In [1]:
data_dir = 'C:/Data/Antonio/Philip/081114Patch clamp/nanorods 630/fov1/114640_take1 100Hz'
In [2]:
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
sns.set_context(rc={'lines.markeredgewidth': 1}) # workaround for a bug in matplotlib 1.4.2
In [3]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
HTML(open("./styles/custom2.css", "r").read())
In [4]:
from figscroller import FrameScroller, HorizontalScroller
from patchclamp import PatchDataset
import timetraces as tt
In [5]:
data = PatchDataset(data_dir)
In [6]:
data.params['Square frame rate (Hz)']
The attributes data.voltage/current/time
are resampled at the camera frame rate:
In [7]:
plt.plot(data.time[:100], data.voltage[:100], label='Voltage')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
plt.plot(data.time[:100], data.current[:100], label='Current',
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
In [8]:
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix')
ax.set_title('Mean frame')
In [10]:
mvideo =
mvideo.shape, mvideo.dtype
In [11]:
mvideo_highpass = mvideo - ndi.gaussian_filter(mvideo, sigma=8)
th = mvideo_highpass > 0.4*mvideo_highpass.max()
In [12]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))
im = ax[0].imshow(mvideo_highpass, cmap='cubehelix')
im = ax[1].imshow(th, cmap='cubehelix')
ax[0].set_title('High-pass Mean frame')
In [13]:
video_highpass = - ndi.gaussian_filter('float'), sigma=(6, 6, 10))
# video_highpass.shape, video_highpass.dtype
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
# im = ax.imshow(video_highpass.mean(0), cmap='cubehelix')
# plt.colorbar(im);
# ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF')
In [14]:
In [15]:, video_highpass.mean()
In [16]:
video_highpass_tm = video_highpass - video_highpass.mean(axis=0)
video_highpass_tm.shape, video_highpass_tm.dtype
In [17]:
video_highpass_on = np.zeros([1:])
for row in range([1]):
for col in range([2]):
on_periods = video_highpass_tm[:, row, col] > 0
video_highpass_on[row, col] = video_highpass_tm[on_periods, row, col].mean()
video_highpass_on.shape, video_highpass_on.dtype
In [18]:
hp_frame = ndi.gaussian_filter(video_highpass_on, sigma=0.3)
In [19]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
im = ax.imshow(video_highpass.mean(0), cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF');
In [20]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
im = ax.imshow(video_highpass_on, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('Mean frame after HPF');
In [21]:
# %matplotlib qt
# sns.set_style('dark')
Explore the video frame by frame:
In [22]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# scroller = FrameScroller(fig, im,
# points = plt.ginput(10, timeout=0)
# points
In [23]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(frame, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# points = plt.ginput(10, timeout=0)
# points
Or use only the mean frame:
In [24]:
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 9))
# im = ax.imshow(frame, cmap='cubehelix')
# plt.colorbar(im)
# #points = plt.ginput(10, timeout=0)
# #points
QD on patched cell:
In [25]:
frame =
In [26]:
%matplotlib inline
In [27]:
points_patched = \
[(129.84400198396881, 60.998118646576899),
(154.63469015102521, 86.020150644805398),
(144.95690265150074, 73.968566211435302),
(144.04390383079087, 71.959968805873615),
(88.898775059915508, 109.94071974740365),
(117.93213755848896, 126.92249781260698),
(113.91494274736559, 41.100608665880458),
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_patched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=4)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
QD unpatched:
In [28]:
%matplotlib inline
In [29]:
points_unpatched = \
[(226.12893521850839, 166.78365250387941),
(240.92794772704292, 168.97609880144006),
(226.67704679289855, 159.84090589493726),
(114.13147018478396, 26.101681743736179),
(116.8, 11.0),
(107.00601971771177, 27.92872032503675),
(234, 181.6),
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_unpatched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=4)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
In [30]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
plt.annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='white', fontsize=12)
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none')
ax.set_title('QD on patched cell')
In [31]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 11))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
plt.plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
plt.annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='white', fontsize=12)
im = ax.imshow(, cmap='cubehelix')
ax.set_title('Unpatched QD');
In [32]:
In [33]:
shape2d = (16, 16)
radii = [1, 1.6, 2, 2.2, 2.5]
point = (6, 8)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
point = (point[0]+0.5, point[1]+0.5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
point = (point[0]-0.4, point[1]+0.4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(radii), figsize=(3*len(radii), 3))
for i, clip_radius in enumerate(radii):
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, shape2d)
a = np.zeros(shape2d)
a[mask] = 1
im = ax[i].imshow(a, interpolation='none', cmap='gray', alpha=0.3)
ax[i].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [34]:
In [35]:
shape2d = (11, 11)
clip_radius = 1.8
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_patched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_patched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=(shape2d[0]-1)//2)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, frame.shape)
a = np.ones(frame.shape)
a[mask] = 0
im = axr[ip].imshow(a[roi], interpolation='none', cmap='gray', vmin=0.5, alpha=0.7,
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [36]:
shape2d = (11, 11)
clip_radius = 1.8
nrows = 2
npoints = len(points_unpatched)
even_npoints = npoints if npoints % 2 == 0 else npoints + 1
ncols = even_npoints // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(3.5*ncols, 3.5*nrows))
axr = ax.ravel()
for ip, point in enumerate(points_unpatched):
rpoint = np.round(point)
roi = tt.get_roi_square(rpoint, pad=(shape2d[0]-1)//2)
axr[ip].imshow(hp_frame[roi], cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none',
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].plot(point[0], point[1], 'r+')
axr[ip].annotate('%d' % ip, point, color='red', fontsize=14)
mask = tt.get_roi_circle(point, clip_radius, frame.shape)
a = np.ones(frame.shape)
a[mask] = 0
im = axr[ip].imshow(a[roi], interpolation='none', cmap='gray', vmin=0.5, alpha=0.7,
extent=(roi[1].start-0.5, roi[1].stop-0.5, roi[0].stop-0.5, roi[0].start-0.5))
axr[ip].set_title('Radius = %.2f, # Pixels = %d' % (clip_radius, len(mask[0])))
In [37]:
%matplotlib inline
In [38]:
In [39]:
clip_radius = 1.8
vert_offset = 25
In [40]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 1.5*len(points_patched)), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.96, hspace=0)
for i, point in enumerate(points_patched):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=250)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace, 10)
vpos = vert_offset*i
l, = ax.plot(data.time, timetrace + vpos,
label='QD %d (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, point[0], point[1]))
ax.plot(data.time, ftimetrace + vpos, color='k')
#ax.set_xlim(0, 2)
In [41]:
colors = sns.color_palette('deep', max(len(points_patched), len(points_unpatched)))
In [42]:
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
lowpass_sigma = 10
thresholds = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
points_sel = points_patched
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1, figsize=(20, 2*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.96, hspace=0.05)
for i, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace, 10)
on_periods = tt.get_on_periods_slices(timetrace, thresholds[i], lowpass_sigma=lowpass_sigma, align=4)
ax[i].plot(data.time, timetrace, color=colors[i], alpha=0.3,
label='QD %d (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, point[0], point[1]))
for on_period in on_periods:
ax[i].plot(data.time[on_period], timetrace[on_period], color=colors[i], alpha=1)
#ax[i].plot(data.time[time_on], trace_on, '.', color=colors[i], alpha=1)
ax[i].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k')
ax[i].axhline(thresholds[i], color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.7)
ax[i].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=2)
In [43]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1, figsize=(20, 2*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.96, hspace=0.05)
for i, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace, 10)
on_periods = tt.get_on_periods_slices(timetrace, thresholds[i], lowpass_sigma=lowpass_sigma, align=4)
ax[i].plot(data.time, timetrace, color=colors[i], alpha=0.3,
label='QD %d (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, point[0], point[1]))
for on_period in on_periods:
ax[i].plot(data.time[on_period], timetrace[on_period], color=colors[i], alpha=1)
#ax[i].plot(data.time[time_on], trace_on, '.', color=colors[i], alpha=1)
ax[i].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k')
ax[i].axhline(thresholds[i], color='k', ls='--', alpha=0.7)
ax[i].locator_params(axis='y', tight=True, nbins=2)
In [44]:
%matplotlib inline
In [45]:
In [46]:
point = points_patched[1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(22, 8), sharex=True)
timetrace1 = tt.get_timetrace(, point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=None)
trend = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace1, detrend_sigma)
ftimetrace = ndi.filters.gaussian_filter1d(timetrace1 - trend, lowpass_sigma)
ax[0].plot(data.time, timetrace1, label='QD (%.1f, %.1f)' % point);
ax[0].plot(data.time, trend, color='k');
ax[1].plot(data.time, timetrace1 - trend, label='QD (%.1f, %.1f)' % point);
ax[1].plot(data.time, ftimetrace, color='k');
ax[0].set_title('Difference between background corrected and raw timetrace');
Given a timetrace $\{t_k\}$, where $t_k$ is the ROI-average in frame $k$, the signal is compute as follows:
This signal is computed by the function
Given a timetrace $\{t_k\}$, where $t_k$ is the ROI-average in frame $k$, the signal is compute as follows:
This signal is computed by functions
In [47]:
f0 = 100
sim_signal = 1 + np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*data.time - np.pi/4)
In [48]:
points_sel = points_patched
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
mdouble_diff, mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
sdouble_diff, sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=0)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
mdouble_diff[ip], mdouble_diffo[ip] = double_diff.mean(), double_diffo.mean()
sdouble_diff[ip], sdouble_diffo[ip] = double_diff.std(), double_diffo.std()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(mdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[0].plot(mdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[1].plot(sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[1].plot(sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[2].plot(mdouble_diff/sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[2].plot(mdouble_diffo/sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig_patched = fig
In [49]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
mdouble_diff, mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
sdouble_diff, sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=0)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
mdouble_diff[ip], mdouble_diffo[ip] = double_diff.mean(), double_diffo.mean()
sdouble_diff[ip], sdouble_diffo[ip] = double_diff.std(), double_diffo.std()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(mdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[0].plot(mdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[1].plot(sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[1].plot(sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[2].plot(mdouble_diff/sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum')
ax[2].plot(mdouble_diffo/sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='2-edges sum out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (sum of falling and rising edges)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig_unpatched = fig
In [50]:
The previous figure uses Def.1. and shows $\textrm{mean}(\{d_i\})$ (column 1), $\textrm{std_dev}(\{d_i\})$ (column 2) and $\textrm{mean}(\{d_i\})/\textrm{std_dev}(\{d_i\})$ (column 3).
The n-cycles average is computed as a n-elements running (or block) average on the array $\{d_i\}$.
NOTE: The array $\{d_i\}$ can be computed either according to Def. 1 or Def. 2. Swapping definition (with constant n) results in averaging a different number of periods.
Call tt.running_average()
passing the array $\{d_i\}$ previously computed via tt.double_edge_diff_avg()
Alternatively use tt.block_average()
for block average.
The function tt.edge_diff_avg_ndiff()
computes the n-samples average of $\{d_i\}$ starting from the raw timetrace.
If can compute both runnning (default) or block average.
In [51]:
%matplotlib inline
In [52]:
In [53]:
points_sel = points_patched
ncycles = 9
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_mdouble_diff, n_mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_sdouble_diff, n_sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_double_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_double_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mdouble_diff[ip], n_mdouble_diffo[ip] = n_double_diff.mean(), n_double_diffo.mean()
n_sdouble_diff[ip], n_sdouble_diffo[ip] = n_double_diff.std(), n_double_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of 2-edges sum' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mdouble_diff/n_sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mdouble_diffo/n_sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig.suptitle('Patched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_patched = fig
In [54]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mdouble_diff, n_mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_sdouble_diff, n_sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_double_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_double_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mdouble_diff[ip], n_mdouble_diffo[ip] = n_double_diff.mean(), n_double_diffo.mean()
n_sdouble_diff[ip], n_sdouble_diffo[ip] = n_double_diff.std(), n_double_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of 2-edges sum' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mdouble_diff/n_sdouble_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mdouble_diffo/n_sdouble_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig.suptitle('Unpatched, %d-cycles average' % ncycles);
fig_unpatched = fig
In [55]:
In [56]:
points_sel = points_patched
ncycles = 18
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
name = '%d-cycles avg of alternated diff' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig_patched = fig;
In [57]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_mean_diff, n_mean_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_std_diff, n_std_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
all_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on)
all_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_all_diff = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_all_diffo = tt.avg_nsamples(all_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg)
n_mean_diff[ip], n_mean_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.mean(), n_all_diffo.mean()
n_std_diff[ip], n_std_diffo[ip] = n_all_diff.std(), n_all_diffo.std()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 4))
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[0].plot(n_mean_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[0].set_title('Mean of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].plot(n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[1].plot(n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[1].set_title('Std.Dev. of (%s)' % name)
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diff/n_std_diff, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='in-phase')
ax[2].plot(n_mean_diffo/n_std_diffo, '-o', mew=0, ms=6, label='out-of-phase')
ax[2].set_title('SNR of (%s)' % name)
ax[1].set_xlabel('Quantum Dot')
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [58]:
In [59]:
def t_run(sample_diff, num_samples, running_avg):
if running_avg:
return np.arange(0, sample_diff.size)*2 + 0.5 + num_samples
return np.arange(0, sample_diff.size)*2*num_samples + num_samples
In [60]:
points_sel = points_patched
ncycles = 16
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
timetrace_on = timetrace
#time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=0),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=1),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = '%d-cycles avg of 2-edges sum' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(18, 4*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
signal_clue = n_alt_diff[ip]**2
signal_clueo = n_alt_diffo[ip]**2
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clue, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clue, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) in-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clueo, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clueo, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) out-of-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax2 = ax[ip].twinx()
ax2.plot(timetrace, 'k', alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
#ax[ip].set_ylim(-0, 20)
fig_patched = fig;
In [61]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = [], []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
timetrace_on = timetrace
#time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=0),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace, offset=1),
num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(18, 4*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
signal_clue = n_alt_diff[ip]**2
signal_clueo = n_alt_diffo[ip]**2
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clue, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clue, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) in-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(t_run(signal_clueo, ncycles, running_avg),
signal_clueo, label='QD %d: signal^2 (%d cycles) out-of-phase' % (ip, ncycles), alpha=alpha)
ax2 = ax[ip].twinx()
ax2.plot(timetrace, 'k', alpha=0.3)
ax[0].set_title('Unpatched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
#ax[ip].set_ylim(-0, 20)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [62]:
In [63]:
In [64]:
points_sel = points_patched
multi_ncycles = [1, 4, 9, 14]
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
mdouble_diff, mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
sdouble_diff, sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_double_diff, n_double_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_double_diff[ncycles].append(tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
n_double_diffo[ncycles].append(tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.5
nbins = 25
name = '%d-cycles avg of 2-edges sum' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_double_diff[ncycles][ip], n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_double_diff[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_double_diff[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[0])
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[1])
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
fig_patched = fig;
In [65]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
mdouble_diff, mdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
sdouble_diff, sdouble_diffo = np.zeros(len(points_sel)), np.zeros(len(points_sel))
n_double_diff, n_double_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
n_double_diff[ncycles].append(tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
n_double_diffo[ncycles].append(tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(points_sel)),
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_double_diff[ncycles][ip], n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_double_diff[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_double_diff[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[0])
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_double_diffo[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[1])
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Unpatched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [66]:
In [67]:
In [68]:
points_sel = points_patched
multi_ncycles = [2, 8, 18, 28]
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.5
nbins = 25
name = '%d-cycles avg of alt. diff.' % ncycles
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[0])
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[1])
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Patched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
fig_patched = fig;
In [69]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles),
figsize=(4*len(multi_ncycles), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncycles in enumerate(multi_ncycles):
sample, sampleo = n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip]
bin_abs_max = np.max([np.abs(sample).max(), np.abs(sampleo).max()])
bins = np.linspace(-bin_abs_max*1.1, bin_abs_max*1.1, nbins+1)
centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5*(bins[1] - bins[0])
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].hist(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip], bins=bins, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_alt_diff[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[0])
ax[ip, cidx].axvline(n_alt_diffo[ncycles][ip].mean(), color=colors[1])
ax[0, cidx].set_title('Unpatched: %d-cycles average' % ncycles)
ax[ip, 0].legend(loc='upper left')
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [70]:
In [71]:
In [72]:
points_sel = points_patched
multi_ncycles = [1, 4, 9, 14, 32]
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_double_diff, n_double_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = 'SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(12, 3*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle = [n_double_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_double_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo = [n_double_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_double_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycle, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycleo, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[0].set_title('Patched: %s' % name)
fig_patched = fig;
In [73]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_double_diff, n_double_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
double_diff = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on)
double_diffo = tt.edge_diff_sum(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(double_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(double_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = 'SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(12, 3*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle = [n_double_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_double_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo = [n_double_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_double_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycle, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycleo, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[0].set_title('Unpatched: %s' % name)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [74]:
In [75]:
In [76]:
points_sel = points_patched
multi_ncycles = [2, 8, 18, 28, 64]
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = 'SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(12, 3*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle = [n_alt_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo = [n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycle, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycleo, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[0].set_title('Patched: %s' % name)
fig_patched = fig;
In [77]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
alpha = 0.8
name = 'SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), 1,
figsize=(12, 3*len(points_sel)), sharex=True)
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle = [n_alt_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo = [n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycle, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d in-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].plot(signal_cycleo, '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='QD %d out-of-phase' % ip, alpha=alpha)
ax[ip].legend(loc='upper left')
ax[0].set_title('Unpatched: %s' % name)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [78]:
In [79]:
In [80]:
points_sel = points_patched[:4] + points_patched[6:] # Remove duplicate QDs
multi_ncycles = range(5, 65, 5)
running_avg = True
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = 300
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
signal_cycle = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
signal_cycleo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle[ip] = [n_alt_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo[ip] = [n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
alpha = 0.8
name = 'ALL QDs means: SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
ax.plot(multi_ncycles, np.abs(signal_cycle.mean(axis=0)), '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='All QD in-phase', alpha=alpha)
ax.plot(multi_ncycles, np.abs(signal_cycleo.mean(axis=0)), '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='All QD out-of-phase', alpha=alpha)
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Patched: %s' % name)
ax.set_xlabel('Number of cycles')
ax_patched = ax
fig_patched = fig;
In [81]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
n_alt_diff, n_alt_diffo = {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}, {n: [] for n in multi_ncycles}
for ncycles in multi_ncycles:
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
alt_diff = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=0)
alt_diffo = tt.edge_diff_all(timetrace_on, offset=1)
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diff, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
tt.avg_nsamples(alt_diffo, num_samples=ncycles, running_avg=running_avg))
signal_cycle = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
signal_cycleo = np.zeros((len(points_sel), len(multi_ncycles)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
signal_cycle[ip] = [n_alt_diff[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diff[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
signal_cycleo[ip] = [n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].mean()/n_alt_diffo[nc][ip].std()
for nc in multi_ncycles]
alpha = 0.8
name = 'ALL QDs means: SNR vs cycles avg.'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
ax.plot(multi_ncycles, np.abs(signal_cycle.mean(axis=0)), '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='All QD in-phase', alpha=alpha)
ax.plot(multi_ncycles, np.abs(signal_cycleo.mean(axis=0)), '-o', ms=6, mew=0, label='All QD out-of-phase', alpha=alpha)
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Unpatched: %s' % name)
ax.set_xlabel('Number of cycles')
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [82]:
In [83]:
In [84]:
def acf(series):
dseries = series - series.mean()
full_size = 2*series.size - 1
tau = np.arange(0, (full_size+1)/2)
acf_full = np.correlate(dseries, dseries, mode='full')/(dseries*dseries).sum()
assert acf_full[(full_size-1)/2:].size == (full_size+1)/2
return tau, acf_full[(full_size-1)/2:]
In [85]:
points_sel = points_patched
clip_radius = 1.8
detrend_sigma = None
acf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace += 0.5*sim_signal
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
scales = [16, 64, 512]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(acf_res[ip][0][:ncrop], acf_res[ip][1][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Patched QD %d' % ip)
fig_patched = fig;
In [86]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
acf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=clip_radius, detrend_sigma=detrend_sigma)
#timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
scales = [16, 64, 512]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(acf_res[ip][0][:ncrop], acf_res[ip][1][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Unpatched QD %d' % ip)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [87]:
In [88]:
Let assume the "square wave" is a signal alternating between 1 and -1.
If we correlate with a very long square wave, we basically get an alternation of 2 values: one when the wave is in-phase and one when the wave is out-of-phase. These are just the sum of all the ON periods minus the sum of all the OFF periods and vice-versa. Therefore these two values (in-pahse and out-of-phase) differ only in sign. We will extract this value for the different QD patched and unpached.
If we correlate with a very short square wave, we basically do the same sum of ON periods minus OFF period samples (or vice-versa) in a small time window selected by the square wave as a function of the delay. A constant or slow-varying signal (compared to the square wave duration) will have a correlation of 0. A signal alternating in-phase will be positive for in-phase delays and negative for off-phase delays.
If the square wave has length $N$ the correlation is equivalent to the $N/2$-periods average performed on the first (falling) edge for in-phase delays and on the second (rising) edge for out-off-phase delays.
In [89]:
class SquareWave:
def __init__(self):
self.params = None
self.sqwave = None
def get(self, size, on_value, off_value):
if (size, on_value, off_value) != self.params:
self.sqwave = on_value*np.ones(size)
self.sqwave[1::2] = off_value
return self.sqwave
sqwave_gen = SquareWave()
def ccf_square(input_series, sqw_size, sqw_on_value, sqw_off_value):
sqwave = sqwave_gen.get(sqw_size, sqw_on_value, sqw_off_value)
dseries = input_series - input_series.mean()
ccf_full = np.correlate(dseries, sqwave, mode='full')
return ccf_full
In [90]:
points_sel = points_patched
sqw_size = 16
ccf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=2, detrend_sigma=None)
timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
ccf_res.append(ccf_square(timetrace_on, sqw_size=sqw_size, sqw_on_value=1, sqw_off_value=-1))
scales = [64, 512, -1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(ccf_res[ip][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Patched QD %d' % ip)
fig_patched = fig;
In [91]:
points_sel = points_unpatched
sqw_size = 16
ccf_res = []
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
timetrace = tt.get_timetrace(, point=point, clip_radius=2, detrend_sigma=None)
timetrace_on = timetrace
time_on, timetrace_on = tt.get_on_periods_timetrace(timetrace, thresholds[ip], lowpass_sigma=10, align=4)
ccf_res.append(ccf_square(timetrace_on, sqw_size=sqw_size, sqw_on_value=1, sqw_off_value=-1))
scales = [64, 512, -1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(points_sel), len(scales),
figsize=(4*len(scales), 3*len(points_sel)))
for ip, point in enumerate(points_sel):
for cidx, ncrop in enumerate(scales):
ax[ip, cidx].plot(ccf_res[ip][:ncrop], '-o', mew=0, ms=6,
color=colors[ip], label='QD %d' % ip)
#ax[ip, cidx].set_yscale('log')
ax[ip, -1].legend()
ax[ip, 1].set_title('ACF Unpatched QD %d' % ip)
fig_unpatched = fig;
In [92]:
In [93]:
In [ ]:
In [94]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: