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import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
NPoly = 10000 # Number of polymer chains (Feel free to change the value, but keep it > or = 100)
DP_Targ = np.array([1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 100]) # Different targeted degree of polymerization (Feel free to add or to delete numbers, or to change the values)
NMon = NPoly*DP_Targ.max() # Number of monomers
polym = np.random.random_integers(1, NPoly, NMon) # Each monomer goes to one polymer chain randomly
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (18.0, 6.0*len(DP_Targ))
DP = np.zeros((len(DP_Targ), NPoly)) # Calculate the degree of polymerization of each chain
plt.subplots(len(DP_Targ), 2)
k = 0
index = np.arange(1, 100)
while k < len(DP_Targ):
for i in polym[0:NPoly*DP_Targ[k]]:
DP[k, i-1] = DP[k, i-1] + 1
plt.subplot(len(DP_Targ), 2, 2*k+1),DP[k, 0:99], 0.5, alpha=0.65,color='b') # Display 100 polymer chains to illustrate the deviation of chain lengths (left side).
plt.xlabel('Polymer Chains')
plt.title('Targeted DP = %r' %DP_Targ[k])
plt.subplot(len(DP_Targ), 2, 2*(k+1))
plt.hist(DP[k], 200, normed=1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.65) # Display the chain length distribution (right side)
plt.title('Targeted DP = %r' %DP_Targ[k])
k = k + 1
Given the number of monomers $N_{mon}$ and the number of polymers $N_{poly}$. The number average degree of polymerization $\langle DP\rangle = N_{mon}/N_{poly}$. The fraction of polymers with a given $DP$ ($x_{DP}$) can be calculated as following.
$$x_{DP}=\frac{N_{mon}!}{(N_{mon}-DP)!DP!}\left(\frac{1}{N_{poly}}\right)^{DP}\left(1-\frac{1}{N_{poly}}\right)^{N_{mon}-DP}$$Considering one monomer to be added to one perticular polymer chain, the propability is $1/N_{poly}$. The propability that this monomer will not be added to this perticular polymer chain is $1-1/N_{poly}$.
If a polymer chain contains $n$ monomer units after polymerization, $n$ monomers should have been added to this polymer chain with the propability $(1/N_{poly})^n$, and the rest $N_{mon}-n$ monomers should NOT have been added to this polymer chain the propability of which is $(1-1/N_{poly})^{N_{mon}-n}$. Finally, the possible ways to pick out $n$ monomers from $N_{mon}$ there are
See Polymer Physics by Rubinstein 2003 Page 25
The number fraction distribution function (the probability that a given chain has degree of polymerization N) is given by the Poisson distribution function:
$$n_N=\frac{(N_n-1)^{N-1}}{(N-1)!}\exp(1-N_n)$$The weight fraction distribution function is determined following equation:
$$w_N=\frac{N}{N_n}n_N=\frac{N(N_n-1)^{N-1}}{N_n(N-1)!}\exp(1-N_n)$$The dispersity for the Poisson distribution is :
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