- Robust stabilization techniques are used to ensure stabilization under large matched uncertanties.
- In this techniques known uppers bounds on the uncertain terms are provided
Sliding mode control
- A sliding manifold (independent of model uncertainty) is designed such that the trajectories converge to the equilibrium point.
- The control is designed to force all trajectories to reach the maninfold in finite time and stay on it for all future time.
- Uses only upper bounds on the uncertain terms.
Lyapunov redesing
- Stabilizing control for the nominal model is designed for the model with no uncertainty
- Lyapunov function of the nominal closed-loop system is used to design an additional control component to be robust to matched uncertainties.
Sliding mode control and Lyapunov redesing produce discontinuos feedback controllers.
- Implementation of such discontinuos controllers is characterized by the phenomenon of chattering