According to studies done by the article "Comparing State-of-the-Art Collaborative Filtering Systems" by Laurent Candillier, Frank Meyer, and Marc Boulle, the best user based approach is based on pearson similarity and 1500 neighbors.
The best item based approach is based on probabilistic similarity and 400 neighbors.
The best model based approach is using K-means with euclidean distance, 4 clusters and prediction scheme based on the nearest cluster and Bayes model minimizing MAE.
Lastly, the best default approach is based on Bayes rule minimizing MAE.
We will try to implement the studies done by this article and see if we will achieve the same results.
What we have implemented so far:
Table of Contents:
0. Last updated
1. Install and import libraries
2. Load dataset
3. Convert dataset to DataFrame (optional)
4. Determine characteristics of data (optional)
5. Splitting the data (optional)
6. Calculate similarities and find nearest neighbors
7. Develop Model
8. Evaluate Metrics
9. Compare different CF systems
In [1]:
import datetime, time
# timestamp is not correct; it is 8 hours ahead
print ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=8)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
In [2]:
import importlib
import pip
def _install(package):
pip.main(['install', package])
def _import(package):
def install_and_import(package):
except ImportError:
# install PyMC
In [3]:
# zip up source_dir located in GitHub remote_url's remote_branch and add it to Spark's source context
remote_url = ""
remote_branch = "master"
source_dir = "src"
debug = True
# helper functions
import os
import functools
def _list_all_in_dir(dir_path):
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
for filename in files:
print os.path.join(path, filename)
def _zip_dir(srcdir_path, zipfile_handler):
def trackcalls(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
wrapper.has_been_called = True
return func(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.has_been_called = False
return wrapper
def _add_zipfile_to_sc(zipfile_path):
import git
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import zipfile
# create a temporary directory
tmpdir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if debug: print "temporary directory: %s\n" % tmpdir_path
# ensure file is read/write by creator only
saved_umask = os.umask(0077)
# create a zipfile handler to zip the necessary files
ziptmpdir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if debug: print "temporary directory for zip file: %s\n" % ziptmpdir_path
zipfile_path = ziptmpdir_path + "/"
if debug: print "zip file's path: %s\n" % zipfile_path
zipfile_handler = zipfile.PyZipFile(zipfile_path, "w")
# make zipfile handler verbose for debugging
zipfile_handler.debug = 3
# clone "framework" branch from GitHub into temporary directory
local_branch = git.Repo.clone_from(remote_url, tmpdir_path, branch=remote_branch)
if debug: print "current branch: %s\n" % local_branch.head.ref
if debug: print "list all in %s:" % tmpdir_path; _list_all_in_dir(tmpdir_path); print "\n"
# zip "hermes" directory
if debug: print "zipping: %s\n" % os.path.join(tmpdir_path, source_dir)
_zip_dir(os.path.join(tmpdir_path, source_dir), zipfile_handler)
# check zip file
if debug: print "Is zip file %s valid? %s\n" % (zipfile_path, zipfile.is_zipfile(zipfile_path))
# add zip to SparkContext
# note: you can only add zip to SparkContext one time
if not _add_zipfile_to_sc.has_been_called:
if debug: print "add zip file %s into spark context\n" % zipfile_path
if debug: print "zip file %s is already added into spark context; will not re-add\n" % zipfile_path
except IOError as e:
raise e
In [4]:
# import the required modules from Hermes
from src.algorithms import performance_metrics as pm
from src.data_prep import movieLens_vectorize as mv
from src.utils import save_load as sl
# import other modules
import os
import time
In [5]:
class Timer(object):
To time how long a particular function runs.
import Timer
with Timer() as t:
print("somefunction() takes %s seconds" % t.secs)
print("somefunction() takes %s milliseconds" % t.msecs)
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.time()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.end = time.time()
self.secs = self.end - self.start
self.msecs = self.secs * 1000
In [ ]:
# ratings_json_path
# movies_json_path
In [11]:
def convert_dataset_to_dataframe(dataset_path):
df =, None)
df = df.repartition(sc.defaultParallelism * 3)
return df
# obtaining ratings dataframe
ratingsdf = convert_dataset_to_dataframe(ratings_json_path)
# obtaining movies dataframe
moviesdf = convert_dataset_to_dataframe(movies_json_path)
In [7]:
# extract most commonly used vectors to be used later on
# 1. using ratingsdf
# a. [(user_id, movie_id, rating)]
umr = row: (row.user_id, row.movie_id, row.rating))
# b. [(user_id, movie_id, rating)] where rating >= 3
umr_weighted = umr.filter(lambda (user_id, movie_id, rating): rating >= 3)
print "-" * 80
print "format: [(user_id, movie_id, rating)]\n"
print "umr:\n", umr.take(2)
print "umr_weighted:\n", umr_weighted.take(2)
print "-" * 80
print "\nTo identify user-to-user similarity:"
print "format: [(movie_id, (user_id, rating))]\n"
# c. [(movie_id, (user_id, rating)] -> to identify user-to-user similarity
m_ur = row: (row.movie_id, (row.user_id, row.rating)))
# d. [(movie_id, (user_id, rating)] where rating >= 3
m_ur_weighted = m_ur.filter(lambda (movie_id, (user_id, rating)): rating >= 3)
print "m_ur:\n", m_ur.take(2)
print "m_ur_weighted (aka rating >=3):\n", m_ur_weighted.take(2)
print "-" * 80
print "\nTo identify movie-to-movie similarity:"
print "format: [(user_id, (movie_id, rating))]\n"
# e. [(user_id, (movie_id, rating))] -> to identify movie-to-movie similarity
u_mr = row: (row.user_id, (row.movie_id, row.rating)))
# f. [(user_id, (movie_id, rating))] where rating >= 3
u_mr_weighted = u_mr.filter(lambda (user_id, (movie_id, rating)): rating >= 3)
print "um_r:\n", u_mr.take(2)
print "um_r_weighted (aka rating >=3):\n", u_mr_weighted.take(2)
print "-" * 80
In [7]:
# total number of distinct users
num_distinct_users = row: row.user_id).distinct().count()
num_users = row: row.user_id).count()
print "total number of distinct users = ", num_distinct_users
print "total number of users = ", num_users
In [8]:
# total number of ratings
# should be the same as num_users
num_ratings = row: row.rating).count()
print "total number of ratings = ", num_ratings
In [9]:
# total number of distinct movies
num_distinct_movies = row: row.movie_id).distinct().count()
num_movies = row: row.movie_id).count()
print "total number of distinct movies = ", num_distinct_movies
print "total number of movies = ", num_movies
In [10]:
# what is the average number of ratings a user rates = number of ratings / number of users
# round it to the fourth digit
avg_num_ratings_per_user = round(float(num_ratings) / float(num_distinct_users), 4)
print "average number of ratings a user rates = ", avg_num_ratings_per_user
In [11]:
# what is the average number of ratings a movie receives = number of ratings / number of movies
avg_num_ratings_per_movie = round(float(num_ratings) / float(num_distinct_movies), 4)
print "average number of ratings a movie receives = ", avg_num_ratings_per_movie
In [12]:
# completeness = number of ratings / (number of users * number of movies)
completeness = round(float(num_ratings) / (float(num_distinct_users) * float(num_distinct_movies)), 4)
print "completeness = ", completeness
In [13]:
# mean rating
mean_rating = row: row.rating).mean()
print "mean rating = ", mean_rating
In [14]:
# mean rating per movie
# [(movie_id, rating)]
movie_rating_pair = row: (row.movie_id, row.rating))
combineByKey() requires 3 functions:
* createCombiner: first aggregation step for each key
-> lambda first_rating: (first_rating, 1)
* mergeValue: what to do when a combiner is given a new value
-> lambda x, first_rating: x[0] + first_rating, x[1] + 1
-> lambda thisNewRating_thisNumRating, firstRating: thisNewRating + firstRating, thisNumRating + 1
* mergeCombiner: how to merge two combiners
-> lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1])
-> lambda sumRating1_numRating1, sumRating2_numRating2: (sumRating1 + sumRating2, numRating1 + numRating2)
# [(movie_id, (sum_rating, num_rating))]
movie_sumRating_numRating_pair = movie_rating_pair.combineByKey(
lambda first_rating: (first_rating, 1),
lambda x, first_rating: (x[0] + first_rating, x[1] + 1),
lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1]))
# [(movie_id, mean_rating)]
movie_meanRating_pair = (movie_id, (sum_rating, num_rating)): (movie_id, sum_rating/num_rating))
In [15]:
# meanRating_numRating_pair will be used in plotting in the next cell
# where _1 = mean rating of the movie
# _2 = number of users who review the movie
# [(mean_rating, num_rating)]
meanRating_numRating_pair = (movie_id, (sum_rating, num_rating)): (sum_rating/num_rating, num_rating))
meanRating_numRating_pair_df = meanRating_numRating_pair.toDF()
In [19]:
# plot mean rating per movie
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
meanRating_numRating_pair = (movie_id, (sum_rating, num_rating)): (sum_rating/num_rating, num_rating))
meanRating_numRating_pair_df = meanRating_numRating_pair.toDF()
meanRating_numRating_pair_panda_df = meanRating_numRating_pair_df.toPandas()
plot = meanRating_numRating_pair_panda_df.plot(
x="_2", \
y="_1", \
kind="hexbin", \
xscale="log", \
cmap="YlGnBu", \
gridsize=12, \
mincnt=1, \
title="Mean vs Number of Reviewers")
plot.set_xlabel("Number of Reviewers Per Movie")
plot.set_ylabel("Mean Rating Per Movie")
This figure shows that the average rating of a movie is actually slightly higher than 3.
Run this only when you load datasets from your home directory.
Default split data into:
Remember that calling randomSplit when you restart the kernel will provide you with a different training, test, and validation data even though the weights and the seed are the same.
In [13]:
weights = [0.9, 0.1, 0]
seed = 41
In [14]:
# 1. using ratingsdf
# a. [(user_id, movie_id, rating)]
umr_train, umr_test, umr_validation = umr.randomSplit(weights, seed)
# b. [(user_id, movie_id, rating)] where rating >= 3
umr_weighted_train, umr_weighted_test, umr_weighted_validation = umr_weighted.randomSplit(weights, seed)
# c. [(movie_id, (user_id, rating)]
m_ur_train, m_ur_test, m_ur_validation = m_ur.randomSplit(weights, seed)
# d. [(movie_id, (user_id, rating)] where rating >= 3
m_ur_weighted_train, m_ur_weighted_test, m_ur_weighted_validation = m_ur_weighted.randomSplit(weights, seed)
# e. [(user_id, (movie_id, rating)]
u_mr_train, u_mr_test, u_mr_validation = u_mr.randomSplit(weights, seed)
# f. [(user_id, (movie_id, rating)] where rating >= 3
u_mr_weighted_train, u_mr_weighted_test, u_mr_weighted_validation = u_mr_weighted.randomSplit(weights, seed)
These are the different similarity measurement implemented in the article:
"When implementing a user- or item-based approach, one may choose:
Table of Contents:
6.A.1. Calculate Pearson Correlation
a. user-based: DONE except for prediction
b. item-based
6.A.2. Calculate Weighted Pearson Correlation
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.A.3. Calculate Pearson Deviation
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.B.1. Calculate Probabilistic Similarity
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.B.2. Calculate Probabilistic Deviation
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.C.1. Calculate Cosine Similarity
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.C.2. Calculate Adjusted Cosine Similarity
a. user-based
b. item-based
6.D. Comparing Similarities' Measurement
In [31]:
# helper functions
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import math
# filter out duplicate pairs
# user-based approach:
# input and output: [( movie_id, ((user_id_1, rating_1), (user_id_2, rating_2)) )]
# item-based approach:
# input and output: [( user_id, ((movie_id_1, rating_1), (movie_id_2, rating_2)) )]
def removeDuplicates((key_id, ratings)):
(value_id_1, rating_1) = ratings[0]
(value_id_2, rating_2) = ratings[1]
return value_id_1 < value_id_2
# rearrange so that it will be in the format of pairs
# user-based approach:
# input: [( movie_id, ((user_id_1, rating_1), (user_id_2, rating_2)) )]
# output: [( movie_id, ((user_id_1, user_id_2), (rating_1, rating_2)) )]
# item-based approach:
# input: [( user_id, ((movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (rating_1, rating2)) )]
# output: [( user_id, ((movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (rating_1, rating2)) )]
def createPairs((key_id, ratings)):
(value_id_1, rating_1) = ratings[0]
(value_id_2, rating_2) = ratings[1]
return ((value_id_1, value_id_2), (rating_1, rating_2))
# aggregate pairs using combineByKey() instead of groupByKey()
# [( test_user_id, train_user_id), (test_rating_1, train_rating_1), (test_rating_2, train_rating_2), ...]
def aggregatePairs(keyPairs):
return keyPairs.combineByKey(
lambda firstRatingPair: ((firstRatingPair),),
lambda newRatingPair, firstRatingPair: newRatingPair + ((firstRatingPair),),
lambda tupleRatingPairs1, tupleRatingPairs2: tupleRatingPairs1 + tupleRatingPairs2)
# calculate pearson correlation when you passed in the values of
# user-based approach:
# input: values of [(user_id_1, user_id_2), ((rating_1, rating_2), (rating_1, rating_2)...)]
# output: values of [(user_id_1, user_id_2), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs, p_value)]
# item-based approach:
# input: values of [(movie_id_1, movie_id_2), ((rating_1, rating_2), (rating_1, rating_2)...)]
# output: values of [(movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs, p_value)]
# NOTE: ignore p_value
def calculatePearson(ratingPairs):
rating1s = [rating1 for (rating1, _) in ratingPairs]
rating2s = [rating2 for (_, rating2) in ratingPairs]
pearson_correlation, p_value = pearsonr(rating1s, rating2s)
return (pearson_correlation, len(ratingPairs))
In [81]:
#((user_id, movie_id), rating)
a = sc.parallelize([ ((1, 2), 3), ((2, 2), 4) ])
#((user_id, movie_id), predicted_rating)
b = sc.parallelize([ ((1, 2), 2), ((2, 2), 5) ])
#((user_id, movie_id), (rating, predicted_rating)
c = a.join(b)
In [9]:
# combine test and train together so that
# [movie_id, ( (test_user_id, test_rating), (train_user_id, train_rating) )]
M_testUR_trainUR = m_ur_test.join(m_ur_train)
print M_testUR_trainUR.count()
In [10]:
# remove duplicates
M_testUR_trainUR = M_testUR_trainUR.filter(removeDuplicates)
print M_testUR_trainUR.count()
In [11]:
# rearrange so that it will be in the format
# [(test_user_id, train_user_id), (test_rating, train_rating)]
userPairs =
print userPairs.count()
In [12]:
# congregate all ratings for each user pair so that it will be in the format of:
# [( test_user_id, train_user_id), (test_rating_1, train_rating_1), (test_rating_2, train_rating_2), ...]
# instead of using groupByKey(), use combineByKey() instead.
# Implemented using groupByKey():
with Timer() as t:
aggUserPairs = userPairs.groupByKey()
print "aggregate user pairs approach #1: %s seconds" % t.secs
print aggUserPairs.count()
# Output:
aggregate user pairs: 0.0353801250458 seconds
[((1274, 2736), <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable at 0x7f180eb55350>),
((2117, 5393), <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable at 0x7f180eb55510>),
((1422, 3892), <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable at 0x7f180eb55550>),
((1902, 5636), <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable at 0x7f180eb55590>),
((3679, 5555), <pyspark.resultiterable.ResultIterable at 0x7f180eb555d0>)]
output = aggUserPairs.mapValues(lambda iterable: tuple(iterable))
# Output:
[((3848, 4390), ((5.0, 5.0),)),
((897, 2621), ((4.0, 5.0), (4.0, 4.0), (2.0, 2.0)))]
with Timer() as t:
aggUserPairs = aggregatePairs(userPairs)
print "aggregate user pairs: %s seconds" % t.secs
print aggUserPairs.count()
In [13]:
# calculate pearson correlation to figure out user-to-user similarity in the format of:
# [( (test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs) )]
userPairSimilarities = aggUserPairs.mapValues(calculatePearson)
print userPairSimilarities.count()
find nearest neighbors
In [14]:
# 1.
# a. select neighbors whose similarity correlation is greater than the threshold of 0.5
# b. remove user pairs that do not share a minimum of 5 reviews
# output: number of user pairs that passes minPearson = 1692207
# number of user pairs that passes both minPearson and minSimilarReviews = 533407
minPearson = 0.5
minSimilarReviews = 5
userPairPassThreshold = userPairSimilarities.filter(
lambda (userPair, (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)):
pearson_correlation > minPearson and
num_rating_pairs >= minSimilarReviews
print userPairPassThreshold.count()
In [15]:
# 2. select top n neighbors for each test user
from pyspark.rdd import RDD
import heapq
def takeOrderedByKey(self, topN, sortValueFn=None, ascending=False):
def base(a):
return [a]
def combiner(agg, a):
return getTopN(agg)
def merger(x, y):
agg = x + y
return getTopN(agg)
def getTopN(agg):
if ascending == True:
return heapq.nsmallest(topN, agg, sortValueFn)
return heapq.nlargest(topN, agg, sortValueFn)
return self.combineByKey(base, combiner, merger)
# add takeOrderedByKey() function to RDD class
RDD.takeOrderedByKey = takeOrderedByKey
# convert
# [( (test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs) )]
# to
# [( test_user_id, [(test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)] )]
# so that you can sort by test_user_id after sorting the highest pearson correlation per test_user_id
testU_testUtrainU_sim =
lambda ((test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)):
(test_user_id, ((test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)))
print testU_testUtrainU_sim.count()
In [16]:
# for each test user, take the top N neighbors and ordering with the highest pearson correlation first
# [( test_user_id, [(test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)] )]
topN = 20
testUserTopNeighbors = testU_testUtrainU_sim.takeOrderedByKey(
sortValueFn=lambda ((test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)): (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs),
# note: testUserTopNeighbors.count() should be less than the number of users
print testUserTopNeighbors.count()
In [17]:
num_distinct_test_users = (movie_id, (user_id, rating)): user_id).distinct().count()
num_distinct_test_users_pass_threshold = ((test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)): test_user_id).distinct().count()
num_test_users_in_top_neighbors = testUserTopNeighbors.count()
print "num_distinct_test_users = ", num_distinct_test_users
print "num_distinct_test_users that passes the threshold check (aka pearson > 0.5, minReviews >= 5) = ", num_distinct_test_users_pass_threshold
print "num_test_users in testUserTopNeighbors = ", num_test_users_in_top_neighbors
In [18]:
# flattened version, meaning
# convert
# [( test_user_id, [(test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs)] )]
# to
# [( (test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs) )]
testUserTopNeighborsFlattened = testUserTopNeighbors.flatMap(lambda (test_user_id, rest): rest)
print testUserTopNeighborsFlattened.count()
!!!!!! TODO !!!!!!!
In [ ]:
P = predicted rating of user a on movie i
M = mean rating of user a
S = sum of ((pearson correlation of user a and each user u who rates movie i) *
(rating of each user u on movie i - mean rating of user u))
D = sum of (absolute value of pearson correlation of user a and each user u who rates movie i)
P = M + S/D
!!!!!! TODO !!!!!!!
In [29]:
# determine mean rating of each test user (aka find M)
# output: [(user_id, mean_rating)]
# convert to [(user_id, rating)]
ur = (movie_id, (user_id, rating)): (user_id, rating))
# [(user_id, (sum_rating, num_rating))]
u_sumRating_numRating = ur.combineByKey(
lambda first_rating: (first_rating, 1),
lambda x, first_rating: (x[0] + first_rating, x[1] + 1),
lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1]))
# [(test_user_id, mean_rating)]
u_meanRating =
lambda (user_id, (sum_rating, num_rating)): (user_id, sum_rating/num_rating))
In [ ]:
# for each movie i,
# determine pearson correlation of user a and all other users who rates movie i
# determine rating of each user u on movie i - mean rating of user u
# testUserTopNeighborsFlattened == [( (test_user_id, train_user_id), (pearson_correlation, num_rating_pairs) )]
# M_testUR_trainUR == # [movie_id, ( (test_user_id, test_rating), (train_user_id, train_rating) )]
# movie_id, (for every users who rate movie_id, add all pearson correlation * rating of user u on movie i - mean rating of user u)
In [ ]:
# compute predictions #2
# using a weighted sum of deviations from the mean
sum of user u has rated(pearson correlation of user a and user u) * (rating of user u on movie i - mean rating of user u)
divided by
In [22]:
# list all ratings in the format:
# [user_id, (movie_id, rating)]
print u_mr.count()
In [23]:
# list all combinations of movies rated by the same user in the format:
# [user_id, ( (movie_id_1, rating_1), (movie_id_2, rating_2) )]
# this is to find movie's similarity with each other
sameUserRatingsCombo = u_mr.join(u_mr)
print sameUserRatingsCombo.count()
In [24]:
# filter out duplicate pairs
def removeDuplicates((user_id, ratings)):
(movie_id_1, rating_1) = ratings[0]
(movie_id_2, rating_2) = ratings[1]
return movie_id_1 < movie_id_2
sameUserRatingsCombo = sameUserRatingsCombo.filter(removeDuplicates)
print sameUserRatingsCombo.count()
In [25]:
# rearrange so that it will be in the format of movie pairs:
# [(movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (rating_1, rating2)]
def createMoviePairs((user_id, ratings)):
(movie_id_1, rating_1) = ratings[0]
(movie_id_2, rating_2) = ratings[1]
return ((movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (rating_1, rating_2))
moviePairs =
print moviePairs.count()
In [26]:
# congregate all ratings for each movie pair so that it will be in the format of:
# [( movie_id_1, movie_id_2), (rating_1, rating_2), (rating_1, rating_2), ...]
moviePairRatings = moviePairs.groupByKey()
print moviePairRatings.count()
In [27]:
# calculate pearson correlation approach #1
# using udemy's approach
# I prefer approach #2
import math
def computePearsonCorrelationCoefficient(ratingPairs):
numPairs = 0
if not ratingPairs:
return (0, 0)
muX = sum(1.*ratingX for (ratingX, _) in ratingPairs)/len(ratingPairs)
muY = sum(1.*ratingY for (_, ratingY) in ratingPairs)/len(ratingPairs)
cov = sum_sqdev_x = sum_sqdev_y = 0
for ratingX, ratingY in ratingPairs:
dev_x = ratingX - muX
dev_y = ratingY - muY
cov += dev_x * dev_y
sum_sqdev_x += dev_x**2
sum_sqdev_y += dev_y**2
numPairs += 1
numerator = cov
denominator = math.sqrt(sum_sqdev_x) * math.sqrt(sum_sqdev_y)
score = 0
if (denominator):
score = (numerator / (float(denominator)))
return (score, numPairs)
moviePairSimilarities = moviePairRatings.mapValues(computePearsonCorrelationCoefficient).cache()
In [28]:
print moviePairRatings.count()
print moviePairSimilarities.count()
In [ ]:
# calculate pearson correlation approach #2
# using scipy
# note: you cannot use pyspark.mllib.stat.Statistics's corr() function within the map function
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
def calculatePearson(ratingPairsPerMoviePairResultIterable):
ratingPairsPerMoviePair = tuple(ratingPairsPerMoviePairResultIterable)
rating1s = [rating1 for (rating1, _) in ratingPairsPerMoviePair]
rating2s = [rating2 for (_, rating2) in ratingPairsPerMoviePair]
pearson_correlation, p_value = pearsonr(rating1s, rating2s)
return (pearson_correlation, len(ratingPairsPerMoviePair))
moviePairSimilarities2 = moviePairRatings.mapValues(calculatePearson).cache()
In [30]:
print moviePairRatings.count()
print moviePairSimilarities2.count()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
Comparing distance measures for model-based approaches using the mean item rating prediction scheme and different number of clusters (K)
Comparing prediction schemes for model-based approaches using the euclidian distance and different numbers of clusters (K)
Comparing different clustering algorithms for model-based approaches using the euclidian distance, the mean item rating prediction scheme, and different numbers of clusters (K)
In [ ]:
# divide movielens data into 10 parts to perform 10-fold cross-validation
# training model using 9 parts
# test model using last part
# results are better when default ratings are based on item information than when they are based on user information
# using mean rating is better than using majority rating
In [ ]:
What is Bayes?
P(A|X) = P(X|A) * P(A) / P(X)
P(A|X) = Posterior Probability: the posterior probability of class (A, target) given predictor(X, attributes)
P(X|A) = Likelihood: the likelihood which is the probability of predictor given class
P(A) = Class Prior Probability: prior probability of class
P(X) = Predictor Prior Probability: prior probability of predictor
Types of Bayes:
Table of Contents:
7.A. Implement Bayes
7.A.1. Implement Naive Bayes using PySpark: DONE
7.A.2. Implement Naive Bayes using PyMC
7.A.3. Implement Naive Bayes manually: DONE
* Implement Bayes MAP: DONE
* Implement Bayes MSE: DONE
* Implement Bayes MAE: DONE
In [15]:
from pyspark.mllib.classification import NaiveBayes
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
# To use MLlib's Naive Bayes model, it requires the input to be in a format of a LabeledPoint
# therefore, convert dataset so that it will be in the following format:
# [(rating, (user_id, movie_id))]
r_um = row: LabeledPoint(row.rating, (row.user_id, row.movie_id)))
# split the data
r_um_train, r_um_test, r_um_validation = r_um.randomSplit(weights, seed)
In [16]:
# train a Naive Bayes model
naiveBayesModel = NaiveBayes.train(r_um_train, lambda_=1.0)
# save this Naive Bayes model, "NaiveBayes_MovieLens1M_UserUser")
# load this Naive Bayes model into the SparkContext
#sameNaiveBayesModel = NaiveBayesModel.load(sc, "NaiveBayes_MovieLens1M_UserUser")
In [17]:
# make prediction
# [((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating))]
r_um_predicted =
lambda p: ( (p.features[0], p.features[1]), (naiveBayesModel.predict(p.features), p.label) )
print r_um_predicted.take(5)
[((2.0, 593.0), (1.0, 5.0)), ((2.0, 1955.0), (1.0, 4.0)), ((5.0, 3476.0), (1.0, 3.0)), ((5.0, 1093.0), (1.0, 2.0)), ((6.0, 3508.0), (1.0, 3.0))]
In [18]:
# test accuracy
sameRating = r_um_predicted.filter(
lambda ((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): predicted_rating == actual_rating)
accuracy = 1.0 * sameRating.count() / r_um_test.count()
print "accuracy = (predicted_rating == actual_rating)/total_num_ratings = ", accuracy
accuracy = (predicted_rating == actual_rating)/total_num_ratings = 0.162442085039
In [19]:
# calculate RMSE and MAE
# convert into two vectors where
# one vector describes the actual ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, actual_rating)]
# second vector describes the predicted ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, predicted_rating)]
actual =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
print "actual:\n", actual.take(5)
print "predicted:\n", predicted.take(5)
rmse = pm.calculate_rmse_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "rmse = ", rmse
mae = pm.calculate_mae_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "mae = ", mae
actual: [(7.0, 3793.0, 3.0), (8.0, 2490.0, 2.0), (15.0, 1343.0, 3.0), (16.0, 2713.0, 2.0), (17.0, 457.0, 5.0)]
predicted: [(7.0, 3793.0, 1.0), (8.0, 2490.0, 1.0), (15.0, 1343.0, 1.0), (16.0, 2713.0, 1.0), (17.0, 457.0, 1.0)]
rmse = 2.26584476437
mae = 1.88503067116
In [ ]:
Probability of rating r for a given user u on a given item i can be defined as follows:
$$P(r|u, i) = \frac{P(r|u) * P(r|i)}{P(r)}*\frac{P(u) * P(i)}{P(u, i)}$$We make the assumption that this is the same as:
$$P(r|u, i) = \frac{P(r|u) * P(r|i)}{P(r)}$$The last three probabilities P(u), P(i), and P(u, i) can be ignored since they are the same for all users and items.
We will compute P(r|u), P(r|i), and P(r) individually before congregating them in a final computation.
In [20]:
# determine min and max of ratings
minRating = row: row.rating).min()
maxRating = row: row.rating).max()
print "minRating = ", minRating
print "maxRating = ", maxRating
Output example:
minRating = 1.0
maxRating = 5.0
In [21]:
# create RDD for the range of ratings
# [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]
rangeOfRatings = sc.parallelize( list(range(int(minRating), int(maxRating + 1))) )
print rangeOfRatings.collect()
print rangeOfRatings.count()
Output example:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
In [65]:
# [(user_id, movie_id, rating)]
umr = row: (row.user_id, row.movie_id, row.rating))
In [24]:
In [25]:
# since we have to determine the probability of rating r for each user_id and movie_id,
# we have to create a RDD with [(rating, (user_id, movie_id))] for each rating
# ie. (rating_1, (user_id, movie_id)), (rating_2, (user_id, movie_id)), ..., (rating_5, (user_id, movie_id))
um = (user_id, movie_id, rating): (user_id, movie_id))
rCombo_um = rangeOfRatings.cartesian(um).map(lambda (rating, (user_id, movie_id)): (float(rating), (user_id, movie_id)))
print rCombo_um.take(2)
print rCombo_um.count() # == umr.count() * 5
[(1.0, (1, 1197)), (1.0, (1, 938))]
In [26]:
umrCombo = (rating, (user_id, movie_id)): (user_id, movie_id, rating))
print umrCombo.take(2)
print umrCombo.count()
[(1, 1197, 1.0), (1, 938, 1.0)]
In [27]:
# since we have to determine the probability of rating r for each user_id and movie_id,
# we have to create a RDD with [(rating, (user_id, movie_id))] for each rating
# ie. (rating_1, (user_id, movie_id)), (rating_2, (user_id, movie_id)), ..., (rating_5, (user_id, movie_id))
um_test = (user_id, movie_id, rating): (user_id, movie_id))
rCombo_um_test = rangeOfRatings.cartesian(um_test).map(lambda (rating, (user_id, movie_id)): (float(rating), (user_id, movie_id)))
print rCombo_um_test.take(2)
print rCombo_um_test.count() # == umr.count() * 5
[(1.0, (2, 593)), (1.0, (2, 1955))]
In [28]:
umrCombo_test = (rating, (user_id, movie_id)): (user_id, movie_id, rating))
print umrCombo_test.take(2)
print umrCombo_test.count()
[(2, 593, 1.0), (2, 1955, 1.0)]
P(r|u) = (number of ratings r that user u gives) / (total number of ratings that user u gives)
For example:
r == 1
P(r|u) = (number of ratings r == 1 that user u gives) / (total number of ratings that user u gives)
In [29]:
# [((user_id, rating), 1)]
ur_1 = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, rating), 1))
[((1, 3.0), 1), ((1, 4.0), 1)]
In [30]:
In [31]:
# [(((user_id, rating_1), 0), ((user_id, rating_2), 0), ..., ((user_id, rating_5), 0))]
urCombo_0 = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, rating), 0)).distinct()
#print urCombo_0.sortByKey().collect()
print urCombo_0.count()
In [32]:
ur_1Or0 = ur_1.union(urCombo_0)
print ur_1Or0.take(2)
print ur_1Or0.count()
# ur_1Or0.count() == ur_1.count() + urCombo_0.count()
# 1000209 + 30200
# 1030409
[((1, 3.0), 1), ((1, 4.0), 1)]
In [33]:
In [34]:
from operator import add
# [(user_id, rating), (num_rating)]
ur_numRating = ur_1Or0.reduceByKey(add)
print ur_numRating.take(2)
print ur_numRating.count()
[((3577, 5.0), 29), ((1260, 2.0), 13)]
In [35]:
# [(user_id, (rating, num_rating))]
u_r_numRating = ((user_id, rating), num_rating): (user_id, (rating, num_rating)))
print u_r_numRating.take(2)
print u_r_numRating.count()
[(3577, (5.0, 29)), (1260, (2.0, 13))]
In [36]:
# [(user_id, total_rating)]
u_totalRating = sc.parallelize( (user_id, movie_id, rating): (user_id, rating)).countByKey().items())
print u_totalRating.take(2)
print u_totalRating.count()
[(1, 53), (2, 129)]
In [37]:
# [(user_id, (total_rating, (rating, num_rating)))]
u_componentsOfProb = u_totalRating.join(u_r_numRating)
print u_componentsOfProb.take(2)
print u_componentsOfProb.count()
[(2850, (43, (4.0, 12))), (2850, (43, (1.0, 5)))]
In [38]:
# [(user_id, rating, probRU)]
probRU = (user_id, (total_rating, (rating, num_rating))):
(user_id, rating, float(num_rating)/float(total_rating))
print probRU.take(2)
print probRU.count()
[(2850, 1.0, 0.11627906976744186), (2850, 3.0, 0.18604651162790697)]
P(r|i) = (number of ratings r that item i receives) / (total number of ratings that item i receives)
For example:
r == 1
P(r|i) = (number of ratings r == 1 that movie i receives) / (total number of ratings that movie i receives)
In [39]:
# [((movie_id, rating), 1)]
mr_1 = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((movie_id, rating), 1))
[((1197, 3.0), 1), ((938, 4.0), 1)]
In [40]:
In [41]:
# [(((user_id, rating_1), 0), ((user_id, rating_2), 0), ..., ((user_id, rating_5), 0))]
mrCombo_0 = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((movie_id, rating), 0)).distinct()
#print mrCombo_0.sortByKey().collect()
print mrCombo_0.count()
In [43]:
mr_1Or0 = mr_1.union(mrCombo_0)
print mr_1Or0.take(2)
print mr_1Or0.count()
# ur_1Or0.count() == ur_1.count() + urCombo_0.count()
# 1000209 + 18530
# 1018739
[((1197, 3.0), 1), ((938, 4.0), 1)]
In [44]:
# [(movie_id, rating), (num_rating)]
mr_numRating = mr_1Or0.reduceByKey(add)
print mr_numRating.take(2)
print mr_numRating.count()
[((3577, 5.0), 3), ((1260, 2.0), 6)]
In [62]:
# OPTION instead of using union() and then reduceByKey()
mr_1Or0 = mr_1.reduceByKey(add).rightOuterJoin(mrCombo_0)
print mr_1Or0.take(2)
print mr_1Or0.count()
[((2001, 5.0), (129, 0)), ((3654, 4.0), (266, 0))]
In [45]:
# [(movie_id, (rating, num_rating))]
m_r_numRating = ((movie_id, rating), num_rating): (movie_id, (rating, num_rating)))
print m_r_numRating.take(2)
print m_r_numRating.count()
[(391, (3.0, 18)), (518, (4.0, 22))]
In [46]:
# [(movie_id, total_rating)]
m_totalRating = sc.parallelize( (user_id, movie_id, rating): (movie_id, rating)).countByKey().items())
print m_totalRating.take(2)
print m_totalRating.count()
[(1, 2077), (2, 701)]
In [47]:
# [(user_id, (total_rating, (rating, num_rating)))]
m_componentsOfProb = m_totalRating.join(m_r_numRating)
print m_componentsOfProb.take(2)
print m_componentsOfProb.count()
[(3808, (44, (5.0, 17))), (3808, (44, (3.0, 8)))]
In [48]:
# [(movie_id, rating, probRI)]
probRI = (movie_id, (total_rating, (rating, num_rating))):
(movie_id, rating, float(num_rating)/float(total_rating))
print probRI.take(2)
print probRI.count()
[(3808, 5.0, 0.38636363636363635), (3808, 4.0, 0.36363636363636365)]
In [49]:
totalRatings = umr.count()
print totalRatings
In [50]:
# [(rating, 1)]
r_1 = (user_id, movie_id, rating): (rating, 1))
# [(rating, num_rating)]
r_numRating = r_1.reduceByKey(add)
# [(rating, probR)]
probR = r_numRating.mapValues(lambda num_rating: float(num_rating)/float(totalRatings))
[(1.0, 0.05616226208722377), (2.0, 0.1075345252842156)]
In [51]:
# add probR to user_id, movie_id, rating
components = rCombo_um.join(probR)
print components.take(2)
print components.count()
[(1.0, ((1, 914), 0.05616226208722377)), (1.0, ((1, 594), 0.05616226208722377))]
In [52]:
# add probRU to user_id, movie_id, rating, probR
tmp_a = (rating, ((user_id, movie_id), prob_r)): ((user_id, rating), (movie_id, prob_r)))
tmp_b = (user_id, rating, prob_ru): ((user_id, rating), prob_ru))
components = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
print components.take(2)
print components.count()
[((327, 1.0), ((1248, 0.05616226208722377), 0.038135593220338986)), ((327, 1.0), ((1254, 0.05616226208722377), 0.038135593220338986))]
In [53]:
# add probRI to user_id, movie_id, rating, probR, probRU
tmp_a = ( (user_id, rating), ((movie_id, prob_r), prob_ru) ):
( (movie_id, rating), (user_id, prob_r, prob_ru) )
tmp_b = (movie_id, rating, prob_ri): ((movie_id, rating), prob_ri))
components = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
print components.take(2)
print components.count()
[((1644, 5.0), ((1605, 0.22626271109338147, 0.038381742738589214), 0.056842105263157895)), ((1644, 5.0), ((1451, 0.22626271109338147, 0.3022636484687084), 0.056842105263157895))]
In [63]:
# re-format
# [((user_id, movie_id, rating), bayes_probability)]
componentsReformat = ((movie_id, rating), ((user_id, prob_r, prob_ru), prob_ri)):
((user_id, movie_id, rating), (prob_r, prob_ru, prob_ri))
# calculate bayes probability
bayesProb = componentsReformat.mapValues(lambda (prob_r, prob_ru, prob_ri): prob_ru * prob_ri / prob_r)
print bayesProb.take(2)
[((2168, 135, 4.0), 0.13697613242692502), ((4808, 135, 4.0), 0.12445827900425674)]
In [66]:
print "umr = ", umr.count()
print "probR = ", probR.count()
print "probRU = ", probRU.count()
print "probRI = ", probRI.count()
print "bayesProb = ", bayesProb.count()
# note: bayesProb.count() = umr.count() * 5
In [ ]:
# bayesProb = umr_train * 5
1000209 * 5
In [67]:
# extract only user_id, movie_id in umr_test from bayes_prob
# remember that we have to extract the bayes_prob for each rating too
# [(user_id, movie_id, rating)]
print "umrCombo_test.count() = ", umrCombo_test.count()
# [((user_id, movie_id, rating), bayes_prob)]
print "bayesProb.count() = ", bayesProb.count()
# [((user_id, movie_id), (rating, bayes_prob))]
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id, rating), 1))
tmp_b = bayesProb
bayesProb_test = tmp_a.join(tmp_b).map(
lambda ((user_id, movie_id, rating), (_, bayes_prob)): ((user_id, movie_id), (rating, bayes_prob)))
print bayesProb_test.take(2)
print bayesProb_test.count() # == umrCombo_test.count()
umrCombo_test.count() = 501170
bayesProb.count() = 5001045
[((5522, 2157), (3.0, 0.2209227724078584)), ((5786, 3210), (2.0, 0.08545729298368235))]
In [68]:
# [((user_id, movie_id), [(rating_1, bayes_prob_1), (rating_2, bayes_prob_2), ..., (rating_5, bayes_prob_5)])]
um_allBayesProb = bayesProb_test.mapValues(lambda value: [value]).reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b)
print um_allBayesProb.take(2)
print um_allBayesProb.count() # == bayesProb_test.count()/5 == umr_test.count() == 100234
[((4335, 1588), [(3.0, 0.5498862085999521), (1.0, 0.016548382705956422), (2.0, 0.13615664002520045), (4.0, 0.32236074697317796), (5.0, 0.025783030822306607)]), ((4728, 1894), [(5.0, 0.01634723322124617), (3.0, 0.7342812664378788), (4.0, 0.256444827101078), (1.0, 0.005091044955245684), (2.0, 0.1289571243789302)])]
In [69]:
um_allBayesProb = um_allBayesProb.mapValues(lambda value: sorted(value, key=lambda(rating, bayes_prob): rating))
print um_allBayesProb.take(2)
print um_allBayesProb.count()
In [70]:
def calculate_bayes_map(value):
# extract the bayes_prob
bayesProbList = [x[1] for x in value]
# define the argmax, return the index
argmax = bayesProbList.index(max(bayesProbList))
return argmax
predicted_bayes_map = um_allBayesProb.mapValues(calculate_bayes_map)
print predicted_bayes_map.take(2)
print predicted_bayes_map.count()
[((4335, 1588), 0), ((4728, 1894), 2)]
In [71]:
# [(test_user_id, test_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)]
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_map
um_testBayesMap = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
print um_testBayesMap.take(2)
print um_testBayesMap.count()
# [(train_user_id, train_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)]
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_map
um_trainBayesMap = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
[((3491, 3699), (4.0, 0)), ((1120, 1654), (4.0, 0))]
In [72]:
a, b, c = umr.randomSplit(weights, seed)
print a.count()
print b.count()
print c.count()
900042 100167 0
In [73]:
print a.take(1)
print b.take(1)
[(2, 1955, 4.0)] [(31, 3591, 3.0)]
In [74]:
# calculate RMSE and MAE
# convert into two vectors where
# one vector describes the actual ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, actual_rating)]
# second vector describes the predicted ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, predicted_rating)]
actual =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
print "actual:\n", actual.take(5)
print "predicted:\n", predicted.take(5)
rmse = pm.calculate_rmse_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "rmse = ", rmse
mae = pm.calculate_mae_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "mae = ", mae
[(3039, 2937, 4), (1810, 3072, 3), (2718, 1610, 3), (5081, 3255, 3), (4448, 52, 3)]
[(366, 3196, 5.0), (1810, 3072, 4.0), (2718, 1610, 2.0), (59, 943, 3.0), (4448, 52, 5.0)]
rmse = 1.33451063018
mae = 1.06974538193
In [ ]:
# y_test
y_test =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_train
y_train =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_predicted
y_predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
pm_results_bayes_map = pm.get_perform_metrics(y_test, y_train, y_predicted, content_array, sqlCtx)
In [ ]:
from pprint import pprint
Mean Squared Error (MSE): compute the weighted sum of ratings that corresponds to minimizing the expectation of MSE
Pai = predicted rating for user a on movie i
P(r|a,i) = Naive Bayes that computes the probability of rating r for a given user a on movie i
Pai = Sum of (r * P(r|a,i)) from r=1 to 5
In [75]:
def calculate_bayes_mse(value):
predicted = 0.
for rating, bayes_prob in value:
predicted += rating * bayes_prob
return predicted
predicted_bayes_mse = um_allBayesProb.mapValues(calculate_bayes_mse)
print predicted_bayes_mse.take(2)
print predicted_bayes_mse.count()
[((4335, 1588), 3.3568784305604584), ((4728, 1894), 3.5733645675372854)]
In [76]:
# [(test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)]
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_mse
um_testBayesMse = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
print um_testBayesMse.take(2)
print um_testBayesMse.count()
[((1120, 1654), (4.0, 3.44226621556054)), ((4439, 3005), (3.0, 3.360422113015879))]
In [79]:
# calculate RMSE and MAE
# convert into two vectors where
# one vector describes the actual ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, actual_rating)]
# second vector describes the predicted ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, predicted_rating)]
actual =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (actual_rating, predicted_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
print "actual:\n", actual.take(5)
print "predicted:\n", predicted.take(5)
rmse = pm.calculate_rmse_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "rmse = ", rmse
mae = pm.calculate_mae_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "mae = ", mae
actual: [(1120, 1654, 3.44226621556054), (4439, 3005, 3.360422113015879), (4271, 3671, 2.8494882459525477), (2259, 1213, 7.778718357130783), (1820, 3101, 3.7261784376809395)]
predicted: [(1120, 1654, 4.0), (4439, 3005, 3.0), (4271, 3671, 5.0), (2259, 1213, 5.0), (1820, 3101, 5.0)]
rmse = 1.17748775303
mae = 0.918588835371
In [ ]:
# y_test
y_test =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_train
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_mse
um_trainBayesMse = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
y_train =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_predicted
y_predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
pm_results_bayes_mse = pm.get_perform_metrics(y_test, y_train, y_predicted, content_array, sqlCtx)
In [ ]:
from pprint import pprint
Mean Absolute Error (MAE): select the rating that minimizes the expectation of Mean Absolute Error
Pai = predicted rating for user a on movie i
P(r|a,i) = Naive Bayes that computes the probability of rating r for a given user a on movie i
Pai = Argmin from r=1 to 5(Sum of (P(n|a,i) * |r-n|) from n=1 to 5)
In [80]:
# TODO: fix this the same as argmax
def calculate_bayes_mae(value):
sumOfProductList = []
for rating, bayes_prob in value:
sumOfProduct = 0.
for i in range(1, 6):
sumOfProduct += bayes_prob * abs(rating - i)
argmin = sumOfProductList.index(min(sumOfProductList))
return argmin
predicted_bayes_mae = um_allBayesProb.mapValues(calculate_bayes_mae)
print predicted_bayes_mae.take(2)
print predicted_bayes_mae.count()
[((4335, 1588), 4), ((4728, 1894), 2)]
In [81]:
# [(test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)]
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_map
um_testBayesMae = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
print um_testBayesMae.take(2)
print um_testBayesMae.count()
[((1120, 1654), (4.0, 2)), ((4169, 2723), (3.0, 3))]
In [82]:
# calculate RMSE and MAE
from src.algorithms import performance_metrics as pm
# convert into two vectors where
# one vector describes the actual ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, actual_rating)]
# second vector describes the predicted ratings in the format [(user_id, movie_id, predicted_rating)]
actual =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
print "actual:\n", actual.take(5)
print "predicted:\n", predicted.take(5)
rmse = pm.calculate_rmse_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "rmse = ", rmse
mae = pm.calculate_mae_using_rdd(actual, predicted)
print "mae = ", mae
actual: [(1120, 1654, 2), (4169, 2723, 3), (4271, 3671, 3), (2259, 1213, 1), (1820, 3101, 4)]
predicted: [(1120, 1654, 4.0), (4439, 3005, 3.0), (4271, 3671, 5.0), (2259, 1213, 5.0), (1820, 3101, 5.0)]
rmse = 2.39828498227
mae = 1.95142366862
In [ ]:
# y_test
y_test =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_train
tmp_a = (user_id, movie_id, rating): ((user_id, movie_id), rating))
tmp_b = predicted_bayes_mae
um_trainBayesMae = tmp_a.join(tmp_b)
y_train =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, actual_rating)
# y_predicted
y_predicted =
lambda((test_user_id, test_movie_id), (predicted_rating, actual_rating)): (test_user_id, test_movie_id, predicted_rating)
pm_results_bayes_mae = get_results(y_test, y_train, y_predicted, content_array, sqlCtx)
In [ ]:
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