df.groupby('from_user').txn_key.agg(pd.Series.nunique)

total_in_txn_amt = df.groupby('to_user').amount.sum()
total_out_txn_amt = df.groupby('from_user').amount.sum()

avg_in_txn_amt = df.groupby('to_user').amount.mean()
avg_out_txn_amt = df.groupby('from_user').amount.mean()

from_fst_txn_date = df.groupby('from_user').date.min()

In [19]:
df_feat = df.assign(
    # transaction features
    count_by_key = df.txn_key.map(count_by_key), 
    amount_by_key = df.txn_key.map(amount_by_key), 
    from_eq_to = df.from_user == df.to_user, 
    ufrom_by_key = df.txn_key.map(ufrom_by_key), 
    uto_by_key = df.txn_key.map(uto_by_key), 
    # transaction date features
    date_year = df.date.dt.year, 
    date_month = df.date.dt.month, 
    date_day = df.date.dt.day, 
    date_dayofweek = df.date.dt.dayofweek, 
    date_dayofyear = df.date.dt.dayofyear, 
    date_hour = df.date.dt.hour, 
    date_minute = df.date.dt.minute, 
    date_second = df.date.dt.second, 
    # user features
    from_in_txn_count = df.from_user.map(in_txn_count), 
    from_in_key_count = df.from_user.map(in_key_count), 
    from_out_txn_count = df.from_user.map(out_txn_count), 
    from_out_key_count = df.from_user.map(out_key_count), 
    to_in_txn_count = df.to_user.map(in_txn_count), 
    to_in_key_count = df.to_user.map(in_key_count), 
    to_out_txn_count = df.to_user.map(out_txn_count), 
    to_out_key_count = df.to_user.map(out_key_count), 
    from_total_in_txn_amt = df.from_user.map(total_in_txn_amt), 
    from_total_out_txn_amt = df.from_user.map(total_out_txn_amt), 
    to_total_in_txn_amt = df.to_user.map(total_in_txn_amt), 
    to_total_out_txn_amt = df.to_user.map(total_out_txn_amt), 
    from_avg_in_txn_amt = df.from_user.map(avg_in_txn_amt), 
    from_avg_out_txn_amt = df.from_user.map(avg_out_txn_amt), 
    to_avg_in_txn_amt = df.to_user.map(avg_in_txn_amt), 
    to_avg_out_txn_amt = df.to_user.map(avg_out_txn_amt), 
    from_in_deg = df.from_user.map(G_mdi.in_degree()), 
    from_out_deg = df.from_user.map(G_mdi.out_degree()), 
    from_in_udeg = df.from_user.map(G_di.in_degree()), 
    from_out_udeg = df.from_user.map(G_di.out_degree()), 
    to_in_deg = df.to_user.map(G_mdi.in_degree()), 
    to_out_deg = df.to_user.map(G_mdi.out_degree()), 
    to_in_udeg = df.to_user.map(G_di.in_degree()), 
    to_out_udeg = df.to_user.map(G_di.out_degree()), 
    from_cc = df.from_user.map(nx.clustering(G)), 
    to_cc = df.to_user.map(nx.clustering(G))

df_feat.fillna(0, inplace=True)

Isolation Forest for anomaly detection

In [20]:
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest

not_train_cols = ['txn_key', 'from_user', 'to_user', 'date']
X_train = df_feat[ [col for col in df_feat.columns if col not in not_train_cols] ].values

clf = IsolationForest(n_estimators=100, 
                      n_jobs=-1, random_state=42)

IsolationForest(bootstrap=False, contamination=0.01, max_features=1.0,
        max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42,

In [122]:


In [ ]:
pred = clf.predict(X_train)
anomalies = (pred != 1)

Anomaly Scores

In [98]:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.distplot(scores, kde=False)
line = plt.vlines(clf.threshold_, 0, 30000, colors='r', linestyles='dotted')
line.set_label('Threshold = -0.0948')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='medium')
plt.title('Anomaly Scores returned by Isolation Forest', fontsize=16);

Visualizing the Transactions

In [126]:
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, #perplexity=50, 
            #n_iter=200, n_iter_without_progress=10, 
X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X_train[150000:155000])

In [127]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

outlier = anomalies[150000:155000]

plt.scatter(X_tsne[~outlier][:,0], X_tsne[~outlier][:,1], marker='.', c='b', alpha=.2)
plt.scatter(X_tsne[outlier][:,0], X_tsne[outlier][:,1], marker='o', c='r', alpha=1)
plt.legend(['Normal Transactions', 'Abnormal Transactions'])
plt.title('t-SNE Visualization of Normal Transactions vs Abnormal Transactions', fontsize=16);

D3 Network Visualization

In [192]:
json_date_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
# df['date'] = df.date.dt.strftime(json_date_format)

for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(G_di):
    if len(scc) > 5:
        intersect = np.intersect1d(list(scc), anomalies_id)
        if intersect.size > 0:
            G_sub = G_di.subgraph(scc)
#G_sub_json = json_graph.node_link_data(G_sub)

#with open('../d3/json/network.json', 'w') as json_file:
#    json.dump(G_sub_json, json_file)

anomalies 42234 604 680

In [187]:
anomalies = (pred != 1)
np.concatenate((df[anomalies].from_user, df[anomalies].to_user))

array([712530, 712530, 224319, ..., 782346, 782346, 782346])

In [245]:
anomalies_pairs = zip(df[anomalies].from_user, df[anomalies].to_user)

for i, j in anomalies_pairs:
    neigh = G_di.neighbors(i)
    neigh += G_di.neighbors(j)
    nodes = neigh + [i, j]
    if len(nodes) > 10 and len(nodes) < 20:
        G_sub = nx.subgraph(G_di, nodes)

In [246]:
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import json

anomalies_pairs = zip(df[anomalies].from_user, df[anomalies].to_user)

for e in G_sub.edges_iter():
    if e[:2] in anomalies_pairs:
        G_sub.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['type'] = 'licensing'
        G_sub.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['type'] = 'suit'

G_sub_json = json_graph.node_link_data(G_sub)

with open('../d3/json/network.json', 'w') as json_file:
    json.dump(G_sub_json, json_file)

In [220]:
G_di = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df, 
                             source='from_user', target='to_user', 
                             edge_attr=['txn_key', 'amount', 'date'], 

In [1]:
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame('./d3/html/network.html', width=1000, height=500)


In [ ]: