Important: Before running this notebook, ensure you have installed spark-cloudant 1.6.4 by running the notebook: Step 05 - Install Spark Cloudant

Next, add your cloudant credentials below, delete the hash before the 'echo' command and run the cell to save your credentials

In [ ]:
! # echo '{ "username": "changeme", "password": "changeme", "host": "changeme", "port": 443, "url": "changeme" }' > cloudant_credentials.json

In [ ]:
! python -c 'import cloudant' || pip install cloudant --user

In [ ]:
# utility method for timestamps
import time
def ts():
    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")

In [ ]:
# utility method for logging
log4jLogger =
LOGGER = log4jLogger.LogManager.getLogger("CloudantRecommender")

def info(*args):
    # sends output to notebook
    # sends output to kernel log file
def error(*args):
    # sends output to notebook
    # sends output to kernel log file

In [ ]:
# utility class for holding cloudant connection details
import json

def set_attr_if_exists(obj, data, k):
        setattr(obj, k, data[k])
    except AttributeError:

class CloudantConfig:
    def __init__(self, database, json_file=None, host=None, username=None, password=None):
        self.database = database = None
        self.username = None
        self.password = None

        with open(json_file) as data_file:    
            data = json.load(data_file)
            set_attr_if_exists(self, data, 'host')
            set_attr_if_exists(self, data, 'username')
            set_attr_if_exists(self, data, 'password')
        # override json attributes if provided
        if host: = host
        if username: self.username = username
        if password: self.password = password

In [ ]:
sourceDB = CloudantConfig(
  • We generate recommendations, create a new Cloudant database for the recommendations and save them into the new Cloudant database.
  • When we have finished writing the recommendations to Cloudant, we save a metadata record into the recommendation_meta database with the name of the new database.
  • Client applications use the metadata record to determine which database to retrieve the recommendations from.
  • We delete older databases after writing the metadata, but keep the five latest ones.
  • We need to keep at least one database because if a client reads the meta pointing to the previous database it will try to read from that database.
  • We don't have just one database and continually update the recommendation records in Cloudant because lots of changes can be considered an anti-pattern.
  • The recommendation_meta database is created for us by the web application setup scripts.
  • The spark-cloudant package is used to read the data from Cloudant but not to write the data to Cloudant because of this issue:
  • The python-cloudant package is used to write the data.

In [ ]:
from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS, MatrixFactorizationModel, Rating
from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id

import json
import numpy as np

# we use the cloudant python library to save the recommendations
from cloudant.client import Cloudant
from cloudant.adapters import Replay429Adapter

class CloudantMovieRecommender:
    def __init__(self, sc): = sc
    def train(self, sourceDB):
        info("Starting load from Cloudant: ", ts())

        dfReader ="com.cloudant.spark")
        dfReader.option("schemaSampleSize", -1)
        if sourceDB.username:
            dfReader.option("cloudant.username", sourceDB.username)
        if sourceDB.password:
            dfReader.option("cloudant.password", sourceDB.password)
        df = dfReader.load(sourceDB.database).cache()
        from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
        from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType, StringType, StructType, StructField
        # the Cloudant userId may be a string type
        def get_cloudant_user_id(data):
            (user_id, _) = data.split('/')
            return user_id.replace('user_', '')
        # extract the user id from the cloudant record
        cloudant_user_id = udf(lambda _id: get_cloudant_user_id(_id), StringType())
        df = df.withColumn("cloudant_user_id", cloudant_user_id(df['_id']))

        def get_movie_id(data):
            (_, movie_id) = data.split('/')
            return long(movie_id.replace('movie_', ''))
        # extract the movie id from the cloudant record
        movie_id = udf(lambda _id: get_movie_id(_id), IntegerType())
        df = df.withColumn("movie_id", movie_id(df['_id']))     
        # The Cloudant user Id is a string type (uuid), but ALS requires an int type
        # so we create a new integer user ID field here.  The generated recommendations
        # will have the new user ID, so we will need to map it back to the original 
        # Cloudant user Id when we have finished.
        df_user_ids ="cloudant_user_id").distinct().cache()
        # create a new schema with user_id field appended
        newSchema = StructType([StructField("als_user_id", IntegerType(), False)]
                       + df_user_ids.schema.fields)
        # zip with the index, map it to a dictionary which includes new field
        df_user_ids = df_user_ids.rdd.zipWithIndex()\
                              .map(lambda (row, id): {k:v
                                                      for k, v
                                                      in row.asDict().items() + [("als_user_id", id)]})\
        # add the new user id (als_user_id) to the dataframe
        df = df.join(df_user_ids, df.cloudant_user_id == df_user_ids.cloudant_user_id)
        # save the dataframe as we will need to map back from the
        # new user id to the orgional Cloudant user id.
        self.df_user_ids = df_user_ids.cache()
        info("Finished load from Cloudant: ", ts())
        info("Found", df.count(), "records in Cloudant")
        # convert cloudant docs into Rating objects
        ratings = lambda row: Rating(row.als_user_id, row.movie_id, float(row.rating)) )
        rank = 50
        numIterations = 20
        lambdaParam = 0.1

        info("Starting train model: ", ts())
        self.model = ALS.train(ratings, rank, numIterations, lambdaParam)
        info("Finished train model: ", ts())
    def get_top_recommendations(self):
        info("Starting __get_top_recommendations: ", ts())
        df = self.model.recommendProductsForUsers(10).toDF()
        info("Finished __get_top_recommendations: ", ts())
        return df
    def del_old_recommendationdbs(self, cloudant_client, db_name_prefix):
        dbs_to_del = cloudant_client.all_dbs()

        # only delete dbs we are using for recommendations
        dbs_to_del = [db for db in dbs_to_del if db.startswith(db_name_prefix + '_') ]

        # ensure the list is in timestamp order

        # keeping the last 5 dbs and delete the rest
        for db in dbs_to_del[:-5]:
            info("Deleted old recommendations db", db)
    def update_meta_document(self, cloudant_client, meta_db_name, latest_db_name):
        meta_db = cloudant_client[meta_db_name]
        from datetime import datetime
        ts = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()

            # update doc if exists
            meta_doc = meta_db['recommendation_metadata']
            meta_doc['latest_db'] = latest_db_name
            meta_doc['timestamp_utc'] = ts
            info("Updated recommendationdb metadata record with latest_db", latest_db_name, meta_doc)
        except KeyError:
            # create a new doc
            data = {
                '_id': 'recommendation_metadata',
                'latest_db': latest_db_name,
                'timestamp_utc': ts,
            meta_doc = meta_db.create_document(data)
            if meta_doc.exists():
                info("Saved recommendationdb metadata record", str(data))
        # save product features to enable later generationg of Vt
        # see:
        pf = self.model.productFeatures().sortByKey()

        pf_keys = json.dumps(pf.sortByKey().keys().collect())
        pf_vals = json.dumps(pf.sortByKey().map(lambda x: list(x[1])).collect())               
        # the pf_keys/pf_vals are too big and exceed the >1mb document size limit
        # so we save them as attachments

    def create_recommendationdb(self, cloudant_client):
        # create a database for recommendations
        import time
        db_name = destDB.database + '_' + str(int(time.time()))
        db = cloudant_client.create_database(db_name)
        info("Created new recommendations db", db_name)
        return db
    def save_recommendations(self, destDB):
        df = movieRecommender.get_top_recommendations()
        cloudant_client = Cloudant(
                                adapter=Replay429Adapter(retries=10, initialBackoff=1)
        self.del_old_recommendationdbs(cloudant_client, destDB.database)
        recommendations_db = self.create_recommendationdb(cloudant_client)

        # get the user ids stored in cloudant so that we can map them back
        user_id_map = {row[0]: row[1] for row in self.df_user_ids.collect() }

        # reformat data for saving
        docs = x: {'_id':str(user_id_map[x[0]]), 'recommendations':x[1]}).collect()
        # we could hit cloudant resource limits if trying to save entire doc
        # so we save it in smaller sized chunks
        for i in range(0, len(docs), 100):
            chunk = docs[i:i + 100]
            recommendations_db.bulk_docs(chunk) # TODO check for errors saving the chunk
            info("Saved recommendations chunk", i, ts())
        self.update_meta_document(cloudant_client, destDB.database, recommendations_db.database_name)
        info("Saved recommendations to: ", recommendations_db.database_name, ts())


Now the code to start the recommender ...

In [ ]:
sourceDB = CloudantConfig(

destDB = CloudantConfig(

import traceback
    movieRecommender = CloudantMovieRecommender(sc)
except Exception as e:
    error(str(e), traceback.format_exc(), ts())
    raise e


After you have successfully run the notebook interactively you can schedule your notebook to run on a timer, for example hourly.

Timer jobs work again a specific saved version of a notebook. If you haven't saved a version when you first create the schedule a version will be saved for you.

Note that if you make changes to your notebook, you need to save a new version and re-schedule the notebook with the new version of the notebook selected in the schedule configuration form.

For debugging issues

In [ ]:
# Get the local time on the cluster
! date

In [ ]:
# dump the latest kernel log
! cat $(ls -1 $HOME/logs/notebook/*pyspark* | sort -r | head -1)

In [ ]:
# look for our log output in the latest kernel log file
! grep 'CloudantRecommender' $(ls -1 $HOME/logs/notebook/*pyspark* | sort -r | head -1)

In [ ]:
# look for our log output in all kernel log files
! grep 'CloudantRecommender' $HOME/logs/notebook/*pyspark*

In [ ]:
! ls -l $HOME/logs/notebook/*pyspark*

In [ ]: