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Tutorial 2: Playing with proteins

Here, you'll see how to build, visualize, and simulate a protein structure from the PDB.

In [ ]:
import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import units as u

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pylab import *
try: import seaborn
except ImportError: pass

1. Download from PDB

In this example, we'll download 1YU8, a structure of the Villin Headpiece.

In [ ]:
one_yu8 = mdt.from_pdb('1YU8')

In [ ]:

2. Strip water and assign forcefield

In [ ]:
headpiece = mdt.Molecule([res for res in one_yu8.residues if res.type == 'protein'])

In [ ]:
protein = mdt.assign_forcefield(headpiece)

3. Set up energy model and minimize

In [ ]:
protein.set_energy_model(mdt.models.OpenMMPotential, implicit_solvent='obc')

In [ ]:
mintraj = protein.minimize()

In [ ]:

4. Add integrator and run dynamics

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
traj = protein.run(50*u.ps)

In [ ]:

5. Some simple analysis

As in tutorial 1, tutorial objects permit a range of timeseries-based analyses.

In [ ]:
plot(traj.time, traj.kinetic_energy)
xlabel('time / %s' % u.default.time); ylabel('energy / %s' % u.default.energy)

In [ ]:
myres = protein.chains['1'].residues['PHE45']
plot(traj.time, traj.dihedral(myres['CG'], myres['CB']).to(u.degrees))
title('dihedral angle vs time')
xlabel('time / %s' % u.default.time); ylabel('angle / degrees')

In [ ]:
plot(traj.time, traj.distance(myres['CG'], myres['CB']))
plt.title('bond length vs time')
xlabel('time / %s' % u.default.time); ylabel('distance / %s' % u.default.length)