Executed: Mon Mar 27 11:48:57 2017

Duration: 5 seconds.

Multi-spot Gamma Fitting

In [1]:
from fretbursts import fretmath

 - Optimized (cython) burst search loaded.
 - Optimized (cython) photon counting loaded.
 You are running FRETBursts (version 0.5.9).

 If you use this software please cite the following paper:

   FRETBursts: An Open Source Toolkit for Analysis of Freely-Diffusing Single-Molecule FRET
   Ingargiola et al. (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0160716 


In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from cycler import cycler
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'  # for hi-dpi displays

In [3]:
import matplotlib as mpl
from cycler import cycler

bmap = sns.color_palette("Set1", 9)
colors = np.array(bmap)[(1,0,2,3,4,8,6,7), :]
mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler('color', colors)
colors_labels = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'violet', 'orange', 'gray', 'brown', 'pink', ]
for c, cl in zip(colors, colors_labels):
    locals()[cl] = tuple(c) # assign variables with color names

In [4]:

Load Data


Load the leakage coefficient from disk (computed in Multi-spot 5-Samples analyis - Leakage coefficient fit):

In [5]:
leakage_coeff_fname = 'results/Multi-spot - leakage coefficient KDE wmean DexDem.csv'
leakageM = float(np.loadtxt(leakage_coeff_fname, ndmin=1))

print('Multispot Leakage Coefficient:', leakageM)

Multispot Leakage Coefficient: 0.0334

Load the direct excitation coefficient ($d_{dirT}$) from disk (computed in usALEX - Corrections - Direct excitation physical parameter):

In [6]:
dir_ex_coeff_fname = 'results/usALEX - direct excitation coefficient dir_ex_t beta.csv'
dir_ex_t = float(np.loadtxt(dir_ex_coeff_fname, ndmin=1))

print('Direct excitation coefficient (dir_ex_t):', dir_ex_t)

Direct excitation coefficient (dir_ex_t): 0.04932

Multispot PR for FRET population:

In [7]:
mspot_filename = 'results/Multi-spot - dsDNA - PR - all_samples all_ch.csv'

E_pr_fret = pd.read_csv(mspot_filename, index_col=0)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7d 0.866766 0.872245 0.838805 0.843370 0.835858 0.858535 0.840360 0.846814
12d 0.589120 0.580325 0.572867 0.574415 0.563134 0.555029 0.565811 0.563246
17d 0.297846 0.287886 0.276148 0.279504 0.283104 0.284872 0.271156 0.271861
22d 0.133968 0.131691 0.124933 0.126694 0.119514 0.124942 0.122458 0.129830
27d 0.087183 0.091312 0.079124 0.082680 0.077164 0.084574 0.077923 0.082638


Corrected $E$ from μs-ALEX data:

In [8]:
data_file = 'results/usALEX-5samples-E-corrected-all-ph.csv'
data_alex = pd.read_csv(data_file).set_index('sample')#[['E_pr_fret_kde']]

n_bursts_all n_bursts_do n_bursts_fret E_kde_w E_gauss_w E_gauss_w_sig E_gauss_w_err E_gauss_w_fiterr S_kde S_gauss S_gauss_sig S_gauss_err S_gauss_fiterr E_pr_do_kde nt_mean
7d 1172 587 542 0.9290 0.924307 0.060130 0.002583 0.001782 0.5520 0.550744 0.099172 0.004260 0.002501 0.0022 22.227823
12d 1307 329 948 0.7398 0.727043 0.092062 0.002990 0.001995 0.5758 0.558745 0.105387 0.003423 0.003823 0.0154 22.002399
17d 2489 464 1964 0.4268 0.422624 0.112952 0.002549 0.002008 0.5462 0.539604 0.112457 0.002538 0.002187 0.0124 21.193171
22d 2054 320 1672 0.1774 0.181067 0.077181 0.001888 0.001536 0.5458 0.547034 0.114990 0.002812 0.002676 0.0000 23.016538
27d 791 160 589 0.0826 0.083971 0.069303 0.002856 0.001585 0.5208 0.561290 0.114456 0.004716 0.003679 -0.0088 16.830070

In [9]:
E_alex = data_alex.E_gauss_w

7d     0.924307
12d    0.727043
17d    0.422624
22d    0.181067
27d    0.083971
Name: E_gauss_w, dtype: float64

Multi-spot gamma fitting

In [10]:
import lmfit

In [11]:
def residuals(params, E_raw, E_ref):
    gamma = params['gamma'].value
    # NOTE: leakageM and dir_ex_t are globals
    return E_ref - fretmath.correct_E_gamma_leak_dir(E_raw, leakage=leakageM, gamma=gamma, dir_ex_t=dir_ex_t)

In [12]:
params = lmfit.Parameters()
params.add('gamma', value=0.5)

In [13]:
E_pr_fret_mean = E_pr_fret.mean(1)

7d     0.850344
12d    0.570493
17d    0.281547
22d    0.126754
27d    0.082825
dtype: float64

In [14]:
m = lmfit.minimize(residuals, params, args=(E_pr_fret_mean, E_alex))
lmfit.report_fit(m.params, show_correl=False)

    gamma:   0.43034185 +/- 0.011894 (2.76%) (init= 0.5)

In [15]:
E_alex['12d'], E_pr_fret_mean['12d']

(0.72704299999999999, 0.57049337500000008)

In [16]:
m = lmfit.minimize(residuals, params, args=(np.array([E_pr_fret_mean['12d']]), np.array([E_alex['12d']])))
lmfit.report_fit(m.params, show_correl=False)

    gamma:   0.45524984 +/- inf      (inf%) (init= 0.5)

In [17]:
print('Fitted gamma(multispot):', m.params['gamma'].value)

Fitted gamma(multispot): 0.455249843545

In [18]:
multispot_gamma = m.params['gamma'].value


In [19]:
E_fret_mch = fretmath.correct_E_gamma_leak_dir(E_pr_fret, leakage=leakageM, dir_ex_t=dir_ex_t, 
E_fret_mch = E_fret_mch.round(6)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7d 0.931042 0.934104 0.915083 0.917727 0.913368 0.926402 0.915985 0.919712
12d 0.742569 0.735293 0.729046 0.730349 0.720786 0.713811 0.723070 0.720881
17d 0.435365 0.421751 0.405360 0.410085 0.415119 0.417578 0.398273 0.399278
22d 0.171434 0.167059 0.153939 0.157378 0.143267 0.153956 0.149081 0.163467
27d 0.076652 0.085452 0.059219 0.066954 0.054926 0.071046 0.056591 0.066863

In [20]:
E_fret_mch.to_csv('results/Multi-spot - dsDNA - Corrected E - all_samples all_ch.csv')

In [21]:
'%.5f' % multispot_gamma


In [22]:
with open('results/Multi-spot - gamma factor.csv', 'wt') as f:
    f.write('%.5f' % multispot_gamma)

In [23]:
norm = (E_fret_mch.T - E_fret_mch.mean(1))#/E_pr_fret.mean(1)
norm_rel = (E_fret_mch.T - E_fret_mch.mean(1))/E_fret_mch.mean(1)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11fdec3c8>

Plot FRET vs distance

In [24]:

In [25]:
CH = np.arange(8)
CH_labels = ['CH%d' % i for i in CH]
dist_s_bp = [7, 12, 17, 22, 27]

In [26]:
fontsize = 16

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))

ax.plot(dist_s_bp, E_fret_mch, '+', lw=2, mew=1.2, ms=10, zorder=4)
ax.plot(dist_s_bp, E_alex, '-', lw=3, mew=0, alpha=0.5, color='k', zorder=3)

plt.title('Multi-spot smFRET dsDNA, Gamma = %.2f' % multispot_gamma)
plt.xlabel('Distance in base-pairs', fontsize=fontsize); 
plt.ylabel('E', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylim(0, 1); plt.xlim(0, 30)
plt.legend(['CH1','CH2','CH3','CH4','CH5','CH6','CH7','CH8', u'μsALEX'], 
       fancybox=True, prop={'size':fontsize-1},

NOTE The fact the we fit the 27d with a single Gaussian may account for the slight shift of the FRET efficiency compared to the us-ALEX measurements. The shift is bigger when using an asymmetric-gaussian model for multi-spot fitting. Probably, for consistency with us-ALEX fitting we should stick to the plain gaussian.