Brin Rosenthal,
April 29, 2016
In [2]:
# import some useful packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import random
import community
import json
import os
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist,squareform
import nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize
import string
from nltk.collocations import *
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
# latex rendering of text in graphs
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rc('text', usetex = False)
mpl.rc('font', family = 'serif')
% matplotlib inline
In [3]:
# load the dataframe using pandas
cluster_focal_df = pd.read_csv('cluster_diff_test_nodes_5d.csv',sep='\t',
# drop this column because we don't need it
cluster_focal_df = cluster_focal_df.drop('focal_mean',1)
# add a column that is the mean of values in each row, and sort by it
cluster_focal_mean = cluster_focal_df.mean(1)
cluster_focal_df = cluster_focal_df.sort('total_mean',ascending=False)
In [6]:
# plot the heatmap
In [78]:
def build_row_colors(nodes_df,cmap =,find_col_colors = True):
Simple helper function for plotting to return row_colors and col_colors for sns.clustermap.
- disease names will be extracted from df indices and columns and used for plotting
- cmap defines the desired colormap (can be any matplotlib colormap)
# make the list of disease naes
nodes_index = list(nodes_df.index)
dname_list = []
for idx_temp in nodes_index:
idx_ = idx_temp.find('_')
dname_temp = idx_temp[:idx_]
dname_list = pd.Series(dname_list)
# make the row colors (one color per disease)
num_diseases = len(np.unique(dname_list))
dnames = list(np.unique(dname_list)) #list(dname_list.unique())
cmap_idx_dict = dict(zip(dnames,[int(round(i/float(num_diseases)*220.)+25) for i in range(num_diseases)]))
for dfocal in dname_list:
#color_list = [sns.color_palette('Set2',num_diseases)[cmap_idx]]*(num_dfocal)
color_temp = cmap(cmap_idx_dict[dfocal])
# now find the column colors
if find_col_colors:
dnames_split = [split_dname(d) for d in dnames]
# loop over columns to find which disease it is
colnames = list(nodes_df.columns)
dname_col_list = [0]*len(colnames)
for i in range(len(colnames)):
col = colnames[i]
for d in dnames_split:
# is disease d in column col?
idx_match = col.find(d[0:5])
if idx_match>-1:
if type(dname_col_list[i]) != str:
cmap_col_idx_dict = dict(zip(dnames_split,[int(round(i/float(num_diseases)*256.)) for i in range(num_diseases)]))
cmap_col_idx_dict['unknown'] = 255
for dfocal in dname_col_list:
#color_list = [sns.color_palette('Set2',num_diseases)[cmap_idx]]*(num_dfocal)
color_temp = cmap(cmap_col_idx_dict[dfocal])
return rcolors,ccolors,dname_col_list,dname_list
return rcolors,dname_col_list,dname_list
def split_dname(dtemp):
Helper function to split disease name into words separated by underscores
icount = 0 # don't look at the first letter
for i in range(1,len(dtemp)):
c = dtemp[i]
if c.isupper():
dkeep = dkeep[0:icount]+'_'+dkeep[icount:]
icount+=1 # add another to icount to account for new underscore
return dkeep
def get_reduced_labels(nodes_df,num_common_bigrams=25):
Reduce the cluster labels to common bigrams
cluster_labels = list(nodes_df.index)
# shuffle cluster_labels to get rid of local structure
# build up a list of the most common words
word_list = []
for c in cluster_labels:
# split cluster_label into parts separated by underscore
cluster_label = c.split('_')
GO_temp = cluster_label[2] # the third element is the GO term
tokens = word_tokenize(GO_temp)
word_list = pd.Series(word_list)
filtered_words = [word for word in word_list if word not in stopwords.words('english')]
# find common bigrams
bigram_measures = nltk.collocations.BigramAssocMeasures()
trigram_measures = nltk.collocations.TrigramAssocMeasures()
finder = nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder.from_words(filtered_words)
top_N = finder.nbest(bigram_measures.raw_freq,num_common_bigrams)
# loop over cluster_labels, and replace with common phrase if it occurs
cluster_labels = list(nodes_df.index)
reduced_labels = []
for c in cluster_labels:
# split cluster_label into parts separated by underscore
cluster_label = c.split('_')
if cluster_label[2]=='':
GO_temp = cluster_label[3] # the fourth element is the GO term if third is blank
GO_temp = cluster_label[2] # the third element is the GO term
tokens = word_tokenize(GO_temp)
is_match = False
i = -1
while (not is_match) and (i<len(top_N)-1):
num_overlap = len(set.intersection(set(top_N[i]),set(tokens)))
if num_overlap>=2: # for bigrams only
reduced_labels.append(top_N[i][0]+' ' + top_N[i][1])
if not is_match:
# if there isn't any match, just take the normal label
return reduced_labels
In [10]:
# parse first label set (called GO terms from now on)
reduced_labels = get_reduced_labels(cluster_focal_df,num_common_bigrams=0)
reduced_label_VC = pd.Series(reduced_labels).value_counts()
n_bigrams = len(np.unique(reduced_labels))-1 # include all labels
# make dictionaries going from label to index and back
label_to_idx = dict(zip(list(reduced_label_VC.index),range(len(reduced_label_VC))))
idx_to_label = dict(zip(range(len(reduced_label_VC)),list(reduced_label_VC.index)))
reduced_idx = [float(label_to_idx[label]) if label_to_idx[label]<n_bigrams else n_bigrams+1. for label in reduced_labels ]
labels = idx_to_label.values()
keys = idx_to_label.keys()
idx_to_label_reduced = dict(zip(keys[0:n_bigrams+1],labels[0:n_bigrams+1]))
idx_to_label_reduced[n_bigrams+1]='other' # set all unlabeled points to 'other'
label_to_idx_reduced = dict(zip(labels[0:n_bigrams+1],keys[0:n_bigrams+1]))
label_to_idx_reduced['other']=n_bigrams+1 # set all unlabeled points to 'other'
In [79]:
# parse second label set (called Disease names from now on)
# map diseases to colors
rcolors,tmp1,tmp2,dname_list = build_row_colors(cluster_focal_df,cmap =,find_col_colors = True)
dname_to_rcolors = dict(zip(dname_list.values,rcolors))
Methods (scikit-learn implementations used here):
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): M. Tipping and C. Bishop, Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 61, Part 3, pp. 611-622
Isomap: Tenenbaum, J.B.; De Silva, V.; & Langford, J.C. A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Science 290 (5500)
In [59]:
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from sklearn.manifold import Isomap
# select which dimensionality reduction technique you want here
dim_reduct_method = 'TSNE'
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2)
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
isomap = Isomap(n_neighbors=10,n_components=2,path_method='auto')
# drop total_mean column
focal_df = cluster_focal_df.drop('total_mean',1)
focal_df = focal_df.replace(to_replace=1.0,value=0.0)
# make an array out of the df for input into dim reduction methods
cluster_mat =np.array(focal_df)
if dim_reduct_method=='TSNE':
cluster_transf = tsne.fit_transform(cluster_mat)
elif dim_reduct_method=='PCA':
cluster_transf = pca.fit_transform(cluster_mat)
elif dim_reduct_method=='Isomap':
cluster_transf = isomap.fit_transform(cluster_mat)
Can we quantify our observations by developing a scoring method to evaluate how localized points are by GO term and by disease name?
In [81]:
for i in range(len(idx_to_label_reduced)):
reduced_labels = pd.Series(reduced_labels)
label_temp = idx_to_label_reduced[i]
idx_focal = list(reduced_labels[reduced_labels==label_temp].index)
if len(idx_focal)>0:
#plt.legend(loc='upper left',fontsize=10,ncol=1)
plt.title(dim_reduct_method+' transformed data \ncolor-coded by GO term',fontsize=18)
for d in dname_to_rcolors.keys():
idx_focal = list(dname_list[dname_list==d].index)
if len(idx_focal)>0:
col_temp =dname_to_rcolors[d]
plt.legend(fontsize=14,loc='lower left')
plt.title(dim_reduct_method+' transformed data \ncolor-coded by disease name',fontsize=18)
Our scoring method measures a weighted distance ($S$) between all pairs of points in the dataset, wehre the weights are determined by the labels. If two nearby points have the same label, they will be rewarded, if they have different labels, they will be penalized.
$ s_i = \sum_{j=1}^N \frac{1}{N}F(d_{ij}) \delta(c_{ij}) $
Distances ($d_{ij}$ are Euclidean distances meausured in 2-d reduced space.
In [20]:
def weighted_score(x,y,labels1,labels2,dtype='log_inv'):
This function calculates the weighted scores of points in x,y, defined by labels1 and labels2.
- Points are scored more highly if they are close to other points with the same label, and are penalized if
they are close to points with different labels.
d = squareform(pdist(np.transpose([x,y])))
#d = squareform(pdist(cluster_mat))
if dtype=='log_inv':
d_log_inv = np.log(1/d)
d_transf = d_log_inv
elif dtype=='inv':
d_inv = 1/d
d_transf = d_inv
elif dtype=='sub':
d_sub = 1 - d/np.max(d)
d_transf = d_sub
elif dtype=='rank':
d_rank = []
for i in range(len(d)):
d_transf = d_rank
elif dtype=='rank_inv':
d_inv_rank = []
for i in range(len(d)):
d_transf = d_inv_rank
labels1 = pd.Series(labels1)
label_delta_mat = np.zeros((len(labels1),len(labels1)))
for i in range(len(labels1)):
label_temp = labels1==labels1[i]
label_plus_minus = [(int(label)-.5)*2 for label in label_temp]
label_delta_mat[i,:] = label_plus_minus
score1 = np.mean(d_transf*label_delta_mat,axis=0)
labels2 = pd.Series(labels2)
label_delta_mat = np.zeros((len(labels2),len(labels2)))
for i in range(len(labels2)):
label_temp = labels2==labels2[i]
label_plus_minus = [(int(label)-.5)*2 for label in label_temp]
label_delta_mat[i,:] = label_plus_minus
score2 = np.mean(d_transf*label_delta_mat,axis=0)
return score1,score2
In [82]:
# calculate the score here
x = cluster_transf[:,0]
y = cluster_transf[:,1]
labels1 = [l if l in label_to_idx_reduced.keys() else 'other' for l in reduced_labels]
labels2 = dname_list
score1,score2 = weighted_score(x,y,labels1,labels2,dtype='log_inv')
# make a dataframe to store the score results
Score_df = pd.DataFrame({'score1':list(score1),'score2':list(score2),
# calculate the average score for each GOterm and disease name
sGO_GB_mean = []
sD_GB_mean = []
sGO_GB_mean = Score_df.groupby('GOlabels').mean()
sD_GB_mean = Score_df.groupby('Dnames').mean()
# measure how many disease names are associated with each GOterm
GO_GB_D = Score_df['Dnames'].groupby(Score_df['GOlabels']).value_counts()
# need to normalize by total number of clusters in each disease
clusters_per_disease = Score_df['Dnames'].value_counts()
clusters_per_GOterm = Score_df['GOlabels'].value_counts()
In [83]:
# plot the reduced data in specificity coordinates here
plt.scatter(score1,score2,c=[label_to_idx_reduced[l] for l in labels1],cmap='jet')
plt.xlabel('GO specificity',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Disease specificity',fontsize=16)
plt.title('color-coded by GO term',fontsize=16)
plt.scatter(score1,score2,c=[dname_to_rcolors[d] for d in dname_list],cmap='jet')
plt.xlabel('GO specificity',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Disease specificity',fontsize=16)
plt.title('color-coded by disease name',fontsize=16)
Left panel: GO term plotted in specificity coordinates. Points are color-coded by the disease which contains the most counts of that term. Points are larger if the GO term has more occurrences in the data.
Right panel: Disease names plotted in specificity coordinates.
In [92]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
axes = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
subpos = [0.7,0.7,0.25,0.25]
for GOname in list(sGO_GB_mean.index):
msize = np.log(clusters_per_GOterm[GOname])*3*15 # set the marker size
# get the text color
D_freq_norm = GO_GB_D[GOname]# /clusters_per_disease # normalize by number of clusters per disease
if (D_freq_norm[0]/float(np.sum(D_freq_norm))) > .5:
most_frequent_D = D_freq_norm.index[0] # get the most frequent disease for focal GO term
color_temp = dname_to_rcolors[most_frequent_D]
# if focal GOname doesn't really belong to any disease, make it white
plt.xlabel('GO specificity',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Disease specificity',fontsize=16)
subax1 = add_subplot_axes(axes,subpos)
for Dname in list(sD_GB_mean.index):
msize = len(Dname)*5
plt.xlabel('GO specificity',fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Disease specificity',fontsize=12)
In [32]:
def add_subplot_axes(ax,rect,axisbg='w'):
This function allows for plotting of inset subplots (from
fig = plt.gcf()
box = ax.get_position()
width = box.width
height = box.height
inax_position = ax.transAxes.transform(rect[0:2])
transFigure = fig.transFigure.inverted()
infig_position = transFigure.transform(inax_position)
x = infig_position[0]
y = infig_position[1]
width *= rect[2]
height *= rect[3] # <= Typo was here
subax = fig.add_axes([x,y,width,height],axisbg=axisbg)
x_labelsize = subax.get_xticklabels()[0].get_size()
y_labelsize = subax.get_yticklabels()[0].get_size()
x_labelsize *= rect[2]**0.5
y_labelsize *= rect[3]**0.5
return subax
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