In [1]:
data_dir = 'C:/Data/Antonio/Philip/081114Patch clamp/nanorods 630/fov2 - good/122055_take2 100Hz'
dataset_label = 'Take2'
In [2]:
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
sns.set_context(rc={'lines.markeredgewidth': 1}) # workaround for a bug in matplotlib 1.4.2
from IPython.display import FileLink
In [3]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML(open("./styles/custom2.css", "r").read())
In [4]:
from figscroller import FrameScroller, HorizontalScroller
from patchclamp import PatchDataset
import timetraces as tt
In [5]:
data = PatchDataset(data_dir)
In [6]:
data.params['Square frame rate (Hz)']
The attributes data.voltage/current/time
are resampled at the camera frame rate:
In [7]:
plt.plot(data.time[:100], data.voltage[:100], label='Voltage')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
plt.plot(data.time[:100], data.current[:100], label='Current',
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
In [8]:
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix')
ax.set_title('Mean frame')
In [10]:
mvideo =
mvideo.shape, mvideo.dtype
In [11]:
mvideo_highpass = mvideo - ndi.gaussian_filter(mvideo, sigma=8)
th = mvideo_highpass > 0.4*mvideo_highpass.max()
In [12]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))
im = ax[0].imshow(mvideo_highpass, cmap='cubehelix')
im = ax[1].imshow(th, cmap='cubehelix')
ax[0].set_title('High-pass Mean frame')
In [13]:
video_highpass = - ndi.gaussian_filter('float'), sigma=(6, 6, 10))
# video_highpass.shape, video_highpass.dtype
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
# im = ax.imshow(video_highpass.mean(0), cmap='cubehelix')
# plt.colorbar(im);
# ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF')
In [14]:
In [15]:, video_highpass.mean()
In [16]:
video_highpass_tm = video_highpass - video_highpass.mean(axis=0)
video_highpass_tm.shape, video_highpass_tm.dtype
In [17]:
video_highpass_on = np.zeros([1:])
for row in range([1]):
for col in range([2]):
on_periods = video_highpass_tm[:, row, col] > 0
video_highpass_on[row, col] = video_highpass_tm[on_periods, row, col].mean()
video_highpass_on.shape, video_highpass_on.dtype
In [18]:
hp_frame = ndi.gaussian_filter(video_highpass_on, sigma=0.3)
In [19]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
im = ax.imshow(video_highpass.mean(0), cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF');
In [20]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
im = ax.imshow(video_highpass_on, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF');
In [21]:
# %matplotlib qt
# sns.set_style('dark')
Explore the video frame by frame:
In [22]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# #scroller = FrameScroller(fig, im,
# points = plt.ginput(1, timeout=0)
# points
In [23]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(frame, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# points = plt.ginput(3, timeout=0)
# points
Or use only the mean frame:
In [24]:
# frame =
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(frame, cmap='cubehelix')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# #points = plt.ginput(10, timeout=0)
# #points
In [25]:
frame =
In [26]:
%matplotlib inline
In [27]:
points_patched = \
[(129.5, 134.9),
(128.5, 136.),
(93.1, 123),
(93.9, 127),
(95, 92.2),
(94, 93),
(101.2, 88.8),
(160, 89),
(139, 125.3),
(161.2, 109.7),
(147.2, 67),
(103., 74.1)]
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_patched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=4)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
In [28]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
plt.annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='white', fontsize=12)
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('QD on patched cell')
In [29]:
ipoints_patched_sel = [i for i in range(len(points_patched)) if i not in (1, 5)]
points_patched_sel = [points_patched[i] for i in ipoints_patched_sel]
In [30]:
%matplotlib inline
In [31]:
points_unpatched = \
[(186, 148.8),
(209.9, 118.8),
(221, 61.9),
(247., 133.),
#(211., 28),
(112.9, 37.),
(104, 49),
(249., 115.),
#(49.9, 59),
(26, 141),
(21, 165.1), # 10
(123.1, 179.8),
(226.5, 41.5),
#(226.39516129032253, 83.846774193548384),
(195.2, 49),
(194, 140),
(267, 101.5),
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_unpatched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=4)
axr[ip].imshow(frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
In [32]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
plt.annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='white', fontsize=12)
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix')
ax.set_title('Unpatched QD');
In [33]:
ipoints_unpatched_sel = (2, 3, 6, 10, 13)
points_unpatched_sel = [points_unpatched[i] for i in ipoints_unpatched_sel]
In [34]:
In [35]:
shape2d = (16, 16)
radii = [1, 1.6, 2, 2.2, 2.5]
point = (6, 8)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
point = (point[0]+0.5, point[1]+0.5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
point = (point[0]-0.4, point[1]+0.4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [36]:
In [37]:
shape2d = (9, 9)
clip_radius = 1.8
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_patched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=(shape2d[0]-1)//2)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, frame.shape)
a = np.ones(frame.shape)
a[mask] = 0
im = axr[ip].imshow(a[roi], interpolation='none', cmap='gray', vmin=0.5, alpha=0.7,
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [38]:
shape2d = (9, 9)
clip_radius = 1.8
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_unpatched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=(shape2d[0]-1)//2)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, frame.shape)
a = np.ones(frame.shape)
a[mask] = 0
im = axr[ip].imshow(a[roi], interpolation='none', cmap='gray', vmin=0.5, alpha=0.7,
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [39]:
colors = sns.color_palette('deep', max(len(points_patched), len(points_unpatched)))
In [40]:
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
lowpass_sigma = 10
thresholds = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
points_sel = points_patched
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1, figsize=(20, 2*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.96, hspace=0.05)
for i, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace, 10)
on_periods = tt.get_on_periods_slices(timetrace, thresholds[i], lowpass_sigma=lowpass_sigma, align=4)
ax[i].plot(data.time, timetrace, color=colors[i], alpha=0.3,
label='QD %d (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, point[0], point[1]))
for on_period in on_periods:
ax[i].plot(data.time[on_period], timetrace[on_period], color=colors[i], alpha=1)
#ax[i].plot(data.time[time_on], trace_on, '.', color=colors[i], alpha=1)
ax[i].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k')
ax[i].axhline(thresholds[i], color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.7)
ax[i].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=2)
In [41]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1, figsize=(20, 2*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.96, hspace=0.05)
for i, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace, 10)
on_periods = tt.get_on_periods_slices(timetrace, thresholds[i], lowpass_sigma=lowpass_sigma, align=4)
ax[i].plot(data.time, timetrace, color=colors[i], alpha=0.3,
label='QD %d (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, point[0], point[1]))
for on_period in on_periods:
ax[i].plot(data.time[on_period], timetrace[on_period], color=colors[i], alpha=1)
#ax[i].plot(data.time[time_on], trace_on, '.', color=colors[i], alpha=1)
ax[i].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k')
ax[i].axhline(thresholds[i], color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.7)
ax[i].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=2)
In [42]:
point = points_patched[1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(22, 8), sharex=True)
timetrace1 = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None)
trend = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace1, detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace1 - trend, lowpass_sigma)
ax[0].plot(data.time, timetrace1, label='QD (%.1f, %.1f)' % point);
ax[0].plot(data.time, trend, color='k');
ax[1].plot(data.time, timetrace1 - trend, label='QD (%.1f, %.1f)' % point);
ax[1].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k');
ax[0].set_title('Difference between background corrected and raw timetrace');
Given a timetrace $\{t_k\}$, where $t_k$ is the ROI-average in the $k$-th frame, the signal is compute as follows:
This signal is computed by functions
The n-cycles average is computed as a n-elements running (or block) average on the array $\{d_i\}$.
Call tt.avg_nsamples()
passing the array $\{d_i\}$ previously computed via tt.edge_diff_all()
(see definition).
In [43]:
f0 = 100
sim_signal = 1 + np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*data.time - np.pi/4)
In [44]:
In [45]:
ncycles = 2 # --> 2 sample average is 1 alternation period
running_avg = False
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
In [46]:
patched = True
if patched:
points_sel = points_patched
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
timetrace_mean = np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace, timetrace_mean[ip] = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma, return_mean=True)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of alternated diff' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diff/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diffo/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[3].set_ylabel('Percentage (%)')
ax[3].set_title('Signal / mean(timetrace)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
if patched:
fig.suptitle('Patched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_patched = fig
fig.suptitle('Unpatched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_unpatched = fig
In [47]:
patched = False
if patched:
points_sel = points_patched
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
timetrace_mean = np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace, timetrace_mean[ip] = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma, return_mean=True)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of alternated diff' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diff/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diffo/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[3].set_ylabel('Percentage (%)')
ax[3].set_title('Signal / mean(timetrace)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
if patched:
fig.suptitle('Patched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_patched = fig
fig.suptitle('Unpatched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_unpatched = fig
In [48]:
Using the previous definition of signal the figure shows:
In [49]:
sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=1.2)
In [50]:
ncycles = 16
running_avg = False
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
In [51]:
patched = True
if patched:
points_sel = points_patched
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
timetrace_mean = np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace, timetrace_mean[ip] = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma, return_mean=True)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of alternated diff' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diff/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diffo/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[3].set_ylabel('Percentage (%)')
ax[3].set_title('Mean signal / mean(timetrace)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
ax[3].set_ylim(-0.3, 0.3)
if patched:
fig.suptitle('Patched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_patched = fig
fig.suptitle('Unpatched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_unpatched = fig
In [52]:
patched = False
if patched:
points_sel = points_patched
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
timetrace_mean = np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace, timetrace_mean[ip] = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma, return_mean=True)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of alternated diff' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(24, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diff/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[3].plot(n_mean_diffo/timetrace_mean*100, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[3].set_ylabel('Percentage (%)')
ax[3].set_title('Mean signal / mean(timetrace)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
ax[3].set_ylim(-0.3, 0.3)
if patched:
fig.suptitle('Patched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_patched = fig
fig.suptitle('Unpatched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_unpatched = fig
In [53]:
We compute the signal $\{d_i\}$ as the alternated differenes as the previously defined. Then we $\{r_i\}$ as the running average of $\{d_i\}$ using ncycles
samples window.
With this definition the figure columns shows
The results obtained with the running average are in line with the previous plot where no running average was performed.
In [54]:
def t_run(sample_diff, num_samples, running_avg):
if running_avg:
return np.arange(0, sample_diff.size)*2 + 0.5 + num_samples
return np.arange(0, sample_diff.size)*2*num_samples + num_samples
In [55]:
points_sel = points_patched
ncycles = 8
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
timetrace_on = timetrace
#time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=0),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=1),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = '%d-cycles avg of 2-edges sum' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(18, 4*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
signal_clue = n_alt_diff[ip]**2
signal_clueo = n_alt_diffo[ip]**2
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clue, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clue, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) in-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clueo, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clueo, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) out-of-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax2 = ax[ip].twinx()
ax2.plot(timetrace, 'k', alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
#ax[ip].set_ylim(-0, 20)
fig_patched = fig;
In [56]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetrace_on = timetrace
#time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=0),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=1),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(18, 4*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
signal_clue = n_alt_diff[ip]**2
signal_clueo = n_alt_diffo[ip]**2
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clue, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clue, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) in-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clueo, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clueo, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) out-of-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax2 = ax[ip].twinx()
ax2.plot(timetrace, 'k', alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_title('Unpatched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
#ax[ip].set_ylim(-0, 20)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [57]:
In [58]:
In [59]:
from burstsearch import burstsearch_py
from timetraces import t_diffall, t_ravg
In [60]:
ipoints_patched = [i for i in range(len(points_patched)) if i not in (3, 9, 10, 11)]#[0, 2, 3, 9]
ipoints_unpatched = [i for i in range(len(points_unpatched)) if i not in (4, 6, 9)]
In [61]:
fraction = 0.6 # fraction of max signal to use as threhsold
bs_threshold = 4
ncycles = 12
pad = 5
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
In [62]:
patched = True
inphase = True
label = 'Patched' if patched else 'Unpatched'
if inphase: label += '_inphase'
else: label += '_outphase'
points_sel = points_patched if patched else points_unpatched
ipoints = ipoints_patched if patched else ipoints_unpatched
offset = int(not inphase)
bursts_qd = []
for ipoint in ipoints:
point = points_sel[ipoint]
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetracem = tt.avg_nsamples(timetracer, 2, running_avg=False, offset=offset)
t_timetrace = np.arange(timetrace.size)
t_timetracem = np.arange(timetracem.size)*2 + offset
t_ra = t_ravg(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase, num_samples=ncycles)
t_da = t_diffall(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=offset)
rall_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
signal = all_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
score2 = rall_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
if fraction is not None:
bs_threshold = (score2**2).max()*fraction
bursts, score = burstsearch_py(signal, m=ncycles, threshold=bs_threshold, debug=True)
assert np.allclose(score, score2)
assert bursts.shape[0] < 20
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(200, 4))
ax.plot(t_timetracem, timetracem, 'k', alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(t_timetracem[::2], timetracem[::2], 'sg')
ax.plot(t_timetracem[1::2], timetracem[1::2], 'sr')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(t_ra, score**2)
for b in bursts:
ax.axvspan(t_da[b['start']], t_da[b['stop']], alpha=0.15)
name = 'figures/%s Full Timetrace %s QD %d (%d, %d).png' % (dataset_label, label, ipoint, point[0], point[1])
plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight')
print('%s QD %d Number of bursts: %d' % (label, ipoint, bursts.shape[0]))
if bursts.shape[0] > 0:
itm_start = bursts.start
itm_stop = bursts.stop + 1
width_ms = 1e3*((bursts.stop + 1 - bursts.start)*2/400)
v_on = slice(None, None, 2)
v_off = slice(1, None, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, bursts.shape[0], figsize=(6*bursts.shape[0], 4), squeeze=False)
for i in range(bursts.shape[0]):
pstart = itm_start[i] - pad
pstop = itm_stop[i] + pad
pstart = np.clip(pstart, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
pstop = np.clip(pstop, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
tm_on_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_on_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
tm_off_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_off_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[pstart:pstop], timetracem[pstart:pstop], '-')
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].axvspan(t_timetracem[itm_start[i]], t_timetracem[itm_stop[i]], alpha=0.2, linewidth=1)
ax[0,i].set_title('cycles = %d, score = %.1f' % (bursts.stop[i] - bursts.start[i], bursts.score[i]))
if patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_patched = bursts_qd
elif patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_patchedo = bursts_qd
elif not patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatched = bursts_qd
elif not patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatchedo = bursts_qd
In [63]:
patched = True
inphase = False
label = 'Patched' if patched else 'Unpatched'
if inphase: label += '_inphase'
else: label += '_outphase'
points_sel = points_patched if patched else points_unpatched
ipoints = ipoints_patched if patched else ipoints_unpatched
offset = int(not inphase)
bursts_qd = []
for ipoint in ipoints:
point = points_sel[ipoint]
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetracem = tt.avg_nsamples(timetracer, 2, running_avg=False, offset=offset)
t_timetrace = np.arange(timetrace.size)
t_timetracem = np.arange(timetracem.size)*2 + offset
t_ra = t_ravg(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase, num_samples=ncycles)
t_da = t_diffall(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=offset)
rall_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
signal = all_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
score2 = rall_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
if fraction is not None:
bs_threshold = (score2**2).max()*fraction
bursts, score = burstsearch_py(signal, m=ncycles, threshold=bs_threshold, debug=True)
assert np.allclose(score, score2)
assert bursts.shape[0] < 20
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(200, 4))
ax.plot(t_timetracem, timetracem, 'k', alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(t_timetracem[::2], timetracem[::2], 'sg')
ax.plot(t_timetracem[1::2], timetracem[1::2], 'sr')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(t_ra, score**2)
for b in bursts:
ax.axvspan(t_da[b['start']], t_da[b['stop']], alpha=0.15)
name = 'figures/%s Full Timetrace %s QD %d (%d, %d).png' % (dataset_label, label, ipoint, point[0], point[1])
plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight')
print('%s QD %d Number of bursts: %d' % (label, ipoint, bursts.shape[0]))
if bursts.shape[0] > 0:
itm_start = bursts.start
itm_stop = bursts.stop + 1
width_ms = 1e3*((bursts.stop + 1 - bursts.start)*2/400)
v_on = slice(None, None, 2)
v_off = slice(1, None, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, bursts.shape[0], figsize=(6*bursts.shape[0], 4), squeeze=False)
for i in range(bursts.shape[0]):
pstart = itm_start[i] - pad
pstop = itm_stop[i] + pad
pstart = np.clip(pstart, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
pstop = np.clip(pstop, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
tm_on_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_on_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
tm_off_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_off_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[pstart:pstop], timetracem[pstart:pstop], '-')
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].axvspan(t_timetracem[itm_start[i]], t_timetracem[itm_stop[i]], alpha=0.2, linewidth=1)
ax[0,i].set_title('cycles = %d, score = %.1f' % (bursts.stop[i] - bursts.start[i], bursts.score[i]))
if patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_patched = bursts_qd
elif patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_patchedo = bursts_qd
elif not patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatched = bursts_qd
elif not patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatchedo = bursts_qd
In [64]:
patched = False
inphase = True
label = 'Patched' if patched else 'Unpatched'
if inphase: label += '_inphase'
else: label += '_outphase'
points_sel = points_patched if patched else points_unpatched
ipoints = ipoints_patched if patched else ipoints_unpatched
offset = int(not inphase)
bursts_qd = []
for ipoint in ipoints:
point = points_sel[ipoint]
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetracem = tt.avg_nsamples(timetracer, 2, running_avg=False, offset=offset)
t_timetrace = np.arange(timetrace.size)
t_timetracem = np.arange(timetracem.size)*2 + offset
t_ra = t_ravg(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase, num_samples=ncycles)
t_da = t_diffall(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=offset)
rall_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
signal = all_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
score2 = rall_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
if fraction is not None:
bs_threshold = (score2**2).max()*fraction
bursts, score = burstsearch_py(signal, m=ncycles, threshold=bs_threshold, debug=True)
assert np.allclose(score, score2)
assert bursts.shape[0] < 20
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(200, 4))
ax.plot(t_timetracem, timetracem, 'k', alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(t_timetracem[::2], timetracem[::2], 'sg')
ax.plot(t_timetracem[1::2], timetracem[1::2], 'sr')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(t_ra, score**2)
for b in bursts:
ax.axvspan(t_da[b['start']], t_da[b['stop']], alpha=0.15)
name = 'figures/%s Full Timetrace %s QD %d (%d, %d).png' % (dataset_label, label, ipoint, point[0], point[1])
plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight')
print('%s QD %d Number of bursts: %d' % (label, ipoint, bursts.shape[0]))
if bursts.shape[0] > 0:
itm_start = bursts.start
itm_stop = bursts.stop + 1
width_ms = 1e3*((bursts.stop + 1 - bursts.start)*2/400)
v_on = slice(None, None, 2)
v_off = slice(1, None, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, bursts.shape[0], figsize=(6*bursts.shape[0], 4), squeeze=False)
for i in range(bursts.shape[0]):
pstart = itm_start[i] - pad
pstop = itm_stop[i] + pad
pstart = np.clip(pstart, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
pstop = np.clip(pstop, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
tm_on_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_on_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
tm_off_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_off_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[pstart:pstop], timetracem[pstart:pstop], '-')
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].axvspan(t_timetracem[itm_start[i]], t_timetracem[itm_stop[i]], alpha=0.2, linewidth=1)
ax[0,i].set_title('cycles = %d, score = %.1f' % (bursts.stop[i] - bursts.start[i], bursts.score[i]))
if patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_patched = bursts_qd
elif patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_patchedo = bursts_qd
elif not patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatched = bursts_qd
elif not patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatchedo = bursts_qd
In [65]:
patched = False
inphase = False
label = 'Patched' if patched else 'Unpatched'
if inphase: label += '_inphase'
else: label += '_outphase'
points_sel = points_patched if patched else points_unpatched
ipoints = ipoints_patched if patched else ipoints_unpatched
offset = int(not inphase)
bursts_qd = []
for ipoint in ipoints:
point = points_sel[ipoint]
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetracem = tt.avg_nsamples(timetracer, 2, running_avg=False, offset=offset)
t_timetrace = np.arange(timetrace.size)
t_timetracem = np.arange(timetracem.size)*2 + offset
t_ra = t_ravg(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase, num_samples=ncycles)
t_da = t_diffall(timetrace.size, inphase=inphase)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=offset)
rall_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
signal = all_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
score2 = rall_diff/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2
if fraction is not None:
bs_threshold = (score2**2).max()*fraction
bursts, score = burstsearch_py(signal, m=ncycles, threshold=bs_threshold, debug=True)
assert np.allclose(score, score2)
assert bursts.shape[0] < 20
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(200, 4))
ax.plot(t_timetracem, timetracem, 'k', alpha=0.2)
ax.plot(t_timetracem[::2], timetracem[::2], 'sg')
ax.plot(t_timetracem[1::2], timetracem[1::2], 'sr')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(t_ra, score**2)
for b in bursts:
ax.axvspan(t_da[b['start']], t_da[b['stop']], alpha=0.15)
name = 'figures/%s Full Timetrace %s QD %d (%d, %d).png' % (dataset_label, label, ipoint, point[0], point[1])
plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight')
print('%s QD %d Number of bursts: %d' % (label, ipoint, bursts.shape[0]))
if bursts.shape[0] > 0:
itm_start = bursts.start
itm_stop = bursts.stop + 1
width_ms = 1e3*((bursts.stop + 1 - bursts.start)*2/400)
v_on = slice(None, None, 2)
v_off = slice(1, None, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, bursts.shape[0], figsize=(6*bursts.shape[0], 4), squeeze=False)
for i in range(bursts.shape[0]):
pstart = itm_start[i] - pad
pstop = itm_stop[i] + pad
pstart = np.clip(pstart, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
pstop = np.clip(pstop, 0, t_timetracem.size - 1)
tm_on_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_on_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_on] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
tm_off_start = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] >= t_timetracem[pstart])[0][0]
tm_off_stop = np.nonzero(t_timetracem[v_off] <= t_timetracem[pstop])[0][-1]
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[pstart:pstop], timetracem[pstart:pstop], '-')
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_on][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].plot(t_timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], timetracem[v_off][tm_on_start:tm_on_stop], 's', ms=8)
ax[0,i].axvspan(t_timetracem[itm_start[i]], t_timetracem[itm_stop[i]], alpha=0.2, linewidth=1)
ax[0,i].set_title('cycles = %d, score = %.1f' % (bursts.stop[i] - bursts.start[i], bursts.score[i]))
if patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_patched = bursts_qd
elif patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_patchedo = bursts_qd
elif not patched and inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatched = bursts_qd
elif not patched and not inphase:
bursts_qd_unpatchedo = bursts_qd
In [ ]:
In [66]:
scores_patched, widths_patched = [], []
for bursts in bursts_qd_patched:
widths_patched.append(bursts.stop - bursts.start + 1)
scores_patchedc = np.concatenate(scores_patched)
widths_patchedc = np.concatenate(widths_patched)
scores_patchedc.size, scores_patched
In [67]:
scores_unpatched, widths_unpatched = [], []
for bursts in bursts_qd_unpatched:
widths_unpatched.append(bursts.stop - bursts.start + 1)
scores_unpatchedc = np.concatenate(scores_unpatched)
widths_unpatchedc = np.concatenate(widths_unpatched)
scores_unpatchedc.size, scores_unpatched
In [68]:
scores_patchedo, widths_patchedo = [], []
for bursts in bursts_qd_patchedo:
widths_patchedo.append(bursts.stop - bursts.start + 1)
scores_patchedco = np.concatenate(scores_patchedo)
widths_patchedco = np.concatenate(widths_patchedo)
scores_patchedco.size, scores_patchedo
In [69]:
scores_unpatchedo, widths_unpatchedo = [], []
for bursts in bursts_qd_unpatchedo:
widths_unpatchedo.append(bursts.stop - bursts.start + 1)
scores_unpatchedco = np.concatenate(scores_unpatchedo)
widths_unpatchedco = np.concatenate(widths_unpatchedo)
scores_unpatchedco.size, scores_unpatchedo
In [70]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
names_p = ['P QD %d' % i for i in ipoints_patched]
names_u = ['UP QD %d' % i for i in ipoints_unpatched]
sns.violinplot(scores_patched + scores_unpatched, inner='points', names=names_p + names_u)
plt.axvline(len(ipoints_patched) + 0.5, ls='--', color='k')
In [71]:
sns.violinplot([scores_patchedc, scores_patchedco, scores_unpatchedc, scores_unpatchedco], names=['Patched in-phase', 'Patched out-phase', 'Unpatched', 'Unpatched OOP'], inner='stick');
In [72]:
sns.violinplot([widths_patchedc, widths_patchedco, widths_unpatchedc, widths_unpatchedco], names=['Patched in-phase', 'Patched out-phase', 'Unpatched', 'Unpatched OOP'], inner='stick');
In [73]:
sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=1.2)
multi_ncycles = [2, 8, 18]
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
normalize_intensity = True
hist_style = dict(
lw = 1.6,
alpha = 0.6,
histtype = 'stepfilled')
In [74]:
patched = True
points_sel = points_patched if patched else points_unpatched
ipoints = ipoints_patched if patched else ipoints_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
nbins = 25
name = '%d-cycles avg of alt. diff.' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(ipoints), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(ipoints)))
for ip, ipoint in enumerate(ipoints):
point = points_sel[ipoint]
if normalize_intensity:
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
norm = 1e2/np.abs(timetracer.mean())
norm = 1.
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip]*norm, bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, color=colors[1], edgecolor=colors[1], **hist_style)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]*norm, bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, color='gray', edgecolor='gray', zorder=-1, **hist_style)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline((n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip]*norm).mean(), color='k', alpha=0.9)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline((n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]*norm).mean(), color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.9)
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
if patched:
fig_patched = fig
fig_unpatched = fig
In [75]:
patched = False
if patched:
points_sel = points_patched
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
nbins = 25
name = '%d-cycles avg of alt. diff.' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(ipoints), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(ipoints)))
for ip, ipoint in enumerate(ipoints):
point = points_sel[ipoint]
if normalize_intensity:
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
norm = 1e2/np.abs(timetracer.mean())
norm = 1.
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip]*norm, bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, color=colors[1], edgecolor=colors[1], **hist_style)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]*norm, bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, color='gray', edgecolor='gray', zorder=-1, **hist_style)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline((n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip]*norm).mean(), color='k', alpha=0.9)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline((n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]*norm).mean(), color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.9)
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
if patched:
fig_patched = fig
fig_unpatched = fig
In [76]:
In [77]:
In [78]:
In [79]:
points_sel = [points_patched[i] for i in ipoints_patched]
multi_ncycles = [8, 12, 18, 36]
running_avg = False
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
rall_diff_n, rall_diff_no = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
signal_cycle = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
signal_cycleo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
sigma_cycle = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
sigma_cycleo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
signal = [rall_diff_n[nc][ip]/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2 for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycle[ip] = [s.mean() for s in signal]
sigma_cycle[ip] = [s.std()/np.sqrt(s.size) for s in signal]
signal = [rall_diff_no[nc][ip]/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2 for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo[ip] = [s.mean() for s in signal]
sigma_cycleo[ip] = [s.std()/np.sqrt(s.size) for s in signal]
In [80]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
rall_diff_n, rall_diff_no = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
signal_cycleu = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
signal_cycleuo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
sigma_cycleu = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
sigma_cycleuo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
signal = [rall_diff_n[nc][ip]/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2 for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleu[ip] = [s.mean() for s in signal]
sigma_cycleu[ip] = [s.std()/np.sqrt(s.size) for s in signal]
signal = [rall_diff_no[nc][ip]/np.abs(timetracer.mean())*1e2 for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleuo[ip] = [s.mean() for s in signal]
sigma_cycleuo[ip] = [s.std()/np.sqrt(s.size) for s in signal]
In [81]:
sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=1.3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
icycle = 1
y = np.array([s.mean(axis=0)[icycle] for s in (signal_cycle, signal_cycleo, signal_cycleu, signal_cycleuo)])
yerr = np.array([s.mean(axis=0)[icycle] for s in (sigma_cycle, sigma_cycleo, sigma_cycleu, sigma_cycleuo)])
x = np.arange(len(y))
ax.errorbar(x=x, y=y, yerr=yerr, ls='', marker='s', ms=12, lw=2.5,)#capsize=8, capthick=1.6)
ax.axhline(0, color='gray', zorder=-1, alpha=0.7, ls='--')
ax.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2)
ax.set_title('QDs average signal (%d cycles avg.)' % multi_ncycles[icycle])
ax.set_ylabel('mean signal')
ax.set_ylim(-0.4, 0.3)
ax.set_xlim(-0.4, 3.4)
plt.xticks([0, 1, 2, 3], ['Patched\nin-phase', 'Patched\nout-phase', 'Unpatched\nin-phase', 'Unpatched\nout-phase'])
ax.locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=4)
sns.despine(offset=20, trim=True);
In [82]:
points_sel = [points_patched[i] for i in ipoints_patched]
ncycles = 18
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
rall_diff, rall_diffo = [], []
signal_tot, signal_toto = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
In [83]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
rall_diff, rall_diffo = [], []
signal_totu, signal_totuo = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetracer = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None, zero_mean=False)
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
In [84]:
sns.set_context('notebook', font_scale=1.4)
hist_style = dict(
bins = np.arange(-3, 3.1, 0.25),
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
ax.hist(np.concatenate(signal_tot), color=colors[0], label='Patched QDs in-phase', **hist_style)
ax.hist(np.concatenate(signal_toto), color=colors[1], label='Patched QDs out-of-phase', **hist_style)
#ax.hist(np.concatenate(signal_totu), color=colors[2], label='Unpatched QDs in-phase', **hist_style)
#ax.hist(np.concatenate(signal_totuo), color=colors[3], label='Unpatched QDs out-of-phase', **hist_style)
ax.legend(loc='upper left', ncol=1)
ax.set_title('QDs average signal')
ax.set_xlabel('Number averaged periods')
ax.set_ylabel('mean signal')
#ax.set_ylim(0, 0.15)
#ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)
sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True);
In [85]:
def acf(series):
dseries = series - series.mean()
full_size = 2*series.size - 1
tau = np.arange(0, (full_size+1)/2)
acf_full = np.correlate(dseries, dseries, mode='full')/(dseries*dseries).sum()
assert acf_full[(full_size-1)/2:].size == (full_size+1)/2
return tau, acf_full[(full_size-1)/2:]
In [86]:
points_sel = points_patched
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = None
acf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
scales = [16, 64, 512]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(acf_res[ip][0][:ncrop], acf_res[ip][1][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Patched QD %d' % ip)
fig_patched = fig;
In [87]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
acf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
scales = [16, 64, 512]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(acf_res[ip][0][:ncrop], acf_res[ip][1][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Unpatched QD %d' % ip)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [88]:
In [89]:
In [ ]:
In [90]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: