• Demonstrate DMA scatter/gather functionality by concatenating multiple source arrays to a single output array.
  • Each source array gets a corresponding Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) containing:
    • Destination address in output array to write to.
    • DLASTSGA field set to the address of the next TCD in memory (except for last TCD, which points back to first TCD).


Define size and number of chunks

In [1]:
import numpy as np

# Configurable test settings
chunk_size = 4
chunk_count = 3

N = chunk_size * chunk_count
src_data = np.arange(1, N + 1, dtype='uint8')

Simulate concatenate behaviour on host (i.e., using numpy)

In [2]:
src_chunks = [src_data[i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size]
              for i in xrange(chunk_count)]
dst_data = np.concatenate(src_chunks)
for i, chunk in enumerate(src_chunks):
    print 'SOURCE%d:' % i, chunk
# Show concatenated result
print 'TARGET:', dst_data

SOURCE0: [1 2 3 4]
SOURCE1: [5 6 7 8]
SOURCE2: [ 9 10 11 12]
TARGET: [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12]


Connect to device

In [3]:
from teensy_minimal_rpc import SerialProxy
import teensy_minimal_rpc.DMA as dma

# Disconnect from existing proxy (if available)
    del proxy
except NameError:

proxy = SerialProxy()

Allocate arrays

  • Source array (input chunks)
  • Destination array (space for concatenated result)
  • Array of Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) structures (one TCD per chunk)

In [4]:

# Allocate source array
src_addr = proxy.mem_alloc(N)
# Allocate destination array
dst_addr = proxy.mem_alloc(N)
src_addrs = [src_addr + i * chunk_size for i in xrange(chunk_count)]
tcds_addr = proxy.mem_aligned_alloc(32, chunk_count * 32)
hw_tcds_addr = 0x40009000
tcd_addrs = [tcds_addr + 32 * i for i in xrange(chunk_count)]
hw_tcd_addrs = [hw_tcds_addr + 32 * i for i in xrange(chunk_count)]

# Fill first 16 bytes of source array with the numbers 1-N
proxy.mem_cpy_host_to_device(src_addr, src_data)

for i in xrange(chunk_count):
    print 'SOURCE%d:  ' % i, proxy.mem_cpy_device_to_host(src_addrs[i], chunk_size)

SOURCE0:   [1 2 3 4]
SOURCE1:   [5 6 7 8]
SOURCE2:   [ 9 10 11 12]

Create Transfer Control Descriptor (TCD) configurations

In [5]:
# Create Transfer Control Descriptor configuration for first chunk, encoded
# as a Protocol Buffer message.
                   CSR=dma.R_TCD_CSR(START=0, DONE=False, ESG=True))

# Convert Protocol Buffer encoded TCD to bytes structure.
tcd0 = proxy.tcd_msg_to_struct(tcd0_msg)

# Create binary TCD struct for each TCD protobuf message and copy to device
# memory.
for i, src_addr_i in enumerate(src_addrs):
    tcd_i = tcd0.copy()
    tcd_i['SADDR'] = src_addr_i
    tcd_i['DADDR'] = dst_addr + i * chunk_size
    tcd_i['DLASTSGA'] = tcd_addrs[(i + 1) % len(tcd_addrs)]
    tcd_i['CSR'] |= (1 << 4)  # | 0x1  # Automatically start transfers 2-n
    # __N.B.,__ Setting `START` bit causes destination bus error.
#     if i > 0:
#         tcd_i['CSR'] |= 0x1  # Automatically start transfers 2-n
    proxy.mem_cpy_host_to_device(tcd_addrs[i], tcd_i.tostring())

Load first TCD in scatter chain and enable scatter/gather

In [6]:
# Fill the destination array with all zeros (to show transfer progress below).
proxy.mem_fill_uint32(dst_addr, 0, N / 4)

for i in xrange(chunk_count):
    print 'SOURCE%d:  ' % i, proxy.mem_cpy_device_to_host(src_addrs[i], chunk_size)

# Load initial TCD to DMA channel 0.
# (not necessary for now, see *TODO* in previous cell)
# proxy.mem_cpy_host_to_device(hw_tcd_addrs[0], tcd0.tostring())

print 'DEST:'
# Trigger once per chunk
for i in xrange(chunk_count):
    device_dst_data = proxy.mem_cpy_device_to_host(dst_addr, N)
    print '   Trigger %d:' % i, device_dst_data
# Verify device result matches expected result computed on host.
assert((device_dst_data == dst_data).all())

SOURCE0:   [1 2 3 4]
SOURCE1:   [5 6 7 8]
SOURCE2:   [ 9 10 11 12]
   Trigger 0: [1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
   Trigger 1: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0]
   Trigger 2: [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12]

In [ ]: