Executed: Wed Jan 18 21:31:13 2017

Duration: 697 seconds.

In [1]:
measurement_id = 0 # possible values: 0, 1, 2
windows = (5, 30, 60)

In [2]:
# Cell inserted during automated execution.
windows = (5, 30, 60)
measurement_id = 0

Notebook arguments

  • measurement_id (int): Select the measurement. Valid values: 0, 1, 2.
  • windows (tuple of ints): List of integration window durations (seconds).

8-spot kinetics

This notebook executes the realtime-kinetics analysis.

The first cell of this notebook selects which measurement is analyzed. Measurements can be processed one-by-one, by manually running this notebook, or in batch by using the notebook: "8-spot bubble-bubble kinetics - Run-All".

Loading the software

In [3]:
import time
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import linregress
from IPython.display import display

In [4]:
from fretbursts import *

 - Optimized (cython) burst search loaded.
 - Optimized (cython) photon counting loaded.
 You are running FRETBursts (version 0.5.9).

 If you use this software please cite the following paper:

   FRETBursts: An Open Source Toolkit for Analysis of Freely-Diffusing Single-Molecule FRET
   Ingargiola et al. (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0160716 


In [5]:
sns = init_notebook(fs=14)

In [6]:
import lmfit; lmfit.__version__


In [7]:
import phconvert; phconvert.__version__


Selecting a data file

In [8]:
dir_ = 'data/multispot_'

filenames = [

start_times = [900, 600, 900] # time of NTP injection and start of kinetics

In [9]:
filename = filenames[measurement_id]
start_time = start_times[measurement_id]

In [10]:


In [11]:
import os
assert os.path.exists(filename)

Load and process the data:

In [12]:
d = loader.photon_hdf5(filename)

In [13]:


Compute background and burst search:

In [14]:
d.calc_bg(bg.exp_fit, time_s=10, tail_min_us='auto', F_bg=1.7)

 - Calculating BG rates ... [DONE]

Perform a background plot as a function of the channel:

In [15]:

Let's take a look at the photon waiting times histograms and at the fitted background rates:

In [16]:
dplot(d, hist_bg);

Using dplot exactly in the same way as for the single-spot data has now generated 8 subplots, one for each channel.

Let's plot a timetrace for the background to see is there are significat variations during the measurement:

In [17]:
dplot(d, timetrace_bg);
xlim(start_time - 150, start_time + 150)

(750, 1050)

We can look at the timetrace of the photon stream (binning):

In [18]:
#dplot(d, timetrace)
#xlim(2, 3); ylim(-100, 100);

Burst selection and FRET

In [19]:
d.burst_search(m=10, F=5)

 - Performing burst search (verbose=False) ...[DONE]
 - Calculating burst periods ...[DONE]
 - Counting D and A ph and calculating FRET ... 
   - Applying background correction.
   - Applying leakage correction.
   [DONE Counting D/A]

In [20]:
ds = d.select_bursts(select_bursts.size, th1=30)

Selecting bursts by size

In [21]:
ds0 = ds.select_bursts(select_bursts.time, time_s1=0, time_s2=start_time-10)

In [22]:
dplot(ds0, hist_fret, pdf=False);

In [23]:
dm0 = ds0.collapse()

In [24]:
dplot(dm0, hist_fret, pdf=False);

In [25]:
weights = 'size'
bext.bursts_fitter(dm0, weights=weights)
dm0.E_fitter.fit_histogram(mfit.factory_three_gaussians(p1_center=0.05, p2_center=0.6, p3_center=0.9), verbose=False)
dplot(dm0, hist_fret, show_model=True, weights=weights);

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.150266 0.0708101 0.0476664 0.731101 0.612548 0.178005 0.120073 0.937682 0.0518774

In [26]:
weights = None
bext.bursts_fitter(dm0, weights=weights)
dm0.E_fitter.fit_histogram(mfit.factory_three_gaussians(p1_center=0.05, p2_center=0.6, p3_center=0.9), verbose=False)
dplot(dm0, hist_fret, show_model=True, weights=weights);

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.164994 0.0744713 0.0580688 0.706491 0.626976 0.2 0.13864 0.940542 0.0529274

3-Gaussian peaks

In [27]:
def gauss3(**params0):
    peak1 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p1_')
    peak3 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p3_')
    peak2 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p2_')
    model = peak1 + peak2 + peak3
    model.set_param_hint('p1_center', **{'value': 0.0, 'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.2, **params0.get('p1_center', {})})
    model.set_param_hint('p2_center', **{'value': 0.5, 'min': 0.0, 'max': 1.0, **params0.get('p2_center', {})})
    model.set_param_hint('p3_center', **{'value': 0.9, 'min': 0.8, 'max': 1.0, **params0.get('p3_center', {})})
    for sigma in ['p%d_sigma' % i for i in (1, 2, 3)]:
        model.set_param_hint(sigma, **{'value': 0.02, 'min': 0.01, **params0.get(sigma, {})})
    for ampl in ['p%d_amplitude' % i for i in (1, 2, 3)]:
        model.set_param_hint(ampl, **{'value': 0.333, 'min': 0.01, **params0.get(ampl, {})})
    model.name = '3 gauss peaks'
    return model

In [28]:
#%matplotlib notebook

In [29]:
#fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
#dplot(dm0, scatter_fret_size, ax=ax)

In [30]:
bext.bursts_fitter(dm0, weights=None)
dm0.E_fitter.fit_histogram(gauss3(), verbose=False)
params_3gauss = dm0.E_fitter.params
#dir_ = r'C:\Data\Antonio\docs\conferences\Seaborg2015\figures/'
#plt.savefig(dir_+'Realtime kinetics FRET hist', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.164653 0.0743974 0.0579666 0.70898 0.627516 0.200975 0.137031 0.940557 0.0525277

In [31]:
dsc = ds.collapse()

In [32]:
dm_final = dsc.select_bursts(select_bursts.time, time_s1=start_time+300, time_s2=ds.time_max + 1)


In [33]:
dm_final1 = dsc.select_bursts(select_bursts.time, time_s1=start_time+100, time_s2=start_time+1600)


In [34]:
dm_final2 = dsc.select_bursts(select_bursts.time, time_s1=start_time + 2100, time_s2=ds.time_max + 1)


In [35]:
bext.bursts_fitter(dm_final1, weights=None)
model = gauss3()
model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=params_3gauss.p2_center[0], vary=False)
dm_final1.E_fitter.fit_histogram(model, verbose=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
mfit.plot_mfit(dm_final1.E_fitter, ax=ax)
params_3gauss1 = dm_final1.E_fitter.params

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.268089 0.0742374 0.0571347 0.317123 0.627516 0.237289 0.429918 0.936653 0.0606491

In [36]:
bext.bursts_fitter(dm_final2, weights=None)
model = gauss3()
model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=params_3gauss.p2_center[0], vary=False)
dm_final2.E_fitter.fit_histogram(model, verbose=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
mfit.plot_mfit(dm_final2.E_fitter, ax=ax)
params_3gauss1 = dm_final2.E_fitter.params

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.24158 0.0756199 0.0569706 0.348374 0.627516 0.238282 0.423328 0.936277 0.0591128

In [37]:
bext.bursts_fitter(dm_final, weights=None)
model = gauss3()
model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=params_3gauss.p2_center[0], vary=False)
dm_final.E_fitter.fit_histogram(model, verbose=False)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
mfit.plot_mfit(dm_final.E_fitter, ax=ax)
params_3gauss1 = dm_final.E_fitter.params

p1_amplitude p1_center p1_sigma p2_amplitude p2_center p2_sigma p3_amplitude p3_center p3_sigma
0 0.252224 0.0750055 0.056529 0.330687 0.627516 0.237162 0.429945 0.936418 0.0597222

In [38]:
#del params_3gauss0

In [39]:
if 'params_3gauss0' not in locals():
    params_3gauss0 = params_3gauss.copy()
    params_3gauss0.p3_center = params_3gauss1.p3_center

In [40]:
params_3gauss0.p1_amplitude + params_3gauss0.p2_amplitude + params_3gauss0.p3_amplitude

0    1.01066
dtype: object

In [41]:
'params_3gauss0' in locals()



In [42]:
from scipy import optimize

In [43]:
params_fixed = dict(

In [44]:
def em_weights_3gauss(x, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3):
    """Responsibility function for a 3-Gaussian model.
    Returns 3 arrays of size = x.size: the responsibility of 
    each Gaussian population.
    a1 = 1 - a2 - a3
    assert np.abs(a1 + a2 + a3 - 1) < 1e-3
    f1 = a1 * gauss_pdf(x, mu1, sig1)
    f2 = a2 * gauss_pdf(x, mu2, sig2)
    f3 = a3 * gauss_pdf(x, mu3, sig3)
    γ1 = f1 / (f1 + f2 + f3)
    γ2 = f2 / (f1 + f2 + f3)
    γ3 = f3 / (f1 + f2 + f3)
    return γ1, γ2, γ3

def em_fit_3gauss(x, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed, print_every=10, max_iter=100, rtol=1e-3):
    """Fit amplitude of 3_Gaussian model using Expectation-Maximization.
    Only 2 amplitudes are fitted (a2, a3), the first peak is derived imposing
    that the PDF sums to 1.
    a2_new, a3_new = a2_0, a3_0
    rel_change = 1
    i = 0
    while rel_change > rtol and i < max_iter:

        # E-step
        γ1, γ2, γ3 = em_weights_3gauss(x, a2_new, a3_new, **params_fixed)
        assert np.allclose(γ1.sum() + γ2.sum() + γ3.sum(), x.size)

        # M-step
        a2_old, a3_old = a2_new, a3_new     
        a2_new = γ2.sum()/γ2.size
        a3_new = γ3.sum()/γ3.size

        # Convergence
        rel_change = (np.abs((a2_old - a2_new)/a2_new)
                      + np.abs((a3_old - a3_new)/a3_new))
        i += 1
        if (i % print_every) == 0:
            print(i, a2_new, a3_new, rel_change)
    return a2_new, a3_new, i

In [45]:
from matplotlib.pylab import normpdf as gauss_pdf

# Model PDF to be maximized
def model_pdf(x, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3):
    a1 = 1 - a2 - a3
    #assert np.abs(a1 + a2 + a3 - 1) < 1e-3
    return (a1 * gauss_pdf(x, mu1, sig1) + 
            a2 * gauss_pdf(x, mu2, sig2) + 
            a3 * gauss_pdf(x, mu3, sig3))

# Function to be minimized by lmfit
def func2min_lmfit(params, x):
    a2 = params['a2'].value
    a3 = params['a3'].value
    mu1 = params['mu1'].value
    mu2 = params['mu2'].value
    mu3 = params['mu3'].value
    sig1 = params['sig1'].value
    sig2 = params['sig2'].value
    sig3 = params['sig3'].value
    return -np.sqrt(np.log(model_pdf(x, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3)))

# Function to be minimized by scipy
def func2min_scipy(params_fit, params_fixed, x):
    a2, a3 = params_fit
    mu1 = params_fixed['mu1']
    mu2 = params_fixed['mu2']
    mu3 = params_fixed['mu3']
    sig1 = params_fixed['sig1']
    sig2 = params_fixed['sig2']
    sig3 = params_fixed['sig3']
    return -np.log(model_pdf(x, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3)).sum()

# create a set of Parameters
params = lmfit.Parameters()
params.add('a2', value=0.33, min=0)
params.add('a3', value=0.33, min=0)
for k, v in params_fixed.items():
    params.add(k, value=v, vary=False)
$$f(x) = \frac{A}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\, e^{-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}}$$$$\log f(x) = \log \frac{A}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\, e^{-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}} = \log{A} -\log{\sigma} - \log\sqrt{2\pi} -\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}$$$$w_1 \; f_1(x) + w_2 \; f_2(x) + w_3 \; f_3(x)$$$$\log (w_1 \; f_1(x)) = \log{w_1} + \log{f_1(x)}$$

In [46]:
x = dm0.E_

#result = lmfit.minimize(func2min_lmfit, params, args=(x,), method='nelder')

array([ 0.63209403,  0.65057742,  0.80186393, ..., -0.01168363,
        0.09676545,  0.20681556])

In [47]:
#optimize.brute(func2min_scipy, ranges=((0.01, 0.99), (0.01, 0.99)), Ns=101, args=(params, x))

In [48]:
res = optimize.minimize(func2min_scipy, x0=[0.33, 0.33], args=(params_fixed, x), method='Nelder-Mead')

 final_simplex: (array([[ 0.69913964,  0.1380212 ],
       [ 0.69915563,  0.13803311],
       [ 0.69909657,  0.13805408]]), array([ 635.09708576,  635.09709381,  635.09717034]))
           fun: 635.09708576363028
       message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
          nfev: 70
           nit: 35
        status: 0
       success: True
             x: array([ 0.69913964,  0.1380212 ])

In [49]:
res = optimize.minimize(func2min_scipy, x0=[0.33, 0.33], args=(params_fixed, x), bounds=((0,1), (0,1)), method='SLSQP')

/Users/anto/miniconda3/envs/multispot_paper/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:32: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
     fun: nan
     jac: array([ nan,  nan,   0.])
 message: 'Iteration limit exceeded'
    nfev: 1404
     nit: 101
    njev: 101
  status: 9
 success: False
       x: array([ nan,  nan])

In [50]:
res = optimize.minimize(func2min_scipy, x0=[0.33, 0.33], args=(params_fixed, x), bounds=((0,1), (0,1)), method='TNC')

     fun: 635.0970259100518
     jac: array([  4.54747351e-05,  -5.68434189e-05])
 message: 'Converged (|f_n-f_(n-1)| ~= 0)'
    nfev: 46
     nit: 14
  status: 1
 success: True
       x: array([ 0.69913359,  0.13803819])

In [51]:
bins = np.arange(-0.1, 1.1, 0.025)
plt.hist(x, bins, histtype='step', lw=2, normed=True);
xx = np.arange(-0.1, 1.1, 0.005)
#plt.plot(xx, model_pdf(xx, params))
plt.plot(xx, model_pdf(xx, a2=res.x[0], a3=res.x[1], **params_fixed))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1ed10f320>]



In [52]:
def _kinetics_fit_em(dx, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed, **kwargs):
    kwargs = {'max_iter': 200, 'print_every': 201, **kwargs}
    a2, a3, i = em_fit_3gauss(dx.E_, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed, **kwargs)
    return a2, a3, i < kwargs['max_iter']

def _kinetics_fit_ll(dx, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed, **kwargs):
    kwargs = {'method':'Nelder-Mead', **kwargs}
    res = optimize.minimize(func2min_scipy, x0=[a2_0, a3_0], args=(params_fixed, dx.E_), 
    return res.x[0], res.x[1], res.success
def _kinetics_fit_hist(dx, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed):
    E_fitter = bext.bursts_fitter(dx)
    model = gauss3(p1_amplitude={'value': 1 - a2_0 - a3_0}, 
                   p2_amplitude={'value': a2_0}, 
                   p3_amplitude={'value': a3_0})
    model.set_param_hint('p1_center', value=params_fixed['mu1'], vary=False)
    model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=params_fixed['mu2'], vary=False)
    model.set_param_hint('p3_center', value=params_fixed['mu3'], vary=False)
    model.set_param_hint('p1_sigma', value=params_fixed['sig1'], vary=False)
    model.set_param_hint('p2_sigma', value=params_fixed['sig2'], vary=False)
    model.set_param_hint('p3_sigma', value=params_fixed['sig3'], vary=False)    
    E_fitter.fit_histogram(model, verbose=False)
    return (float(E_fitter.params.p2_amplitude), 
def kinetics_fit(ds_slices, params_fixed, a2_0=0.33, a3_0=0.33, method='em', **method_kws):
    fit_func = {
        'em': _kinetics_fit_em, 
        'll': _kinetics_fit_ll,
        'hist': _kinetics_fit_hist}
    fit_list = []
    for dx in ds_slices:
        a2, a3, success = fit_func[method](dx, a2_0, a3_0, params_fixed, **method_kws)
        df_i = pd.DataFrame(data=dict(p2_amplitude=a2, p3_amplitude=a3, 
                                      p1_center=params_fixed['mu1'], p2_center=params_fixed['mu2'], 
                                      p3_center=params_fixed['mu3'], p1_sigma=params_fixed['sig1'],
                                      p2_sigma=params_fixed['sig2'], p3_sigma=params_fixed['sig3'],
                                      tstart=dx.slice_tstart, tstop=dx.slice_tstop, 
                                      tmean=0.5*(dx.slice_tstart + dx.slice_tstop)), 
                            index=[0.5*(dx.slice_tstart + dx.slice_tstop)])
        if not success:
            print('* ', end='', flush=True)
    return pd.concat(fit_list)

In [53]:


Moving-window processing

In [54]:
def print_slices(moving_window_params):
    msg = ' - Slicing measurement:'
    for name in ('start', 'stop', 'step', 'window'):
        msg += ' %s = %.1fs' % (name, moving_window_params[name]) 
    print(msg, flush=True)
    num_slices = len(bext.moving_window_startstop(**moving_window_params))
    print('   Number of slices %d' % num_slices, flush=True)

In [55]:
t1 = time.time()

'Wed Jan 18 21:32:29 2017'

In [56]:
dsc = ds.collapse()
dsc_high = dsc.select_bursts(select_bursts.E, E1=0.88)

In [57]:
step = 1
params = {}
for window in windows:
    moving_window_params = dict(start=0, stop=dsc.time_max, step=step, window=window)

    ds_slices = bext.moving_window_chunks(dsc, time_zero=start_time, **moving_window_params)
    for meth in ['em', 'll', 'hist']:
        print('    >>> Fitting method %s ' % meth, end='', flush=True)
        p = kinetics_fit(ds_slices, params_fixed, method=meth)
        p['kinetics'] = p.p3_amplitude / (p.p2_amplitude + p.p3_amplitude)
        p = p.round(dict(p1_center=3, p1_sigma=4, p2_amplitude=4, p2_center=3, p2_sigma=4, kinetics=4,
                         p3_amplitude=4, p3_center=3, p3_sigma=4))
        params[meth, window, step] = p

 - Slicing measurement: start = 0.0s stop = 4530.8s step = 1.0s window = 5.0s
   Number of slices 4526
    >>> Fitting method em 
/Users/anto/miniconda3/envs/multispot_paper/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:39: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
/Users/anto/miniconda3/envs/multispot_paper/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:39: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
    >>> Fitting method ll 
/Users/anto/miniconda3/envs/multispot_paper/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:32: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
* * * 
    >>> Fitting method hist 
 - Slicing measurement: start = 0.0s stop = 4530.8s step = 1.0s window = 30.0s
   Number of slices 4501
    >>> Fitting method em 
    >>> Fitting method ll 
    >>> Fitting method hist 
 - Slicing measurement: start = 0.0s stop = 4530.8s step = 1.0s window = 60.0s
   Number of slices 4471
    >>> Fitting method em 
    >>> Fitting method ll 
    >>> Fitting method hist 

In [58]:
print('Moving-window processing duration: %d seconds.' % (time.time() - t1))

Moving-window processing duration: 598 seconds.


In [59]:
moving_window_params['window'] = 30

{'start': 0, 'step': 1, 'stop': 4530.8447492625, 'window': 30}

In [60]:
ds_slices = bext.moving_window_chunks(dsc, **moving_window_params)
ds_slices_high = bext.moving_window_chunks(dsc_high, **moving_window_params)

df = bext.moving_window_dataframe(**moving_window_params) - start_time
df['size_mean'] = [di.nt_.mean() for di in ds_slices]
df['size_max'] = [di.nt_.max() for di in ds_slices]
df['num_bursts'] = [di.num_bursts[0] for di in ds_slices]
df['burst_width'] = [di.mburst_.width.mean()*di.clk_p*1e3 for di in ds_slices]
df['burst_width_high'] = [di.mburst_.width.mean()*di.clk_p*1e3 for di in ds_slices_high]
df['phrate_mean'] = [di.max_rate_.mean() for di in ds_slices]

In [61]:
df = df.round(dict(tmean=1, tstart=1, tstop=1, size_mean=2, size_max=1, 
                   burst_width=2, burst_width_high=2, phrate_mean=1))

tmean tstart tstop size_mean size_max num_bursts burst_width burst_width_high phrate_mean
0 -885.0 -900.0 -870.0 79.07 1039.9 2059 1.19 0.95 63960.0
1 -884.0 -899.0 -869.0 78.76 1039.9 2116 1.18 0.95 63693.9
2 -883.0 -898.0 -868.0 78.70 1039.9 2141 1.19 0.96 63060.9
3 -882.0 -897.0 -867.0 78.85 1039.9 2123 1.19 0.95 62469.7
4 -881.0 -896.0 -866.0 78.19 1039.9 2104 1.19 0.95 57804.4
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4496 3611.0 3596.0 3626.0 68.09 546.1 2007 1.05 0.99 NaN
4497 3612.0 3597.0 3627.0 67.80 546.1 2031 1.04 0.98 NaN
4498 3613.0 3598.0 3628.0 68.39 546.1 2030 1.05 0.99 NaN
4499 3614.0 3599.0 3629.0 69.06 546.1 2059 1.06 1.00 NaN
4500 3615.0 3600.0 3630.0 69.39 555.3 2085 1.07 1.01 NaN

4501 rows × 9 columns

In [62]:
labels = ('num_bursts', 'burst_width', 'phrate_mean')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(labels), 1, figsize=(12, 3*len(labels)))

for ax, label in zip(axes, labels):
    ax.plot(label, data=df)

In [63]:
# %%timeit -n1 -r1
# meth = 'em'
# print('    >>> Fitting method %s' % meth, flush=True)
# p = kinetics_fit(ds_slices, params_fixed, method=meth)

In [64]:
# %%timeit -n1 -r1
# meth = 'hist'
# print('    >>> Fitting method %s' % meth, flush=True)
# p = kinetics_fit(ds_slices, params_fixed, method=meth)

In [65]:
# %%timeit -n1 -r1
# meth = 'll'
# print('    >>> Fitting method %s' % meth, flush=True)
# p = kinetics_fit(ds_slices, params_fixed, method=meth)

In [66]:
out_fname = 'results/%s_burst_data_vs_time__window%ds_step%ds.csv' % (
    Path(filename).stem, moving_window_params['window'], moving_window_params['step'])


In [67]:

Population fraction

In [68]:
# np.abs((params['em', 30, 1]  - params['ll', 30, 1]).p2_amplitude).max()

In [69]:
methods = ('em', 'll', 'hist')

In [70]:
for meth in methods:
    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 3))
    plt.plot(params[meth, 5, 1].index, params[meth, 5, 1].kinetics, 'h', color='gray', alpha=0.2)
    plt.plot(params[meth, 30, 1].index, params[meth, 30, 1].kinetics, 'h', alpha=0.3)

In [71]:
# (params['em', 5, 1].kinetics - params['ll', 5, 1].kinetics).plot()

In [72]:
step = 1
for window in windows:
    for meth in methods:
        out_fname = ('results/' + Path(filename).stem + 
                     '_%sfit_ampl_only__window%ds_step%ds.csv' % (meth, window, step))
        print('- Saving: ', out_fname)
        params[meth, window, step].to_csv(out_fname)

- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_emfit_ampl_only__window5s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_llfit_ampl_only__window5s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_histfit_ampl_only__window5s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_emfit_ampl_only__window30s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_llfit_ampl_only__window30s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_histfit_ampl_only__window30s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_emfit_ampl_only__window60s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_llfit_ampl_only__window60s_step1s.csv
- Saving:  results/multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12_histfit_ampl_only__window60s_step1s.csv

In [73]:

data_multispot_2015-07-31_bubble-bubble-run-off-kinetics-800mW-steer110_12 BS_all L10 m10 MR41 G1.000 BGexp-10s bg Lk0.000

In [74]: