In [1]:
# Function to calculate the Bits needed for a given number
def unsigned_num_bits(num):
_nbits = 1
_n = num
while(_n > 1):
_nbits = _nbits + 1
_n = _n / 2
return _nbits
In [24]:
import numpy as np
resolutions = [150, 360, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800] # dpi
inch2cm = 2.54 # cm/inch
nbrOfSubpixels = 32
# Calulation Pixel Pinch
pixel_pitch = np.empty(shape=[ len(resolutions) ], dtype=np.float64) # um
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
pixel_pitch[i] = (inch2cm/resolutions[i])*10000
# Calculation Subpixel Pinch
sub_pixel_pitch = np.empty(shape=[len(resolutions)], dtype=np.float64) # um
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
sub_pixel_pitch[i] = pixel_pitch[i]/nbrOfSubpixels
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
print("Resolution: {:>10.5f} dpi Pixel Pitch: {:>10.5f} um Sub Pixel Pitch: {:>7.5f} um".format(resolutions[i], pixel_pitch[i], sub_pixel_pitch[i]))
In [26]:
import numpy as np
encoder_resolution = 2 # um
input_resolution = sub_pixel_pitch
gain = np.empty(shape=[len(resolutions)], dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
gain[i] = 2**16 * (encoder_resolution/input_resolution[i])
for i in range(len(resolutions)):
print("Resolution: {:4} dpi Resolution Gain: {:>12.5f} or 0x{:08X} needs {} Bits".format(resolutions[i],gain[i],int(gain[i]),unsigned_num_bits(int(gain[i]))))
In [6]:
# Settings
encoder_resolution = 6 # external encoder resolution [um p. pulse]
input_resolution = 32 # resolution wanted for interpolator [sub pixel]
print_resolution = 600 # print resolution [dpi]
maxResBitNb = 19 # FPGA limitation for HW Encoder resolution
# Calculations & print
px_dist = (25.4 * 1000 / print_resolution) # pixel distance [um]
pulse_p_pixel = px_dist / encoder_resolution # pulse generated between pixel
#print "pixel distance [um]: {}".format(px_dist)
print("Hardware Encoder Settings")
print("encoder resolution[um]: {}".format(encoder_resolution))
print("pixel resolution: {}".format(print_resolution))
print("required pulse per pixel: {}".format(input_resolution))
print("pulse per pixel: {} ( @{:4}dpi )".format(pulse_p_pixel, print_resolution))
HW_Enc_resolution_range = 2**16 # full divider range of fpga
HW_Enc_reso_div = pulse_p_pixel / input_resolution # divider needed (exact)
HW_Enc_reso_setting_f = HW_Enc_resolution_range / HW_Enc_reso_div # setting for hw encoder resolution (floating number)
HW_Enc_reso_setting = int(HW_Enc_reso_setting_f) # setting for hw encoder resolution (divider rounded)
# if (pulse_p_pixel < input_resolution):
# hint = "!!! Encoder resolution is too small !!!"
if unsigned_num_bits(int(HW_Enc_reso_setting)) > maxResBitNb:
hint = "!!! Hardware Encoder divider has too many bits (max {}bit)".format(maxResBitNb)
hint = "Encoder resolution is OK"
print("HWEnc resolution range: {} ( {}bit )".format(HW_Enc_resolution_range, unsigned_num_bits(int(HW_Enc_resolution_range)-1)))
print("Resolution divider: {} ( e:{},r:{},s:{} )".format(HW_Enc_reso_div, encoder_resolution, print_resolution, input_resolution))
print("HWEnc divider: {} ( rounded: {} )".format(HW_Enc_reso_setting_f, HW_Enc_reso_setting))
print("Register value")
print("Enter as HWEnc divder: 0x{:X}".format(HW_Enc_reso_setting) + " >>> " + hint )
In [37]:
# Settings
speed = 1 # m/s
print_resolution = 1200 # print resolution [dpi]
cycle_time = 0.002 # [sec] PLC Cycle Time
fpga_clk = 100E6
interpolator_step = 128
# Calculations & print
px_dist = (25.4 * 1000 / print_resolution) # pixel distance [um]
subpixel_sec = (speed * 32) /(px_dist * 0.000001)
subpixel_cycle = subpixel_sec * cycle_time
print("pixel distance : {:>15.5f} [um]".format(px_dist))
print("subpixel speed : {:>15.5f} [1/s]".format(subpixel_sec))
print("subpixel/cycle : {:>15.5f} [ - ]".format(subpixel_cycle))
# Calculations in NIOS
period_base_value = fpga_clk/(1/cycle_time) * interpolator_step
output = period_base_value/subpixel_cycle - interpolator_step
freq = 1/(32*(output/interpolator_step)*1/fpga_clk)
print("Interpolator Period : {:>15.5f} [ - ]".format(output))
print("Print frequency : {:>15.5f} [ - ]".format(freq))
In [38]:
# Calc Encoder Resolution
def encoder_resolution(pulse_per_rev=0, circumference_wheel_mm=0):
enc_resolution = (circumference_wheel_mm*1000)/pulse_per_rev
print("Pulse Per Revelation = {} Pulses".format(pulse_per_rev))
print("Circumference Wheel = {} mm = {}um".format(circumference_wheel_mm, circumference_wheel_mm*1000))
print("Encoder Resolution = {} um/pulse /4={} um/pulse".format(enc_resolution, enc_resolution/4))
pulse_per_rev = 53718 # Pulses per revelation
circumference_wheel_mm = 282.6 #mm
encoder_resolution(pulse_per_rev, circumference_wheel_mm)
In [39]:
# Calc Encoder Pulses Setting
def ppr(enc_resolution=0, circumference_wheel_mm=0):
pulse_per_rev = (circumference_wheel_mm*1000)/enc_resolution
print("Encoder Resolution = {} um/pulse".format(enc_resolution))
print("Circumference Wheel = {} mm = {}um".format(circumference_wheel_mm, circumference_wheel_mm*1000))
print("Pulse Per Revelation = {} Pulses /4={} Pulses".format(pulse_per_rev, pulse_per_rev/4))
enc_resolution = 2.012 # um / pulse
circumference_wheel_mm = 282.6 #mm
ppr(enc_resolution, circumference_wheel_mm)
In [40]:
def speed_calc(speed):
speed_m_s = speed/60.0
print("Speed => {}m/min = {}m/s".format(speed, speed_m_s))
speed = 2.0 # m/min
speed = 150.0 # m/min
In [42]:
# Constants
dpi = 600 # dpi
inch2mm = 25.4 # mm/inch
subpixels = 32 # subpixels
counterBitNb = 31 # bit
# Calculation
pixel_pitch = (((inch2mm/1000)/dpi))
counterlength = (2**counterBitNb / subpixels) * pixel_pitch
pixels = counterlength / pixel_pitch
bits_needed = unsigned_num_bits(int(pixels))
print("Pixel Pitch = {} m".format(pixel_pitch))
print("Pixels = {} px".format(pixels))
print("Pixels = 0x{:X} px".format(int(pixels)))
print("Needs = {} bit".format(bits_needed))
print("Counter length = {} m".format(counterlength))
# Papers
papers = 2500 # Pcs
gap = 25 # cm
papersize = 90 # cm
total_length = (papersize+gap)*papers
print("Total Length = {} m".format(total_length/100))