This notebook is part of PyBroMo a python-based single-molecule Brownian motion diffusion simulator that simulates confocal smFRET experiments.
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%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import tables
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pybromo as pbm
print('Numpy version:', np.__version__)
print('PyTables version:', tables.__version__)
print('PyBroMo version:', pbm.__version__)
In this section we show how to save a single smFRET data file. In the next section we will perform the same steps in a loop to generate a sequence of smFRET data files.
Here we load a diffusion simulation opening a file to save
timstamps in write mode. Use 'a'
(i.e. append) to keep
previously simulated timestamps for the given diffusion.
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S = pbm.ParticlesSimulation.from_datafile('0168', mode='w')
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#S = pbm.ParticlesSimulation.from_datafile('0168')
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params = dict(
em_rates = (200e3,), # Peak emission rates (cps) for each population (D+A)
E_values = (0.75,), # FRET efficiency for each population
num_particles = (20,), # Number of particles in each population
bg_rate_d = 1500, # Poisson background rate (cps) Donor channel
bg_rate_a = 800, # Poisson background rate (cps) Acceptor channel
Create the object that will run the simulation and print a summary:
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mix_sim = pbm.TimestapSimulation(S, **params)
Run the simualtion:
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rs = np.random.RandomState(1234), overwrite=False, skip_existing=True)
Save simulation to a smFRET Photon-HDF5 file:
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mix_sim.save_photon_hdf5(identity=dict(author='John Doe',
author_affiliation='Planet Mars'))
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params = dict(
em_rates = (200e3, 180e3), # Peak emission rates (cps) for each population (D+A)
E_values = (0.75, 0.35), # FRET efficiency for each population
num_particles = (20, 15), # Number of particles in each population
bg_rate_d = 1500, # Poisson background rate (cps) Donor channel
bg_rate_a = 800, # Poisson background rate (cps) Acceptor channel
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mix_sim = pbm.TimestapSimulation(S, **params)
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rs = np.random.RandomState(1234), overwrite=False, skip_existing=True)
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The generated Photon-HDF5 files can be analyzed by any smFRET burst analysis program. Here we show an example using the opensource FRETBursts program:
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import fretbursts as fb
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filepath = list(Path('./').glob('smFRET_*'))
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d = fb.loader.photon_hdf5(str(filepath[1]))
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fb.dplot(d, fb.timetrace);
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d.calc_bg(, tail_min_us='auto', F_bg=1.7)
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d.bg_dd, d.bg_ad
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ds = d.select_bursts(fb.select_bursts.size, th1=20)
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fb.dplot(d, fb.timetrace, bursts=True);
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fb.dplot(ds, fb.hist_fret, pdf=False)
NOTE: Unless you simulated a diffusion of 30s or more the previous histogram will be very poor.
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