Make my a Playlist: Fun with Spotify and Echonest APIs

Get set-up

In [1]:
import pip_magic
from playlist_maker import PlaylistMaker
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML
import math
import toolz
import pandas as pd
# import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
# Note: pip_magic does not work with pip v10. I used pip v9.0.3
%pip install spotipy

Requirement already satisfied: spotipy in /Users/lukestarnes/anaconda/envs/py3.6-anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=1.0 in /Users/lukestarnes/anaconda/envs/py3.6-anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from spotipy)
You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 10.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Helper Functions

In [3]:
playlist = PlaylistMaker()

In [4]:
def image_grid(images, rows=1, height=200, width=200):
    images_as_html = '<table>'
    images_per_row = math.ceil(len(images) / rows)
    for r in range(rows):
        images_this_row = images[r*images_per_row : r*images_per_row+images_per_row]
        if images_this_row:
            images_as_html += '<tr>'
            for img in images_this_row:
                images_as_html += f"<td><img src='{img}' height='{height}' width='{width}''></td>"
            images_as_html += '</tr>'
    images_as_html += '</table>'

Get some spotify details on a list of artists...

In [5]:
artists = ['David Ramirez', 'Jeffrey Foucault', 'John Fullbright', 'Joe Purdy']
artist_deets = playlist.artist_details(artists).set_index('Artist Name')

Who has the most Spotify followers?

In [6]:
most_followers = artist_deets.sort_values('Artist Followers',ascending=False)['Artist Followers'][:1].to_dict()
artist_, followers_ = list(most_followers.items())[0]
print(f'Out of {", ".join(artists)}...')
print(f'{artist_} has the most followers with {followers_:,}.')

Out of David Ramirez, Jeffrey Foucault, John Fullbright, Joe Purdy...
Joe Purdy has the most followers with 64,342.

In [7]:
related_artists = (playlist.find_related_artists(playlist.artist_details(artists), 3)
                   .set_index('Artist Name')
                   .sort_values('Artist Followers', ascending=False))
print('Here are the top 3 related artists for each of your artists:')
display(related_artists[['Artist Followers', 'Artist Popularity']])
imgs = [[a, 'Artist Image'] for a in related_artists.index]

Here are the top 3 related artists for each of your artists:
Artist Followers Artist Popularity
Artist Name
Brett Dennen 118189 58
Noah Gundersen 82036 54
Matt Costa 50205 47
Horse Feathers 48791 50
Todd Snider 31468 44
Chris Knight 29849 43
Tift Merritt 18211 44
Greg Brown 13311 41
Amanda Shires 12305 44
Andrew Combs 11508 47
Eliza Gilkyson 6190 29
Tyler Lyle 5678 34

What are the common genres?

In [8]:
genres = list(related_artists['Artist Genres'])
genres = sum(genres, []) # slick way to flatten list
genres_occurance = toolz.frequencies(genres)
print(f'Out of the {len(related_artists)} related artists, here are the most common genres:')
for g, v in pd.Series(genres_occurance).sort_values(ascending=False)[:15].iteritems():
    print(f'   {g} ({v})')

Out of the 12 related artists, here are the most common genres:
   roots rock (6)
   new americana (6)
   alternative country (5)
   folk (5)
   traditional folk (4)
   folk-pop (4)
   stomp and holler (4)
   outlaw country (4)
   country rock (3)
   indie folk (3)
   lilith (3)
   texas country (2)
   neo mellow (2)
   ectofolk (2)
   deep new americana (2)

Let's look at the tracks for a single artist...

The Beatles

In [9]:
artist = 'The Beatles'
artist_tracks = playlist.get_artist_tracks(artist)
artist_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(artist_tracks)
print(f'{len(artist_tracks)} tracks from {artist}.')
artist_tracks['Release Date'] = pd.to_datetime(artist_tracks['Release Date'])
artist_tracks = (artist_tracks.set_index(['Album Name','Track Name'])
                 .sort_values('Track Popularity',ascending=False))
artist_tracks[:5].drop(['Album ID', 'Artist', 'Track ID'],axis=1)

retrying ...2secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
268 tracks from The Beatles.
Release Date Track Popularity Acousticness Danceability Duration Energy Instrumentalness Key Liveness Loudness Major/Minor Speechiness Time Signature Valence
Album Name Track Name
Abbey Road (Remastered) Here Comes The Sun - Remastered 1969-09-26 75 0.0339 0.557 3.095550 0.540 0.002480 9 0.1790 -10.484 1 0.0347 4 0.394
Come Together - Remastered 1969-09-26 71 0.0302 0.533 4.332450 0.376 0.248000 9 0.0926 -11.913 0 0.0393 4 0.187
1 (Remastered) Hey Jude - Remastered 2015 2000-11-13 69 0.0112 0.386 7.094217 0.607 0.000014 10 0.0880 -7.700 1 0.0261 4 0.532
Let It Be (Remastered) Let It Be - Remastered 1970-05-08 69 0.6310 0.443 4.050450 0.403 0.000000 0 0.1110 -8.339 1 0.0322 4 0.410
Please Please Me (Remastered) Twist And Shout - Remastered 1963-03-22 68 0.6410 0.482 2.587117 0.849 0.000008 2 0.0414 -9.198 1 0.0452 4 0.937

The Beatles Catalog Plotted

In [10]:
x_var, y_var, c_var = ('Danceability', 'Energy', 'Valence')
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.set_title('Details about Every Beatles Song')
points = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=70, cmap='BrBG')
f.colorbar(points, label=c_var);

The Beatles Catalog Grouped by Albums

In [11]:
artist_tracks_grouped = artist_tracks.groupby('Album Name').mean()

In [12]:
print('Average Scores for all Beatles Albums')
artist_tracks_grouped.sort_values('Danceability', ascending=False)

Average Scores for all Beatles Albums
Track Popularity Acousticness Danceability Duration Energy Instrumentalness Key Liveness Loudness Major/Minor Speechiness Time Signature Valence
Album Name
A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) 49.846154 0.377900 0.601462 2.322683 0.609538 2.984615e-07 4.307692 0.216431 -7.338308 0.615385 0.036538 3.923077 0.761462
Beatles For Sale (Remastered) 43.785714 0.525000 0.592286 2.413304 0.596429 5.159186e-02 5.357143 0.202193 -8.459000 1.000000 0.038107 4.000000 0.812000
Rubber Soul (Remastered) 53.428571 0.150806 0.587786 2.538490 0.539357 9.021500e-05 4.285714 0.102893 -10.389500 0.785714 0.043543 3.928571 0.716357
Please Please Me (Remastered) 50.428571 0.575500 0.547929 2.322999 0.599786 9.599714e-05 3.214286 0.183379 -10.256929 0.857143 0.038979 3.928571 0.787143
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe Edition) 37.806452 0.341524 0.536516 3.230688 0.548677 8.943288e-02 3.645161 0.254568 -8.815839 0.838710 0.081165 3.806452 0.481226
Help! (Remastered) 50.642857 0.295386 0.528000 2.422652 0.610929 3.178571e-04 6.428571 0.156086 -8.258571 0.928571 0.038400 3.785714 0.726714
1 (Remastered) 55.518519 0.276102 0.526815 2.933226 0.662333 1.930301e-02 4.037037 0.205644 -6.911593 0.814815 0.037404 4.000000 0.681741
Let It Be (Remastered) 51.666667 0.364050 0.520417 2.931075 0.545917 5.590117e-03 4.000000 0.303842 -9.830833 0.750000 0.066733 3.833333 0.614667
Abbey Road (Remastered) 55.000000 0.224964 0.518000 2.793830 0.457176 1.228023e-01 3.588235 0.177718 -11.344412 0.705882 0.047312 3.647059 0.459176
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remastered) 54.384615 0.298762 0.515385 3.070822 0.482538 4.551862e-02 2.923077 0.381269 -9.939692 0.769231 0.050223 3.615385 0.628385
The Beatles (Remastered) 50.600000 0.395290 0.502567 3.123126 0.503810 1.539510e-01 5.733333 0.267787 -11.117333 0.800000 0.059757 3.900000 0.563133
With The Beatles (Remastered) 48.000000 0.417071 0.500357 2.365367 0.676143 7.142857e-05 5.785714 0.243029 -9.504429 0.785714 0.039843 3.785714 0.871429
Revolver (Remastered) 52.714286 0.406135 0.482429 2.483285 0.530571 2.600773e-02 4.928571 0.254457 -8.736286 0.785714 0.039271 3.928571 0.626171
Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) 52.818182 0.311273 0.466909 3.322467 0.486545 8.340127e-02 4.363636 0.178882 -10.410727 0.909091 0.053691 4.000000 0.473618
Yellow Submarine (Remastered) 40.230769 0.546945 0.388462 3.055296 0.376046 4.520690e-01 6.230769 0.284738 -13.280385 0.692308 0.041254 3.846154 0.387054
Live At The Hollywood Bowl 42.588235 0.030088 0.281588 2.563660 0.818529 2.475000e-05 6.176471 0.730000 -7.588647 0.764706 0.058047 3.882353 0.586176

In [13]:
ax = artist_tracks_grouped.sort_values('Track Popularity', ascending=False)[1:7][['Acousticness', 'Danceability','Energy', 'Instrumentalness', 
                       'Liveness', 'Valence']].T.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(12,8))
ax.set_title('Beatles Album Details')
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.05),  shadow=True, ncol=2);

Tom Waits

In [14]:
artist = 'Tom Waits'
tracks = playlist.get_artist_tracks(artist)
tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks)
x_var, y_var, c_var = ('Energy', 'Acousticness', 'Valence')
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.set_title(f'{artist} Catalog - Song Details')
points = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=70, cmap='BrBG')
f.colorbar(points, label=c_var)
print(f'{len(tracks)} tracks from {artist}.')

retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
retrying ...1secs
338 tracks from Tom Waits.

A Look at Data From an Existing Playlist

In [15]:
tracks = playlist.track_details_from_playlist('Special Earth Songs from Tennessee')
plylst_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks)
x_var, y_var, c_var = ('Energy', 'Acousticness', 'Valence')
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.set_title('Special Earth Songs from Tennessee Playlist Song Details')
points = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=70, cmap='BrBG')
f.colorbar(points, label=c_var);

Time to Create a Playlist...

In [16]:
artists = ['David Ramirez', 'Jason Isbell', 'John Fullbright', 'Ryan Adams']
tracks = playlist.create_track_list_of_related_artists(artists, include_seed_artists=True,
plylst_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks).sort_values('Track Popularity',ascending=False)
print(f'Based on the {len(artists)} seed artists, a playlist of {len(plylst_tracks)} songs was created.')

Based on the 4 seed artists, a playlist of 150 songs was created.

In [17]:
related_artists = (plylst_tracks[['Artist Followers', 'Artist Image', 'Artist Name', 'Artist Popularity']]
                   .drop_duplicates().set_index('Artist Name').dropna()
                   .sort_values('Artist Followers',ascending=False))
print('Artists:',', '.join(list(related_artists.index)))
imgs = [[a, 'Artist Image'] for a in related_artists.index]

Artists: Wilco, Dawes, Josh Garrels, Noah Gundersen, Langhorne Slim, Justin Townes Earle, Joe Purdy, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, The Jayhawks, Nathaniel Rateliff, Hayes Carll, Whiskeytown, Old 97's, Uncle Tupelo, Ryan Adams & The Cardinals, Hiss Golden Messenger, Joe Pug, Dave Rawlings Machine, American Aquarium, Robert Ellis, Slaid Cleaves, Jeffrey Foucault, The Damn Quails, The Bottle Rockets, Patterson Hood, Adam Carroll, BJ Barham

Write it to Spotify

In [18]:
playlist.create_playlist_of_tracks(plylst_tracks,'Jupy Sunday')

And Again

In [29]:
artists = ['LCD Soundsystem', 'Talking Heads', 'Muse', 'Arcade Fire', 'Radiohead']
tracks = playlist.create_track_list_of_related_artists(artists, include_seed_artists=True,
plylst_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks).sort_values('Track Popularity',ascending=False)
print(f'Based on the {len(artists)} seed artists, a playlist of {len(plylst_tracks)} songs was created.')

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-fb62774e01b0> in <module>()
      3                                                        num_top_tracks_per_artist=5,
      4                                                        num_related_artists=5)
----> 5 plylst_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks).sort_values('Track Popularity',ascending=False)
      6 print(f'Based on the {len(artists)} seed artists, a playlist of {len(plylst_tracks)} songs was created.')

/Users/lukestarnes/Documents/General Stuff/Software/Dev/GitHub/playlist-thy-maker/ in add_audio_features(self, track_list)
    230         :return: dataframe with features added
    231         """
--> 232         tracks_with_features = self.audio_features(track_list)
    233         return pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(track_list),
    234                           pd.DataFrame(tracks_with_features)],

/Users/lukestarnes/Documents/General Stuff/Software/Dev/GitHub/playlist-thy-maker/ in audio_features(self, track_list, chunk_size)
    152             time.sleep(2)
    153             result = self.spotify.audio_features(list(chunk['Track ID']))
--> 154             result = [self.audio_feature_extractor(r) for r in result]
    155             features += result
    156         return pd.DataFrame(features)

/Users/lukestarnes/Documents/General Stuff/Software/Dev/GitHub/playlist-thy-maker/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    152             time.sleep(2)
    153             result = self.spotify.audio_features(list(chunk['Track ID']))
--> 154             result = [self.audio_feature_extractor(r) for r in result]
    155             features += result
    156         return pd.DataFrame(features)

/Users/lukestarnes/Documents/General Stuff/Software/Dev/GitHub/playlist-thy-maker/ in audio_feature_extractor(self, o)
     75     def audio_feature_extractor(self, o):
---> 76         return {'Energy': o['energy'],
     77                 'Liveness': o['liveness'],
     78                 'Speechiness': o['speechiness'],

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

In [20]:
related_artists = (plylst_tracks[['Artist Followers', 'Artist Image', 'Artist Name', 'Artist Popularity']]
                   .drop_duplicates().set_index('Artist Name').dropna()
                   .sort_values('Artist Followers',ascending=False))
print('Artists:',', '.join(list(related_artists.index)))
imgs = [[a, 'Artist Image'] for a in related_artists.index]

Artists: Vampire Weekend, Kasabian, Foals, New Order, Grizzly Bear, The Last Shadow Puppets, The Raconteurs, The Hives, Caribou, Broken Bells, TV On The Radio, Future Islands, Roxy Music, Violent Femmes, Television, Feeder, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Wolf Parade, Tom Tom Club

In [22]:
playlist.create_playlist_of_tracks(plylst_tracks,'Jupy Sunday 2')

And Using the Spotify Recommendation Engine

In [23]:
# 'Acousticness', 'Danceability', 'Duration',
# 'Energy', 'Instrumentalness', 'Key', 'Liveness', 'Loudness',
# 'Speechiness', 'Valence'
artists=['LCD Soundsystem','Talking Heads', 'Muse', 'Arcade Fire', 'Radiohead']
tracks = playlist.get_recommendations(seed_artists=artists, country='US', 
                                      min_energy=0.5, max_liveness=0.4, limit=100)
plylst_tracks = playlist.add_audio_features(tracks)
plylst_tracks = plylst_tracks.set_index('Track Name')
Based on the 5 seed artists, a playlist of 100 songs was created.

In [28]:
plylst_tracks = plylst_tracks.sort_values('Energy',ascending=True)
playlist.create_playlist_of_tracks(plylst_tracks,'Jupy Sunday 3')
print(f'Based on the {len(artists)} seed artists, a playlist of {len(plylst_tracks)} songs was created.')
print('Artists:',', '.join(set(list(plylst_tracks['Artist'].values))))
imgs = list(plylst_tracks['Album URL'].values)

Based on the 5 seed artists, a playlist of 100 songs was created.
Artists: Snow Patrol, Broken Bells, Talking Heads, St. Vincent, Pretenders, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Silversun Pickups, The Strokes, The Flaming Lips, Real Estate, Kings of Leon, Radiohead, Echo & the Bunnymen, The Cars, Future Islands, Beck, Hot Chip, Father John Misty, Pavement, LCD Soundsystem, The Clash, Hercules & Love Affair, The National, Twin Shadow, White Lies, Parquet Courts, The Smiths, Foals, Metronomy, Thirty Seconds To Mars, The Smashing Pumpkins, Sigur Rós, Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend, Muse, Slowdive, Ariel Pink, Arctic Monkeys

In [25]:

In [ ]: